April 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Apr 1 00:09:02 EDT 2016
Ending: Sat Apr 30 23:32:51 EDT 2016
Messages: 2250
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Hrvoje Abraham
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Hrvoje Abraham
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Hrvoje Abraham
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Hrvoje Abraham
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Hrvoje Abraham
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Hrvoje Abraham
- [issue23239] SSL match_hostname does not accept IP Address
Marc Abramowitz
- [issue26710] ConfigParser: Values in DEFAULT section override defaults passed to constructor
Marc Abramowitz
- [issue26710] ConfigParser: Values in DEFAULT section override defaults passed to constructor
Marc Abramowitz
- [issue26710] ConfigParser: Values in DEFAULT section override defaults passed to constructor
Marc Abramowitz
- [issue26793] uuid causing thread issues when forking using os.fork py3.4+
Steven Adams
- [issue26793] uuid causing thread issues when forking using os.fork py3.4+
Steven Adams
- [issue26793] uuid causing thread issues when forking using os.fork py3.4+
Steven Adams
- [issue26793] uuid causing thread issues when forking using os.fork py3.4+
Steven Adams
- [issue26793] uuid causing thread issues when forking using os.fork py3.4+
Steven Adams
- [issue26793] uuid causing thread issues when forking using os.fork py3.4+
Steven Adams
- [issue24505] shutil.which wrong result on Windows
Bob Alexander
- [issue24505] shutil.which wrong result on Windows
Bob Alexander
- [issue26791] shutil.move fails to move symlink (Invalid cross-device link)
Renato Alves
- [issue26791] shutil.move fails to move symlink (Invalid cross-device link)
Renato Alves
- [issue26791] shutil.move fails to move symlink (Invalid cross-device link)
Renato Alves
- [issue26688] unittest2 referenced in unittest.mock documentation
Ashley Anderson
- [issue10910] pyport.h FreeBSD/Mac OS X "fix" causes errors in C++ compilation
Dimitry Andric
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
Chris Angelico
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
Chris Angelico
- [issue26805] Refer to types.SimpleNamespace in namedtuple documentation
Chris Angelico
- [issue26823] Shrink recursive tracebacks
Chris Angelico
- [issue25599] asyncio.iscoroutinefunction returns unexpected results when presented with unittest.mock.Mock
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue26812] ExtendedInterpolation drops user-defined 'vars' during _interpolate_some() recursion
Yih-En Andrew Ban
- [issue26887] Erratum in https://docs.python.org/2.6/library/multiprocessing.html
Ron Barak
- [issue24557] Refactor LibreSSL / EGD detection
Matthew Barnett
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Emanuel Barry
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Emanuel Barry
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Emanuel Barry
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Emanuel Barry
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Emanuel Barry
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Emanuel Barry
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
Emanuel Barry
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
Emanuel Barry
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
Emanuel Barry
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
Emanuel Barry
- [issue26823] Shrink recursive tracebacks
Emanuel Barry
- [issue26823] Shrink recursive tracebacks
Emanuel Barry
- [issue26823] Shrink recursive tracebacks
Emanuel Barry
- [issue26823] Shrink recursive tracebacks
Emanuel Barry
- [issue26823] Shrink recursive tracebacks
Emanuel Barry
- [issue26874] Docstring error in divmod function
Emanuel Barry
- [issue26756] fileinput handling of unicode errors from standard input
Joel Barry
- [issue26756] fileinput handling of unicode errors from standard input
Joel Barry
- [issue18844] allow weights in random.choice
Steven Basart
- [issue18844] allow weights in random.choice
Steven Basart
- [issue18844] allow weights in random.choice
Steven Basart
- [issue18844] allow weights in random.choice
Steven Basart
- [issue18844] allow weights in random.choice
Steven Basart
- [issue18844] allow weights in random.choice
Steven Basart
- [issue9334] argparse does not accept options taking arguments beginning with dash (regression from optparse)
Cherniavsky Beni
- [issue26771] python-config.sh.in INCDIR does not match python version if exec_prefix != prefix
Benjamin Berg
- [issue26680] Incorporating float.is_integer into the numeric tower and Decimal
Austin Bingham
- [issue26821] array module "minimum size in bytes" table is wrong for int/long
Jonathan Booth
- [issue26821] array module "minimum size in bytes" table is wrong for int/long
Jonathan Booth
- [issue24114] ctypes.utils uninitialized variable 'paths'
Kees Bos
- [issue26677] pyvenv: activate.fish breaks $PATH for bash scripts
Goneri Le Bouder
- [issue26890] inspect.getsource gets source copy on disk even when module has not been reloaded
Sebastien Bourdeauducq
- [issue26890] inspect.getsource gets source copy on disk even when module has not been reloaded
Sebastien Bourdeauducq
- [issue26736] Use HTTPS protocol in links
Georg Brandl
- [issue26755] Update version{added,changed} docs in devguide
Georg Brandl
- [issue26821] array module "minimum size in bytes" table is wrong for int/long
Georg Brandl
- [issue26821] array module "minimum size in bytes" table is wrong for int/long
Georg Brandl
- [issue26847] filter docs unclear wording
Georg Brandl
- [issue8027] distutils fail to determine c++ linker with unixcompiler if using ccache
Erik Bray
- [issue8027] distutils fail to determine c++ linker with unixcompiler if using ccache
Erik Bray
- [issue22005] datetime.__setstate__ fails decoding python2 pickle
Torsten Bronger
- [issue25243] decouple string-to-boolean logic from ConfigParser.getboolean and offer as separate function
Joshua Bronson
- [issue25243] decouple string-to-boolean logic from ConfigParser.getboolean and offer as separate function
Joshua Bronson
- [issue25243] decouple string-to-boolean logic from ConfigParser.getboolean and offer as separate function
Joshua Bronson
- [issue24294] DeprecationWarnings should be visible by default in the interactive REPL
Matthias Bussonnier
- [issue26832] ProactorEventLoop doesn't support stdin/stdout nor files with connect_read_pipe/connect_write_pipe
Gabriel Mesquita Cangussu
- [issue26668] Remove Lib/test/test_importlib/regrtest.py?
Brett Cannon
- [issue26646] Allow built-in module in package
Brett Cannon
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
Brett Cannon
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
Brett Cannon
- [issue26691] Update the typing module to match what's in github.com/python/typing
Brett Cannon
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
Brett Cannon
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
Brett Cannon
- [issue26664] find a bug in activate.fish of venv of cpython3.6
Brett Cannon
- [issue26696] Document collections.abc.ByteString
Brett Cannon
- [issue26696] Document collections.abc.ByteString
Brett Cannon
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
Brett Cannon
- [issue26668] Remove Lib/test/test_importlib/regrtest.py?
Brett Cannon
- [issue26587] Possible duplicate entries in sys.path if .pth files are used with zip's
Brett Cannon
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
Brett Cannon
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
Brett Cannon
- [issue26734] Repeated mmap\munmap calls during temporary allocation
Brett Cannon
- [issue26734] Repeated mmap\munmap calls during temporary allocation
Brett Cannon
- [issue26718] super.__init__ leaks memory if called multiple times
Brett Cannon
- [issue25330] Docs for pkgutil.get_data inconsistent with semantics
Brett Cannon
- [issue24136] document PEP 448: unpacking generalization
Brett Cannon
- [issue26359] CPython build options for out-of-the box performance
Brett Cannon
- [issue26760] Document PyFrameObject
Brett Cannon
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
Brett Cannon
- [issue26760] Document PyFrameObject
Brett Cannon
- [issue26186] LazyLoader rejecting use of SourceFileLoader
Brett Cannon
- [issue26827] PyObject *PyInit_myextention -> PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_myextention
Brett Cannon
- [issue26827] PyObject *PyInit_myextention -> PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_myextention
Brett Cannon
- [issue26446] Mention in the devguide that core dev stuff falls under the PSF CoC
Brett Cannon
- [issue26446] Mention in the devguide that core dev stuff falls under the PSF CoC
Brett Cannon
- [issue24016] Add a Sprints organization/preparation section to devguide
Brett Cannon
- [issue26844] Wrong error message during import
Brett Cannon
- [issue26664] find a bug in activate.fish of venv of cpython3.6
Brett Cannon
- [issue26348] activate.fish sets VENV prompt incorrectly
Brett Cannon
- [issue26348] activate.fish sets VENV prompt incorrectly
Brett Cannon
- [issue22757] TclStackFree: incorrect freePtr. Call out of sequence?
Thomas Caswell
- [issue16679] Add advice about non-ASCII wsgiref PATH_INFO
Andrew Clover
- [issue26388] Disabling changing sys.argv[0] with runpy.run_module(...alter_sys=True)
Nick Coghlan
- [issue25339] sys.stdout.errors is set to "surrogateescape"
Nick Coghlan
- [issue26722] Fold compare operators on constants (peephole)
Nick Coghlan
- [issue11205] Evaluation order of dictionary display is different from reference manual.
Nick Coghlan
- [issue26733] staticmethod and classmethod are ignored when disassemble class
Nick Coghlan
- [issue26729] Incorrect __text_signature__ for sorted
Nick Coghlan
- [issue26733] staticmethod and classmethod are ignored when disassemble class
Nick Coghlan
- [issue26823] Shrink recursive tracebacks
Nick Coghlan
- [issue26823] Shrink recursive tracebacks
Nick Coghlan
- [issue26807] mock_open()().readline() fails at EOF
Robert Collins
- [issue26807] mock_open()().readline() fails at EOF
Robert Collins
- [issue26807] mock_open()().readline() fails at EOF
Robert Collins
- [issue26807] mock_open()().readline() fails at EOF
Robert Collins
- [issue26859] unittest fails with "Start directory is not importable"
Robert Collins
- [issue26479] Init documentation typo "may be return" > "may NOT be returned"
Samuel Colvin
- [issue13285] signal module ignores external signal changes
Robert Cope
- [issue23863] Fix EINTR Socket Module issues in 2.7
Robert Cope
- [issue25942] subprocess.call SIGKILLs too liberally
Robert Cope
- [issue26689] Add `has_flag` method to `distutils.CCompiler`
Sylvain Corlay
- [issue26689] Add `has_flag` method to `distutils.CCompiler`
Sylvain Corlay
- [issue26689] Add `has_flag` method to `distutils.CCompiler`
Sylvain Corlay
- [issue26689] Add `has_flag` method to `distutils.CCompiler`
Sylvain Corlay
- [issue26689] Add `has_flag` method to `distutils.CCompiler`
Sylvain Corlay
- [issue26689] Add `has_flag` method to `distutils.CCompiler`
Sylvain Corlay
- [issue26689] Add `has_flag` method to `distutils.CCompiler`
Sylvain Corlay
- [issue26830] Refactor Tools/scripts/google.py
Francisco Couzo
- [issue26830] Refactor Tools/scripts/google.py
Francisco Couzo
- [issue26830] Refactor Tools/scripts/google.py
Francisco Couzo
- [issue26870] Unexpected call to readline's add_history in call_readline
Tyler Crompton
- [issue26870] Unexpected call to readline's add_history in call_readline
Tyler Crompton
- [issue26870] Unexpected call to readline's add_history in call_readline
Tyler Crompton
- [issue14102] argparse: add ability to create a man page
Alessandro Cucci
- [issue15984] Wrong documentation for PyUnicode_FromObject() and PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject()
Brian Curtin
- [issue6792] Distutils-based installer does not detect 64bit versions of Python
Brian Curtin
- [issue26694] Disasembler fall with Key Error while disassemble obfuscated code.
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue26878] Allow doctest to deep copy globals
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue26878] Allow doctest to deep copy globals
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue26725] list() destroys map object data
Ned Deily
- [issue26706] Update OpenSSL version in readme
Ned Deily
- [issue26762] test_multiprocessing_spawn leaves processes running in background
Ned Deily
- [issue26769] Python 2.7: make private file descriptors non inheritable
Ned Deily
- [issue26797] Segafault in _PyObject_Alloc
Ned Deily
- [issue26798] add BLAKE2 to hashlib
Ned Deily
- [issue26830] Refactor Tools/scripts/google.py
Ned Deily
- [issue9400] multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult.get() messes up exceptions
Martin Dengler
- [issue16399] argparse: append action with default list adds to list instead of overriding
Gabriel Devenyi
- [issue26699] locale.str docstring is incorrect: "Convert float to integer"
Mark Dickinson
- [issue18844] allow weights in random.choice
Mark Dickinson
- [issue18844] allow weights in random.choice
Mark Dickinson
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
Mark Dickinson
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Mark Dickinson
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Mark Dickinson
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Mark Dickinson
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Mark Dickinson
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Mark Dickinson
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Mark Dickinson
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Mark Dickinson
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Mark Dickinson
- [issue26874] Docstring error in divmod function
Mark Dickinson
- [issue22477] GCD in Fractions
Mark Dickinson
- [issue22477] GCD in Fractions
Mark Dickinson
- [issue22477] GCD in Fractions
Mark Dickinson
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Marcos Dione
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Marcos Dione
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Marcos Dione
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Marcos Dione
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Marcos Dione
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Marcos Dione
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Marcos Dione
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Marcos Dione
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Marcos Dione
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Marcos Dione
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Marcos Dione
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Marcos Dione
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Marcos Dione
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module.
Marcos Dione
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module.
Marcos Dione
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module.
Marcos Dione
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module.
Marcos Dione
- [issue23434] RFC6266 support (Content-Disposition for HTTP)
Piotr Dobrogost
- [issue26657] Directory traversal with http.server and SimpleHTTPServer on windows
Steve Dower
- [issue26727] ctypes.util.find_msvcrt() does not work in python 3.5.1
Steve Dower
- [issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()
Steve Dower
- [issue26359] CPython build options for out-of-the box performance
Steve Dower
- [issue26832] ProactorEventLoop doesn't support stdin/stdout nor files with connect_read_pipe/connect_write_pipe
Steve Dower
- [issue26866] Inconsistent environment in Windows using "Open With"
Steve Dower
- [issue26866] Inconsistent environment in Windows using "Open With"
Steve Dower
- [issue26876] Extend MSVCCompiler class to respect environment variables
Steve Dower
- [issue26832] ProactorEventLoop doesn't support stdin/stdout nor files with connect_read_pipe/connect_write_pipe
Steve Dower
- [issue26878] Allow doctest to deep copy globals
- [issue26878] Allow doctest to deep copy globals
- [issue26878] Allow doctest to deep copy globals
- [issue26878] Allow doctest to deep copy globals
- [issue26878] Allow doctest to deep copy globals
- [issue26808] wsgiref.simple_server breaks unicode in URIs
Graham Dumpleton
- [issue26808] wsgiref.simple_server breaks unicode in URIs
Graham Dumpleton
- [issue16679] Add advice about non-ASCII wsgiref PATH_INFO
Graham Dumpleton
- [issue26808] wsgiref.simple_server breaks unicode in URIs
Graham Dumpleton
- [issue16679] Add advice about non-ASCII wsgiref PATH_INFO
Graham Dumpleton
- [issue16679] Add advice about non-ASCII wsgiref PATH_INFO
Graham Dumpleton
- [issue26772] regex.ENHANCEMATCH crashes interpreter
Rex Dwyer
- [issue26439] ctypes.util.find_library fails when ldconfig/glibc not available (e.g., AIX)
David Edelsohn
- [issue26773] Shelve works inconsistently when carried over to child processes
Paul Ellenbogen
- [issue26773] Shelve works inconsistently when carried over to child processes
Paul Ellenbogen
- [issue26893] ValueError exception raised when using IntEnum with an attribute called "name" and @unique decorator
Julien Enche
- [issue26819] _ProactorReadPipeTransport pause_reading()/resume_reading() broken if called before any read is perfored
Fulvio Esposito
- [issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2
Roman Evstifeev
- [issue2636] Adding a new regex module (compatible with re)
Roman Evstifeev
- [issue15873] datetime: add ability to parse RFC 3339 dates and times
Roman Evstifeev
- [issue26865] toward the support of the android platform
Roman Evstifeev
- [issue26856] android does not have pwd.getpwall()
Roman Evstifeev
- [issue26858] setting SO_REUSEPORT fails on android
Roman Evstifeev
- [issue26859] unittest fails with "Start directory is not importable"
Roman Evstifeev
- [issue26862] SYS_getdents64 does not need to be defined on android API 21
Roman Evstifeev
- [issue26849] android does not support versioning in SONAME
Roman Evstifeev
- [issue26853] missing symbols in curses and readline modules on android
Roman Evstifeev
- [issue26855] add platform.android_ver() for android
Roman Evstifeev
- [issue22747] Interpreter fails in initialize on systems where HAVE_LANGINFO_H is undefined
Roman Evstifeev
- [issue17905] Add check for locale.h
Roman Evstifeev
- [issue16255] subrocess.Popen needs /bin/sh but Android only has /system/bin/sh
Roman Evstifeev
- [issue16353] add function to os module for getting path to default shell
Roman Evstifeev
- [issue26861] shutil.copyfile() doesn't close the opened files
Vukasin Felbab
- [issue26439] ctypes.util.find_library fails when ldconfig/glibc not available (e.g., AIX)
Michael Felt
- [issue26439] ctypes.util.find_library fails when ldconfig/glibc not available (e.g., AIX)
Michael Felt
- [issue26439] ctypes.util.find_library fails when ldconfig/glibc not available (e.g., AIX)
Michael Felt
- [issue26439] ctypes.util.find_library fails when ldconfig/glibc not available (e.g., AIX)
Michael Felt
- [issue26883] input() call blocks multiprocessing
Stefan Forstenlechner
- [issue26684] pathlib.Path.with_name() and .with_suffix do not allow combining with an empty Path
Ethan Furman
- [issue26667] Update importlib to accept pathlib.Path objects
Ethan Furman
- [issue26748] enum.Enum is False-y
Ethan Furman
- [issue26748] enum.Enum is False-y
Ethan Furman
- [issue26823] Shrink recursive tracebacks
Ethan Furman
- [issue26823] Shrink recursive tracebacks
Ethan Furman
- [issue26823] Shrink recursive tracebacks
Ethan Furman
- [issue26823] Shrink recursive tracebacks
Ethan Furman
- [issue26829] update docs: when creating classes a new dict is created for the final class object
Ethan Furman
- [issue26860] os.walk and os.fwalk yield namedtuple instead of tuple
Ethan Furman
- [issue26860] os.walk and os.fwalk yield namedtuple instead of tuple
Ethan Furman
- [issue26865] Meta-issue: support of the android platform
Ethan Furman
- [issue26879] new message
Ethan Furman
- [issue26860] os.walk and os.fwalk yield namedtuple instead of tuple
Ethan Furman
- [issue26893] ValueError exception raised when using IntEnum with an attribute called "name" and @unique decorator
Ethan Furman
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
Martín Gaitán
- [issue26888] Multiple memory leaks after raw Py_Initialize and Py_Finalize.
