thread/queue bug

phil phillip.watts at
Fri Dec 10 17:35:14 CET 2004

I have a very strange bug.  A thread in a .pyc stops dead.

This program has many threads and queues and has worked
great for months.
One thread listens for UDP messages from other programs,
and puts the messages in listenq.
Procmsgs gets from listenq and for a certain kind of
message creates another mq = Queue(0).

I don't wish to distribute the source to
so I have a short program import it, that is

Then the procmsgs thread dies at the Queue statement.
But if I run as the main program, all works fine.

So if or .pyc is imported this thread dies. ???

I've tried this with 2.3.3 and 2.3.4.  Anyone?

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