[ python-Bugs-924703 ] test_unicode_file fails on Win98SE
noreply at sourceforge.net
Sun Jul 25 19:34:33 CEST 2004
Bugs item #924703, was opened at 2004-03-28 03:48
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by loewis
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Category: Unicode
Group: Python 2.4
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 7
Submitted By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Assigned to: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Summary: test_unicode_file fails on Win98SE
Initial Comment:
In current CVS, test_unicode_file fails on Win98SE. This
has been going on for some time, actually.
ERROR: test_single_files (__main__.TestUnicodeFiles)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".../lib/test/test_unicode_file.py", line 162, in
File ".../lib/test/test_unicode_file.py", line 136, in
File ".../lib/test/test_unicode_file.py", line 49, in
new_base = unicodedata.normalize("NFD", new_base)
TypeError: normalized() argument 2 must be unicode,
not str
At this point,
filename is TESTFN_UNICODE is
os.path.abspath(filename) is
new_base is
So abspath() removed the "Unicodeness" of filename,
and new_base is indeed not a Unicode string at this
>Comment By: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Date: 2004-07-25 19:34
Logged In: YES
This apparently got fixed with test_unicode_file.py 1.15, by
converting the listdir result to unicode if necessary.
Comment By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Date: 2004-06-17 18:11
Logged In: YES
Reopened, because the same test is still failing on Win98SE,
but for a different reason.
The traceback is identical, except that it's now failing in the
listcomp on the line following the line it used to fail on:
File ".../lib/test/test_unicode_file.py", line 50, in _do_single
file_list = [unicodedata.normalize("NFD", f) for f in file_list]
TypeError: normalized() argument 2 must be unicode, not str
filename is
os.path.abspath(filename) is
new_base is
The problem now is that the first name in file_list is
[unicodedata.normalize("NFD", f) for f in file_list]
is passing an 8-bit string to normalize(). Earlier code in the
test *appears* to assume that if filename is Unicode, then
os.listdir() will return a list of Unicode strings. But file_list is a
list of 153 8-bit strings on this box.
Comment By: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Date: 2004-06-15 20:50
Logged In: YES
This should be fixed with posixmodule.c 2.321.
Unfortunately, I cannot test it, because I don't have W9X.
Comment By: Raymond Hettinger (rhettinger)
Date: 2004-06-12 09:11
Logged In: YES
This is still failing.
Comment By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Date: 2004-03-30 07:44
Logged In: YES
Just a guess: the os.path functions are generally just string
manipulation, and on Windows I sometimes import
posixpath.py directly to do Unixish path manipulations. So it's
conceivable that someone (not me) on a non-Windows box
imports ntpath directly to manipulate Windows paths.
In fact, I see that Fredrik's "Python Standard Library" book
explicitly mentions this use case for importing ntpath directly.
So maybe he actually did it -- once <wink>.
Comment By: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Date: 2004-03-30 07:25
Logged In: YES
I see. I'll look into changing _getfullpathname to return
Unicode output for Unicode input even if
unicode_file_names() is false.
However, I do wonder what the purpose of _abspath then is:
On what system would it be used???
Comment By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Date: 2004-03-30 01:11
Logged In: YES
Nope, that can't help -- ntpath.py's _abspath doesn't exist
on Win98SE (the "from nt import _getfullpathname" succeeds,
so _abspath is never defined). It's _getfullpathname() that's
taking a Unicode input and returning a str output here.
Comment By: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Date: 2004-03-30 00:17
Logged In: YES
abspath(unicode) should return a Unicode path.
Does it help if _abspath (in ntpath.py) is changed to contain
if not isabs(path):
if isinstance(path, unicode): cwd = os.getcwdu()
else: cwd = os.getcwd()
path = join(cwd, path)
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