[issue4214] no extension debug info with msvc9compiler.py

Robin Dunn report at bugs.python.org
Mon Oct 27 22:54:22 CET 2008

New submission from Robin Dunn <robin at alldunn.com>:

It looks like part of r59290 resulted in /pdb:None always being part of
the ldflags_shared_debug list.  This means that there will be no debug
info stored for extensions built in debug mode, which kinda negates the
purpose of doing a debug build.  

Looking back at the revision history and comparing similar code in
msvccompiler.py it looks like the /pdb:None was optionally added in the
first place because of compatibility issues with earlier compilers.  For
MSVC 7 and 9 I think it should be fine to simply remove /pdb:None from
that list.  My ad hoc testing so far has not revealed any problems with
making this change.

components: Distutils
messages: 75264
nosy: robind
severity: normal
status: open
title: no extension debug info with msvc9compiler.py
type: compile error
versions: Python 2.6

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