[issue39634] Incorrect heapq heapify naming

Harsh Patel report at bugs.python.org
Fri Feb 14 17:30:28 EST 2020

Harsh Patel <harsh at nyu.edu> added the comment:

This ticket is not intended to rename heapify method in the stdlib (its too
late for that). This is to merely add a clarification in the docs to state
that heapify here has a different connotation than what's used in standard
algorithmic literature (CLRS, Sedgewick etc).  See here


On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 2:00 PM Steven D'Aprano <report at bugs.python.org>

> Steven D'Aprano <steve+python at pearwood.info> added the comment:
> The "-ify" or "-fy" suffix in English means "to make". For example,
> "amplify", "magnify", "terrify", etc.
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__en.wiktionary.org_wiki_-2Dify&d=DwIFaQ&c=slrrB7dE8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ&r=owI_YZl60rgj74U9tzqxcA&m=jUulcI-27ChSIukpI4uzg0LktqA5zRt9HI8Lz0JxRYU&s=o95nXSmjNMCHMbmoWeL7LildI9qwEdnusnlAOenreQ4&e=
> So heapify literally means "make into a heap". Not only is the name
> correct, but it is a better name for an in-place operation than either of
> the terms you give:
> * "build-heap" does not describe an in-place operation;
> * "make-heap" is ambiguous in whether it is in-place or not.
> But even if we agreed that the name needs to change to match text books
> (which text books?), since heapify is a public function, we cannot just
> change the name. We would have to keep the old name around for many, many
> years, possibly forever.
> ----------
> nosy: +steven.daprano
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