[issue34107] root.warning('msg') output format modified by logging.warning('msg')
Michael Kearney
report at bugs.python.org
Thu Jul 12 20:25:05 EDT 2018
New submission from Michael Kearney <dsmakearney at gmail.com>:
0 >>> import logging
1 >>> root=logging.getLogger(name='root')
2 >>> root.warning('msg')
3 msg <----- Compare this line
4 >>> logging.warning('msg')
5 WARNING:root:msg
6 >>> root.warning('msg')
7 WARNING:root:msg <------ with this line
Specifically, I was surprised to see
line 7 response to line 6
line 3 response to line 2
logger methods log(),critical(),error(),info() act the same way.
A workaround from issue 33897 fixes things
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, force=True)
I discovered this when exploring "logging" module defaults, It is the sort of thing someone new to the module might encounter. I did.
Slightly more comprehensive unittest example attached.
This may be my first real submission. Feedback appreciated
files: logTest.py
messages: 321582
nosy: Michael Kearney
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: root.warning('msg') output format modified by logging.warning('msg')
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file47686/logTest.py
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