Aleksander Gajewski
- [issue26803] syslog logging handler fails with address in unix abstract namespace
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue21668] The select and time modules uses libm functions without linking against it
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26803] syslog logging handler fails with address in unix abstract namespace
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue21668] The select and time modules uses libm functions without linking against it
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26803] syslog logging handler fails with address in unix abstract namespace
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26803] syslog logging handler fails with address in unix abstract namespace
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26803] syslog logging handler fails with address in unix abstract namespace
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26803] syslog logging handler fails with address in unix abstract namespace
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26803] syslog logging handler fails with address in unix abstract namespace
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26803] syslog logging handler fails with address in unix abstract namespace
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26803] syslog logging handler fails with address in unix abstract namespace
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue17905] Add check for locale.h
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue22747] Interpreter fails in initialize on systems where HAVE_LANGINFO_H is undefined
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue20305] Android's incomplete locale.h implementation prevents cross-compilation
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26846] Workaround for non-standard stdlib.h on Android
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue20306] Lack of pw_gecos field in Android's struct passwd causes cross-compilation for the pwd module to fail
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26849] android does not support versioning in SONAME
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26851] android compilation and link flags
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26852] add a COMPILEALL_FLAGS Makefile variable
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26853] missing symbols in curses and readline modules on android
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26854] missing header on android for the ossaudiodev module
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26855] add platform.android_ver() for android
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26856] android does not have pwd.getpwall()
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26857] gethostbyname_r() is broken on android
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26858] setting SO_REUSEPORT fails on android
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26859] unittest fails with "Start directory is not importable"
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26862] SYS_getdents64 does not need to be defined on android API 21
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26863] android lacks some declarations for the posix module
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26863] android lacks some declarations for the posix module
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26849] android does not support versioning in SONAME
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26865] toward the support of the android platform
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26859] unittest fails with "Start directory is not importable"
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26862] SYS_getdents64 does not need to be defined on android API 21
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26855] add platform.android_ver() for android
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26853] missing symbols in curses and readline modules on android
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26859] unittest fails with "Start directory is not importable"
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26884] cross-compilation of extension module links to the wrong python library
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26865] Meta-issue: support of the android platform
Xavier de Gaye
- [issue26798] add BLAKE2 to hashlib
Alex Gaynor
- [issue13952] mimetypes doesn't recognize .csv
Werner Van Geit
- [issue26692] cgroups support in multiprocessing
Satrajit Ghosh
- [issue26020] set_display evaluation order doesn't match documented behaviour
Neil Girdhar
- [issue26020] set_display evaluation order doesn't match documented behaviour
Neil Girdhar
- [issue26020] set_display evaluation order doesn't match documented behaviour
Neil Girdhar
- [issue26808] wsgiref.simple_server breaks unicode in URIs
Alexey Gorshkov
- [issue26808] wsgiref.simple_server breaks unicode in URIs
Alexey Gorshkov
- [issue26808] wsgiref.simple_server breaks unicode in URIs
Alexey Gorshkov
- [issue26808] wsgiref.simple_server breaks unicode in URIs
Alexey Gorshkov
- [issue26808] wsgiref.simple_server breaks unicode in URIs
Alexey Gorshkov
- [issue16679] Add advice about non-ASCII wsgiref PATH_INFO
Alexey Gorshkov
- [issue17233] http.client header debug output format
Kim Gräsman
- [issue26817] Docs for StringIO should link to io.BytesIO
Thomas Guettler
- [issue26869] unittest longMessage docs
Thomas Guettler
- [issue26869] unittest longMessage docs
Thomas Guettler
- [issue24838] tarfile.py: fix GNU and USTAR formats to properly handle paths with special characters that are encoded with more than one byte each
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue10261] tarfile iterator without members caching
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue24838] tarfile.py: fix GNU and USTAR formats to properly handle paths with special characters that are encoded with more than one byte each
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue8978] "tarfile.ReadError: file could not be opened successfully" if compiled without zlib
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue26877] tarfile use wrong code when read from fileobj
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Antti Haapala
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Antti Haapala
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Antti Haapala
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Antti Haapala
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Antti Haapala
- [issue22234] urllib.parse.urlparse accepts any falsy value as an url
Antti Haapala
- [issue25788] fileinput.hook_encoded has no way to pass arguments to codecs
Joseph Hackman
- [issue25788] fileinput.hook_encoded has no way to pass arguments to codecs
Joseph Hackman
- [issue25788] fileinput.hook_encoded has no way to pass arguments to codecs
Joseph Hackman
- [issue15873] datetime: add ability to parse RFC 3339 dates and times
Eric Hanchrow
- [issue26734] Repeated mmap\munmap calls during temporary allocation
Bar Harel
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Bar Harel
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Bar Harel
- [issue26671] Clean up path_converter in posixmodule.c
Larry Hastings
- [issue26671] Clean up path_converter in posixmodule.c
Larry Hastings
- [issue26708] Constify C string pointers in the posix module
Larry Hastings
- [issue26753] Obmalloc lock LOCK_INIT and LOCK_FINI are never used
Larry Hastings
- [issue26753] Obmalloc lock LOCK_INIT and LOCK_FINI are never used
Larry Hastings
- [issue24165] Free list for single-digits ints
Larry Hastings
- [issue26774] Elide Py_atomic fences when WITH_THREAD is disabled?
Larry Hastings
- [issue26753] Obmalloc lock LOCK_INIT and LOCK_FINI are never used
Larry Hastings
- [issue26753] Obmalloc lock LOCK_INIT and LOCK_FINI are never used
Larry Hastings
- [issue26814] Add a new _PyObject_CallStack() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
Larry Hastings
- [issue26800] Don't accept bytearray as filenames part 2
Larry Hastings
- [issue26825] Variable defined in exec(code) unreachable inside function call with visible name in dir() results
Larry Hastings
- [issue26891] CPython doesn't work when you disable refcounting
Larry Hastings
- [issue26891] CPython doesn't work when you disable refcounting
Larry Hastings
- [issue26891] CPython doesn't work when you disable refcounting
Larry Hastings
- [issue26891] CPython doesn't work when you disable refcounting
Larry Hastings
- [issue17436] hashlib: add a method to hash the content of a file
Christian Heimes
- [issue23239] SSL match_hostname does not accept IP Address
Christian Heimes
- [issue26798] add BLAKE2 to hashlib
Christian Heimes
- [issue26798] add BLAKE2 to hashlib
Christian Heimes
- [issue26470] Make OpenSSL module compatible with OpenSSL 1.1.0
Christian Heimes
- [issue26470] Make OpenSSL module compatible with OpenSSL 1.1.0
Christian Heimes
- [issue26470] Make OpenSSL module compatible with OpenSSL 1.1.0
Christian Heimes
- [issue26798] add BLAKE2 to hashlib
Christian Heimes
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Christian Heimes
- [issue4821] Patches for thread-support in built-in SHA modules
Christian Heimes
- [issue16113] Add SHA-3 and SHAKE (Keccak) support
Christian Heimes
- [issue26834] Add truncated SHA512/224 and SHA512/256
Christian Heimes
- [issue26835] Add file-sealing ops to fcntl
Christian Heimes
- [issue26836] Add memfd_create to os module
Christian Heimes
- [issue26730] SpooledTemporaryFile doesn't correctly preserve data for text (non-binary) SpooledTemporaryFile objects when Unicode characters are written
James Hennessy
- [issue26827] PyObject *PyInit_myextention -> PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_myextention
- [issue26827] PyObject *PyInit_myextention -> PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_myextention
- [issue26683] Questionable terminology for describing what locals() does
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26680] Incorporating float.is_integer into the numeric tower and Decimal
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26680] Incorporating float.is_integer into the numeric tower and Decimal
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26680] Incorporating float.is_integer into the numeric tower and Decimal
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue25928] Add Decimal.as_integer_ratio()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26200] SETREF adds unnecessary work in some cases
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26700] Make digest_size a class variable
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26719] More efficient formatting of ints and floats in json
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26724] Serialize dict with non-string keys to JSON — unexpected result
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26722] Fold compare operators on constants (peephole)
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue10289] Document magic methods called by built-in functions
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26200] SETREF adds unnecessary work in some cases
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26729] Incorrect __text_signature__ for sorted
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue25061] Add native enum support for argparse
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26491] Defer DECREFs until enum object is in a consistent state for re-entrancy
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue25243] decouple string-to-boolean logic from ConfigParser.getboolean and offer as separate function
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26822] itemgetter/attrgetter/methodcaller objects ignore keyword arguments
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26842] Python Tutorial 4.7.1: Need to explain default parameter lifetime
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26634] recursive_repr forgets to override __qualname__ of wrapper
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue25243] decouple string-to-boolean logic from ConfigParser.getboolean and offer as separate function
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26512] Vocabulary: Using "integral" in library/stdtypes.html
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24685] collections.OrderedDict collaborative subclassing
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue16394] Reducing tee() memory footprint
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue23275] Can assign [] = (), but not () = []
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26842] Python Tutorial 4.7.1: Need to explain default parameter lifetime
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue25420] "import random" blocks on entropy collection on Linux with low entropy
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue16927] Separate built-in types from functions and group similar functions in functions.rst
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue23986] Inaccuracy about "in" keyword for list and tuple
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24715] Sorting HOW TO: bad example for reverse sort stability
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24434] ItemsView.__contains__ does not mimic dict_items
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26822] itemgetter/attrgetter/methodcaller objects ignore keyword arguments
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24296] Queue documentation note needed
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26020] set_display evaluation order doesn't match documented behaviour
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue25981] Intern namedtuple field names
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue20663] Introduce exception argument to iter
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26860] os.walk and os.fwalk yield namedtuple instead of tuple
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26880] Remove redundant checks from set.__init__
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue26860] os.walk and os.fwalk yield namedtuple instead of tuple
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue23551] IDLE to provide menu link to PIP gui.
Eric Khoo Jiun Hooi
- [issue23551] IDLE to provide menu link to PIP gui.
Eric Khoo Jiun Hooi
- [issue23551] IDLE to provide menu link to PIP gui.
Eric Khoo Jiun Hooi
- [issue23551] IDLE to provide menu link to PIP gui.
Eric Khoo Jiun Hooi
- [issue26715] can not deactivate venv (deactivate.bat) if the venv was activated by activate.ps1.
Giga Image
- [issue26765] Factor out common bytes and bytearray implementation
Meador Inge
- [issue24114] ctypes.utils uninitialized variable 'paths'
Meador Inge
- [issue24114] ctypes.utils uninitialized variable 'paths'
Meador Inge
- [issue26739] Errno 10035 a non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately
- [issue26739] Errno 10035 a non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately
- [issue26739] idle: Errno 10035 a non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately
- [issue26739] idle: Errno 10035 a non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately
- [issue26154] Add private _PyThreadState_UncheckedGet() to get the current thread state
Wenzel Jakob
- [issue26752] Mock(2.0.0).assert_has_calls() raise AssertionError in two same calls
- [issue26876] Extend MSVCCompiler class to respect environment variables
Rohit Jamuar
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Hans-Peter Jansen
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Hans-Peter Jansen
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Hans-Peter Jansen
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Hans-Peter Jansen
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Hans-Peter Jansen
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Hans-Peter Jansen
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Hans-Peter Jansen
- [issue26831] ConfigParser parsing failures with default_section and ExtendedInterpolation options
Hans-Peter Jansen
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Hans-Peter Jansen
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Hans-Peter Jansen
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Hans-Peter Jansen
- [issue26838] sax.xmlreader.InputSource.setCharacterStream() does not work?
Alan Jenkins
- [issue26838] sax.xmlreader.InputSource.setCharacterStream() does not work?
Alan Jenkins
- [issue26800] Don't accept bytearray as filenames part 2
Philip Jenvey
- [issue26754] PyUnicode_FSDecoder() accepts arbitrary iterable
Philip Jenvey
- [issue26800] Don't accept bytearray as filenames part 2
Philip Jenvey
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
Joe Jevnik
- [issue23926] skipitem() in getargs.c still supports 'w' and 'w#', and shouldn't
Joe Jevnik
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
Joe Jevnik
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
Joe Jevnik
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
Joe Jevnik
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
Joe Jevnik
- [issue26697] tkFileDialog crash on askopenfilename Python 2.7 64-bit Win7
Eric Johnson
- [issue26703] Socket state corrupts when original assignment goes out of scope
- [issue26703] Socket state corrupts when original socket object goes out of scope in a different thread
- [issue26703] Socket state corrupts when original socket object goes out of scope in a different thread
- [issue26703] Socket state corrupts when original socket object goes out of scope in a different thread
- [issue26739] idle: Errno 10035 a non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately
Kristján Valur Jónsson
- [issue26739] idle: Errno 10035 a non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately
Kristján Valur Jónsson
- [issue26739] idle: Errno 10035 a non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately
Kristján Valur Jónsson
- [issue14102] argparse: add ability to create a man page
Zbyszek Jędrzejewski-Szmek
- [issue20607] multiprocessing cx_Freeze windows GUI bug (& easy fixes)
Alwin Kahlert
- [issue26388] Disabling changing sys.argv[0] with runpy.run_module(...alter_sys=True)
Mike Kaplinskiy
- [issue26773] Shelve works inconsistently when carried over to child processes
Mark Kellogg
- [issue26773] Shelve works inconsistently when carried over to child processes
Mark Kellogg
- [issue18844] allow weights in random.choice
Christian Kleineidam
- [issue26839] python always calls getrandom() at start, causing long hang after boot
Matthias Klose
- [issue26839] python always calls getrandom() at start, causing long hang after boot
Matthias Klose
- [issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()
Jeremy Kloth
- [issue26820] Prevent uses of format string based PyObject_Call* that do not produce tuple required by docs
Jeremy Kloth
- [issue26039] More flexibility in zipfile write interface
Thomas Kluyver
- [issue26039] More flexibility in zipfile write interface
Thomas Kluyver
- [issue26039] More flexibility in zipfile write interface
Thomas Kluyver
- [issue26039] More flexibility in zipfile write interface
Thomas Kluyver
- [issue26039] More flexibility in zipfile write interface
Thomas Kluyver
- [issue26680] Incorporating float.is_integer into the numeric tower and Decimal
Stefan Krah
- [issue26680] Incorporating float.is_integer into the numeric tower and Decimal
Stefan Krah
- [issue25974] Fix statistics.py after the Decimal.as_integer_ratio() change
Stefan Krah
- [issue26680] Incorporating float.is_integer into the numeric tower and Decimal
Stefan Krah
- [issue25928] Add Decimal.as_integer_ratio()
Stefan Krah
- [issue26680] Incorporating float.is_integer into the numeric tower and Decimal
Stefan Krah
- [issue26680] Incorporating float.is_integer into the numeric tower and Decimal
Stefan Krah
- [issue26723] Add an option to skip _decimal module
Stefan Krah
- [issue26723] Add an option to skip _decimal module
Stefan Krah
- [issue20210] Provide configure options to enable/disable Python modules and extensions
Stefan Krah
- [issue26746] struct.pack(): trailing padding bytes on x64
Stefan Krah
- [issue3132] implement PEP 3118 struct changes
Stefan Krah
- [issue3132] implement PEP 3118 struct changes
Stefan Krah
- [issue26746] struct.pack(): trailing padding bytes on x64
Stefan Krah
- [issue25702] Link Time Optimizations support for GCC and CLANG
Stefan Krah
- [issue26359] CPython build options for out-of-the box performance
Stefan Krah
- [issue25702] Link Time Optimizations support for GCC and CLANG
Stefan Krah
- [issue25702] Link Time Optimizations support for GCC and CLANG
Stefan Krah
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
Stefan Krah
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
Stefan Krah
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
Stefan Krah
- [issue21955] ceval.c: implement fast path for integers with a single digit
Stefan Krah
- [issue20305] Android's incomplete locale.h implementation prevents cross-compilation
Stefan Krah
- [issue17905] Add check for locale.h
Stefan Krah
- [issue17905] Add check for locale.h
Stefan Krah
- [issue26846] Workaround for non-standard stdlib.h on Android
Stefan Krah
- [issue26846] Workaround for non-standard stdlib.h on Android
Stefan Krah
- [issue22747] Interpreter fails in initialize on systems where HAVE_LANGINFO_H is undefined
Stefan Krah
- [issue20306] Lack of pw_gecos field in Android's struct passwd causes cross-compilation for the pwd module to fail
Stefan Krah
- [issue26723] Add an option to skip _decimal module
Stefan Krah
- [issue26846] Workaround for non-standard stdlib.h on Android
Stefan Krah
- [issue20306] Lack of pw_gecos field in Android's struct passwd causes cross-compilation for the pwd module to fail
Stefan Krah
- [issue26839] python always calls getrandom() at start, causing long hang after boot
Stefan Krah
- [issue26839] python always calls getrandom() at start, causing long hang after boot
Stefan Krah
- [issue26839] Python 3.5 running in a virtual machine with Linux kernel 3.17+ can block at startup or on importing the random module on getrandom()
Stefan Krah
- [issue26839] Python 3.5 running in a virtual machine with Linux kernel 3.17+ can block at startup or on importing the random module on getrandom()
Stefan Krah
- [issue26857] gethostbyname_r() is broken on android
Stefan Krah
- [issue26854] missing header on android for the ossaudiodev module
Stefan Krah
- [issue26863] android lacks some declarations for the posix module
Stefan Krah
- [issue26862] SYS_getdents64 does not need to be defined on android API 21
Stefan Krah
- [issue26854] missing header on android for the ossaudiodev module
Stefan Krah
- [issue26853] missing symbols in curses and readline modules on android
Stefan Krah
- [issue26853] missing symbols in curses and readline modules on android
Stefan Krah
- [issue16255] subrocess.Popen needs /bin/sh but Android only has /system/bin/sh
Stefan Krah
- [issue26871] Change weird behavior of PyModule_AddObject()
Stefan Krah
- [issue26871] Change weird behavior of PyModule_AddObject()
Stefan Krah
- [issue26871] Change weird behavior of PyModule_AddObject()
Stefan Krah
- [issue26871] Change weird behavior of PyModule_AddObject()
Stefan Krah
- [issue26871] Change weird behavior of PyModule_AddObject()
Stefan Krah
- [issue26694] Disasembler fall with Key Error while disassemble obfuscated code.
Szymon Kuliński
- [issue23551] IDLE to provide menu link to PIP gui.
