[issue34025] SMTP EmailPolicy not using the correct line length for RCF 2045 encoded data (is 78, should be 76)

R. David Murray report at bugs.python.org
Mon Jul 2 14:18:12 EDT 2018

R. David Murray <rdmurray at bitdance.com> added the comment:

The default maximum line length is indeed supposed to be 78 (characters..and I can't now remember whether I implemented it in terms of characters or octets), that's per RFC 5322.  What is wrong is that content encoded text is supposed to use a max line length of 76.

A "simple" fix would be to hardcode the maximum line length at 76 when doing content encoding.  An arguably better fix would be a separate policy control for the encoded text line length.

The former can be the bug fix, but it would be nice to have the latter as an enhancement.

title: SMTP EmailPolicy not setting max_line_length as expected. RCF 2045 states 76 char, Default policy uses 78 -> SMTP EmailPolicy not using the correct line length for RCF 2045 encoded data (is 78, should be 76)

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