[issue3724] math.log(x, 10) gives different result than math.log10(x)

STINNER Victor report at bugs.python.org
Fri Oct 10 14:10:21 CEST 2008

STINNER Victor <victor.stinner at haypocalc.com> added the comment:

About large integers which can not be converted to float (too big!): 
it would be nice if math.log2() and/or math.log10() works which such 
numbers. But it would better if you know if the functions used the FPU 
or not (only integers). Idea:
 - logX(int)->int: don't use FPU
 - logX(float)->float: use FPU
 - logX(int)->float: use FPU

What should be the default type for logX(int)? People expects float 
when using logX().

Note: logX() means math.log(), math.log2() and/or math.log10().

nosy: +haypo

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