[issue23572] functools.singledispatch fails when "not BaseClass" is True
Sergio Pascual
report at bugs.python.org
Tue Mar 3 13:17:09 CET 2015
New submission from Sergio Pascual:
I admit this case is rather convoluted, but I have been debugging a few hours so I think I should share my findings.
I have a metaclass MetaA that provides to the classes constructed with it have a dictionary interface. Of all the functions only __len__ is important. In some cases, the result of __len__ is 0 and that is what triggers the error
class MetaA(type):
def __len__(self):
return 0
class A(metaclass=MetaA):
class AA(A):
Now, I construct a function with single dispatch and register the case of class A but not the class AA
def fun(a):
print('base case')
def _(a):
print('fun A')
And then, call fun with an object of class AA
This should call the function for the class up in the hierarchy, A
Instead it raises an exception
RuntimeError: Inconsistent hierarchy
in function functools._c3_merge
because in the line
if not candidate:
raise RuntimeError("Inconsistent hierarchy")
"not candidate" evaluates to True due to __len__ returning 0
This can be avoided by:
* adding __nonzero__ to MetaA
* not adding the map interface to a class in the first place
* changing the code in _c3_merge
I'm not really sure, but instead of:
if not candidate:
raise RuntimeError("Inconsistent hierarchy")
would this work?
if candidate is None:
raise RuntimeError("Inconsistent hierarchy")
I attach a test case
components: Library (Lib)
files: singledispatch-test.py
messages: 237126
nosy: Sergio Pascual
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: functools.singledispatch fails when "not BaseClass" is True
versions: Python 3.4
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file38314/singledispatch-test.py
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