July 2020 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Jul 1 00:13:30 EDT 2020
Ending: Fri Jul 31 23:34:14 EDT 2020
Messages: 2763
- [issue41014] warning: 'sqlite3_trace' is deprecated
Erlend Egeberg Aasland
- [issue40744] Explicitly drop support for SQLite version < 3.7.3
Erlend Egeberg Aasland
- [issue41100] Build failure on macOS 11 (beta)
Erlend Egeberg Aasland
- [issue41384] tkinter raises TypeError when it's supposed to raise TclError
- [issue41409] deque.pop(index) is not supported
- [issue41409] deque.pop(index) is not supported
- [issue41409] deque.pop(index) is not supported
- [issue40666] TarFile.add does not support pathlib.Path as a value to first argument.
- [issue41278] Wrong Completion on Editing Mode of IDLE
- [issue41278] Wrong Completion on Editing Mode of IDLE
- [issue41278] IDLE: Clarify some completion details in doc
- [issue41360] method _tunnel does not allow for a standard proxy authentication solution
- [issue24964] Add tunnel CONNECT response headers to httplib / http.client
- [issue41213] Cannot locate MSBuild.exe on PATH or as MSBUILD variable
- [issue41213] Cannot locate MSBuild.exe on PATH or as MSBUILD variable
- [issue41345] Remote end closed connection without response
Ilia Androshchuk
- [issue41345] Remote end closed connection without response
Ilia Androshchuk
- [issue41345] Remote end closed connection without response
Ilia Androshchuk
- [issue41360] method _tunnel does not allow for a standard proxy authentication solution
Ilia Androshchuk
- [issue39107] Upgrade tcl/tk to 8.6.10 (Windows and maxOS)
Aivar Annamaa
- [issue41184] Reconciling IDLE's Comment Out Region / Uncomment Region with PEP 8 guidelines for commenting
- [issue41381] Google chat handler in Logging module
Éric Araujo
- [issue41345] Remote end closed connection without response
Michal Arbet
- [issue41345] Remote end closed connection without response
Michal Arbet
- [issue41345] Remote end closed connection without response
Michal Arbet
- [issue41100] Build failure on macOS 11 (beta)
Emmanuel Arias
- [issue41137] pdb uses the locale encoding for .pdbrc
Emmanuel Arias
- [issue41217] Obsolete note for default asyncio event loop on Windows
Emmanuel Arias
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Emmanuel Arias
- [issue41316] tarfile: Do not write full path in FNAME field
Emmanuel Arias
- [issue41378] IDLE EOL convention not set on a empty file
Emmanuel Arias
- [issue41373] IDLE: edit/save files created by Windows Explorer
Emmanuel Arias
- [issue41257] mimetypes.guess_extension('video/x-matroska') return wrong value
Ammar Askar
- [issue41122] functools.singledispatchfunction has confusing error message if no positional arguments are passed in
Ammar Askar
- [issue41275] Clarify whether Futures can be awaited multiple times
Ammar Askar
- [issue41271] Add support for io_uring to cpython
Ammar Askar
- [issue41286] Built-in platform module does not offer to check for processor instructions
Ammar Askar
- [issue41283] The parameter name for imghdr.what in the documentation is wrong
Ammar Askar
- [issue40932] subprocess docs should warn of shlex use on Windows
Ammar Askar
- [issue41286] Built-in platform module does not offer to check for processor instructions
Ammar Askar
- [issue40932] subprocess docs should warn of shlex use on Windows
Ammar Askar
- [issue41004] [CVE-2020-14422] Hash collisions in IPv4Interface and IPv6Interface
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue41449] An article on Python 3 stdout and stderr output buffering
Anatoli Babenia
- [issue41387] Escape needed in the email documentation example
Lewis Ball
- [issue41387] Escape needed in the email documentation example
Lewis Ball
- [issue41388] IDLE fails to detect corresponding opening parenthesis
Lewis Ball
- [issue41388] IDLE fails to detect corresponding opening parenthesis
Lewis Ball
- [issue41388] IDLE fails to detect corresponding opening parenthesis
Lewis Ball
- [issue41388] IDLE fails to detect corresponding opening parenthesis
Lewis Ball
- [issue21041] pathlib.PurePath.parents rejects negative indexes
Maxwell Ballenger
- [issue41447] Resource Tracker in Multiprocessing Shared Memory not working correctly
Damian Barabonkov
- [issue41301] Assignment operation of list is not working as expected
Yashwanth Barad
- [issue41185] lib2to3 generation of pickle files is racy
Marco Barisione
- [issue40782] AbstactEventLoop.run_in_executor is listed as an async method, but should actually return a Futrue
James Barrett
- [issue39960] Using typename.__setattr__ in extension type with Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE is broken (hackcheck too eager?)