Upendra Kumar
- [issue26699] locale.str docstring is incorrect: "Convert float to integer"
Senthil Kumaran
- [issue26779] pdb continue followed by an exception in the same frame shows incorrect frame linenumber
Senthil Kumaran
- [issue26775] Improve test coverage on urllib.parse
Senthil Kumaran
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Senthil Kumaran
- [issue20116] urlparse.parse_qs should take argument for query separator
Senthil Kumaran
- [issue26780] Illustrate both binary operator conventions in PEP-8
Senthil Kumaran
- [issue23806] documentation for no_proxy is missing from the python3 urllib documentation
Senthil Kumaran
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Senthil Kumaran
- [issue22234] urllib.parse.urlparse accepts any falsy value as an url
Senthil Kumaran
- [issue26892] debuglevel not honored in urllib
Senthil Kumaran
- [issue26886] Cross-compiling python:3.5.x fails with "Parser/pgen: Parser/pgen: cannot execute binary file"
Peter L
- [issue26886] Cross-compiling python:3.5.x fails with "Parser/pgen: Parser/pgen: cannot execute binary file"
Peter L
- [issue26886] Cross-compiling python:3.5.x fails with "Parser/pgen: Parser/pgen: cannot execute binary file"
Peter L
- [issue26886] Cross-compiling python:3.5.x fails with "Parser/pgen: Parser/pgen: cannot execute binary file"
Peter L
- [issue26623] JSON encode: more informative error
Mahmoud Lababidi
- [issue26843] tokenize does not include Other_ID_Start or Other_ID_Continue in identifier
Joshua Landau
- [issue26843] tokenize does not include Other_ID_Start or Other_ID_Continue in identifier
Joshua Landau
- [issue22558] Missing doc links to source code
Yoni Lavi
- [issue22558] Missing doc links to source code
Yoni Lavi
- [issue21069] test_fileno of test_urllibnet intermittently fails
Mark Lawrence
- [issue10289] Document magic methods called by built-in functions
Mark Lawrence
- [issue20210] Provide configure options to enable/disable Python modules and extensions
Mark Lawrence
- [issue15994] memoryview to freed memory can cause segfault
Mark Lawrence
- [issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64
Mark Lawrence
- [issue2636] Adding a new regex module (compatible with re)
Mark Lawrence
- [issue9456] Apparent memory leak in PC/bdist_wininst/install.c
Mark Lawrence
- [issue10850] inconsistent behavior concerning multiprocessing.manager.BaseManager._Server
Mark Lawrence
- [issue26796] BaseEventLoop.run_in_executor shouldn't specify max_workers for default Executor
Hans Lawrenz
- [issue26796] BaseEventLoop.run_in_executor shouldn't specify max_workers for default Executor
Hans Lawrenz
- [issue26796] BaseEventLoop.run_in_executor shouldn't specify max_workers for default Executor
Hans Lawrenz
- [issue26792] docstrings of runpy.run_{module,path} are rather sparse
Antony Lee
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
Ian Lee
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
Ian Lee
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
Ian Lee
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
Ian Lee
- [issue24209] Allow IPv6 bind in http.server
Josh Lee
- [issue3213] "pydoc -p" should listen to [::] if IPv6 is supported
Josh Lee
- [issue26707] plistlib fails to parse bplist with 0x80 UID values
John Lehr
- [issue26707] plistlib fails to parse bplist with 0x80 UID values
John Lehr
- [issue26707] plistlib fails to parse bplist with 0x80 UID values
John Lehr
- [issue26707] plistlib fails to parse bplist with 0x80 UID values
John Lehr
- [issue1322] Deprecate platform.dist() and platform.linux_distribution() functions
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue25702] Link Time Optimizations support for GCC and CLANG
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue25702] Link Time Optimizations support for GCC and CLANG
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue26058] PEP 509: Add ma_version to PyDictObject
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue26058] PEP 509: Add ma_version to PyDictObject
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue25420] "import random" blocks on entropy collection on Linux with low entropy
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue26839] Python 3.5 running in a virtual machine with Linux kernel 3.17+ can block at startup or on importing the random module on getrandom()
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue26855] add platform.android_ver() for android
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue26855] add platform.android_ver() for android
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue23129] sqlite3 COMMIT nested in SELECT returns unexpected results
Daniel Lenski
- [issue25987] collections.abc.Reversible
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [issue25987] collections.abc.Reversible
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [issue26744] print() function hangs on MS-Windows 10
Ma Lin
- [issue26744] print() function hangs on MS-Windows 10
Ma Lin
- [issue26744] print() function hangs on MS-Windows 10
Ma Lin
- [issue26744] print() function hangs on MS-Windows 10
Ma Lin
- [issue26744] print() function hangs on MS-Windows 10
Ma Lin
- [issue26744] print() function hangs on MS-Windows 10
Ma Lin
- [issue26882] The Python process stops responding immediately after starting
Ma Lin
- [issue26761] winsound module very unstable in Windows 10
Ganning Liu
- [issue26761] winsound module very unstable in Windows 10
Ganning Liu
- [issue26847] filter docs unclear wording
- [issue26847] filter docs unclear wording
- [issue26847] filter docs unclear wording
- [issue20572] subprocess.Popen.wait() undocumented "endtime" parameter
Daryl Luna
- [issue24291] wsgiref.handlers.SimpleHandler truncates large output blobs
Jason Madden
- [issue24291] wsgiref.handlers.SimpleHandler truncates large output blobs
Jason Madden
- [issue24291] wsgiref.handlers.SimpleHandler truncates large output blobs
Jason Madden
- [issue24291] wsgiref.handlers.SimpleHandler truncates large output blobs
Jason Madden
- [issue24291] wsgiref.handlers.SimpleHandler truncates large output blobs
Jason Madden
- [issue26678] Incorrect linking to elements in datetime package
Andy Maier
- [issue26678] Incorrect linking to elements in datetime package
Andy Maier
- [issue26678] Incorrect linking to elements in datetime package
Andy Maier
- [issue26678] Incorrect linking to elements in datetime package
Andy Maier
- [issue1322] Deprecate platform.dist() and platform.linux_distribution() functions
Andy Maier
- [issue1322] Deprecate platform.dist() and platform.linux_distribution() functions
Andy Maier
- [issue1322] Deprecate platform.dist() and platform.linux_distribution() functions
Andy Maier
- [issue18378] locale.getdefaultlocale() fails on Mac OS X with default language set to English
Wolfgang Maier
- [issue26751] Possible bug in sorting algorithm
David Manowitz
- [issue26784] regular expression problem at umlaut handling
- [issue26784] regular expression problem at umlaut handling
- [issue26784] regular expression problem at umlaut handling
- [issue26571] turtle regression in 3.5
Ellison Marks
- [issue26722] Fold compare operators on constants (peephole)
Alexander Marshalov
- [issue26722] Fold compare operators on constants (peephole)
Alexander Marshalov
- [issue26726] Incomplete Internationalization in Argparse Module
Grady Martin
- [issue26698] IDLE DPI Awareness
Westley Martínez
- [issue18844] allow weights in random.choice
Westley Martínez
- [issue26698] Tk DPI awareness
Westley Martínez
- [issue26844] Wrong error message during import
Lev Maximov
- [issue18820] json.dump() ignores its 'default' option when serializing dictionary keys
Erwin Mayer
- [issue18820] json.dump() ignores its 'default' option when serializing dictionary keys
Erwin Mayer
- [issue21622] ctypes.util incorrectly fails for libraries without DT_SONAME
Kylie McClain
- [issue26348] activate.fish sets VENV prompt incorrectly
Dan McCombs
- [issue26348] activate.fish sets VENV prompt incorrectly
Dan McCombs
- [issue26348] activate.fish sets VENV prompt incorrectly
Dan McCombs
- [issue1346874] httplib simply ignores CONTINUE
Patrick J McNerthney
- [issue1346874] httplib simply ignores CONTINUE
Patrick J McNerthney
- [issue26894] Readline not aborting line edition on sigint
- [issue8027] distutils fail to determine c++ linker with unixcompiler if using ccache
Dan Mick
- [issue26866] Inconsistent environment in Windows using "Open With"
Tom Middleton
- [issue26866] Inconsistent environment in Windows using "Open With"
Tom Middleton
- [issue26866] Inconsistent environment in Windows using "Open With"
Tom Middleton
- [issue25320] unittest loader.py TypeError when code directory contains a socket
Mike Miller
- [issue26896] mix-up with the terms 'importer', 'finder', 'loader' in the import system and related code
Oren Milman
- [issue26896] mix-up with the terms 'importer', 'finder', 'loader' in the import system and related code
Oren Milman
- [issue26896] mix-up with the terms 'importer', 'finder', 'loader' in the import system and related code
Oren Milman
- [issue26813] Wrong Japanese translation of "Adverb" on Documentation
Ken Miura
- [issue26718] super.__init__ leaks memory if called multiple times
Kevin Modzelewski
- [issue23236] asyncio: add timeout to StreamReader read methods
Alexander Mohr
- [issue24557] Refactor LibreSSL / EGD detection
Paul Moore
- [issue26805] Refer to types.SimpleNamespace in namedtuple documentation
Paul Moore
- [issue26805] Refer to types.SimpleNamespace in namedtuple documentation
Paul Moore
- [issue26805] Refer to types.SimpleNamespace in namedtuple documentation
Paul Moore
- [issue26805] Refer to types.SimpleNamespace in namedtuple documentation
Paul Moore
- [issue26682] Ttk Notebook tabs do not show with 1-2 char names
- [issue26864] urllib.request no_proxy check differs from curl
Daniel Morrison
- [issue26864] urllib.request no_proxy check differs from curl
Daniel Morrison
- [issue15012] test issue
R. David Murray
- [issue15012] test issue
R. David Murray
- [issue26701] Documentation for int constructor mentions __int__ but not __trunc__
R. David Murray
- [issue26713] Change f-literal grammar so that escaping isn’t possible or necessary
R. David Murray
- [issue26713] Change f-literal grammar so that escaping isn’t possible or necessary
R. David Murray
- [issue26730] SpooledTemporaryFile doesn't correctly preserve data for text (non-binary) SpooledTemporaryFile objects when Unicode characters are written
R. David Murray
- [issue22234] urllib.parse.urlparse accepts any falsy value as an url
R. David Murray
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
- [issue26813] Wrong Japanese translation of "Adverb" on Documentation
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Charles-François Natali
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Charles-François Natali
- [issue26848] asyncio.subprocess's communicate() method mishandles empty input bytes
Jack O'Connor
- [issue26848] asyncio.subprocess's communicate() method mishandles empty input bytes
Jack O'Connor
- [issue26848] asyncio.subprocess's communicate() method mishandles empty input bytes
Jack O'Connor
- [issue26737] csv.DictReader throws generic error when fieldnames is accessed on non-text file
Bayo Opadeyi
- [issue26737] csv.DictReader throws generic error when fieldnames is accessed for non-text file
Bayo Opadeyi
- [issue26737] csv.DictReader throws generic error when fieldnames is accessed for non-text file
Bayo Opadeyi
- [issue20116] urlparse.parse_qs should take argument for query separator
Ruben D. Orduz
- [issue26707] plistlib fails to parse bplist with 0x80 UID values
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue26709] Year 2038 problem in plistlib
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue26711] Fix comparison of plistlib.Data
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue19317] ctypes.util.find_library should examine binary's RPATH on Solaris
Richard PALO
- [issue19317] ctypes.util.find_library should examine binary's RPATH on Solaris
Richard PALO
- [issue19317] ctypes.util.find_library should examine binary's RPATH on Solaris
Richard PALO
- [issue19317] ctypes.util.find_library should examine binary's RPATH on Solaris
Richard PALO
- [issue26488] hashlib command line interface
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue17436] hashlib: add a method to hash the content of a file
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue26488] hashlib command line interface
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue26488] hashlib command line interface
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue17436] hashlib: add a method to hash the content of a file
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue26705] logging.Handler.handleError should be called from logging.Handler.handle
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue26705] logging.Handler.handleError should be called from logging.Handler.handle
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue26705] logging.Handler.handleError should be called from logging.Handler.handle
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue14265] Fully qualified test name in failure output
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue26781] os.walk max_depth
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue26783] test_os.WalkTests.test_walk_topdown don't test fwalk and Bytes
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue26781] os.walk max_depth
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue26781] os.walk max_depth
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue26860] os.walk and os.fwalk yield namedtuple instead of tuple
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue26860] os.walk and os.fwalk yield namedtuple instead of tuple
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue26860] os.walk and os.fwalk yield namedtuple instead of tuple
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue9303] Migrate sqlite3 module to _v2 API to enhance performance
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue26187] sqlite3 trace callback prints duplicate line
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue24887] Sqlite3 has no option to provide open flags
Aviv Palivoda
- [issue26676] Add missing XMLPullParser to ElementTree.__all__
Martin Panter
- [issue21069] test_fileno of test_urllibnet intermittently fails
Martin Panter
- [issue26685] Raise errors from socket.close()
Martin Panter
- [issue26685] Raise errors from socket.close()
Martin Panter
- [issue26678] Incorrect linking to elements in datetime package
Martin Panter
- [issue26686] email.parser stops parsing headers too soon.
Martin Panter
- [issue26678] Incorrect linking to elements in datetime package
Martin Panter
- [issue26488] hashlib command line interface
Martin Panter
- [issue21069] test_fileno of test_urllibnet intermittently fails
Martin Panter
- [issue26657] Directory traversal with http.server and SimpleHTTPServer on windows
Martin Panter
- [issue1346874] httplib simply ignores CONTINUE
Martin Panter
- [issue26586] Simple enhancement to BaseHTTPRequestHandler
Martin Panter
- [issue26609] Wrong request target in test_httpservers.py
Martin Panter
- [issue26678] Incorrect linking to elements in datetime package
Martin Panter
- [issue26657] Directory traversal with http.server and SimpleHTTPServer on windows
Martin Panter
- [issue19959] argparse.FileType does not expand tilde "~"
Martin Panter
- [issue26586] Simple enhancement to BaseHTTPRequestHandler
Martin Panter
- [issue25951] SSLSocket.sendall() does not return None on success like socket.sendall()
Martin Panter
- [issue26585] Use html.escape to replace _quote_html in http.server
Martin Panter
- [issue23735] Readline not adjusting width after resize with 6.3
Martin Panter
- [issue21069] test_fileno of test_urllibnet intermittently fails
Martin Panter
- [issue1346874] httplib simply ignores CONTINUE
Martin Panter
- [issue24291] wsgiref.handlers.SimpleHandler truncates large output blobs
Martin Panter
- [issue24291] wsgiref.handlers.SimpleHandler truncates large output blobs
Martin Panter
- [issue26685] Raise errors from socket.close()
Martin Panter
- [issue26685] Raise errors from socket.close()
Martin Panter
- [issue24911] Context manager of socket.socket is not documented
Martin Panter
- [issue6953] readline documentation needs work
Martin Panter
- [issue15112] argparse: nargs='*' positional argument doesn't accept any items if preceded by an option and another positional
Martin Panter
- [issue26257] Eliminate buffer_tests.py
Martin Panter
- [issue26257] Eliminate buffer_tests.py
Martin Panter
- [issue12494] subprocess: check_output() doesn't close pipes on error
Martin Panter
- [issue25942] subprocess.call SIGKILLs too liberally
Martin Panter
- [issue3213] "pydoc -p" should listen to [::] if IPv6 is supported
Martin Panter
- [issue26693] Exception exceptions.AttributeError '_shutdown' in <module 'threading' >
Martin Panter
- [issue9694] argparse required arguments displayed under "optional arguments"
Martin Panter
- [issue6953] readline documentation needs work
Martin Panter
- [issue10796] Improve doc for readline.set_completer_delims()
Martin Panter
- [issue26257] Eliminate buffer_tests.py
Martin Panter
- [issue26703] Socket state corrupts when original socket object goes out of scope in a different thread
Martin Panter
- [issue26703] Socket state corrupts when original socket object goes out of scope in a different thread
Martin Panter
- [issue26703] Socket state corrupts when original socket object goes out of scope in a different thread
Martin Panter
- [issue26671] Clean up path_converter in posixmodule.c
Martin Panter
- [issue26712] Unify (r)split(), (l/r)strip() method tests
Martin Panter
- [issue26717] wsgiref.simple_server: mojibake with cp1252 bytes in PATH_INFO
Martin Panter
- [issue26257] Eliminate buffer_tests.py
Martin Panter
- [issue26717] wsgiref.simple_server: mojibake with cp1252 bytes in PATH_INFO
Martin Panter
- [issue26712] Unify (r)split(), (l/r)strip() method tests
Martin Panter
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
Martin Panter
- [issue25314] Documentation: argparse's actions store_{true, false} default to False/True (undocumented)
Martin Panter
- [issue25314] Documentation: argparse's actions store_{true, false} default to False/True (undocumented)
Martin Panter
- [issue25314] Documentation: argparse's actions store_{true, false} default to False/True (undocumented)
Martin Panter
- [issue16679] Add advice about non-ASCII wsgiref PATH_INFO
Martin Panter
- [issue24291] wsgiref.handlers.SimpleHandler truncates large output blobs
Martin Panter
- [issue26720] memoryview from BufferedWriter becomes garbage
Martin Panter
- [issue26721] Avoid socketserver.StreamRequestHandler.wfile doing partial writes
Martin Panter
- [issue24291] wsgiref.handlers.SimpleHandler truncates large output blobs
Martin Panter
- [issue24291] wsgiref.handlers.SimpleHandler truncates large output blobs
Martin Panter
- [issue17339] bytes() TypeError message is misleadingly narrow
Martin Panter
- [issue26720] memoryview from BufferedWriter becomes garbage
Martin Panter
- [issue21069] test_fileno of test_urllibnet intermittently fails
Martin Panter
- [issue26609] Wrong request target in test_httpservers.py
Martin Panter
- [issue26721] Avoid socketserver.StreamRequestHandler.wfile doing partial writes
Martin Panter
- [issue15984] Wrong documentation for PyUnicode_FromObject() and PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject()
Martin Panter
- [issue15984] Wrong documentation for PyUnicode_FromObject() and PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject()
Martin Panter
- [issue15984] Wrong documentation for PyUnicode_FromObject() and PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject()
Martin Panter
- [issue26057] Avoid nonneeded use of PyUnicode_FromObject()
Martin Panter
- [issue26729] Incorrect __text_signature__ for sorted
Martin Panter
- [issue26730] SpooledTemporaryFile doesn't correctly preserve data for text (non-binary) SpooledTemporaryFile objects when Unicode characters are written
Martin Panter
- [issue26712] Unify (r)split(), (l/r)strip() method tests
Martin Panter
- [issue26685] Raise errors from socket.close()
Martin Panter
- [issue24291] wsgiref.handlers.SimpleHandler truncates large output blobs
Martin Panter
- [issue26585] Use html.escape to replace _quote_html in http.server
Martin Panter
- [issue26720] memoryview from BufferedWriter becomes garbage
Martin Panter
- [issue25910] Fixing links in documentation
Martin Panter
- [issue9334] argparse does not accept options taking arguments beginning with dash (regression from optparse)
Martin Panter
- [issue26729] Incorrect __text_signature__ for sorted
Martin Panter
- [issue15994] memoryview to freed memory can cause segfault
Martin Panter
- [issue20699] Document that binary IO classes work with bytes-likes objects
Martin Panter
- [issue26720] memoryview from BufferedWriter becomes garbage
Martin Panter
- [issue25942] subprocess.call SIGKILLs too liberally
Martin Panter
- [issue26729] Incorrect __text_signature__ for sorted
Martin Panter
