[issue8764] logging RotatingFileHandler cause too long to fininsh

davy zhang report at bugs.python.org
Wed May 19 12:56:44 CEST 2010

New submission from davy zhang <davyzhang at gmail.com>:

the function below is used to determine the proper file name of the next log file. But the question is if I set a large number of self.backupCount like 10000000, it will take too long to calculate the right file name. I think it could be a better way to do this instead of finding from the end.

    def doRollover(self):
        Do a rollover, as described in __init__().

        if self.backupCount > 0:
            for i in range(self.backupCount - 1, 0, -1):
                sfn = "%s.%d" % (self.baseFilename, i)
                dfn = "%s.%d" % (self.baseFilename, i + 1)
                if os.path.exists(sfn):
                    #print "%s -> %s" % (sfn, dfn)
                    if os.path.exists(dfn):
                    os.rename(sfn, dfn)
            dfn = self.baseFilename + ".1"
            if os.path.exists(dfn):
            os.rename(self.baseFilename, dfn)
            #print "%s -> %s" % (self.baseFilename, dfn)
        self.mode = 'w'
        self.stream = self._open()

messages: 106043
nosy: davy.zhang
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: logging RotatingFileHandler cause too long to fininsh
versions: Python 2.6

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