Stefan Behnel
- [issue39960] Using typename.__setattr__ in extension type with Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE is broken (hackcheck too eager?)
Stefan Behnel
- [issue39960] Using typename.__setattr__ in extension type with Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE is broken (hackcheck too eager?)
Stefan Behnel
- [issue39960] Using typename.__setattr__ in extension type with Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE is broken (hackcheck too eager?)
Stefan Behnel
- [issue39960] Using typename.__setattr__ in extension type with Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE is broken (hackcheck too eager?)
Stefan Behnel
- [issue39960] Using typename.__setattr__ in extension type with Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE is broken (hackcheck too eager?)
Stefan Behnel
- [issue39960] Using typename.__setattr__ in extension type with Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE is broken (hackcheck too eager?)
Stefan Behnel
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
Stefan Behnel
- [issue39960] Using typename.__setattr__ in extension type with Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE is broken (hackcheck too eager?)
Stefan Behnel
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
Stefan Behnel
- [issue41273] asyncio: proactor read transport: use recv_into instead of recv
Stefan Behnel
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
Stefan Behnel
- [issue41197] Async magic methods in contextlib.closing
Ramzan Bekbulatov
- [issue40213] contextlib.aclosing()
John Belmonte
- [issue40213] contextlib.aclosing()
John Belmonte
- [issue40816] Add missed AsyncContextDecorator to contextlib
John Belmonte
- [issue41423] `multiprocessing.Array` and `multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager.Array` APIs are similar but not the same
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Oscar Benjamin
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Oscar Benjamin
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Oscar Benjamin
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Oscar Benjamin
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Oscar Benjamin
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Oscar Benjamin
- [issue35786] get_lock() method is not present for Values created using multiprocessing.Manager()
Ian Jacob Bertolacci
- [issue32958] socket module calls with long host names can fail with idna codec error
Aaron Black
- [issue41249] TypedDict inheritance doesn't work with get_type_hints and postponed evaluation of annotations across modules
Keith Blaha
- [issue41249] TypedDict inheritance doesn't work with get_type_hints and postponed evaluation of annotations across modules
Keith Blaha
- [issue41273] asyncio: proactor read transport: use recv_into instead of recv
David Bolen
- [issue41273] asyncio: proactor read transport: use recv_into instead of recv
David Bolen
- [issue41412] After installation on Windows7, 64bit Python 3.9.0b5 reports "api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll" missing and doesn't start
Martin Borus
- [issue41412] After installation on Windows7, 64bit Python 3.9.0b5 reports "api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll" missing and doesn't start
Martin Borus
- [issue32958] socket module calls with long host names can fail with idna codec error
Steve Bowman
- [issue41206] behaviour change with EmailMessage.set_content
David Bremner
- [issue41392] Syntax error rather than run time error
Philip R Brenan
- [issue32561] Add API to io objects for cache-only reads/writes
Joshua Bronson
- [issue13322] The io module doesn't support non-blocking files
Joshua Bronson
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
Joshua Bronson
- [issue40816] Add missed AsyncContextDecorator to contextlib
Joshua Bronson
- [issue41451] Class with __weakref__ slot cannot inherit from multiple typing.Generic classes
Joshua Bronson
- [issue41451] Class with __weakref__ slot cannot inherit from typing.Generic subclass
Joshua Bronson
- [issue41316] tarfile: Do not write full path in FNAME field
Artem Bulgakov
- [issue41316] tarfile: Do not write full path in FNAME field
Artem Bulgakov
- [issue41316] tarfile: Do not write full path in FNAME field
Artem Bulgakov
- [issue41388] IDLE fails to detect corresponding opening parenthesis
Alexey Burdin
- [issue41218] PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT + list comprehension set .CO_COROUTINE falg.
Matthias Bussonnier
- [issue41218] PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT + list comprehension set .CO_COROUTINE falg.
Matthias Bussonnier
- [issue39562] Asynchronous comprehensions don't work in asyncio REPL
Matthias Bussonnier
- [issue41218] PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT + list comprehension set .CO_COROUTINE falg.
