[issue4186] type() doesn't accept bases and dict keyword arguments

Barry A. Warsaw report at bugs.python.org
Thu Oct 23 11:13:31 CEST 2008

New submission from Barry A. Warsaw <barry at python.org>:

According to bug 1683368, Python 3.0's object.__init__() no longer
accepts arbitrary keyword arguments.  What's new in Python 2.6 says the
same thing has been implemented in 2.6.  However, type() no longer
accepts /any/ keyword arguments, including the documented 'bases' and
'dict' keyword arguments.  This seems to be a bug.

It's not clear to me we no longer want to support type()'s documented
keyword arguments, but even if we do, we should deprecate them in 2.6
and remove them in 2.7.

The work around is fairly easy (pass positional args), but this will
still break existing code.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 75136
nosy: barry
priority: critical
severity: normal
status: open
title: type() doesn't accept bases and dict keyword arguments
versions: Python 2.6

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