- [issue26741] subprocess.Popen should emit a ResourceWarning in destructor if the process is still running
Martin Panter
- [issue26742] imports in test_warnings changes warnings.filters
Martin Panter
- [issue14784] Re-importing _warnings changes warnings.filters
Martin Panter
- [issue26741] subprocess.Popen should emit a ResourceWarning in destructor if the process is still running
Martin Panter
- [issue26404] socketserver context manager
Martin Panter
- [issue26720] memoryview from BufferedWriter becomes garbage
Martin Panter
- [issue25942] subprocess.call SIGKILLs too liberally
Martin Panter
- [issue25496] tarfile: Default value for compresslevel is not documented
Martin Panter
- [issue26746] struct.pack(): trailing padding bytes on x64
Martin Panter
- [issue15984] Wrong documentation for PyUnicode_FromObject() and PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject()
Martin Panter
- [issue26057] Avoid nonneeded use of PyUnicode_FromObject()
Martin Panter
- [issue26754] PyUnicode_FSDecoder() accepts arbitrary iterable
Martin Panter
- [issue17339] bytes() TypeError message is misleadingly narrow
Martin Panter
- [issue26638] Avoid warnings about missing CLI options when building documentation
Martin Panter
- [issue19985] Not so correct error message when initializing Struct with ill argument
Martin Panter
- [issue26721] Avoid socketserver.StreamRequestHandler.wfile doing partial writes
Martin Panter
- [issue19985] Not so correct error message when initializing Struct with ill argument
Martin Panter
- [issue26762] test_multiprocessing_spawn leaves processes running in background
Martin Panter
- [issue26535] Minor typo in the docs for struct.unpack
Martin Panter
- [issue15984] Wrong documentation for PyUnicode_FromObject() and PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject()
Martin Panter
- [issue25654] test_multiprocessing_spawn ResourceWarning with -Werror
Martin Panter
- [issue26757] test_urllib2net.test_http_basic() timeout after 15 min on
Martin Panter
- [issue26745] Redundant code in _PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict
Martin Panter
- [issue26535] Minor typo in the docs for struct.unpack
Martin Panter
- [issue26745] Redundant code in _PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict
Martin Panter
- [issue20699] Document that binary IO classes work with bytes-likes objects
Martin Panter
- [issue26657] Directory traversal with http.server and SimpleHTTPServer on windows
Martin Panter
- [issue26769] Python 2.7: make private file descriptors non inheritable
Martin Panter
- [issue26535] Minor typo in the docs for struct.unpack
Martin Panter
- [issue25314] Documentation: argparse's actions store_{true, false} default to False/True (undocumented)
Martin Panter
- [issue26638] Avoid warnings about missing CLI options when building documentation
Martin Panter
- [issue26638] Avoid warnings about missing CLI options when building documentation
Martin Panter
- [issue26638] Avoid warnings about missing CLI options when building documentation
Martin Panter
- [issue25942] subprocess.call SIGKILLs too liberally
Martin Panter
- [issue26778] More typo fixes
Martin Panter
- [issue26782] subprocess.__all__ incomplete on Windows
Martin Panter
- [issue10838] subprocess __all__ is incomplete
Martin Panter
- [issue26659] slice() leaks memory when part of a cycle
Martin Panter
- [issue26778] More typo fixes
Martin Panter
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Martin Panter
- [issue26782] subprocess.__all__ incomplete on Windows
Martin Panter
- [issue4806] Function calls taking a generator as star argument can mask TypeErrors in the generator
Martin Panter
- [issue26717] wsgiref.simple_server: mojibake with cp1252 bytes in PATH_INFO
Martin Panter
- [issue26554] PC\bdist_wininst\install.c: Missing call to fclose()
Martin Panter
- [issue26657] Directory traversal with http.server and SimpleHTTPServer on windows
Martin Panter
- [issue15994] memoryview to freed memory can cause segfault
Martin Panter
- [issue26720] memoryview from BufferedWriter becomes garbage
Martin Panter
- [issue26730] SpooledTemporaryFile doesn't correctly preserve data for text (non-binary) SpooledTemporaryFile objects when Unicode characters are written
Martin Panter
- [issue26016] io.TextIOWrapper.tell() report 65bit number when mix readline() + tell()
Martin Panter
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Martin Panter
- [issue26730] SpooledTemporaryFile doesn't correctly preserve data for text (non-binary) SpooledTemporaryFile objects when Unicode characters are written
Martin Panter
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Martin Panter
- [issue26769] Python 2.7: make private file descriptors non inheritable
Martin Panter
- [issue24291] Many servers (wsgiref, http.server, etc) can truncate large output blobs
Martin Panter
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Martin Panter
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
Martin Panter
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
Martin Panter
- [issue22625] When cross-compiling, don’t try to execute binaries
Martin Panter
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Martin Panter
- [issue26808] wsgiref.simple_server breaks unicode in URIs
Martin Panter
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
Martin Panter
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
Martin Panter
- [issue26810] inconsistent garbage collector behavior across platforms when using ctypes data-structures
Martin Panter
- [issue15873] datetime: add ability to parse RFC 3339 dates and times
Martin Panter
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Martin Panter
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
Martin Panter
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
Martin Panter
- [issue26808] wsgiref.simple_server breaks unicode in URIs
Martin Panter
- [issue16679] Add advice about non-ASCII wsgiref PATH_INFO
Martin Panter
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
Martin Panter
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
Martin Panter
- [issue26822] itemgetter/attrgetter/methodcaller objects ignore keyword arguments
Martin Panter
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
Martin Panter
- [issue20962] Rather modest chunk size in gzip.GzipFile
Martin Panter
- [issue7980] time.strptime not thread safe
Martin Panter
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Martin Panter
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Martin Panter
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
Martin Panter
- [issue20962] Rather modest chunk size in gzip.GzipFile
Martin Panter
- [issue16679] Add advice about non-ASCII wsgiref PATH_INFO
Martin Panter
- [issue26721] Avoid socketserver.StreamRequestHandler.wfile doing partial writes
Martin Panter
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
Martin Panter
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Martin Panter
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Martin Panter
- [issue24911] Context manager of socket.socket is not documented
Martin Panter
- [issue26837] assertSequenceEqual() raises BytesWarning when format message
Martin Panter
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Martin Panter
- [issue24114] ctypes.utils uninitialized variable 'paths'
Martin Panter
- [issue6338] Error message displayed on stderr when no C compiler is present with ctypes
Martin Panter
- [issue18502] CDLL does not use same paths as util.find_library
Martin Panter
- [issue9998] ctypes find_library should search LD_LIBRARY_PATH on linux
Martin Panter
- [issue19317] ctypes.util.find_library should examine binary's RPATH on Solaris
Martin Panter
- [issue21622] ctypes.util incorrectly fails for libraries without DT_SONAME
Martin Panter
- [issue21826] Performance issue (+fix) AIX ctypes.util with no /sbin/ldconfig present
Martin Panter
- [issue26439] ctypes.util.find_library fails when ldconfig/glibc not available (e.g., AIX)
Martin Panter
- [issue11063] uuid.py module import has heavy side effects
Martin Panter
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Martin Panter
- [issue26039] More flexibility in zipfile write interface
Martin Panter
- [issue22234] urllib.parse.urlparse accepts any falsy value as an url
Martin Panter
- [issue26512] Vocabulary: Using "integral" in library/stdtypes.html
Martin Panter
- [issue26512] Vocabulary: Using "integral" in library/stdtypes.html
Martin Panter
- [issue26512] Vocabulary: Using "integral" in library/stdtypes.html
Martin Panter
- [issue26512] Vocabulary: Using "integral" in library/stdtypes.html
Martin Panter
- [issue9998] ctypes find_library should search LD_LIBRARY_PATH on linux
Martin Panter
- [issue23275] Can assign [] = (), but not () = []
Martin Panter
- [issue20598] argparse docs: '7'.split() is confusing magic
Martin Panter
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Martin Panter
- [issue26859] unittest fails with "Start directory is not importable"
Martin Panter
- [issue24933] socket.recv(size, MSG_TRUNC) returns more than size bytes
Martin Panter
- [issue26864] urllib.request no_proxy check differs from curl
Martin Panter
- [issue22234] urllib.parse.urlparse accepts any falsy value as an url
Martin Panter
- [issue26481] unittest discovery process not working without .py source files
Martin Panter
- [issue26870] Unexpected call to readline's add_history in call_readline
Martin Panter
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Martin Panter
- [issue26864] urllib.request no_proxy check differs from curl
Martin Panter
- [issue26439] ctypes.util.find_library fails when ldconfig/glibc not available (e.g., AIX)
Martin Panter
- [issue26439] ctypes.util.find_library fails when ldconfig/glibc not available (e.g., AIX)
Martin Panter
- [issue26439] ctypes.util.find_library fails when ldconfig/glibc not available (e.g., AIX)
Martin Panter
- [issue26439] ctypes.util.find_library fails when ldconfig/glibc not available (e.g., AIX)
Martin Panter
- [issue19317] ctypes.util.find_library should examine binary's RPATH on Solaris
Martin Panter
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module.
Martin Panter
- [issue26439] ctypes.util.find_library fails when ldconfig/glibc not available (e.g., AIX)
Martin Panter
- [issue23453] Clarify bytes vs text with non-seeking tarfile stream
Martin Panter
- [issue10436] tarfile.extractfile in "r|" stream mode fails with filenames or members from getmembers()
Martin Panter
- [issue26877] tarfile use wrong code when read from fileobj
Martin Panter
- [issue26877] tarfile use wrong code when read from fileobj
Martin Panter
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module.
Martin Panter
- [issue26864] urllib.request no_proxy check differs from curl
Martin Panter
- [issue26359] CPython build options for out-of-the box performance
Alecsandru Patrascu
- [issue25702] Link Time Optimizations support for GCC and CLANG
Alecsandru Patrascu
- [issue26359] CPython build options for out-of-the box performance
Alecsandru Patrascu
- [issue25702] Link Time Optimizations support for GCC and CLANG
Alecsandru Patrascu
- [issue26359] CPython build options for out-of-the box performance
Alecsandru Patrascu
- [issue26787] test_distutils fails when configured --with-lto
Alecsandru Patrascu
- [issue26788] test_gdb fails all tests on a profile-opt build configured --with-lto
Alecsandru Patrascu
- [issue26787] test_distutils fails when configured --with-lto
Alecsandru Patrascu
- [issue26787] test_distutils fails when configured --with-lto
Alecsandru Patrascu
- [issue26788] test_gdb fails all tests on a profile-opt build configured --with-lto
Alecsandru Patrascu
- [issue26359] CPython build options for out-of-the box performance
Alecsandru Patrascu
- [issue26687] Use Py_RETURN_NONE in sqlite3 module
Berker Peksag
- [issue26687] Use Py_RETURN_NONE in sqlite3 module
Berker Peksag
- [issue26688] unittest2 referenced in unittest.mock documentation
Berker Peksag
- [issue26679] curses: Descripton of KEY_NPAGE and KEY_PPAGE inverted
Berker Peksag
- [issue5901] missing meta-info in documentation pdf
Berker Peksag
- [issue13952] mimetypes doesn't recognize .csv
Berker Peksag
- [issue23371] mimetypes initialization fails on Windows because of TypeError
Berker Peksag
- [issue21718] sqlite3 cursor.description seems to rely on incomplete statement parsing for detection
Berker Peksag
- [issue6953] readline documentation needs work
Berker Peksag
- [issue18820] json.dump() ignores its 'default' option when serializing dictionary keys
Berker Peksag
- [issue26713] Change f-literal grammar so that escaping isn’t possible or necessary
Berker Peksag
- [issue23397] PEP 431 implementation
Berker Peksag
- [issue26687] Use Py_RETURN_NONE in sqlite3 module
Berker Peksag
- [issue19377] Backport SVG mime type to Python 2
Berker Peksag
- [issue16329] mimetypes does not support webm type
Berker Peksag
- [issue13952] mimetypes doesn't recognize .csv
Berker Peksag
- [issue17264] Update Building C and C++ Extensions with distutils documentation
Berker Peksag
- [issue21069] test_fileno of test_urllibnet intermittently fails
Berker Peksag
- [issue22659] SyntaxError in the configure_ctypes
Berker Peksag
- [issue26737] csv.DictReader throws generic error when fieldnames is accessed for non-text file
Berker Peksag
- [issue24136] document PEP 448: unpacking generalization
Berker Peksag
- [issue24136] document PEP 448: unpacking generalization
Berker Peksag
- [issue24557] Refactor LibreSSL / EGD detection
Berker Peksag
- [issue19217] Calling assertEquals for moderately long list takes too long
Berker Peksag
- [issue19217] Calling assertEquals for moderately long list takes too long
Berker Peksag
- [issue26639] Tools/i18n/pygettext.py: replace deprecated imp module with importlib
Berker Peksag
- [issue26639] Tools/i18n/pygettext.py: replace deprecated imp module with importlib
Berker Peksag
- [issue20767] Some python extensions can't be compiled with clang 3.4
Berker Peksag
- [issue15984] Wrong documentation for PyUnicode_FromObject() and PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject()
Berker Peksag
- [issue26749] Update devguide to include Fedora's DNF
Berker Peksag
- [issue26755] Update version{added,changed} docs in devguide
Berker Peksag
- [issue26747] types.InstanceType only for old style class only in 2.7
Berker Peksag
- [issue19444] mmap.mmap() allocates a file descriptor that isn't CLOEXEC
Berker Peksag
- [issue26766] Redundant check in bytearray_mod
Berker Peksag
- [issue26358] mmap.mmap.__iter__ is broken (yields bytes instead of ints)
Berker Peksag
- [issue26766] Redundant check in bytearray_mod
Berker Peksag
- [issue26768] Fix instructions at WindowsCompilers for MSVC/SDKs
Berker Peksag
- [issue26766] Redundant check in bytearray_mod
Berker Peksag
- [issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64
Berker Peksag
- [issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64
Berker Peksag
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
Berker Peksag
- [issue26766] The result type of bytearray formatting is not stable
Berker Peksag
- [issue24922] assertWarnsRegex doesn't allow multiple warning messages
Berker Peksag
- [issue20739] PEP 463 (except expression) implementation
Berker Peksag
- [issue21274] define PATH_MAX for GNU/Hurd in Python/pythonrun.c
Berker Peksag
- [issue24922] assertWarnsRegex doesn't allow multiple warning messages
Berker Peksag
- [issue23029] test_warnings produces extra output in quiet mode
Berker Peksag
- [issue25989] documentation version switcher is broken fro 2.6, 3.2, 3.3
Berker Peksag
- [issue13340] list.index does not accept None as start or stop
Berker Peksag
- [issue15933] flaky test in test_datetime
Berker Peksag
- [issue24173] curses HOWTO/implementation disagreement
Berker Peksag
- [issue7694] DeprecationWarnings in distutils are pointless
Berker Peksag
- [issue25642] Setting maxsize breaks asyncio.JoinableQueue/Queue
Berker Peksag
- [issue19791] test_pathlib should use can_symlink or skip_unless_symlink from test.support
Berker Peksag
- [issue22873] Re: SSLsocket.getpeercert - return ALL the fields of the certificate.
Berker Peksag
- [issue26615] Missing entry in WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS in update_wrapper's doc
Berker Peksag
- [issue26755] Update version{added,changed} docs in devguide
Berker Peksag
- [issue18591] threading.Thread.run returning a result
Berker Peksag
- [issue17233] http.client header debug output format
Berker Peksag
- [issue23251] mention in time.sleep() docs that it does not block other Python threads
Berker Peksag
- [issue13826] Having a shlex example in the subprocess.Popen docs is confusing
Berker Peksag
- [issue24838] tarfile.py: fix GNU and USTAR formats to properly handle paths with special characters that are encoded with more than one byte each
Berker Peksag
- [issue26805] Refer to types.SimpleNamespace in namedtuple documentation
Berker Peksag
- [issue23710] C API doc for PyObject_HEAD is outdated
Berker Peksag
- [issue9014] Incorrect documentation of the PyObject_HEAD macro
Berker Peksag
- [issue11233] clarifying Availability: Unix
Berker Peksag
- [issue22297] 2.7 json encoding broken for enums
Berker Peksag
- [issue13876] Sporadic failure in test_socket: testRecvmsgEOF
Berker Peksag
- [issue4260] ctypes.xFUNCTYPE are decorators.
Berker Peksag
- [issue1612012] builtin compile() doc needs PyCF_DONT_IMPLY_DEDENT
Berker Peksag
- [issue26805] Refer to types.SimpleNamespace in namedtuple documentation
Berker Peksag
- [issue20001] pathlib inheritance diagram too large
Berker Peksag
- [issue16577] Suspect test.test_codeccallbacks.test_mutatingdecodehandler
Berker Peksag
- [issue26750] Mock autospec does not work with subclasses of property()
Berker Peksag
- [issue12743] C API marshalling doc contains XXX
Berker Peksag
- [issue26818] trace CLI doesn't respect -s option
Berker Peksag
- [issue9317] Incorrect coverage file from trace test_pickle.py
Berker Peksag
- [issue7275] CoverageResult fails to merge input file with non-empty callers in trace.py
Berker Peksag
- [issue26830] Refactor Tools/scripts/google.py
Berker Peksag
- [issue7567] Messed up terminal after calling curses.initscr() twice.
Berker Peksag
- [issue20077] Format of TypeError differs between comparison and arithmetic operators
Berker Peksag
- [issue12640] test_ctypes seg fault (test_callback_register_double); armv7; gcc 4.5.1
Berker Peksag
- [issue23806] documentation for no_proxy is missing from the python3 urllib documentation
Berker Peksag
- [issue23516] pip: urllib3 does not encode userinfo section of URL with authentication credentials
Berker Peksag
- [issue14713] PEP 414 installation hook fails with an AssertionError
Berker Peksag
- [issue11645] "Expand 10 after" on rietveld shows a duplicate line
Berker Peksag
- [issue20112] The documentation for http.server error_message_format is inadequate.
Berker Peksag
- [issue26089] Duplicated keyword in distutils metadata
Berker Peksag
- [issue21382] Signal module doesnt raises ValueError Exception
Berker Peksag
- [issue18353] PyUnicode_WRITE_CHAR macro definition missing
Berker Peksag
- [issue18572] Remove redundant note about surrogates in string escape doc
Berker Peksag
- [issue20572] subprocess.Popen.wait() undocumented "endtime" parameter
Berker Peksag
- [issue19731] Fix copyright footer
Berker Peksag
- [issue26041] Update deprecation messages of platform.dist() and platform.linux_distribution()
Berker Peksag
- [issue23277] Cleanup unused and duplicate imports in tests
Berker Peksag
- [issue23277] Cleanup unused and duplicate imports in tests
Berker Peksag
- [issue26840] Hidden test in test_heapq
Berker Peksag
- [issue26841] Hidden test in ctypes tests
Berker Peksag
- [issue12305] Building PEPs doesn't work on Python 3
Berker Peksag
- [issue23961] IDLE autocomplete window does not automatically close when selection is made
Berker Peksag
- [issue24331] *** Error in `/usr/bin/python': double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0000000000f5c760 *** when cloning hg repository into directory on cifs
Berker Peksag
- [issue24114] ctypes.utils uninitialized variable 'paths'
Berker Peksag
- [issue23662] Cookie.domain is undocumented
Berker Peksag
- [issue9456] Apparent memory leak in PC/bdist_wininst/install.c
Berker Peksag
- [issue23662] Cookie.domain is undocumented
Berker Peksag
- [issue7504] Same name cookies
Berker Peksag
- [issue991266] Cookie.py does not correctly quote Morsels
Berker Peksag
- [issue26848] asyncio.subprocess's communicate() method mishandles empty input bytes
Berker Peksag
- [issue23275] Can assign [] = (), but not () = []
Berker Peksag
- [issue20598] argparse docs: '7'.split() is confusing magic
Berker Peksag
- [issue26862] SYS_getdents64 does not need to be defined on android API 21
Berker Peksag
- [issue26536] Add the SIO_LOOPBACK_FAST_PATH option to socket.ioctl
Berker Peksag
- [issue26536] Add the SIO_LOOPBACK_FAST_PATH option to socket.ioctl
Berker Peksag
- [issue24933] socket.recv(size, MSG_TRUNC) returns more than size bytes
Berker Peksag
- [issue25452] Add __bool__() method to subprocess.CompletedProcess
Berker Peksag
- [issue24147] Dialect class defaults are not documented.