Matthias Bussonnier
- [issue41218] PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT + list comprehension set .CO_COROUTINE falg.
Matthias Bussonnier
- [issue39562] Asynchronous comprehensions don't work in asyncio REPL
Matthias Bussonnier
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
Ben Caller
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
Ben Caller
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Brett Cannon
- [issue41323] Perform "peephole" optimization directly on control-flow graph.
Brett Cannon
- [issue41327] Windows Store "stub" Python executables give confusing behaviour
Brett Cannon
- [issue41406] BufferedReader causes Popen.communicate losing the remaining output.
Brett Cannon
- [issue36661] Missing dataclass decorator import in dataclasses module docs
Brett Cannon
- [issue36661] Missing dataclass decorator import in dataclasses module docs
Brett Cannon
- [issue41424] [tkinter] Grammatical error in "Packer" docs
Brett Cannon
- [issue41425] [tkinter] "Coupling Widget Variables" example missing code
Brett Cannon
- [issue41426] [curses] Grammar mistake in curses.getmouse() docs
Brett Cannon
- [issue41426] [curses] Grammar mistake in curses.getmouse() docs
Brett Cannon
- [issue41231] Type annotations lost when using wraps by default
David Caro
- [issue41231] Type annotations lost when using wraps by default
David Caro
- [issue41231] Type annotations lost when using wraps by default
David Caro
- [issue8814] functools.WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS should include __annotations__
David Caro
- [issue41231] Type annotations lost when using wraps by default
David Caro
- [issue41231] Type annotations lost when using wraps by default
David Caro
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
David Caro
- [issue39960] Using typename.__setattr__ in extension type with Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE is broken (hackcheck too eager?)
David Caro
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
David Caro
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
David Caro
- [issue33327] Add a method to move messages to IMAPlib
Matej Cepl
- [issue33327] Add a method to move messages to IMAPlib
Matej Cepl
- [issue18280] Documentation is too personalized
Matej Cepl
- [issue12029] Allow catching virtual subclasses in except clauses
Simon Charette
- [issue41259] Find adverbs is not correct
Rim Chatti
- [issue41259] Find adverbs is not correct on the documentation
Rim Chatti
- [issue41259] Find adverbs is not correct on the documentation
Rim Chatti
- [issue41236] "about" button in MacOS caused an error
Baozhen Chen
- [issue41365] Python Launcher is sorry to say... No pyvenv.cfg file
- [issue41365] Python Launcher is sorry to say... No pyvenv.cfg file
- [issue41365] Python Launcher is sorry to say... No pyvenv.cfg file
- [issue41227] minor typo in asyncio transport protocol
Faris Chugthai
- [issue41253] unittest -h shows a flag -s but it doesn't work
Faris Chugthai
- [issue41327] Windows Store "stub" Python executables give confusing behaviour
Tzu-ping Chung
- [issue41327] Windows Store "stub" Python executables give confusing behaviour
Tzu-ping Chung
- [issue18080] setting CC no longer overrides default linker for extension module builds on OS X
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue18080] setting CC no longer overrides default linker for extension module builds on OS X
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue41207] distutils.command.build_ext raises FileNotFoundError
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue41207] distutils.command.build_ext raises FileNotFoundError
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue39763] distutils.spawn should use subprocess (hang in parallel builds on QNX)
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue18080] setting CC no longer overrides default linker for extension module builds on OS X
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue41207] distutils.command.build_ext raises FileNotFoundError
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue41207] distutils.command.build_ext raises FileNotFoundError
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue41207] distutils.command.build_ext raises FileNotFoundError
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue41207] distutils.command.build_ext raises FileNotFoundError
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue41207] distutils.command.build_ext raises FileNotFoundError
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue16396] Importing ctypes.wintypes on Linux gives a ValueError instead of an ImportError
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue16396] Importing ctypes.wintypes on Linux gives a ValueError instead of an ImportError
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue41350] Use of zipfile.Path causes attempt to write after ZipFile is closed
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue41350] Use of zipfile.Path causes attempt to write after ZipFile is closed
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue41046] unittest: make skipTest a classmethod
James Corbett
- [issue41430] Document C docstring behavior
James Corbett
- [issue41430] Document C docstring behavior
James Corbett
- [issue41436] BUG a simple "and" and "or"
James Corbett
- [issue41436] BUG a simple "and" and "or"
James Corbett
- [issue9625] argparse: Problem with defaults for variable nargs when using choices
James Corbett
- [issue41100] Build failure on macOS 11 (beta)
Lawrence D'Anna
- [issue41100] Build failure on macOS 11 (beta)
Lawrence D'Anna
- [issue41100] Build failure on macOS 11 (beta)
Lawrence D'Anna
- [issue41100] Build failure on macOS 11 (beta)
Lawrence D'Anna
- [issue41100] Build failure on macOS 11 (beta)
Lawrence D'Anna
- [issue41198] Round built-in function not shows zeros acording significant figures and calculates different numbers of odd and even
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue41198] Round built-in function not shows zeros acording significant figures and calculates different numbers of odd and even
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue41240] Use the same kind of quotation mark in f-string
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue41243] SPAM
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue41274] Better way to random.seed()?
