[issue1529269] Python 2.5b2 fails to build on Solaris 10 (GCC Compiler)

Jörg Prante report at bugs.python.org
Sun Jan 4 15:00:09 CET 2009

Jörg Prante <joergprante at gmx.de> added the comment:

Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/sparc/v8.S and
Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/sparc/v9.S are SPARC assembler codes.

The python build process seems to pass the gcc compile flags to compile
these assembler source files.

It makes no sense if the debugging option -g is enabled, because C
source debugging code can not be generated in the case of assembler
code. The Solaris linker is also confused about this and might send the
relocation / alignment errors later.

So, as a workaround, just do not pass the gcc "-g" option to the python
build process when building with Solaris / gcc.

A clean solution would be to avoid gcc C compiler options being passed
to assembler source compiling in the python build process.

nosy: +jprante

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