Berker Peksag
- [issue26868] Incorrect check for return value of PyModule_AddObject in _csv.c
Berker Peksag
- [issue26672] regrtest missing in the module name
Berker Peksag
- [issue26868] Incorrect check for return value of PyModule_AddObject in _csv.c
Berker Peksag
- [issue20447] doctest.debug_script: insecure use of /tmp
Berker Peksag
- [issue20453] json.load() error message changed in 3.4
Berker Peksag
- [issue1145257] shutil.copystat() may fail...
Berker Peksag
- [issue18551] child_exec() doesn't check return value of fcntl()
Berker Peksag
- [issue26868] Document PyModule_AddObject's behavior on error
Berker Peksag
- [issue26358] mmap.mmap.__iter__ is broken (yields bytes instead of ints)
Berker Peksag
- [issue9321] CGIHTTPServer cleanup htbin
Berker Peksag
- [issue10850] inconsistent behavior concerning multiprocessing.manager.BaseManager._Server
Berker Peksag
- [issue8491] Need readline command and keybinding information
Berker Peksag
- [issue26865] Meta-issue: support of the android platform
Berker Peksag
- [issue26322] Missing docs for typing.Set
Berker Peksag
- [issue20247] Condition._is_owned is wrong
Berker Peksag
- [issue24902] http.server: on startup, show host/port as URL
Berker Peksag
- [issue25551] Event's test_reset_internal_locks too fragile
Berker Peksag
- [issue13436] compile() doesn't work on ImportFrom with level=None
Berker Peksag
- [issue13436] compile() doesn't work on ImportFrom with level=None
Berker Peksag
- [issue18956] Document useful functions in ‘pydoc’ module
Berker Peksag
- [issue23960] PyErr_SetImportError doesn't clean up on some errors
Berker Peksag
- [issue26893] ValueError exception raised when using IntEnum with an attribute called "name" and @unique decorator
Berker Peksag
- [issue14882] Link/Compile Error on Sun Sparc Solaris10 with gcc3.4.3----python2.6.8
Berker Peksag
- [issue23897] Update Python 3 extension module porting guide
Berker Peksag
- [issue21746] urlparse.BaseResult no longer exists
Berker Peksag
- [issue1944] Document PyUnicode_* API
Berker Peksag
- [issue18688] Document undocumented Unicode object API
Berker Peksag
- [issue10435] Document unicode C-API in reST
Berker Peksag
- [issue18688] Document undocumented Unicode object API
Berker Peksag
- [issue26731] subprocess on windows leaks stdout/stderr handle to child process when stdout/stderr overridden
Matt Peters
- [issue26751] Possible bug in sorting algorithm
Tim Peters
- [issue26753] Obmalloc lock LOCK_INIT and LOCK_FINI are never used
Tim Peters
- [issue26895] regex matching on bytes considers zero byte as end
Tim Peters
- [issue25731] Assigning and deleting __new__ attr on the class does not allow to create instances of this class
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue26751] Possible bug in sorting algorithm
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue26813] Wrong Japanese translation of "Adverb" on Documentation
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue26703] Socket state corrupts when original socket object goes out of scope in a different thread
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue18844] allow weights in random.choice
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue26703] Socket state corrupts when original socket object goes out of scope in a different thread
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue26734] Repeated mmap\munmap calls during temporary allocation
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue26748] enum.Enum is False-y
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue26748] enum.Enum is False-y
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue26748] enum.Enum is False-y
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue26748] enum.Enum is False-y
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue25702] Link Time Optimizations support for GCC and CLANG
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue26754] PyUnicode_FSDecoder() accepts arbitrary iterable
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue26759] PyBytes_FromObject accepts arbitrary iterable
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue26774] Elide Py_atomic fences when WITH_THREAD is disabled?
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue26794] curframe can be None in pdb.py
Jacek Pliszka
- [issue26699] locale.str docstring is incorrect: "Convert float to integer"
Luiz Poleto
- [issue26749] Update devguide to include Fedora's DNF
Luiz Poleto
- [issue26749] Update devguide to include Fedora's DNF
Luiz Poleto
- [issue26749] Update devguide to include Fedora's DNF
Luiz Poleto
- [issue20116] urlparse.parse_qs should take argument for query separator
Luiz Poleto
- [issue26775] Improve test coverage on urllib.parse
Luiz Poleto
- [issue17233] http.client header debug output format
Luiz Poleto
- [issue17233] http.client header debug output format
Luiz Poleto
- [issue20116] urlparse.parse_qs should take argument for query separator
Luiz Poleto
- [issue25461] Unclear language (the word ineffective) in the documentation for os.walk
Luiz Poleto
- [issue26041] Update deprecation messages of platform.dist() and platform.linux_distribution()
Luiz Poleto
- [issue22234] urllib.parse.urlparse accepts any falsy value as an url
Luiz Poleto
- [issue22234] urllib.parse.urlparse accepts any falsy value as an url
Luiz Poleto
- [issue22234] urllib.parse.urlparse accepts any falsy value as an url
Luiz Poleto
- [issue22234] urllib.parse.urlparse accepts any falsy value as an url
Luiz Poleto
- [issue22234] urllib.parse.urlparse accepts any falsy value as an url
Luiz Poleto
- [issue25461] Unclear language (the word ineffective) in the documentation for os.walk
Luiz Poleto
- [issue25942] subprocess.call SIGKILLs too liberally
Mike Pomraning
- [issue25942] subprocess.call SIGKILLs too liberally
Mike Pomraning
- [issue25942] subprocess.call SIGKILLs too liberally
Mike Pomraning
- [issue26732] multiprocessing sentinel resource leak
Davin Potts
- [issue2943] Distutils should generate a better error message when the SDK is not installed
Ivan Pozdeev
- [issue26768] Fix instructions at WindowsCompilers for MSVC/SDKs
Ivan Pozdeev
- [issue26768] Fix instructions at WindowsCompilers for MSVC/SDKs
Ivan Pozdeev
- [issue26768] Fix instructions at WindowsCompilers for MSVC/SDKs
Ivan Pozdeev
- [issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64
Ivan Pozdeev
- [issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64
Ivan Pozdeev
- [issue26768] Fix instructions at WindowsCompilers for MSVC/SDKs
Ivan Pozdeev
- [issue26768] Fix instructions at WindowsCompilers for MSVC/SDKs
Ivan Pozdeev
- [issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64
Ivan Pozdeev
- [issue26786] bdist_msi duplicates directories with names in ALL CAPS to a bogus location
Ivan Pozdeev
- [issue26786] bdist_msi duplicates directories with names in ALL CAPS to a bogus location
Ivan Pozdeev
- [issue26790] bdist_msi package duplicates everything to a bogus location when run with /passive or /q
Ivan Pozdeev
- [issue26845] Misleading variable name in exception handling
- [issue26732] multiprocessing sentinel resource leak
Kevin Quick
- [issue26732] multiprocessing sentinel resource leak
Kevin Quick
- [issue25544] cleanup temporary files in distutils.has_function
Min RK
- [issue25544] cleanup temporary files in distutils.has_function
Min RK
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26779] pdb continue followed by an exception in the same frame shows incorrect frame linenumber
Sriram Rajagopalan
- [issue26779] pdb continue followed by an exception in the same frame shows incorrect frame linenumber
Sriram Rajagopalan
- [issue26779] pdb continue followed by an exception in the same frame shows incorrect frame linenumber
Sriram Rajagopalan
- [issue26725] list() destroys map object data
Steven Reed
- [issue26682] Ttk Notebook tabs do not show with 1-2 char names
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26682] Ttk Notebook tabs do not show with 1-2 char names
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26673] Tkinter error when opening IDLE configuration menu
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26683] Questionable terminology for describing what locals() does
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26673] Tkinter error when opening IDLE configuration menu
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue19944] Make importlib.find_spec load packages as needed
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue21048] Index 'as' in import and with statements
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue21048] Index 'as' in import and with statements
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue23551] IDLE to provide menu link to PIP gui.
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue23551] IDLE to provide menu link to PIP gui.
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue23551] IDLE to provide menu link to PIP gui.
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue23551] IDLE to provide menu link to PIP gui.
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue23551] IDLE to provide menu link to PIP gui.
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26698] Tk DPI awareness
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue21048] Index 'as' in import and with statements
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24745] Better default font for editor
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24951] Idle test_configdialog fails on Fedora 23, 3.6
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26673] Tkinter error when opening IDLE configuration menu
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26673] Tkinter error when opening IDLE configuration menu
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26739] idle: Errno 10035 a non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26744] print() function hangs on MS-Windows 10
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26739] idle: Errno 10035 a non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26739] idle: Errno 10035 a non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26806] IDLE not displaying RecursionError tracebacks
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26806] IDLE not displaying RecursionError tracebacks
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26806] IDLE not displaying RecursionError tracebacks
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26828] Implement __length_hint__() on map() and filter() to optimize list(map) and list(filter)
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26739] idle: Errno 10035 a non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26869] unittest longMessage docs
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26830] Refactor Tools/scripts/google.py
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26832] ProactorEventLoop doesn't support stdin/stdout nor files with connect_read_pipe/connect_write_pipe
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26780] Illustrate both binary operator conventions in PEP-8
Brandon Rhodes
- [issue26780] Illustrate both binary operator conventions in PEP-8
Brandon Rhodes
- [issue26780] Illustrate both binary operator conventions in PEP-8
Brandon Rhodes
- [issue26780] Illustrate both binary operator conventions in PEP-8
Brandon Rhodes
- [issue26780] Illustrate both binary operator conventions in PEP-8
Brandon Rhodes
- [issue26676] Add missing XMLPullParser to ElementTree.__all__
Roundup Robot
- [issue26509] asyncio: spurious ConnectionAbortedError logged on Windows
Roundup Robot
- [issue26678] Incorrect linking to elements in datetime package
Roundup Robot
- [issue26688] unittest2 referenced in unittest.mock documentation
Roundup Robot
- [issue26679] curses: Descripton of KEY_NPAGE and KEY_PPAGE inverted
Roundup Robot
- [issue26586] Simple enhancement to BaseHTTPRequestHandler
Roundup Robot
- [issue25951] SSLSocket.sendall() does not return None on success like socket.sendall()
Roundup Robot
- [issue23735] Readline not adjusting width after resize with 6.3
Roundup Robot
- [issue23735] Readline not adjusting width after resize with 6.3
Roundup Robot
- [issue25987] collections.abc.Reversible
Roundup Robot
- [issue6953] readline documentation needs work
Roundup Robot
- [issue10796] Improve doc for readline.set_completer_delims()
Roundup Robot
- [issue26234] The typing module includes 're' and 'io' in __all__
Roundup Robot
- [issue26391] typing: Specialized sub-classes of Generic never call __init__
Roundup Robot
- [issue22570] Better stdlib support for Path objects
Roundup Robot
- [issue26671] Clean up path_converter in posixmodule.c
Roundup Robot
- [issue26671] Clean up path_converter in posixmodule.c
Roundup Robot
- [issue26671] Clean up path_converter in posixmodule.c
Roundup Robot
- [issue26257] Eliminate buffer_tests.py
Roundup Robot
- [issue26671] Clean up path_converter in posixmodule.c
Roundup Robot
- [issue26709] Year 2038 problem in plistlib
Roundup Robot
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
Roundup Robot
- [issue26668] Remove Lib/test/test_importlib/regrtest.py?
Roundup Robot
- [issue26587] Possible duplicate entries in sys.path if .pth files are used with zip's
Roundup Robot
- [issue26587] Possible duplicate entries in sys.path if .pth files are used with zip's
Roundup Robot
- [issue26687] Use Py_RETURN_NONE in sqlite3 module
Roundup Robot
- [issue13952] mimetypes doesn't recognize .csv
Roundup Robot
- [issue16329] mimetypes does not support webm type
Roundup Robot
- [issue16329] mimetypes does not support webm type
Roundup Robot
- [issue13952] mimetypes doesn't recognize .csv
Roundup Robot
- [issue19377] Backport SVG mime type to Python 2
Roundup Robot
- [issue17264] Update Building C and C++ Extensions with distutils documentation
Roundup Robot
- [issue26716] EINTR handling in fcntl
Roundup Robot
- [issue26609] Wrong request target in test_httpservers.py
Roundup Robot
- [issue26609] Wrong request target in test_httpservers.py
Roundup Robot
- [issue21069] test_fileno of test_urllibnet intermittently fails
Roundup Robot
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
Roundup Robot
- [issue26712] Unify (r)split(), (l/r)strip() method tests
Roundup Robot
- [issue17339] bytes() TypeError message is misleadingly narrow
Roundup Robot
- [issue25339] sys.stdout.errors is set to "surrogateescape"
Roundup Robot
- [issue26719] More efficient formatting of ints and floats in json
Roundup Robot
- [issue13410] String formatting bug in interactive mode
Roundup Robot
- [issue15516] exception-handling bug in PyString_Format
Roundup Robot
- [issue26623] JSON encode: more informative error
Roundup Robot
- [issue26200] SETREF adds unnecessary work in some cases
Roundup Robot
- [issue26585] Use html.escape to replace _quote_html in http.server
Roundup Robot
- [issue26685] Raise errors from socket.close()
Roundup Robot
- [issue14456] Relation between threads and signals unclear
Roundup Robot
- [issue26200] SETREF adds unnecessary work in some cases
Roundup Robot
- [issue25910] Fixing links in documentation
Roundup Robot
- [issue25910] Fixing links in documentation
Roundup Robot
- [issue26733] staticmethod and classmethod are ignored when disassemble class
Roundup Robot
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
Roundup Robot
- [issue26639] Tools/i18n/pygettext.py: replace deprecated imp module with importlib
Roundup Robot
- [issue26735] os.urandom(2500) fails on Solaris 11.3
Roundup Robot
- [issue26404] socketserver context manager
Roundup Robot
- [issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()
Roundup Robot
- [issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()
Roundup Robot
- [issue25910] Fixing links in documentation
Roundup Robot
- [issue25496] tarfile: Default value for compresslevel is not documented
Roundup Robot
- [issue26718] super.__init__ leaks memory if called multiple times
Roundup Robot
- [issue26057] Avoid nonneeded use of PyUnicode_FromObject()
Roundup Robot
- [issue26748] enum.Enum is False-y
Roundup Robot
- [issue26749] Update devguide to include Fedora's DNF
Roundup Robot
- [issue26057] Avoid nonneeded use of PyUnicode_FromObject()
Roundup Robot
- [issue26716] EINTR handling in fcntl
Roundup Robot
- [issue26747] types.InstanceType only for old style class only in 2.7
Roundup Robot
- [issue26465] Upgrade OpenSSL shipped with python installers
Roundup Robot
- [issue26706] Update OpenSSL version in readme
Roundup Robot
- [issue15984] Wrong documentation for PyUnicode_FromObject() and PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject()
Roundup Robot
- [issue26764] SystemError in bytes.__rmod__
Roundup Robot
- [issue26766] The result type of bytearray formatting is not stable
Roundup Robot
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
Roundup Robot
- [issue26760] Document PyFrameObject
Roundup Robot
- [issue26766] The result type of bytearray formatting is not stable
Roundup Robot
- [issue26535] Minor typo in the docs for struct.unpack
Roundup Robot
- [issue25702] Link Time Optimizations support for GCC and CLANG
Roundup Robot
- [issue25314] Documentation: argparse's actions store_{true, false} default to False/True (undocumented)
Roundup Robot
- [issue26638] Avoid warnings about missing CLI options when building documentation
Roundup Robot
- [issue10838] subprocess __all__ is incomplete
Roundup Robot
- [issue26775] Improve test coverage on urllib.parse
Roundup Robot
- [issue26783] test_os.WalkTests.test_walk_topdown don't test fwalk and Bytes
Roundup Robot
- [issue23029] test_warnings produces extra output in quiet mode
Roundup Robot
- [issue24173] curses HOWTO/implementation disagreement
Roundup Robot
- [issue26659] slice() leaks memory when part of a cycle
Roundup Robot
- [issue26782] subprocess.__all__ incomplete on Windows
Roundup Robot
- [issue4806] Function calls taking a generator as star argument can mask TypeErrors in the generator
Roundup Robot
- [issue26717] wsgiref.simple_server: mojibake with cp1252 bytes in PATH_INFO
Roundup Robot
- [issue26778] More typo fixes
Roundup Robot
- [issue26770] _Py_set_inheritable(): do nothing if the FD_CLOEXEC close is already set/cleared
Roundup Robot
- [issue26745] Redundant code in _PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict
Roundup Robot
- [issue25987] collections.abc.Reversible
Roundup Robot
- [issue26657] Directory traversal with http.server and SimpleHTTPServer on windows
Roundup Robot
- [issue26777] test_asyncio: test_timeout_disable() fails randomly
Roundup Robot
- [issue26615] Missing entry in WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS in update_wrapper's doc
Roundup Robot
- [issue26755] Update version{added,changed} docs in devguide
Roundup Robot
- [issue24838] tarfile.py: fix GNU and USTAR formats to properly handle paths with special characters that are encoded with more than one byte each
Roundup Robot
- [issue24838] tarfile.py: fix GNU and USTAR formats to properly handle paths with special characters that are encoded with more than one byte each
Roundup Robot
- [issue21668] The select and time modules uses libm functions without linking against it
Roundup Robot
- [issue26516] Add PYTHONMALLOC env var and add support for malloc debug hooks in release mode
Roundup Robot
- [issue26805] Refer to types.SimpleNamespace in namedtuple documentation
Roundup Robot
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Roundup Robot
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
Roundup Robot
- [issue26805] Refer to types.SimpleNamespace in namedtuple documentation
Roundup Robot
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
Roundup Robot
- [issue26780] Illustrate both binary operator conventions in PEP-8
Roundup Robot
- [issue21668] The select and time modules uses libm functions without linking against it
Roundup Robot
- [issue21668] The select and time modules uses libm functions without linking against it
Roundup Robot
- [issue26799] gdb support fails with "Invalid cast."
Roundup Robot
- [issue26799] gdb support fails with "Invalid cast."
Roundup Robot
- [issue26249] Change PyMem_Malloc to use pymalloc allocator
Roundup Robot
- [issue26249] Change PyMem_Malloc to use pymalloc allocator
Roundup Robot
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
Roundup Robot
- [issue23806] documentation for no_proxy is missing from the python3 urllib documentation
Roundup Robot
- [issue26733] staticmethod and classmethod are ignored when disassemble class
Roundup Robot
- [issue26827] PyObject *PyInit_myextention -> PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_myextention
Roundup Robot
- [issue26827] PyObject *PyInit_myextention -> PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_myextention
Roundup Robot
- [issue26822] itemgetter/attrgetter/methodcaller objects ignore keyword arguments
Roundup Robot
- [issue20112] The documentation for http.server error_message_format is inadequate.