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue41276] Min / Max returns different values depending on parameter order
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue41276] Min / Max returns different values depending on parameter order
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue41297] Remove doctest import from heapq
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue41301] Assignment operation of list is not working as expected
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue41407] Tricky behavior of builtin-function map
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue41435] Allow to retrieve ongoing exception handled by every threads
Julien Danjou
- [issue41435] Allow to retrieve ongoing exception handled by every threads
Julien Danjou
- [issue41407] Tricky behavior of builtin-function map
- [issue41191] PyType_FromModuleAndSpec is not mentioned in 3.9 What's new
Matthieu Dartiailh
- [issue41276] Min / Max returns different values depending on parameter order
Calvin Davis
- [issue41276] Min / Max returns different values depending on parameter order
Calvin Davis
- [issue41276] Min / Max returns different values depending on parameter order
Calvin Davis
- [issue29056] logging.Formatter doesn't respect more than one formatException()
Matthew Davis
- [issue41231] Type annotations lost when using wraps by default
Terry Davis
- [issue41200] Add pickle.loads fuzz test
Bruce Day
- [issue41177] ConvertingList and ConvertingTuple lack iterators and ConvertingDict lacks items()
Michael DePalatis
- [issue41344] SharedMemory crash when size is 0
5YN15T3R_742 SeT1aP DeTiK
- [issue41344] SharedMemory crash when size is 0
5YN15T3R_742 SeT1aP DeTiK
- [issue41181] [macOS] Build macOS installer with LTO and PGO optimizations
Ned Deily
- [issue41179] find_library on macOS Big Sur
Ned Deily
- [issue41181] [macOS] Build macOS installer with LTO and PGO optimizations
Ned Deily
- [issue41181] [macOS] Build macOS installer with LTO and PGO optimizations
Ned Deily
- [issue41189] An exploitable segmentation fault in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
Ned Deily
- [issue41189] An exploitable segmentation fault in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
Ned Deily
- [issue41189] An exploitable segmentation fault in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
Ned Deily
- [issue41189] An exploitable segmentation fault in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
Ned Deily
- [issue18080] setting CC no longer overrides default linker for extension module builds on OS X
Ned Deily
- [issue896330] pyconfig.h is not placed in --includedir
Ned Deily
- [issue896330] pyconfig.h is not placed in --includedir
Ned Deily
- [issue41199] Docstring convention not followed for dataclasses documentation page
Ned Deily
- [issue41212] Emoji Unicode failing in standard release of Python 3.8.3 / tkinter 8.6.8
Ned Deily
- [issue18080] setting CC no longer overrides default linker for extension module builds on OS X
Ned Deily
- [issue29778] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Ned Deily
- [issue29778] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Ned Deily
- [issue41236] "about" button in MacOS caused an error
Ned Deily
- [issue41236] "about" button in MacOS caused an error
Ned Deily
- [issue41268] 3.9-dev regression? TypeError: exec_module() missing 1 required positional argument: 'module'
Ned Deily
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Ned Deily
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Ned Deily
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
Ned Deily
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
Ned Deily
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
Ned Deily
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
Ned Deily
- [issue41299] Python3 threading.Event().wait time is twice as large as Python27
Ned Deily
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
Ned Deily
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
Ned Deily
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
Ned Deily
- [issue41303] perf_counter result does not count system sleep time in Mac OS
Ned Deily
- [issue41299] Python3 threading.Event().wait time is twice as large as Python27
Ned Deily
- [issue41291] Race conditions when opening and deleting a file on Mac OS X
Ned Deily
- [issue41304] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
Ned Deily
- [issue41306] test_tk failure on Arch Linux
Ned Deily
- [issue41306] test_tk test_widgets.ScaleTest fails with Tk 8.6.10
Ned Deily
- [issue41304] [CVE-2020-15801] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
Ned Deily
- [issue41326] Build failure in blurb-it repo: "Failed building wheel for yarl"
Ned Deily
- [issue39603] [security] http.client: HTTP Header Injection in the HTTP method
Ned Deily
- [issue39603] [security] http.client: HTTP Header Injection in the HTTP method
Ned Deily
- [issue39603] [security] http.client: HTTP Header Injection in the HTTP method
Ned Deily
- [issue39073] [security] email module incorrect handling of CR and LF newline characters in Address objects.
