[issue24904] Patch: add timeout to difflib SequenceMatcher ratio() and quick_ratio()
Raymond Hettinger
report at bugs.python.org
Fri Aug 21 00:47:20 CEST 2015
Raymond Hettinger added the comment:
In general, it isn't good design to incorporate timeout logic in computation logic. What would be better is a general purpose, reusable, decoupled tool: run_with_time_limit(some_computation, some_args, time_limit). Such a tool might be based on separate process that can be timed or killed, it might use signals, or may be based on threading.Timer.
I did a quick look around the net. Timeouts on diff APIs aren't common (i.e GNU diff doesn't have a timeout) but there are a couple of precedents (you aren't the first to have had concerns about the running time for unfavorable inputs).
nosy: +rhettinger
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