[issue3266] Python-2.5.2/Modules/mmapmodule.c:915: error: `O_RDWR' undeclared

Jack Diederich report at bugs.python.org
Thu Mar 26 22:57:17 CET 2009

Jack Diederich <jackdied at gmail.com> added the comment:

survey of other modules that use O_RDRW
The following include sys/type.h and fcntl.h unconditionally:
  bsdmodule.c, dbmmoudle.c, _fileio.c

posixmodule.c includes them after doing an #ifdef check

mmapmodule.c currently (2.7 trunk) includes sys/types.h with an ifdef
check, but fcntl.h not at all.

nosy: +jackdied

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