Ned Deily
- [issue40741] Upgrade to SQLite v3.32 in Windows and macOS builds
Ned Deily
- [issue41349] idle not going full screen when I rotate screen 90° on mac
Ned Deily
- [issue41363] python 3.8.5 folder not visible in https://www.python.org/ftp/python/ listing
Ned Deily
- [issue41358] Unable to uninstall Python launcher using command line
Ned Deily
- [issue38946] IDLE on macOS 10.15 Catalina does not open double-clicked files if app already launched
Ned Deily
- [issue41413] At prompt for input(), pressing Command q kills IDLE
Ned Deily
- [issue36982] Add support for extended color functions in ncurses 6.1
Ned Deily
- [issue36630] failure of test_colors_funcs in test_curses with ncurses 6.1
Ned Deily
- [issue41405] python 3.9.0b5 test
Ned Deily
- [issue41306] test_tk test_widgets.ScaleTest fails with Tk 8.6.10
Ned Deily
- [issue37586] macOS: posix_spawn(..., setsid=True)
Ned Deily
- [issue41429] Let fnmatch.filter accept a tuple of patterns
Andrés Delfino
- [issue41429] Let fnmatch.filter accept a tuple of patterns
Andrés Delfino
- [issue24955] webbrowser broken on Mac OS X when using the BROWSER variable
Hugo Delgado
- [issue33840] connection limit on listening socket in asyncio
- [issue33840] connection limit on listening socket in asyncio
- [issue41243] Android Game
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Rajarishi Devarajan
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Rajarishi Devarajan
- [issue41350] Use of zipfile.Path causes attempt to write after ZipFile is closed
Rajarishi Devarajan
- [issue41100] Build failure on macOS 11 (beta)
Mark Dickinson
- [issue41198] Round built-in function not shows zeros acording significant figures and calculates different numbers of odd and even
Mark Dickinson
- [issue41198] Round built-in function not shows zeros acording significant figures and calculates different numbers of odd and even
Mark Dickinson
- [issue41205] Documentation Decimal power 0 to the 0 is Nan (versus 0 to the 0 which is 1)
Mark Dickinson
- [issue41205] Documentation Decimal power 0 to the 0 is Nan (versus 0 to the 0 which is 1)
Mark Dickinson
- [issue41245] cmath module documentation is misleading on branch cuts
Mark Dickinson
- [issue41245] cmath module documentation is misleading on branch cuts
Mark Dickinson
- [issue41245] cmath module documentation is misleading on branch cuts
Mark Dickinson
- [issue41245] cmath module documentation is misleading on branch cuts
Mark Dickinson
- [issue41245] cmath module documentation is misleading on branch cuts
Mark Dickinson
- [issue41269] Wrong subtraction calculations
Mark Dickinson
- [issue41313] OverflowError still raised when int limited in sys.maxsize
Mark Dickinson
- [issue41310] micro-optimization: increase our float parsing speed by Nx
Mark Dickinson
- [issue41313] sys.setrecursionlimit: OverflowError still raised when int limited in sys.maxsize
Mark Dickinson
- [issue41342] Convert int.__round__ to Argument Clinic
Mark Dickinson
- [issue36788] Add clamp() function to builtins
Mark Dickinson
- [issue41408] Add a `clamp` function to the `math` module
Mark Dickinson
- [issue36788] Add clamp() function to builtins
Mark Dickinson
- [issue41228] Fix the typo in the description of calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)
Nima Dini
- [issue41228] Fix the typo in the description of calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)
Nima Dini
- [issue41222] Undocumented behaviour change of POpen.stdout.readine with bufsize=0 or =1
Yann Dirson
- [issue41180] marshal load bypass code.__new__ audit event
Steve Dower
- [issue41180] marshal load bypass code.__new__ audit event
Steve Dower
- [issue41196] APPDATA directory is different in store installed python
Steve Dower
- [issue41196] APPDATA directory is different in store installed python
Steve Dower
- [issue41162] Clear audit hooks after destructors
Steve Dower
- [issue41196] APPDATA directory is different in store installed python
Steve Dower
- [issue29778] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Steve Dower
- [issue29778] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Steve Dower
- [issue29778] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Steve Dower
- [issue41180] marshal load bypass code.__new__ audit event
Steve Dower
- [issue41180] marshal load bypass code.__new__ audit event
Steve Dower
- [issue41162] Clear audit hooks after destructors
Steve Dower
- [issue41162] Clear audit hooks after destructors
