[issue38031] FileIO.__init__ aborts when opener returns bad fd

Maxwell Bernstein report at bugs.python.org
Wed Sep 4 17:19:41 EDT 2019

New submission from Maxwell Bernstein <tekk.nolagi at gmail.com>:

On a debug build, the following causes an abort:

import _io
_io.FileIO("foobar", opener=lambda name, flags: 1000000)

1000000 is not a valid fd. FileIO attempts to raise an IOError from errno, but there is already an exception set when PyErr_SetFromErrno uses PyObject_Call to create the exception.

components: IO
messages: 351150
nosy: tekknolagi
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: FileIO.__init__ aborts when opener returns bad fd
type: crash
versions: Python 3.6

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