[issue31908] trace module cli does not write cover files

Michael Selik report at bugs.python.org
Mon Nov 13 17:43:51 EST 2017

Michael Selik <mike at selik.org> added the comment:

You're referring to something like this:

+    def test_count_and_summary(self):
+        name = TESTFN + '.py'
+        with open(name, 'w') as fd:
+            self.addCleanup(unlink, name)
+            fd.write("""\
+x = 1
+y = 2
+def f():
+    return x + y
+for i in range(10):
+    f()
+            """)
+        status, stdout, stderr = assert_python_ok('-m', 'trace', '-cs', name)
+        self.assertEqual(status, 0)
+        self.assertIn(b'lines   cov%   module   (path)', stdout)
+        self.assertIn(('6   100%%   %s   (%s)' % (TESTFN, name)).encode(), stdout)



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