[issue10833] Replace %.100s by %s in PyErr_Format(): the arbitrary limit of 500 bytes is outdated

STINNER Victor report at bugs.python.org
Sun Jan 9 13:52:12 CET 2011

STINNER Victor <victor.stinner at haypocalc.com> added the comment:

> I am concerned about conditions that are impossible in a valid
> program.  However, if you have a buffer overflow that trashes your
> tp_name pointer so that it suddenly resolves to a binary code section,

Yes, %.100s may avoid a crash after the buffer overflow on the string formatting, but it may quickly crash on another instruction. I don't think that you should limit the error message length to protect Python against buffer overflow. A buffer overflow can corrupt everything, and we should fix the buffer overflow instead :-)

> you will need all help you can get to find the bug.

You have debuggers like gdb for that.


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