Roundup Robot
- [issue26089] Duplicated keyword in distutils metadata
Roundup Robot
- [issue21382] Signal module doesnt raises ValueError Exception
Roundup Robot
- [issue18353] PyUnicode_WRITE_CHAR macro definition missing
Roundup Robot
- [issue18572] Remove redundant note about surrogates in string escape doc
Roundup Robot
- [issue19731] Fix copyright footer
Roundup Robot
- [issue26041] Update deprecation messages of platform.dist() and platform.linux_distribution()
Roundup Robot
- [issue23806] documentation for no_proxy is missing from the python3 urllib documentation
Roundup Robot
- [issue23277] Cleanup unused and duplicate imports in tests
Roundup Robot
- [issue24911] Context manager of socket.socket is not documented
Roundup Robot
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Roundup Robot
- [issue23277] Cleanup unused and duplicate imports in tests
Roundup Robot
- [issue23277] Cleanup unused and duplicate imports in tests
Roundup Robot
- [issue26249] Change PyMem_Malloc to use pymalloc allocator
Roundup Robot
- [issue26800] Don't accept bytearray as filenames part 2
Roundup Robot
- [issue26837] assertSequenceEqual() raises BytesWarning when format message
Roundup Robot
- [issue23662] Cookie.domain is undocumented
Roundup Robot
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Roundup Robot
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
Roundup Robot
- [issue17905] Add check for locale.h
Roundup Robot
- [issue26846] Workaround for non-standard stdlib.h on Android
Roundup Robot
- [issue20306] Lack of pw_gecos field in Android's struct passwd causes cross-compilation for the pwd module to fail
Roundup Robot
- [issue22747] Interpreter fails in initialize on systems where HAVE_LANGINFO_H is undefined
Roundup Robot
- [issue26634] recursive_repr forgets to override __qualname__ of wrapper
Roundup Robot
- [issue16394] Reducing tee() memory footprint
Roundup Robot
- [issue23986] Inaccuracy about "in" keyword for list and tuple
Roundup Robot
- [issue24715] Sorting HOW TO: bad example for reverse sort stability
Roundup Robot
- [issue24715] Sorting HOW TO: bad example for reverse sort stability
Roundup Robot
- [issue20306] Lack of pw_gecos field in Android's struct passwd causes cross-compilation for the pwd module to fail
Roundup Robot
- [issue26249] Change PyMem_Malloc to use pymalloc allocator
Roundup Robot
- [issue25349] Use _PyBytesWriter for bytes%args
Roundup Robot
- [issue20598] argparse docs: '7'.split() is confusing magic
Roundup Robot
- [issue26857] gethostbyname_r() is broken on android
Roundup Robot
- [issue26846] Workaround for non-standard stdlib.h on Android
Roundup Robot
- [issue26854] missing header on android for the ossaudiodev module
Roundup Robot
- [issue26863] android lacks some declarations for the posix module
Roundup Robot
- [issue26672] regrtest missing in the module name
Roundup Robot
- [issue25788] fileinput.hook_encoded has no way to pass arguments to codecs
Roundup Robot
- [issue26874] Docstring error in divmod function
Roundup Robot
- [issue26874] Docstring error in divmod function
Roundup Robot
- [issue26875] mmap doc gives wrong code example
Roundup Robot
- [issue26822] itemgetter/attrgetter/methodcaller objects ignore keyword arguments
Roundup Robot
- [issue26880] Remove redundant checks from set.__init__
Roundup Robot
- [issue26322] Missing docs for typing.Set
Roundup Robot
- [issue24902] http.server: on startup, show host/port as URL
Roundup Robot
- [issue25551] Event's test_reset_internal_locks too fragile
Roundup Robot
- [issue13436] compile() doesn't work on ImportFrom with level=None
Roundup Robot
- [issue26864] urllib.request no_proxy check differs from curl
Roundup Robot
- [issue21746] urlparse.BaseResult no longer exists
Roundup Robot
- [issue24114] ctypes.utils uninitialized variable 'paths'
Roundup Robot
- [issue26879] new message
- [issue26695] pickle and _pickle accelerator have different behavior when unpickling an object with falsy __getstate__ return
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue26703] Socket state corrupts when original socket object goes out of scope in a different thread
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue26703] Socket state corrupts when original socket object goes out of scope in a different thread
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue26737] csv.DictReader throws generic error when fieldnames is accessed for non-text file
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue26745] Redundant code in _PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue26758] Unnecessary format string handling for no argument slot wrappers in typeobject.c
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue26820] Prevent uses of format string based PyObject_Call* that do not produce tuple required by docs
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue26820] Prevent uses of format string based PyObject_Call* that do not produce tuple required by docs
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue26822] itemgetter/attrgetter/methodcaller objects ignore keyword arguments
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue26847] filter docs unclear wording
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue26847] filter docs unclear wording
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue25987] collections.abc.Reversible
Guido van Rossum
- [issue25987] collections.abc.Reversible
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26391] typing: Specialized sub-classes of Generic never call __init__
Guido van Rossum
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
Guido van Rossum
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
Guido van Rossum
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
Guido van Rossum
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26234] The typing module includes 're' and 'io' in __all__
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26391] typing: Specialized sub-classes of Generic never call __init__
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26691] Update the typing module to match what's in github.com/python/typing
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26691] Update the typing module to match what's in github.com/python/typing
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26691] Update the typing module to match what's in github.com/python/typing
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26719] More efficient formatting of ints and floats in json
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26718] super.__init__ leaks memory if called multiple times
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26718] super.__init__ leaks memory if called multiple times
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26718] super.__init__ leaks memory if called multiple times
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24557] Refactor LibreSSL / EGD detection
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26748] enum.Enum is False-y
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26748] enum.Enum is False-y
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26780] Illustrate both binary operator conventions in PEP-8
Guido van Rossum
- [issue25987] collections.abc.Reversible
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26796] BaseEventLoop.run_in_executor shouldn't specify max_workers for default Executor
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26796] BaseEventLoop.run_in_executor shouldn't specify max_workers for default Executor
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26796] BaseEventLoop.run_in_executor shouldn't specify max_workers for default Executor
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26800] Don't accept bytearray as filenames part 2
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26800] Don't accept bytearray as filenames part 2
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26800] Don't accept bytearray as filenames part 2
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26800] Don't accept bytearray as filenames part 2
Guido van Rossum
- [issue19251] bitwise ops for bytes of equal length
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26219] implement per-opcode cache in ceval
Guido van Rossum
- [issue26219] implement per-opcode cache in ceval
Guido van Rossum
- [issue2466] os.path.ismount doesn't work for mounts the user doesn't have permission to see
Robin Roth
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
Demur Rumed
- [issue26722] Fold compare operators on constants (peephole)
Demur Rumed
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
Demur Rumed
- [issue26722] Fold compare operators on constants (peephole)
Demur Rumed
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
Demur Rumed
- [issue23507] Tuple creation is too slow
Demur Rumed
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
Demur Rumed
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
Demur Rumed
- [issue26735] os.urandom(2500) fails on Solaris 11.3
Matthew Ryan
- [issue26735] os.urandom(2500) fails on Solaris 11.3
Matthew Ryan
- [issue26735] os.urandom(2500) fails on Solaris 11.3
Matthew Ryan
- [issue26895] regex matching on bytes considers zero byte as end
Simmo Saan
- [issue26731] subprocess on windows leaks stdout/stderr handle to child process when stdout/stderr overridden
- [issue26606] logging.baseConfig is missing the encoding parameter
Vinay Sajip
- [issue26348] activate.fish sets VENV prompt incorrectly
Vinay Sajip
- [issue26606] logging.baseConfig is missing the encoding parameter
Vinay Sajip
- [issue26664] find a bug in activate.fish of venv of cpython3.6
Vinay Sajip
- [issue26705] logging.Handler.handleError should be called from logging.Handler.handle
Vinay Sajip
- [issue9998] ctypes find_library should search LD_LIBRARY_PATH on linux
Vinay Sajip
- [issue26686] email.parser stops parsing headers too soon.
Mark Sapiro
- [issue26686] email.parser stops parsing headers too soon.
Mark Sapiro
- [issue11416] netrc module does not handle multiple entries for a single host
Frew Schmidt
- [issue26842] Python Tutorial 4.7.1: Need to explain default parameter lifetime
Edward Segall
- [issue26842] Python Tutorial 4.7.1: Need to explain default parameter lifetime
Edward Segall
- [issue26797] Segafault in _PyObject_Alloc
Yury Selivanov
- [issue26797] Segafault in _PyObject_Alloc
Yury Selivanov
- [issue23507] Tuple creation is too slow
Yury Selivanov
- [issue26219] implement per-opcode cache in ceval
Yury Selivanov
- [issue26219] implement per-opcode cache in ceval
Yury Selivanov
- [issue22234] urllib.parse.urlparse accepts any falsy value as an url
Anish Shah
- [issue13207] os.path.expanduser breaks when using unicode character in the username
Arkady “KindDragon” Shapkin
- [issue26795] Fix PEP 344 Python version
Marat Sharafutdinov
- [issue26646] Allow built-in module in package
Daniel Shaulov
- [issue18293] ssl.wrap_socket (cert_reqs=...), getpeercert, and unvalidated certificates
Sascha Silbe
- [issue26673] Tkinter error when opening IDLE configuration menu
- [issue26670] Add a developer mode: -X dev command line option
- [issue26679] curses: Descripton of KEY_NPAGE and KEY_PPAGE inverted
- [issue26488] hashlib command line interface
- [issue26686] email.parser stops parsing headers too soon.
- [issue26689] Add `has_flag` method to `distutils.CCompiler`
- [issue26689] Add `has_flag` method to `distutils.CCompiler`
- [issue26689] Add `has_flag` method to `distutils.CCompiler`
- [issue26689] Add `has_flag` method to `distutils.CCompiler`
- [issue25544] cleanup temporary files in distutils.has_function
- [issue26692] cgroups support in multiprocessing
- [issue26694] Disasembler fall with Key Error while disassemble obfuscated code.
- [issue26689] Add `has_flag` method to `distutils.CCompiler`
- [issue26689] Add `has_flag` method to `distutils.CCompiler`
- [issue26698] IDLE DPI Awareness
- [issue26703] Socket state corrupts when original socket object goes out of scope in a different thread
- [issue26707] plistlib fails to parse bplist with 0x80 UID values
- [issue26704] unittest.mock.patch: Double patching instance method: AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute '__name__'
- [issue26710] ConfigParser: Values in DEFAULT section override defaults passed to constructor
- [issue25544] cleanup temporary files in distutils.has_function
- [issue26714] telnetlib.Telnet should act as a context manager
- [issue26716] EINTR handling in fcntl
- [issue26718] super.__init__ leaks memory if called multiple times
- [issue26722] Fold compare operators on constants (peephole)
- [issue26726] Incomplete Internationalization in Argparse Module
- [issue26728] make pdb.set_trace() accept debugger commands as arguments and run them after entering the debugger
- [issue26729] Incorrect __text_signature__ for sorted
- [issue26732] multiprocessing sentinel resource leak
- [issue25910] Fixing links in documentation
- [issue26733] staticmethod and classmethod are ignored when disassemble class
- [issue25910] Fixing links in documentation
- [issue26738] listname.strip() does not work right if the name ends with an 'o'
- [issue26735] os.urandom(2500) fails on Solaris 11.3
- [issue26740] tarfile: accessing (listing and extracting) tarball fails with UnicodeDecodeError
- [issue25931] os.fork() command distributed in windows Python27 (in SocketServer module)
- [issue24557] Refactor LibreSSL / EGD detection
- [issue26747] types.InstanceType only for old style class only in 2.7
- [issue26752] Mock(2.0.0).assert_has_calls() raise AssertionError in two same calls
- [issue26758] Unnecessary format string handling for no argument slot wrappers in typeobject.c
- [issue26756] fileinput handling of unicode errors from standard input
- [issue26772] regex.ENHANCEMATCH crashes interpreter
- [issue26773] Shelve works inconsistently when carried over to child processes
- [issue26779] pdb continue followed by an exception in the same frame shows incorrect frame linenumber
- [issue26784] regular expression problem at umlaut handling
- [issue26790] bdist_msi package duplicates everything to a bogus location when run with /passive or /q
- [issue26791] shutil.move fails to move symlink (Invalid cross-device link)
- [issue26794] curframe can be None in pdb.py
- [issue26795] Fix PEP 344 Python version
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
- [issue26799] gdb support fails with "Invalid cast."
- [issue26804] Prioritize lowercase proxy variables in urllib.request
- [issue26808] wsgiref.simple_server breaks unicode in URIs
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
- [issue26810] inconsistent garbage collector behavior across platforms when using ctypes data-structures
- [issue7980] time.strptime not thread safe
- [issue14621] Hash function is not randomized properly
- [issue19846] Python 3 raises Unicode errors with the C locale
- [issue6792] Distutils-based installer does not detect 64bit versions of Python
- [issue26831] ConfigParser parsing failures with default_section and ExtendedInterpolation options
- [issue26844] Wrong error message during import
- [issue26833] returning ctypes._SimpleCData objects from callbacks
- [issue26680] Incorporating float.is_integer into the numeric tower and Decimal
Robert Smallshire
- [issue26680] Incorporating float.is_integer into the numeric tower and Decimal
Robert Smallshire
- [issue26680] Incorporating float.is_integer into the numeric tower and Decimal
Robert Smallshire
- [issue26680] Incorporating float.is_integer into the numeric tower and Decimal
Robert Smallshire
- [issue26680] Incorporating float.is_integer into the numeric tower and Decimal
Robert Smallshire
- [issue26701] Documentation for int constructor mentions __int__ but not __trunc__
Robert Smallshire
- [issue26713] Change f-literal grammar so that escaping isn’t possible or necessary
Eric V. Smith
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Eric V. Smith
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Eric V. Smith
- [issue26714] telnetlib.Telnet should act as a context manager
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue26714] telnetlib.Telnet should act as a context manager
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue26359] CPython build options for out-of-the box performance
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue25702] Link Time Optimizations support for GCC and CLANG
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue26787] test_distutils fails when configured --with-lto
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue25702] Link Time Optimizations support for GCC and CLANG
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue26788] test_gdb fails all tests on a profile-opt build configured --with-lto
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue25702] Link Time Optimizations support for GCC and CLANG
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue26798] add BLAKE2 to hashlib
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue26798] add BLAKE2 to hashlib
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue19251] bitwise ops for bytes of equal length
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue26862] SYS_getdents64 does not need to be defined on android API 21
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue26554] PC\bdist_wininst\install.c: Missing call to fclose()
Josh Snider
- [issue25386] msvcrt_putch/msvcrt_putwch don't check the return value of _putch/_putwch
Josh Snider
- [issue19944] Make importlib.find_spec load packages as needed
Eric Snow
- [issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2
Eric Snow
- [issue26865] Meta-issue: support of the android platform
Eric Snow
- [issue1103213] Adding a recvexactly() to socket.socket: receive exactly n bytes
Paul Sokolovsky
- [issue26704] unittest.mock.patch: Double patching instance method: AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute '__name__'
Anthony Sottile
- [issue26704] unittest.mock.patch: Double patching instance method: AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute '__name__'
Anthony Sottile
- [issue26704] unittest.mock.patch: Double patching instance method: AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute '__name__'
Anthony Sottile
- [issue26717] wsgiref.simple_server: mojibake with cp1252 bytes in PATH_INFO
Anthony Sottile
- [issue26717] wsgiref.simple_server: mojibake with cp1252 bytes in PATH_INFO
Anthony Sottile
- [issue26717] wsgiref.simple_server: mojibake with cp1252 bytes in PATH_INFO
Anthony Sottile
- [issue26717] wsgiref.simple_server: mojibake with cp1252 bytes in PATH_INFO
Anthony Sottile
- [issue26717] wsgiref.simple_server: mojibake with cp1252 bytes in PATH_INFO
Anthony Sottile
- [issue26717] wsgiref.simple_server: mojibake with cp1252 bytes in PATH_INFO
Anthony Sottile
- [issue16662] load_tests not invoked in package/__init__.py
Anthony Sottile
- [issue18378] locale.getdefaultlocale() fails on Mac OS X with default language set to English
Tommy Sparber
- [issue24557] Refactor LibreSSL / EGD detection
Bernard Spil
- [issue26470] Make OpenSSL module compatible with OpenSSL 1.1.0
Bernard Spil
- [issue26470] Make OpenSSL module compatible with OpenSSL 1.1.0
Bernard Spil
- [issue26727] ctypes.util.find_msvcrt() does not work in python 3.5.1
Henri Starmans
- [issue26793] uuid causing thread issues when forking using os.fork py3.4+
Chase Sterling
- [issue26536] Add the SIO_LOOPBACK_FAST_PATH option to socket.ioctl
Daniel Stokes
- [issue26682] Ttk Notebook tabs do not show with 1-2 char names
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26684] pathlib.Path.with_name() and .with_suffix do not allow combining with an empty Path
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26680] Incorporating float.is_integer into the numeric tower and Decimal
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26671] Clean up path_converter in posixmodule.c
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26687] Use Py_RETURN_NONE in sqlite3 module
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue23735] Readline not adjusting width after resize with 6.3
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26200] SETREF adds unnecessary work in some cases
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26257] Eliminate buffer_tests.py
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26257] Eliminate buffer_tests.py
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue15012] test issue
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue15012] test issue
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26200] SETREF adds unnecessary work in some cases
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue22570] Better stdlib support for Path objects
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26200] SETREF adds unnecessary work in some cases
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26257] Eliminate buffer_tests.py
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26702] A better assert statement
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26671] Clean up path_converter in posixmodule.c
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26671] Clean up path_converter in posixmodule.c
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26027] Support Path objects in the posix module
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26707] plistlib fails to parse bplist with 0x80 UID values
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26708] Constify C string pointers in the posix module
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26707] plistlib fails to parse bplist with 0x80 UID values
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26709] Year 2038 problem in plistlib
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25339] sys.stdout.errors is set to "surrogateescape"
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26707] plistlib fails to parse bplist with 0x80 UID values
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26711] Fix comparison of plistlib.Data
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26671] Clean up path_converter in posixmodule.c
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26712] Unify (r)split(), (l/r)strip() method tests
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25339] sys.stdout.errors is set to "surrogateescape"
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue18820] json.dump() ignores its 'default' option when serializing dictionary keys
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26711] Fix comparison of plistlib.Data
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26711] Fix comparison of plistlib.Data
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26707] plistlib fails to parse bplist with 0x80 UID values
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26709] Year 2038 problem in plistlib
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue22993] Plistlib fails on certain valid plist values
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue18461] X Error in tkinter
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26712] Unify (r)split(), (l/r)strip() method tests
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26718] super.__init__ leaks memory if called multiple times
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26719] More efficient formatting of ints and floats in json
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26716] EINTR handling in fcntl
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue15516] exception-handling bug in PyString_Format
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue13410] String formatting bug in interactive mode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue10289] Document magic methods called by built-in functions
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue17339] bytes() TypeError message is misleadingly narrow
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26720] memoryview from BufferedWriter becomes garbage
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue17339] bytes() TypeError message is misleadingly narrow
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26719] More efficient formatting of ints and floats in json
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26724] Serialize dict with non-string keys to JSON — unexpected result
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26720] memoryview from BufferedWriter becomes garbage
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26057] Avoid nonneeded use of PyUnicode_FromObject()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue15984] Wrong documentation for PyUnicode_FromObject() and PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25339] sys.stdout.errors is set to "surrogateescape"
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue17339] bytes() TypeError message is misleadingly narrow
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue17339] bytes() TypeError message is misleadingly narrow
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26719] More efficient formatting of ints and floats in json
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26716] EINTR handling in fcntl
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue13410] String formatting bug in interactive mode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26623] JSON encode: more informative error
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26623] JSON encode: more informative error
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26623] JSON encode: more informative error
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26730] SpooledTemporaryFile doesn't correctly preserve data for text (non-binary) SpooledTemporaryFile objects when Unicode characters are written
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26200] SETREF adds unnecessary work in some cases
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26200] SETREF adds unnecessary work in some cases
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25910] Fixing links in documentation
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25910] Fixing links in documentation
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25910] Fixing links in documentation
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25910] Fixing links in documentation
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25910] Fixing links in documentation
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26736] Use HTTPS protocol in links
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25910] Fixing links in documentation
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26733] staticmethod and classmethod are ignored when disassemble class
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26736] Use HTTPS protocol in links
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26729] Incorrect __text_signature__ for sorted
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26737] csv.DictReader throws generic error when fieldnames is accessed for non-text file
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26735] os.urandom(2500) fails on Solaris 11.3
