[issue27494] 2to3 parser failure caused by a comma after a generator expression

Jakub Stasiak report at bugs.python.org
Tue Jul 31 08:18:40 EDT 2018

Jakub Stasiak <jakub+python.org at stasiak.at> added the comment:

Apologies for only responding now, I've not received any notifications after my original pull request had been merged. I only learned about the change being reverted from https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/8580, so let me leave my two cents here:

I don't think the syntax not being valid (formally - since forever, practically - since 3.7) is good enough reason to make (lib)2to3 reject it. 2to3 is supposed to handle old syntax, isn't it? I'd argue that since it is (or was) possible to use this syntax in Python 2.x it should be handled gracefully.


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