[ python-Bugs-947906 ] calendar.weekheader(n): n should mean chars not bytes

SourceForge.net noreply at sourceforge.net
Fri May 7 19:57:57 EDT 2004

Bugs item #947906, was opened at 2004-05-05 03:38
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by perky
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Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.3
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 7
Submitted By: Leonardo Rochael Almeida (rochael)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: calendar.weekheader(n): n should mean chars not bytes

Initial Comment:
calendar.weekheader(n) is locale aware, which is good
in principle. The parameter n, however, is interpreted
as meaning bytes, not chars, which can generate broken
strings for, e.g. localized weekday names:

>>> calendar.weekheader(2)
'Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su'
>>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "pt_BR.UTF-8")
>>> calendar.weekheader(2)
'Se Te Qu Qu Se S\xc3 Do'

Notice how "Sábado" (Saturday) above is missing the
second utf-8 byte for the encoding of "á":

>>> u"Sá".encode("utf-8")

The implementation of weekheader (and of all of
calendar.py, it seems) is based on localized 8 bit
strings. I suppose the correct fix for this bug will
involve a roundtrip thru unicode.


>Comment By: Hye-Shik Chang (perky)
Date: 2004-05-08 08:57

Logged In: YES 

I think calendar.weekheader should mean not chars nor bytes
but width.
Because the function is currectly used for fixed width
of calendars.
Yes. They are same for western alphabets. But, for many of CJK
characters are in full width. So, they need only 1 character for
calendar.weekheader(2); and it's conventional in real life, too.

But, we don't have unicode.width() support to implement the
feature yet.


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