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26718] super.__init__ leaks memory if called multiple times
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26491] Defer DECREFs until enum object is in a consistent state for re-entrancy
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26718] super.__init__ leaks memory if called multiple times
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26718] super.__init__ leaks memory if called multiple times
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26716] EINTR handling in fcntl
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26720] memoryview from BufferedWriter becomes garbage
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26491] Defer DECREFs until enum object is in a consistent state for re-entrancy
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26745] Redundant code in _PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue15984] Wrong documentation for PyUnicode_FromObject() and PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26718] super.__init__ leaks memory if called multiple times
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26057] Avoid nonneeded use of PyUnicode_FromObject()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26748] enum.Enum is False-y
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26754] PyUnicode_FSDecoder() accepts arbitrary iterable
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26754] PyUnicode_FSDecoder() accepts arbitrary iterable
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26759] PyBytes_FromObject accepts arbitrary iterable
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26759] PyBytes_FromObject accepts arbitrary iterable
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26535] Minor typo in the docs for struct.unpack
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26762] test_multiprocessing_spawn leaves processes running in background
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26535] Minor typo in the docs for struct.unpack
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26764] SystemError in bytes.__rmod__
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26765] Factor out common bytes and bytearray implementation
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26745] Redundant code in _PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26767] Inconsistant error messages for failed attribute modification
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26766] Redundant check in bytearray_mod
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26764] SystemError in bytes.__rmod__
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26766] Redundant check in bytearray_mod
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26358] mmap.mmap.__iter__ is broken (yields bytes instead of ints)
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26766] Redundant check in bytearray_mod
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26764] SystemError in bytes.__rmod__
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26745] Redundant code in _PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26766] The result type of bytearray formatting is not stable
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26766] The result type of bytearray formatting is not stable
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26764] SystemError in bytes.__rmod__
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26766] The result type of bytearray formatting is not stable
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26716] EINTR handling in fcntl
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26776] Determining the failure of C API call is ambiguous
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26764] SystemError in bytes.__rmod__
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26778] More typo fixes
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26778] More typo fixes
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26778] More typo fixes
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26778] More typo fixes
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26783] test_os.WalkTests.test_walk_topdown don't test fwalk and Bytes
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26783] test_os.WalkTests.test_walk_topdown don't test fwalk and Bytes
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue17859] improve error message for saving ints to file
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26784] regular expression problem at umlaut handling
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24922] assertWarnsRegex doesn't allow multiple warning messages
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26784] regular expression problem at umlaut handling
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26784] regular expression problem at umlaut handling
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26785] repr of -nan value should contain the sign
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26781] os.walk max_depth
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26778] More typo fixes
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26770] _Py_set_inheritable(): do nothing if the FD_CLOEXEC close is already set/cleared
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26770] _Py_set_inheritable(): do nothing if the FD_CLOEXEC close is already set/cleared
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26756] fileinput handling of unicode errors from standard input
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26758] Unnecessary format string handling for no argument slot wrappers in typeobject.c
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26789] Please do not log during shutdown
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26767] Inconsistant error messages for failed attribute modification
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26745] Redundant code in _PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26720] memoryview from BufferedWriter becomes garbage
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26642] Replace stdout and stderr with simple standard printers at Python exit
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26733] staticmethod and classmethod are ignored when disassemble class
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26765] Factor out common bytes and bytearray implementation
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26793] uuid causing thread issues when forking using os.fork py3.4+
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26730] SpooledTemporaryFile doesn't correctly preserve data for text (non-binary) SpooledTemporaryFile objects when Unicode characters are written
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue23926] skipitem() in getargs.c still supports 'w' and 'w#', and shouldn't
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24838] tarfile.py: fix GNU and USTAR formats to properly handle paths with special characters that are encoded with more than one byte each
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26806] IDLE not displaying RecursionError tracebacks
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26806] IDLE not displaying RecursionError tracebacks
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26800] Don't accept bytearray as filenames part 2
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26806] IDLE not displaying RecursionError tracebacks
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26814] Add a new _PyObject_CallStack() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26814] Add a new _PyObject_CallStack() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26814] Add a new _PyObject_CallStack() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26814] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26822] itemgetter/attrgetter/methodcaller objects ignore keyword arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26821] array module "minimum size in bytes" table is wrong for int/long
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26822] itemgetter/attrgetter/methodcaller objects ignore keyword arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue14621] Hash function is not randomized properly
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue19846] Python 3 raises Unicode errors with the C locale
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue6792] Distutils-based installer does not detect 64bit versions of Python
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26828] Implement __length_hint__() on map() and filter() to optimize list(map) and list(filter)
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26733] staticmethod and classmethod are ignored when disassemble class
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26733] staticmethod and classmethod are ignored when disassemble class
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26634] recursive_repr forgets to override __qualname__ of wrapper
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25341] File mode wb+ appears as rb+
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26828] Implement __length_hint__() on map() and filter() to optimize list(map) and list(filter)
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26822] itemgetter/attrgetter/methodcaller objects ignore keyword arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26800] Don't accept bytearray as filenames part 2
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue1283110] Give __len__() advice for "don't know"
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26039] More flexibility in zipfile write interface
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue23277] Cleanup unused and duplicate imports in tests
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue23277] Cleanup unused and duplicate imports in tests
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26837] assertSequenceEqual() raises BytesWarning when format message
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26800] Don't accept bytearray as filenames part 2
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue23277] Cleanup unused and duplicate imports in tests
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26840] Hidden test in test_heapq
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26841] Hidden test in ctypes tests
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26822] itemgetter/attrgetter/methodcaller objects ignore keyword arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26837] assertSequenceEqual() raises BytesWarning when format message
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26843] tokenize does not include Other_ID_Start or Other_ID_Continue in identifier
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24194] tokenize yield an ERRORTOKEN if an identifier uses Other_ID_Start or Other_ID_Continue
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24194] tokenize yield an ERRORTOKEN if an identifier uses Other_ID_Start or Other_ID_Continue
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26844] Wrong error message during import
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26249] Change PyMem_Malloc to use pymalloc allocator
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue19251] bitwise ops for bytes of equal length
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25788] fileinput.hook_encoded has no way to pass arguments to codecs
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue22234] urllib.parse.urlparse accepts any falsy value as an url
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26634] recursive_repr forgets to override __qualname__ of wrapper
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25823] Speed-up oparg decoding on little-endian machines
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25981] Intern namedtuple field names
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25981] Intern namedtuple field names
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue22234] urllib.parse.urlparse accepts any falsy value as an url
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25823] Speed-up oparg decoding on little-endian machines
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue22234] urllib.parse.urlparse accepts any falsy value as an url
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue22234] urllib.parse.urlparse accepts any falsy value as an url
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26861] shutil.copyfile() doesn't close the opened files
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26020] set_display evaluation order doesn't match documented behaviour
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26020] set_display evaluation order doesn't match documented behaviour
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25788] fileinput.hook_encoded has no way to pass arguments to codecs
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26868] Incorrect check for return value of PyModule_AddObject in _csv.c
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26868] Incorrect check for return value of PyModule_AddObject in _csv.c
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26871] Change weird behavior of PyModule_AddObject()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26868] Incorrect check for return value of PyModule_AddObject in _csv.c
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26871] Change weird behavior of PyModule_AddObject()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue25788] fileinput.hook_encoded has no way to pass arguments to codecs
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26873] xmlrpclib raises when trying to convert an int to string when unicode is available
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26873] xmlrpclib raises when trying to convert an int to string when unicode is available
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26860] os.walk and os.fwalk yield namedtuple instead of tuple
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26871] Change weird behavior of PyModule_AddObject()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26871] Change weird behavior of PyModule_AddObject()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26873] xmlrpclib raises when trying to convert an int to string when unicode is available
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26874] Docstring error in divmod function
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26873] xmlrpclib raises when trying to convert an int to string when unicode is available
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue22477] GCD in Fractions
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26877] tarfile use wrong code when read from fileobj
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26358] mmap.mmap.__iter__ is broken (yields bytes instead of ints)
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26822] itemgetter/attrgetter/methodcaller objects ignore keyword arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26880] Remove redundant checks from set.__init__
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26881] modulefinder should reuse the dis module
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26880] Remove redundant checks from set.__init__
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26885] Add parsing support for more types in xmlrpc
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26885] Add parsing support for more types in xmlrpc
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26873] xmlrpclib raises when trying to convert an int to string when unicode is available
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26889] Improve Doc/library/xmlrpc.client.rst
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26889] Improve Doc/library/xmlrpc.client.rst
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26822] itemgetter/attrgetter/methodcaller objects ignore keyword arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26891] CPython doesn't work when you disable refcounting
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26891] CPython doesn't work when you disable refcounting
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26893] ValueError exception raised when using IntEnum with an attribute called "name" and @unique decorator
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue23960] PyErr_SetImportError doesn't clean up on some errors
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26895] regex matching on bytes considers zero byte as end
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26711] Fix comparison of plistlib.Data
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26822] itemgetter/attrgetter/methodcaller objects ignore keyword arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue1944] Document PyUnicode_* API
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue26798] add BLAKE2 to hashlib
Donald Stufft
- [issue26825] Variable defined in exec(code) unreachable inside function call with visible name in dir() results
Eryk Sun
- [issue7980] time.strptime not thread safe
Eryk Sun
- [issue26866] Inconsistent environment in Windows using "Open With"
Eryk Sun
- [issue26882] The Python process stops responding immediately after starting
Eryk Sun
- [issue9998] ctypes find_library should search LD_LIBRARY_PATH on linux
Pau Tallada
- [issue22005] datetime.__setstate__ fails decoding python2 pickle
Christian Tanzer
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Julian Taylor
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Julian Taylor
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Julian Taylor
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Julian Taylor
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Julian Taylor
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
Julian Taylor
- [issue26657] Directory traversal with http.server and SimpleHTTPServer on windows
- [issue26628] Undefined behavior calling C functions with ctypes.Union arguments
- [issue26628] Undefined behavior calling C functions with ctypes.Union arguments
- [issue26799] gdb support fails with "Invalid cast."
- [issue26799] gdb support fails with "Invalid cast."
- [issue26799] gdb support fails with "Invalid cast."
- [issue26799] gdb support fails with "Invalid cast."
- [issue26833] returning ctypes._SimpleCData objects from callbacks
- [issue26740] tarfile: accessing (listing and extracting) tarball fails with UnicodeDecodeError
Tomas Tomecek
- [issue26740] tarfile: accessing (listing and extracting) tarball fails with UnicodeDecodeError
Tomas Tomecek
- [issue26664] find a bug in activate.fish of venv of cpython3.6
Tin Tvrtković
- [issue26664] find a bug in activate.fish of venv of cpython3.6
Tin Tvrtković
- [issue26664] find a bug in activate.fish of venv of cpython3.6
Tin Tvrtković
- [issue26789] Please do not log during shutdown
Matthias Urlichs
- [issue25931] os.fork() command distributed in windows Python27 (in SocketServer module)
Anthony S Valencia
- [issue26685] Raise errors from socket.close()
- [issue26671] Clean up path_converter in posixmodule.c
- [issue17436] hashlib: add a method to hash the content of a file
- [issue26670] Add a developer mode: -X dev command line option
- [issue26488] hashlib command line interface
- [issue26687] Use Py_RETURN_NONE in sqlite3 module
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
- [issue2943] Distutils should generate a better error message when the SDK is not installed
- [issue26509] asyncio: spurious ConnectionAbortedError logged on Windows
- [issue26509] asyncio: spurious ConnectionAbortedError logged on Windows
- [issue26295] Random failures when running test suite in parallel (-m test -j0) caused by test_regrtest
- [issue26668] Remove Lib/test/test_importlib/regrtest.py?
- [issue26642] Replace stdout and stderr with simple standard printers at Python exit
- [issue26668] Remove Lib/test/test_importlib/regrtest.py?
- [issue26642] Replace stdout and stderr with simple standard printers at Python exit
- [issue21069] test_fileno of test_urllibnet intermittently fails
- [issue26716] EINTR handling in fcntl
- [issue26716] EINTR handling in fcntl
- [issue25339] sys.stdout.errors is set to "surrogateescape"
- [issue25339] sys.stdout.errors is set to "surrogateescape"
- [issue26722] Fold compare operators on constants (peephole)
- [issue26722] Fold compare operators on constants (peephole)
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
- [issue26734] Repeated mmap\munmap calls during temporary allocation
- [issue26736] Use HTTPS protocol in links
- [issue26739] idle: Errno 10035 a non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately
- [issue26735] os.urandom(2500) fails on Solaris 11.3
- [issue26735] os.urandom(2500) fails on Solaris 11.3
- [issue26740] tarfile: accessing (listing and extracting) tarball fails with UnicodeDecodeError
- [issue26718] super.__init__ leaks memory if called multiple times
- [issue26718] super.__init__ leaks memory if called multiple times
- [issue26642] Replace stdout and stderr with simple standard printers at Python exit
- [issue26639] Tools/i18n/pygettext.py: replace deprecated imp module with importlib
- [issue26610] test_venv.test_with_pip() fails when ctypes is missing
- [issue26716] EINTR handling in fcntl
- [issue25942] subprocess.call SIGKILLs too liberally
- [issue26735] os.urandom(2500) fails on Solaris 11.3
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
- [issue26639] Tools/i18n/pygettext.py: replace deprecated imp module with importlib
- [issue26735] os.urandom(2500) fails on Solaris 11.3
- [issue26718] super.__init__ leaks memory if called multiple times
- [issue26716] EINTR handling in fcntl
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
- [issue26741] subprocess.Popen should emit a ResourceWarning in destructor if the process is still running
- [issue26732] multiprocessing sentinel resource leak
- [issue26731] subprocess on windows leaks stdout/stderr handle to child process when stdout/stderr overridden
- [issue19764] subprocess: use PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST with STARTUPINFOEX on Windows Vista
- [issue26731] subprocess on windows leaks stdout/stderr handle to child process when stdout/stderr overridden
- [issue26491] Defer DECREFs until enum object is in a consistent state for re-entrancy
- [issue26741] subprocess.Popen should emit a ResourceWarning in destructor if the process is still running
- [issue26741] subprocess.Popen should emit a ResourceWarning in destructor if the process is still running
- [issue26491] Defer DECREFs until enum object is in a consistent state for re-entrancy
- [issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()
- [issue26742] imports in test_warnings changes warnings.filters
- [issue26744] print() function hangs on MS-Windows 10
- [issue26744] print() function hangs on MS-Windows 10
- [issue26744] print() function hangs on MS-Windows 10
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
- [issue26359] CPython build options for out-of-the box performance
- [issue25702] Link Time Optimizations support for GCC and CLANG
- [issue25702] Link Time Optimizations support for GCC and CLANG
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26693] Exception ignored in: <module 'threading' from ...threading.py> in _shutdown, assert tlock.locked()
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue26753] Obmalloc lock LOCK_INIT and LOCK_FINI are never used
- [issue15984] Wrong documentation for PyUnicode_FromObject() and PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject()
- [issue26721] Avoid socketserver.StreamRequestHandler.wfile doing partial writes
- [issue26721] Avoid socketserver.StreamRequestHandler.wfile doing partial writes
- [issue26721] Avoid socketserver.StreamRequestHandler.wfile doing partial writes
- [issue26638] Avoid warnings about missing CLI options when building documentation
- [issue25654] test_multiprocessing_spawn ResourceWarning with -Werror
- [issue23214] BufferedReader.read1(size) signature incompatible with BufferedIOBase.read1(size=-1)
- [issue26757] test_urllib2net.test_http_basic() timeout after 15 min on
- [issue26757] test_urllib2net.test_http_basic() timeout after 15 min on
- [issue26757] test_urllib2net.test_http_basic() timeout after 15 min on
- [issue26058] PEP 509: Add ma_version to PyDictObject
- [issue26743] Unable to import random with python2.7 on power pc based machine
- [issue25654] test_multiprocessing_spawn ResourceWarning with -Werror
- [issue26764] SystemError in bytes.__rmod__
- [issue26762] test_multiprocessing_spawn leaves processes running in background
- [issue26764] SystemError in bytes.__rmod__
- [issue26769] Python 2.7: make private file descriptors non inheritable
- [issue26766] The result type of bytearray formatting is not stable
- [issue26770] _Py_set_inheritable(): do nothing if the FD_CLOEXEC close is already set/cleared
- [issue26770] _Py_set_inheritable(): do nothing if the FD_CLOEXEC close is already set/cleared
- [issue26766] The result type of bytearray formatting is not stable
- [issue26766] The result type of bytearray formatting is not stable
- [issue26766] The result type of bytearray formatting is not stable
- [issue26716] EINTR handling in fcntl
- [issue26058] PEP 509: Add ma_version to PyDictObject
- [issue26774] Elide Py_atomic fences when WITH_THREAD is disabled?
- [issue26776] Determining the failure of C API call is ambiguous
- [issue26777] test_asyncio: test_timeout_disable() fails randomly
- [issue26774] Elide Py_atomic fences when WITH_THREAD is disabled?
- [issue26770] _Py_set_inheritable(): do nothing if the FD_CLOEXEC close is already set/cleared
- [issue26770] _Py_set_inheritable(): do nothing if the FD_CLOEXEC close is already set/cleared
- [issue26716] EINTR handling in fcntl
- [issue26716] EINTR handling in fcntl
- [issue26793] uuid causing thread issues when forking using os.fork py3.4+
- [issue26793] uuid causing thread issues when forking using os.fork py3.4+
- [issue26777] test_asyncio: test_timeout_disable() fails randomly
- [issue26797] Segafault in _PyObject_Alloc
- [issue24838] tarfile.py: fix GNU and USTAR formats to properly handle paths with special characters that are encoded with more than one byte each
- [issue26058] PEP 509: Add ma_version to PyDictObject
- [issue26058] PEP 509: Add ma_version to PyDictObject
- [issue26058] PEP 509: Add ma_version to PyDictObject
- [issue26058] PEP 509: Add ma_version to PyDictObject
- [issue26058] PEP 509: Add ma_version to PyDictObject
- [issue26769] Python 2.7: make private file descriptors non inheritable
- [issue26805] Refer to types.SimpleNamespace in namedtuple documentation
- [issue21668] The select and time modules uses libm functions without linking against it
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
- [issue11233] clarifying Availability: Unix
- [issue26803] syslog logging handler fails with address in unix abstract namespace
- [issue26799] gdb support fails with "Invalid cast."
