[issue2259] Poor support other than 44.1khz, 16bit audio files?

R. David Murray report at bugs.python.org
Tue Mar 24 16:05:44 CET 2009

R. David Murray <rdmurray at bitdance.com> added the comment:

The issue isn't whether the patch(es) are on one issue or not, if you
want to keep them here, that's fine.  This patch is so small that
breaking it up isn't strictly necessary, either, though I still think it
would be cleaner and more likely to get applied if you did so. (My
thought after reading the developer documentation is that each patch
file should consist of the minimum amount of independently testable
changes, regardless of whether or not they unltimately fix a single
issue.)  But I could be wrong, it's just my opinion :)

What we do for sure need in order to get this closer to having the devs
accept it is unit (or doctest) test cases that demonstrate the problem
and thereby demonstrate that the patch fixes the problem.

In case you didn't see it, it was also suggested, on the other ticket,
that the 'else: pass' could just be dropped.

(I'm one of the people doing ticket triage, by the way, in case you
wonder what my role is...my goal is to get tickets resolved, by getting
tickets up to a high enough quality that the devs can easily accept or
reject them.)


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