[ python-Bugs-1153163 ] reflected operator not used when operands
have the same type
noreply at sourceforge.net
Tue Mar 1 06:08:08 CET 2005
Bugs item #1153163, was opened at 2005-02-27 20:09
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by tjreedy
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Category: Python Interpreter Core
Group: Python 2.4
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Hugh Secker-Walker (hughsw)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: reflected operator not used when operands have the same type
Initial Comment:
The reflected operators, e.g. __radd__, are used when
the left operand does not have the non-reflected
operator, *unless* the right operand is of the same type.
The documentation on the "Emulating numeric types" page
doesn't mention this peculiar exclusion. Of the
reflected operators it says:
"These methods are called to implement the binary
arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, %, divmod(), pow(),
**, <<, >>, &, ^, |) with reflected (swapped) operands.
These functions are only called if the left operand
does not support the corresponding operation. For
instance, to evaluate the expression x-y, where y is an
instance of a class that has an __rsub__() method,
y.__rsub__(x) is called."
This code demonstrates the correct behavior and then
the problem:
class A(object):
def __radd__(self, other):
return '__radd__', other
print None + A()
print A() + A()
('__radd__', None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Temp/reflectedbug.py", line 6, in -toplevel-
print A() + A()
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'A' and 'A'
I've replaced None in the first print statement with
many kinds of builtin objects, instances of other
classes, and with instances of subclasses of A. In all
these cases the __radd__ operator is used as
documented. I've only seen the problem when the two
operands are of the same type.
This problem also occurs during the backing-off to
plain operators that occurs when augmented operators,
e.g. __iadd__, aren't implemented by the type and the
operands are of the same type.
This problem is present in 2.4 on Linux and Windows,
and in the current CVS version (2.5a0, 27-Feb-05) on Linux.
Comment By: Terry J. Reedy (tjreedy)
Date: 2005-03-01 00:08
Logged In: YES
I believe Python's designer(s) intend that if A()+A() is valid, then
A will have an __add__ method. __rxxx__ is only intended for
backup use with mixed types. So your example sends a mixed
message to the interpreter.
If the current behavior is both intended and still necessary, the
manual sentence
"These functions are only called if the left operand
does not support the corresponding operation"
could be augmented with
"and has a different type than the right operand"
Comment By: Hugh Secker-Walker (hughsw)
Date: 2005-02-28 23:36
Logged In: YES
The problem is in the SLOT1BINFULL() macro near line 4020 in
typeobject.c. In two places it ensures that the reflected
(reversed, swapped, rop<blah>, you name it) operator won't
be called if the two operands are of the same type.
Removing these two exclusions fixes the problem.
However, this being my third day ever modifying Python
source code, for all intents and purposes, I have no idea
why the exclusions were there (efficiency?). And,
elsewhere, I saw high-level code that had a similar check on
operands having the same type with a comment that talked
about avoiding an infinite loop that could happen if there's
coercion and other subtly involved....
FWIW, with the changes I made, 256 tests are OK and 35 tests
are skipped -- as is usual on my Linux system.
I can post a trivial patch and figure out how to add a
regression test, but expert analysis is needed.
Also, the code in this macro (and perhaps helped by
abstract.c) implements curious and
semantics: if the operand on the right is a subtype of the
operand on the left and if the right operand overloads the
reflected operator, then the reflected operator will be
called, even if the left-hand operand implements the regular
operator! This is either a bug or it should be documented,
preferably with some rationale. E.g.
class A(object):
def __add__(self, other):
return 'A.__add__', other
class B(A):
def __radd__(self, other):
return 'B.__radd__', other
>>> B()+A()
('A.__add__', <__main__.A object at 0x00B65A30>)
>>> B()+B()
('A.__add__', <__main__.B object at 0x00B836F0>)
>>> 1+B()
('B.__radd__', 1)
>>> A()+B()
('B.__radd__', <__main__.A object at 0x00B65A30>)
Where the last one is what's curious or a bug.
Comment By: Hugh Secker-Walker (hughsw)
Date: 2005-02-28 01:09
Logged In: YES
I've looked into this a little. Newbie that I am, I don't
know where the
x = slotw(v, w);
call goes (in binary_op1() in abstract.c near line 377)....
AFAICT, this code in abstract.c behaves reasonably, so
problem would seem to be in the tp_as_number slot-function
that's getting called. And whereever that is, it's not the
binary-op functions in classobject.c that I thought it would
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