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
- [issue26799] gdb support fails with "Invalid cast."
- [issue26805] Refer to types.SimpleNamespace in namedtuple documentation
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
- [issue26805] Refer to types.SimpleNamespace in namedtuple documentation
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
- [issue23926] skipitem() in getargs.c still supports 'w' and 'w#', and shouldn't
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
- [issue26058] PEP 509: Add ma_version to PyDictObject
- [issue26802] Avoid copy in call_function_var when no extra stack args are passed
- [issue26803] syslog logging handler fails with address in unix abstract namespace
- [issue21668] The select and time modules uses libm functions without linking against it
- [issue26803] syslog logging handler fails with address in unix abstract namespace
- [issue26803] syslog logging handler fails with address in unix abstract namespace
- [issue26803] syslog logging handler fails with address in unix abstract namespace
- [issue26799] gdb support fails with "Invalid cast."
- [issue26530] tracemalloc: add C API to manually track/untrack memory allocations
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
- [issue26814] Add a new _PyObject_CallStack() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
- [issue26814] Add a new _PyObject_CallStack() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26799] gdb support fails with "Invalid cast."
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
- [issue26815] SIGBUS in test_ssl.test_dealloc_warn() on "AMD64 FreeBSD 10.0 3.x" buildbot
- [issue26815] SIGBUS in test_ssl.test_dealloc_warn() on "AMD64 FreeBSD 10.0 3.x" buildbot
- [issue26814] Add a new _PyObject_CallStack() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26814] Add a new _PyObject_CallStack() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26815] SIGBUS in test_ssl.test_dealloc_warn() on "AMD64 FreeBSD 10.0 3.x" buildbot
- [issue26814] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26814] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26800] Don't accept bytearray as filenames part 2
- [issue26814] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
- [issue23507] Tuple creation is too slow
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
- [issue26828] Implement __length_hint__() on map() and filter() to optimize list(map) and list(filter)
- [issue26828] Implement __length_hint__() on map() and filter() to optimize list(map) and list(filter)
- [issue23507] Tuple creation is too slow
- [issue21955] ceval.c: implement fast path for integers with a single digit
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue23507] Tuple creation is too slow
- [issue26828] Implement __length_hint__() on map() and filter() to optimize list(map) and list(filter)
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
- [issue26801] Fix shutil.get_terminal_size() to catch AttributeError
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26800] Don't accept bytearray as filenames part 2
- [issue26839] python always calls getrandom() at start, causing long hang after boot
- [issue26249] Change PyMem_Malloc to use pymalloc allocator
- [issue26826] Expose new copy_file_range() syscal in os module and use it to improve shutils.copy()
- [issue19251] bitwise ops for bytes of equal length
- [issue26512] Vocabulary: Using "integral" in library/stdtypes.html
- [issue26850] PyMem_RawMalloc(): update also sys.getallocatedblocks() in debug mode
- [issue26249] Change PyMem_Malloc to use pymalloc allocator
- [issue26249] Change PyMem_Malloc to use pymalloc allocator
- [issue16662] load_tests not invoked in package/__init__.py
- [issue25823] Speed-up oparg decoding on little-endian machines
- [issue25823] Speed-up oparg decoding on little-endian machines
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
- [issue25420] "import random" blocks on entropy collection on Linux with low entropy
- [issue26839] python always calls getrandom() at start, causing long hang after boot
- [issue25420] "import random" blocks on entropy collection on Linux with low entropy
- [issue26839] python always calls getrandom() at start, causing long hang after boot
- [issue26839] python always calls getrandom() at start, causing long hang after boot
- [issue26850] PyMem_RawMalloc(): update also sys.getallocatedblocks() in debug mode
- [issue26839] python always calls getrandom() at start, causing long hang after boot
- [issue26839] Python 3.5 running in a virtual machine blocks at startup or on importing the random module
- [issue26839] Python 3.5 running in a virtual machine with Linux kernel 3.17+ can block at startup or on importing the random module
- [issue26839] Python 3.5 running in a virtual machine with Linux kernel 3.17+ can block at startup or on importing the random module on getrandom()
- [issue20598] argparse docs: '7'.split() is confusing magic
- [issue26839] Python 3.5 running in a virtual machine with Linux kernel 3.17+ can block at startup or on importing the random module on getrandom()
- [issue19251] bitwise ops for bytes of equal length
- [issue26881] modulefinder should reuse the dis module
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
- [issue26822] itemgetter/attrgetter/methodcaller objects ignore keyword arguments
- [issue26647] ceval: use Wordcode, 16-bit bytecode
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26814] [WIP] Add a new _PyObject_FastCall() function which avoids the creation of a tuple or dict for arguments
- [issue26673] Tkinter error when opening IDLE configuration menu
Petr Viktorin
- [issue26673] Tkinter error when opening IDLE configuration menu
Petr Viktorin
- [issue26673] Tkinter error when opening IDLE configuration menu
Petr Viktorin
- [issue25330] Docs for pkgutil.get_data inconsistent with semantics
- [issue26706] Update OpenSSL version in readme
Shaun Walbridge
- [issue25187] bdist_rpm fails due to wrong hardcoded assumption about RPM filename format
David Ward
- [issue25187] bdist_rpm fails due to wrong hardcoded assumption about RPM filename format
David Ward
- [issue25627] distutils : file "bdist_rpm.py" does not quote filenames when executing the rpm command
David Ward
- [issue25187] bdist_rpm fails due to wrong hardcoded assumption about RPM filename format
David Ward
- [issue26693] Exception exceptions.AttributeError '_shutdown' in <module 'threading' >
Zachary Ware
- [issue26693] Exception ignored in: <module 'threading' from ...threading.py> in _shutdown, assert tlock.locked()
Zachary Ware
- [issue26697] tkFileDialog crash on askopenfilename Python 2.7 64-bit Win7
Zachary Ware
- [issue26715] can not deactivate venv (deactivate.bat) if the venv was activated by activate.ps1.
Zachary Ware
- [issue24557] Refactor LibreSSL / EGD detection
Zachary Ware
- [issue24557] Refactor LibreSSL / EGD detection
Zachary Ware
- [issue20767] Some python extensions can't be compiled with clang 3.4
Zachary Ware
- [issue19217] Calling assertEquals for moderately long list takes too long
Zachary Ware
- [issue15984] Wrong documentation for PyUnicode_FromObject() and PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject()
Zachary Ware
- [issue26639] Tools/i18n/pygettext.py: replace deprecated imp module with importlib
Zachary Ware
- [issue24136] document PEP 448: unpacking generalization
Zachary Ware
- [issue15216] Support setting the encoding on a text stream after creation
Zachary Ware
- [issue23076] list(pathlib.Path().glob("")) fails with IndexError
Zachary Ware
- [issue25496] tarfile: Default value for compresslevel is not documented
Zachary Ware
- [issue25835] httplib uses print for debugging
Zachary Ware
- [issue26757] test_urllib2net.test_http_basic() timeout after 15 min on
Zachary Ware
- [issue26706] Update OpenSSL version in readme
Zachary Ware
- [issue26761] winsound module very unstable in Windows 10
Zachary Ware
- [issue26761] winsound module very unstable in Windows 10
Zachary Ware
- [issue26865] Meta-issue: support of the android platform
Zachary Ware
- [issue26874] Docstring error in divmod function
Zachary Ware
- [issue26875] mmap doc gives wrong code example
Zachary Ware
- [issue26876] Extend MSVCCompiler class to respect environment variables
Zachary Ware
- [issue26876] Extend MSVCCompiler class to respect environment variables
Zachary Ware
- [issue26879] Spam
Zachary Ware
- [issue26879] Spam
Zachary Ware
- [issue26887] Erratum in https://docs.python.org/2.6/library/multiprocessing.html
Zachary Ware
- [issue26632] __all__ decorator
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue26702] A better assert statement
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue26702] A better assert statement
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue25731] Assigning and deleting __new__ attr on the class does not allow to create instances of this class
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue26763] Update PEP-8 regarding binary operators
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue26729] Incorrect __text_signature__ for sorted
Erik Welch
- [issue26729] Incorrect __text_signature__ for sorted
Erik Welch
- [issue26729] Incorrect __text_signature__ for sorted
Erik Welch
- [issue26729] Incorrect __text_signature__ for sorted
Erik Welch
- [issue26798] add BLAKE2 to hashlib
Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn
- [issue26798] add BLAKE2 to hashlib
Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn
- [issue26873] xmlrpclib raises when trying to convert an int to string when unicode is available
Nathan Williams
- [issue26873] xmlrpclib raises when trying to convert an int to string when unicode is available
Nathan Williams
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
David Wilson
- [issue26601] Use new madvise()'s MADV_FREE on the private heap
David Wilson
- [issue26747] types.InstanceType only for old style class only in 2.7
Nan Wu
- [issue26723] Add an option to skip _decimal module
Chi Hsuan Yen
- [issue26723] Add an option to skip _decimal module
Chi Hsuan Yen
- [issue21668] The select and time modules uses libm functions without linking against it
Chi Hsuan Yen
- [issue26854] missing header on android for the ossaudiodev module
Chi Hsuan Yen
- [issue26855] add platform.android_ver() for android
Chi Hsuan Yen
- [issue26865] Meta-issue: support of the android platform
Chi Hsuan Yen
- [issue26853] missing symbols in curses and readline modules on android
Chi Hsuan Yen
- [issue26855] add platform.android_ver() for android
Chi Hsuan Yen
- [issue26855] add platform.android_ver() for android
Chi Hsuan Yen
- [issue26886] Cross-compiling python:3.5.x fails with "Parser/pgen: Parser/pgen: cannot execute binary file"
Chi Hsuan Yen
- [issue26892] debuglevel not honored in urllib
Chi Hsuan Yen
- [issue26892] debuglevel not honored in urllib
Chi Hsuan Yen
- [issue26807] mock_open()().readline() fails at EOF
- [issue26807] mock_open()().readline() fails at EOF
- [issue26807] mock_open()().readline() fails at EOF
- [issue26807] mock_open()().readline() fails at EOF
- [issue26807] mock_open()().readline() fails at EOF
- [issue26609] Wrong request target in test_httpservers.py
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26585] Use html.escape to replace _quote_html in http.server
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26733] staticmethod and classmethod are ignored when disassemble class
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26733] staticmethod and classmethod are ignored when disassemble class
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26733] staticmethod and classmethod are ignored when disassemble class
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26733] staticmethod and classmethod are ignored when disassemble class
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26733] staticmethod and classmethod are ignored when disassemble class
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26733] staticmethod and classmethod are ignored when disassemble class
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26745] Redundant code in _PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26745] Redundant code in _PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26745] Redundant code in _PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26793] uuid causing thread issues when forking using os.fork py3.4+
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26793] uuid causing thread issues when forking using os.fork py3.4+
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26793] uuid causing thread issues when forking using os.fork py3.4+
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26793] uuid causing thread issues when forking using os.fork py3.4+
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26793] uuid causing thread issues when forking using os.fork py3.4+
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26793] uuid causing thread issues when forking using os.fork py3.4+
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26816] Make concurrent.futures.Executor an abc
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26816] Make concurrent.futures.Executor an abc
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26816] Make concurrent.futures.Executor an abc
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26822] itemgetter/attrgetter/methodcaller objects ignore keyword arguments
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26823] Shrink recursive tracebacks
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26825] Variable defined in exec(code) unreachable inside function call with visible name in dir() results
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26824] Make some macros use Py_TYPE
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26864] urllib.request no_proxy check differs from curl
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26864] urllib.request no_proxy check differs from curl
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26864] urllib.request no_proxy check differs from curl
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26864] urllib.request no_proxy check differs from curl
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26867] test_ssl test_options fails on ubuntu 16.04
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26867] test_ssl test_options fails on ubuntu 16.04
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26864] urllib.request no_proxy check differs from curl
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26864] urllib.request no_proxy check differs from curl
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26864] urllib.request no_proxy check differs from curl
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26864] urllib.request no_proxy check differs from curl
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26664] find a bug in activate.fish of venv of cpython3.6
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26348] activate.fish sets VENV prompt incorrectly
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26867] test_ssl test_options fails on ubuntu 16.04
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26867] test_ssl test_options fails on ubuntu 16.04
Xiang Zhang
- [issue24114] ctypes.utils uninitialized variable 'paths'
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26358] mmap.mmap.__iter__ is broken (yields bytes instead of ints)
Xiang Zhang
- [issue24434] ItemsView.__contains__ does not mimic dict_items
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26875] mmap doc gives wrong code example
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26358] mmap.mmap.__iter__ is broken (yields bytes instead of ints)
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26358] mmap.mmap.__iter__ is broken (yields bytes instead of ints)
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26358] mmap.mmap.__iter__ is broken (yields bytes instead of ints)
Xiang Zhang
- [issue24434] ItemsView.__contains__ does not mimic dict_items
Xiang Zhang
- [issue24434] ItemsView.__contains__ does not mimic dict_items
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26893] ValueError exception raised when using IntEnum with an attribute called "name" and @unique decorator
Xiang Zhang
- [issue26716] EINTR handling in fcntl
Jack Zhou
- [issue26549] co_stacksize is calculated from unoptimized code
Jelle Zijlstra
- [issue26724] Serialize dict with non-string keys to JSON — unexpected result
- [issue26690] PyUnicode_Decode breaks when Python / sqlite3 is built with sqlite 3.12.0
mike bayer
- [issue26690] PyUnicode_Decode breaks when Python / sqlite3 is built with sqlite 3.12.0
mike bayer
- [issue19251] bitwise ops for bytes of equal length
- [issue19251] bitwise ops for bytes of equal length
- [issue19251] bitwise ops for bytes of equal length
- [issue26750] Mock autospec does not work with subclasses of property()
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue26825] Variable defined in exec(code) unreachable inside function call with visible name in dir() results
- [issue26728] make pdb.set_trace() accept debugger commands as arguments and run them after entering the debugger
- [issue25061] Add native enum support for argparse
paul j3
- [issue25061] Add native enum support for argparse
paul j3
- [issue20430] Make argparse.SUPPRESS work as an argument "dest"
paul j3
- [issue25731] Assigning and deleting __new__ attr on the class does not allow to create instances of this class
- [issue25731] Assigning and deleting __new__ attr on the class does not allow to create instances of this class
- [issue26738] listname.strip does not work right if the name ends with an 'o'
dileep k
- [issue26738] listname.strip() does not work right if the name ends with an 'o'
dileep k
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
- [issue26809] `string` exposes ChainMap from `collections`
- [issue25061] Add native enum support for argparse
- [issue1322] Deprecate platform.dist() and platform.linux_distribution() functions
- [issue20962] Rather modest chunk size in gzip.GzipFile
- [issue6792] Distutils-based installer does not detect 64bit versions of Python
- [issue19846] Python 3 raises Unicode errors with the C locale
- [issue7980] time.strptime not thread safe
- [issue14621] Hash function is not randomized properly
- [issue25420] "import random" blocks on entropy collection on Linux with low entropy
jan matejek
- [issue26874] Docstring error in divmod function
- [issue26874] Docstring error in divmod function
- [issue26627] IDLE incorrectly labeling error as internal
- [issue26781] os.walk max_depth
- [issue17859] improve error message for saving ints to file
- [issue26811] segfault due to null pointer in tuple
- [issue26821] array module "minimum size in bytes" table is wrong for int/long
- [issue26713] Change f-literal grammar so that escaping isn’t possible or necessary
flying sheep
- [issue26713] Change f-literal grammar so that escaping isn’t possible or necessary
flying sheep
- [issue26693] Exception exceptions.AttributeError '_shutdown' in <module 'threading' >
- [issue26693] Exception exceptions.AttributeError '_shutdown' in <module 'threading' >
- [issue26693] Exception exceptions.AttributeError '_shutdown' in <module 'threading' >
- [issue26693] Exception exceptions.AttributeError '_shutdown' in <module 'threading' >
- [issue26693] Exception ignored in: <module 'threading' from ...threading.py> in _shutdown, assert tlock.locked()
- [issue26693] Exception ignored in: <module 'threading' from ...threading.py> in _shutdown, assert tlock.locked()
- [issue26693] Exception ignored in: <module 'threading' from ...threading.py> in _shutdown, assert tlock.locked()
- [issue26693] Exception ignored in: <module 'threading' from ...threading.py> in _shutdown, assert tlock.locked()
- [issue26693] Exception ignored in: <module 'threading' from ...threading.py> in _shutdown, assert tlock.locked()
- [issue26693] Exception ignored in: <module 'threading' from ...threading.py> in _shutdown, assert tlock.locked()
- [issue26693] Exception ignored in: <module 'threading' from ...threading.py> in _shutdown, assert tlock.locked()
- [issue6792] Distutils-based installer does not detect 64bit versions of Python
- [issue26872] Default ConfigParser in python is not able to load values habing percent in them
- [issue26872] Default ConfigParser in python is not able to load values habing percent in them
- [issue26699] locale.str docstring is incorrect: "Convert float to integer"
supriyanto maftuh,st
- [issue25609] Add a ContextManager ABC and type
supriyanto maftuh,st
- [issue25931] os.fork() command distributed in windows Python27 (in SocketServer module)
supriyanto maftuh,st
- [issue24136] document PEP 448: unpacking generalization
supriyanto maftuh,st
- [issue24557] Refactor LibreSSL / EGD detection
supriyanto maftuh,st
- [issue19217] Calling assertEquals for moderately long list takes too long
supriyanto maftuh,st
- [issue20767] Some python extensions can't be compiled with clang 3.4
supriyanto maftuh,st
- [issue26639] Tools/i18n/pygettext.py: replace deprecated imp module with importlib
supriyanto maftuh,st
- [issue15984] Wrong documentation for PyUnicode_FromObject() and PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject()
supriyanto maftuh,st
- [issue26810] inconsistent garbage collector behavior across platforms when using ctypes data-structures
unsec treedee
- [issue26673] Tkinter error when opening IDLE configuration menu
- [issue26673] Tkinter error when opening IDLE configuration menu
- [issue26673] Tkinter error when opening IDLE configuration menu
- [issue26673] Tkinter error when opening IDLE configuration menu
- [issue26606] logging.baseConfig is missing the encoding parameter
Jānis Šlapiņš
- [issue26606] logging.baseConfig is missing the encoding parameter
Jānis Šlapiņš
- [issue26606] logging.baseConfig is missing the encoding parameter
Jānis Šlapiņš
- [issue26882] The Python process stops responding immediately after starting
Александр Виноградов
- [issue26877] tarfile use wrong code when read from fileobj
Марк Коренберг
- [issue26877] tarfile use wrong code when read from fileobj
Марк Коренберг
- [issue26877] tarfile use wrong code when read from fileobj
Марк Коренберг
- [issue26877] tarfile use wrong code when read from fileobj
Марк Коренберг
- [issue26717] wsgiref.simple_server: mojibake with cp1252 bytes in PATH_INFO
Александр Эри
- [issue26808] wsgiref.simple_server breaks unicode in URIs
Александр Эри
- [issue26808] wsgiref.simple_server breaks unicode in URIs
Александр Эри
- [issue26664] find a bug in activate.fish of venv of cpython3.6
Last message date:
Sat Apr 30 23:32:51 EDT 2016
Archived on: Sat Apr 30 23:32:52 EDT 2016
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).