[issue24790] Idle: improve stack viewer

Can İbanoğlu report at bugs.python.org
Wed Aug 19 18:29:52 CEST 2015

Can İbanoğlu added the comment:

I have also prepared a patch for the second item but I don't know if I should regenerate the patch after you have committed the first patch so I'm sitting on it now. 

I also didn't update the ACKS and NEWS files, should I?

Here's what I did for the second item, just in case you spot something I shouldn't be doing:

         sublist = []
         if frame.f_globals is not frame.f_locals:
             item = VariablesTreeItem("<locals>", frame.f_locals, self.flist)
-            sublist.append(item)
-        item = VariablesTreeItem("<globals>", frame.f_globals, self.flist)
+        else:
+            item = VariablesTreeItem("<globals>", frame.f_globals, self.flist)
         return sublist


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