[issue27516] Wrong initialization of python path with embeddable distribution
Palm Kevin
report at bugs.python.org
Thu Jul 14 18:50:14 EDT 2016
New submission from Palm Kevin:
The way the python path is initialized with the embeddable python distribution makes no sense for me.
If no environment variable PYTHONPATH is set, then the path is initialized like this:
--> the distribution folder itself is not in the path ([python352]), an import of _socket will thus fail !
--> Having DLLs and lib in the path is useless
(Notice, that when the PYTHONHOME is initialized, then the path '[python352]' is also used for DLLs and lib (instead of '.\')
If the environment variable PYTHONPATH is set, then the path is extended like this:
--> the distribution folder itself is not in the path ([python352]), an import of _socket will thus fail !
I would prefer this behavior:
* python path is not initialized anymore with 'DLLs' and 'lib'
* the distribution-folder should always be added to the python-path
messages: 270447
nosy: palm.kevin
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Wrong initialization of python path with embeddable distribution
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.5
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