[ python-Bugs-1378679 ] urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler fails on non-default port

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Mon Dec 12 12:50:03 CET 2005

Bugs item #1378679, was opened at 2005-12-12 17:50
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Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.4
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Mikhail Gusarov (gusarov)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler fails on non-default port

Initial Comment:
HTTPBasicAuthHandler (or, more precise, 
AbstractBasicAuthHandler) does not work when non-
default port is in use: passwords added to it just not 
being passed back in answer to the 401 error code. 
Default port works fine.

I tracked the problem with it to the HTTPPasswordMgr.
find_user_password: it accepts 'authuri' and reduce it 
using reduce_uri().

AbstractBasicAuthHandler passes as 'authuri' parameter 
just hostname, in form 'myhost:myport' and this cause 
reduce_uri() to parse it as URI with schema 'myhost' 
and netloc 'myport', which is obviously wrong. Passing 
to the reduce_uri() hostname in form 'myhost' works 

I placed the the program demonstrating the bug to the 
attach: it throws HTTPError in my case. Of course 
change the host, port, user and password to the 
reflecting your setup. <uri> given should be protected 
by the basic authentication.


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