[issue23529] Limit decompressed data when reading from LZMAFile and BZ2File

Nikolaus Rath report at bugs.python.org
Sat Mar 14 04:41:07 CET 2015

Nikolaus Rath added the comment:

On Mar 06 2015, Martin Panter <report at bugs.python.org> wrote:
> Still to do: Need to find a better home for the _DecompressReader and
> _BaseStream classes. Currently it lives in “lzma”, but apparently it
> is possible for any of the gzip, bz2, lzma modules to not be
> importable, so it would have to live elsewhere.


> Possible options are
> the io module, or a brand new internal module
> (e.g. Lib/_compression.py). Thoughts?

I think a new internal module would be the right choice, but I don't
know what needs to be done to properly add it to the build system. So
for now I'd just put it in the io module and wait for a core committer
to complain :-).

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title: Limit decompressed data when reading from LZMAFile, BZ2File, GzipFile -> Limit decompressed data when reading from LZMAFile and BZ2File

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