[ python-Bugs-899109 ] 1==float('nan')
noreply at sourceforge.net
Thu Feb 19 14:01:16 EST 2004
Bugs item #899109, was opened at 2004-02-17 21:47
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by mwh
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Category: Python Interpreter Core
Group: Python 2.3
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Arman Bostani (arman0)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: 1==float('nan')
Initial Comment:
In python 2.3.1 on Linux/x86, X==float('nan') evaluates
to True given any number value for X. I admit to not
knowing much about IEEE arithmetic. But, is this Kosher?
>Comment By: Michael Hudson (mwh)
Date: 2004-02-19 19:01
Logged In: YES
Consider the attached. It implements rich comparisons for
floats, which makes the behaviour on linux at least very
much less silly. All tests except for the
considered-hopeless-on-this box audio tests and the new
test_tcl pass. Even test_bsddb passed! Twice! (I'm not
sure I can claim credit for this :-)
Comment By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Date: 2004-02-19 17:34
Logged In: YES
Sorry, the patch can't work: C89 says nothing about what
happens when NaNs are compared, and it's in fact not the
case across platforms that "x != x" returns 1 when x is a NaN.
The most important counter-example for Python is that the
following prints
under MSVC 6.
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
double x = 1e300 * 1e300;
printf("%g\n", x);
x -= x;
printf("%g\n", x);
printf("%d\n", x == x);
Comment By: Paul Eggert (eggert)
Date: 2004-02-19 06:39
Logged In: YES
There's an easy fix. Python has long mishandled IEEE
special values
(see bugs 445484 and 737648, and see PEP 42 "Non-accidental
support" as well as PEP 754), and solving the problem in
general will
be some work. However, solving the NaN-comparison problem
is easy:
simply sort NaNs consistently before all numbers. This is
the same
algorithm that GNU "sort -g" has used for quite some time.
RCS file: Include/pyport.h,v
retrieving revision
diff -pu -r2.3.3.0 Include/pyport.h
--- Include/pyport.h 2003/09/30 14:56:50
+++ Include/pyport.h 2004/02/19 06:06:10
@@ -221,6 +221,13 @@ extern "C" {
+/* Py_IS_NAN(X)
+ * Return 1 if float or double arg is not a number (NaN),
else 0.
+ * Caution:
+ * X is evaluated more than once.
+ */
+#define Py_IS_NAN(X) ((X) != (X))
* Return 1 if float or double arg is an infinity, else 0.
* Caution:
RCS file: Objects/floatobject.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -pu -r2.3.3.0 Objects/floatobject.c
--- Objects/floatobject.c 2003/06/28 20:04:24
+++ Objects/floatobject.c 2004/02/19 06:03:37
@@ -367,7 +367,21 @@ float_compare(PyFloatObject *v, PyFloatO
double i = v->ob_fval;
double j = w->ob_fval;
- return (i < j) ? -1 : (i > j) ? 1 : 0;
+ int c;
+ /* Because of NaNs IEEE arithmetic is not a total order.
+ * Python works better with total orders, so use the same
+ * total order that GNU sort does: NaNs sort before numbers,
+ * and NaNs are sorted by internal bit-pattern.
+ */
+ return ((i < j) ? -1
+ : (i > j) ? 1
+ : (i == j) ? 0
+ : !Py_IS_NAN(j) ? -1 /* i is NaN, j is not */
+ : !Py_IS_NAN(i) ? 1 /* j is NAN, i is not */
+ : /* i and j are both NaNs; compare them bitwise */
+ ((c = memcmp(&v->ob_fval, &w->ob_fval, sizeof(v->ob_fval)))
+ < 0) ? -1
+ : (c > 0));
static long
Comment By: Michael Hudson (mwh)
Date: 2004-02-18 17:46
Logged In: YES
Man, that's strange (I see the same behaviour on my redhat 9
box with 2.3.3).
I don't have time to dig right now, but if you want to,
playing with equivalent C programs would be a very good start.
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