[ python-Bugs-1565525 ] gc allowing tracebacks to eat up memory

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Fri Dec 29 02:29:25 CET 2006

Bugs item #1565525, was opened at 2006-09-26 06:58
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by ghazel
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Category: Python Interpreter Core
Group: Python 2.5
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Greg Hazel (ghazel)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: gc allowing tracebacks to eat up memory

Initial Comment:
Attached is a file which demonstrates an oddity about 
traceback objects and the gc.

The observed behaviour is that when the tuple from 
sys.exc_info() is stored on an object which is inside 
the local scope, the object, thus exc_info tuple, are 
not collected even when both leave scope.

If you run the test with "s.e = sys.exc_info()" 
commented out, the observed memory footprint of the 
process quickly approaches and sits at 5,677,056 
bytes. Totally reasonable.

If you uncomment that line, the memory footprint 
climbs to 283,316,224 bytes quite rapidly. That's a 
two order of magnitude difference!

If you uncomment the "gc.collect()" line, the process 
still hits 148,910,080 bytes.

This was observed in production code, where exc_info 
tuples are saved for re-raising later to get the stack-
appending behaviour tracebacks and 'raise' perform. 
The example includes a large array to simulate 
application state. I assume this is bad behaviour 
occurring because the traceback object holds frames, 
and those frames hold a reference to the local 
objects, thus the exc_info tuple itself, thus causing 
a circular reference which involves the entire stack.
Either the gc needs to be improved to prevent this 
from growing so wildly, or the traceback objects need 
to (optionally?) hold frames which do not have 
references or have weak references instead.


>Comment By: Greg Hazel (ghazel)
Date: 2006-12-29 01:29

Logged In: YES 
Originator: YES

> If you are saying that it is unavoidable in your
> application: I have difficulties believing this. For
> example, you could do
>         s.e = sys.exc_info()[:2]
> This would drop the traceback, and thus not create a cyclic
> reference. Since, in the program you present, the traceback
> is never used, this looks like a "legal" simplification (of
> course, you don't use s.e at all in this program, so I can
> only guess that you don't need the traceback in your real
> application).

"This was observed in production code, where exc_info 
tuples are saved for re-raising later to get the stack-
appending behaviour tracebacks and 'raise' perform."

I would like the traceback object so that I can re-raise the error. I can
stringify it as tim_one suggests, but that can't be used with 'raise' and
'try','except' later.

It is not important for my application to have all the references that the
traceback object contains, which is what is causing the massive memory
requirement. If I could replace the exc_info()[2] with a traceback
look-alike that only held file, line, etc information for printing a
standard traceback, that would solve this problem.


Comment By: A.M. Kuchling (akuchling)
Date: 2006-10-26 20:48

Logged In: YES 

A quick grep of the stdlib turns up various uses of
sys.exc_info that do put it in a local variable., e.g.
doctest._exception_traceback, unittest._exc_info_to_string,
SimpleXMLRPCServer._marshaled_dispatch.  Do these all need
to be fixed?


Comment By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Date: 2006-09-28 03:48

Logged In: YES 

> tim_one: Why do you think your proposed modification of
> introducing get_traceback would help? The frame foo still
> refers to s (which is an O), and s.e will still refer
> to the traceback that includes foo.

Sorry about that!  It was an illusion, of course.  I wanted
to suggest a quick fix, and "tested it" too hastily in a
program that didn't actually bloat with /or/ without it.

For the OP, I had need last year of capturing a traceback
and (possibly) displaying it later in ZODB.  It never would
have occurred to me to try saving away exc_info(), though. 
Instead I used the `traceback` module to capture the
traceback output (a string), which was (possibly) displayed
later, with annotations, by a different thread.  No cycles,
no problems.

BTW, I must repeat that there is no simple-minded way to
'repair' this.  That isn't based on general principle, but
on knowledge of how Python is implemented.


