[issue15014] smtplib: add support for arbitrary auth methods

Milan Oberkirch report at bugs.python.org
Tue Mar 4 20:33:38 CET 2014

Milan Oberkirch added the comment:

Maybe I am a bit hyperactive, but I already was at it when receiving your message, so I finished it. Anyhow most of what I have done is completely independent of the API chosen. What I did:
1. I implemented a new authenticate(self, mechanism, authobject) as in imaplib which can be used for all methods
2. I implemented authobjects for the three most important mechanisms
3. login() has a keyarg 'preferred_auth' which is a list of auth-methods (strings)

I think 1. and 2. make sense regardless of how the API should look like in the end, because it's the only way without any code-redundancy. 3 is more a proposal.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34287/smtplibAuthobj.patch

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