[issue27472] add the 'unix_shell' attribute to test.support

Xavier de Gaye report at bugs.python.org
Mon Jul 11 05:40:47 EDT 2016

Xavier de Gaye added the comment:

The attached patch ignores the following test modules listed in msg266084:

Lib/distutils/tests/test_build_scripts.py|68 col 31| ("#!/bin/sh\n"
Lib/distutils/tests/test_install_scripts.py|57 col 38| write_script("shell.sh", ("#!/bin/sh\n"
    The scripts are not meant to be run.

Lib/test/test__osx_support.py|46 col 24| f.write("#!/bin/sh\n/bin/echo OK\n")
Lib/test/test__osx_support.py|58 col 24| f.write("#!/bin/sh\n/bin/echo ExpectedOutput\n")
Lib/test/test__osx_support.py|149 col 28| f.write("#!/bin/sh\n/bin/echo " + c_output)
Lib/test/test__osx_support.py|205 col 24| f.write("#!/bin/sh\nexit 255")
    These tests run only on the darwin platform.

Lib/test/test_subprocess.py|1645 col 15| sh = '/bin/sh'
Lib/test/test_subprocess.py|1647 col 33| # Test will fail if /bin/sh is a symlink to csh.
    This test is specific to bash or ksh.

keywords: +patch
stage: needs patch -> patch review
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43687/unix_shell_27472.patch

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