[issue27271] asyncio lost udp packets

valdemar pavesi report at bugs.python.org
Wed Jun 8 16:17:39 EDT 2016

New submission from valdemar pavesi:


I am using asyncio to handle 165 udp-packet per second

everything received by (datagram_received) will be put into a queue.

124605 UDP packets send from client.

and received by server network:

dumpcap  ( filter "port 59999  and len > 100" ) 
Packets: 124605

correct number send and received.  124605


received by application:

def datagram_received(self, data, addr):

[2016-06-08 14:59:49] total udp = 124255,queue size =0
[2016-06-08 14:59:49] Got 124255 json report from server.

only 124255 received by application.

124605 - 124255 = 350 udp , received by network card , but application never got it.


class UDPProtocolServerTraffica:
    def __init__(self):
        self.transport = None
        # heart beat timer
        self.HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT = 10.0
        self.MSG_UDP_HEARTBEAT = b'\x01\x00\x00\x00\x11\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00'
        self.UDPCount = 0

    def connection_made(self, transport):
        self.transport = transport
        # traffica startup message
        self.transport.sendto(self.MSG_UDP_HEARTBEAT, (fns_remote_host, fns_remote_port))
        # start 10 seconds timeout timer
        self.h_timeout = asyncio.get_event_loop().call_later(self.HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT, self.timeout_heartbeat)
        # show total report
        self.h_timeout = asyncio.get_event_loop().call_later(self.REPORTSHOWTOTAL_TIMEOUT, self.timeout_report_showtotal)
    def datagram_received(self, data, addr):
        #fns_mmdu_ipaddr = addr [0]
        #fns_mmdu_port = addr [1]
        Report_Id = (int.from_bytes(data[0:2], byteorder='big'))
        if Report_Id != 327:
            self.UDPCount += 1
            # send message to queue
    def pause_reading(self):

    def resume_reading(self):

    def error_received(self, exc):
        print('Error received:', exc)

    def connection_lost(self, exc):
        print('stop', exc)

    def timeout_heartbeat(self):
        self.transport.sendto(self.MSG_UDP_HEARTBEAT, (fns_remote_host, fns_remote_port))
        self.h_timeout = asyncio.get_event_loop().call_later(self.HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT, self.timeout_heartbeat)
        #print('queue size ',asyncio_queue.qsize())
    def timeout_report_showtotal(self):
        self.h_timeout = asyncio.get_event_loop().call_later(self.REPORTSHOWTOTAL_TIMEOUT, self.timeout_report_showtotal)

    def displayReportTotalCount(self):
        logging.info('Total udp from fns: ' + str(self.UDPCount) + ' , queue size: ' + str(asyncio_queue.qsize()) )


components: asyncio
messages: 267884
nosy: gvanrossum, haypo, valdemar.pavesi, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: asyncio lost udp packets
versions: Python 3.6

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