[issue13430] Add a curry function to the functools module

Antoine Pitrou report at bugs.python.org
Fri Nov 18 20:43:34 CET 2011

Antoine Pitrou <pitrou at free.fr> added the comment:

> Sure, it's common `defining new functions on other functions`... more
> times. Here a stupid example with fold (our reduce).
> @curry
> def fold(function, start, sequence):
>     if len(sequence) == 0:
>         return start
>     else:
>         return fold(function, function(start, sequence[0]), sequence[1:])
> Now, someone could be define a generic summer function by fold.
> import operator as op
> summer = fold(op.add)

Right... so you defined these helper functions (curry, fold) just to...
define a generic summer function? Really?

I understand that fold() and curry() may look pretty to functional
languages people, but they don't solve any real-world problems that
Python doesn't already solve in a neater way. You will have to try a bit
harder and showcase examples of *useful* code that are made
significantly easier through the use of curry().

(no, generic summer functions are *not* real-world use cases. They are
homework exercises for CS students, at best)


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