Comment By: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Date: 2006-09-28 03:03

Logged In: YES 

I disagree that the circular reference is non-obvious. I'm
not sure what your application is, but I would expect that
callers of sys.exc_info should be fully aware what a
traceback is, and how it refers to the current frames. I do
agree that it is unavoidable; I fail to see that it is a bug
because of that (something unavoidable cannot be a bug).

If you are saying that it is unavoidable in your
application: I have difficulties believing this. For
example, you could do

        s.e = sys.exc_info()[:2]

This would drop the traceback, and thus not create a cyclic
reference. Since, in the program you present, the traceback
is never used, this looks like a "legal" simplification (of
course, you don't use s.e at all in this program, so I can
only guess that you don't need the traceback in your real

As for the time of cleanup not being controllable: you can
certainly control frequency of gc with gc.set_threshold; no
need to invoke gc explicitly.

tim_one: Why do you think your proposed modification of
introducing get_traceback would help? The frame foo still
refers to s (which is an O), and s.e will still refer to the
traceback that includes foo.


Comment By: Greg Hazel (ghazel)
Date: 2006-09-27 21:07

Logged In: YES 

The bug is the circular reference which is non-obvious and 
unavoidable, and cleaned up at some uncontrolable (unless 
you run a full collection) time in the future.
There are many better situations or solutions to this bug, 
depending on which you think it is. I think those should be 


Comment By: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Date: 2006-09-27 07:49

Logged In: YES 

I'm still having problems figuring out what the bug is that
you are reporting. Ok, in this case, it consumes a lot of
memory. Why is that a bug?


Comment By: Greg Hazel (ghazel)
Date: 2006-09-27 03:20

Logged In: YES 

I have read the exc_info suggestions before, but they have 
never made any difference. Neither change you suggest 
modifies the memory footprint behaviour in any way.

Weakrefs might be slow, I offered them as an alternative to 
just removing the references entirely. I understand this 
might cause problems with existing code, but the current 
situation causes a problem which is more difficult to work 
around. Code that needs locals and globals can explicity 
store a reference to eat - it is impossible to dig in to 
the traceback object and remove those references.
The use-case of storing the exc_info is fairly simple, for 
Two threads. One queues a task for the other to complete. 
That task fails an raises an exception. The exc_info is 
caught, passed back to the first thread, the exc_info is 
raised from there. The goal is to get the whole execution 
stack, which it does quite nicely, except that it has this 
terrible memory side effect.


Comment By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Date: 2006-09-26 10:04

Logged In: YES 

Your memory bloat is mostly due to the

d = range(100000)

line.  Python has no problem collecting the cyclic trash,
but you're creating 100000 * 100 = 10 million integer
objects hanging off trash cycles before invoking
gc.collect(), and those integers require at least 10 million
* 12 ~= 120MB all by themselves.  Worse, memory allocated to
"short" integers is both immortal and unbounded:  it can be
reused for /other/ integer objects, but it never goes away.

Note that memory usage in your program remains low and
steady if you force gc.collect() after every call to bar().
 Then you only create 100K integers, instead of 10M, before
the trash gets cleaned up.

There is no simple-minded way to "repair" this, BTW.  For
example, /of course/ a frame has to reference all its
locals, and moving to weak references for those instead
would be insanely inefficient (among other, and deeper,

Note that the library reference manual warns against storing
the result of exc_info() in a local variable (which you're
/effectively/ doing, since the formal parameter `s` is a
local variable within foo()), and suggests other approaches.
 Sorry, but I really couldn't tell from your description why
you want to store this stuff in an instance attribute, so
can't guess whether another more-or-less obvious approach
would help.

For example, no cyclic trash is created if you add this
method to your class O:

    def get_traceback(self):
        self.e = sys.exc_info()

and inside foo() invoke:


instead of doing:

    s.e = sys.exc_info()

Is that unreasonable?  Perhaps simpler is to define a
function like:

def get_exc_info():
    return sys.exc_info()

and inside foo() do:

    s.e = get_exc_info()

No cyclic trash gets created that way either.  These are the
kinds of things the manual has suggested doing for the last
10 years ;-)


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