[issue8084] pep-0370 on osx duplicates existing functionality

Glyph Lefkowitz report at bugs.python.org
Tue Nov 30 22:09:19 CET 2010

Glyph Lefkowitz <glyph at twistedmatrix.com> added the comment:

Would it be possible to have this reverted for 2.7.2 / 3.2.1, and restore ~/.local _and_ ~/Library as equally valid locations for python code?

As I tried to explain on the mailing list, this change basically introduces a regression, and nothing else.  Sorry I did not comment on the ticket at the time.

Previously it was possible to maintain a single "~/.pydistutils.cfg" for UNIX-like OSes, which would allow 'python setup.py install', 'pip install' and 'easy_install' to function without adding a 'sudo' in front of them, or any command-line options.  This is important since easy_install doesn't expose a '--user'.  Now, there needs to be a specific, separate config file for OS X installs.

Also, it was previously possible to pass a sane value for '--prefix', but now there is no such value.  This makes it much more difficult to, for example:

  cd my-c-dependency
  ./configure --prefix ~/.local
  cd my-python-project
  python setup.py install --prefix ~/.local

since Python code with C dependencies will sometimes attempt to discover the location of include files and the like via the install prefix.

'setup.py install --user' (the only remaining installation mechanism which actually works out of the box on a mac) will now place scripts into ~/Library/Python/x.y/bin, which seems a singularly unhelpful location.  Again, if there are C and Python programs which interact, I now need 2 locations on my $PATH instead of one.

I don't understand what this change buys anyone.  If you're treating the Mac python as a UNIX-like environment, it just spuriously breaks things.  But if you're treating it as a Mac-like environment (i.e. not using a terminal), the right place to put your Python code is _inside a (framework or application) bundle_, not lying around your home directory.

Also, if there is interest in properly honoring Mac filesystem conventions, there are APIs for doing that, as documented here: <http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPFileSystem/Articles/Domains.html>.  Manually enumerating the user domain while ignoring, for example, the network domain, seems half-hearted and arbitrary.

nosy: +glyph

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