[issue17206] Py_XDECREF() expands its argument multiple times

Illia Polosukhin report at bugs.python.org
Mon Mar 18 07:36:49 CET 2013

Illia Polosukhin added the comment:

I've worked on this with Dave Malcolm @PyCon2013 sprints.

This patch is work in progress to make Py_XDECREF() and Py_XINCREF() expands their arguments once instead of multiple times.

Because patch is work in progress, it contains old version for ease of benchmarking. To enable the old version - define OLD_17206.

Tested so far only with: Clang on Mac OS X 10.7 x64.

keywords: +patch
nosy: +ilblackdragon
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file29439/17206.diff

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