[issue33419] Add functools.partialclass

Neil Girdhar report at bugs.python.org
Wed May 9 10:39:41 EDT 2018

Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at gmail.com> added the comment:

It seems like Python doesn't do very well with dynamically-generated classes.

For that reason, I'm losing interest on this feature.

Is there any interest in merging the documentation changes here: https://bugs.python.org/review/33419/diff/20050/Doc/library/functools.rst ?

I think we should use the terminology "partial function application" (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partial_application) rather than "partial function".

Also, the existing paragraphs change subject from talking about the library function (e.g., partial) to the function returned by the library function, which is confusing.  I thought we should break them up.

Finally, the term "freezing" an interface is a bit weird since Python uses freezing in other another context to mean immutable (frozenset), and the interface returned by partial is overridable.

Also, I realize I didn't wait very long, but I think it would be best in the future to register one's "–1" on pyhton-ideas before someone embarks on implementing something everyone else approved.  This also happened with PEP 448 too after I'd worked on it for weeks, and it was very frustrating.

Anyway, feel free to close.  If this keeps coming up over the next few years, someone else can work from this patch.


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