[issue5377] Strange behavior when performing int on a Decimal made from -sys.maxint-1

STINNER Victor report at bugs.python.org
Fri Feb 27 00:32:56 CET 2009

STINNER Victor <victor.stinner at haypocalc.com> added the comment:

For a Decimal object (d), int(d) calls d.__int__(). In your example, d 
has the attributes:
* _sign=1 (negative)
* _exp=0 (10^0=1)
* _int='2147483648'

d.__int__() uses s*int(self._int)*10**self._exp 
<=> -(int('2147483648')). Since int('2147483648') creates a long, you 
finally get a long instead of an integer.

Workaround to get a small integer even with -2147483648: 
int(int(d)) ;-)

For me, it's not a bug because __int__() can return a long! The 
following code works in Python 2.5 and 2.6:
   class A:
       def __int__(self):
           return 10**20

nosy: +haypo

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