Steve Dower
- [issue29778] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Steve Dower
- [issue41192] Some audit events are undocumented
Steve Dower
- [issue41162] Clear audit hooks after destructors
Steve Dower
- [issue41162] Clear audit hooks after destructors
Steve Dower
- [issue21222] Mock create_autospec with name argument fails
Steve Dower
- [issue21222] Mock create_autospec with name argument fails
Steve Dower
- [issue21222] Mock create_autospec with name argument fails
Steve Dower
- [issue29778] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Steve Dower
- [issue21222] Mock create_autospec with name argument fails
Steve Dower
- [issue41162] Clear audit hooks after destructors
Steve Dower
- [issue29778] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Steve Dower
- [issue21222] Mock create_autospec with name argument fails
Steve Dower
- [issue41173] Windows ARM buildbots cannot upload results
Steve Dower
- [issue41162] Clear audit hooks after destructors
Steve Dower
- [issue29778] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Steve Dower
- [issue29778] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Steve Dower
- [issue29778] [CVE-2020-15523] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Steve Dower
- [issue41162] Clear audit hooks after destructors
Steve Dower
- [issue29778] [CVE-2020-15523] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Steve Dower
- [issue35786] get_lock() method is not present for Values created using multiprocessing.Manager()
Steve Dower
- [issue29778] [CVE-2020-15523] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Steve Dower
- [issue29778] [CVE-2020-15523] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Steve Dower
- [issue41173] Windows ARM buildbots cannot upload results
Steve Dower
- [issue41173] Windows ARM buildbots cannot upload results
Steve Dower
- [issue41172] test_peg_generator C tests fail on Windows ARM
Steve Dower
- [issue41172] test_peg_generator C tests fail on Windows ARM
Steve Dower
- [issue41172] test_peg_generator C tests fail on Windows ARM
Steve Dower
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Steve Dower
- [issue29778] [CVE-2020-15523] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Steve Dower
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Steve Dower
- [issue41304] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
Steve Dower
- [issue41304] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
Steve Dower
- [issue41299] Python3 threading.Event().wait time is twice as large as Python27
Steve Dower
- [issue41304] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
Steve Dower
- [issue41308] socket.connect() slow to time out on Windows
Steve Dower
- [issue41309] test_subprocess timing out randomly on Windows
Steve Dower
- [issue41309] test_subprocess timing out randomly on Windows
Steve Dower
- [issue41304] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
Steve Dower
- [issue41304] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
Steve Dower
- [issue41309] test_subprocess.test_pause_reading timing out randomly on Windows
Steve Dower
- [issue41304] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
Steve Dower
- [issue29778] [CVE-2020-15523] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Steve Dower
- [issue41304] [CVE-2020-15801] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
Steve Dower
- [issue41304] [CVE-2020-15801] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
Steve Dower
- [issue41304] [CVE-2020-15801] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
Steve Dower
- [issue41304] [CVE-2020-15801] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
Steve Dower
- [issue41327] Windows Store "stub" Python executables give confusing behaviour
Steve Dower
- [issue41327] Windows Store "stub" Python executables give confusing behaviour
Steve Dower
- [issue40932] subprocess docs should warn of shlex use on Windows
Steve Dower
- [issue40741] Upgrade to SQLite v3.32 in Windows and macOS builds
Steve Dower
- [issue40741] Upgrade to SQLite v3.32 in Windows and macOS builds
Steve Dower
- [issue40741] Upgrade to SQLite v3.32 in Windows and macOS builds
Steve Dower
- [issue40741] Upgrade to SQLite v3.32 in Windows and macOS builds
Steve Dower
- [issue41327] Windows Store "stub" Python executables give confusing behaviour
Steve Dower
- [issue41364] Optimise uuid platform detection
Steve Dower
- [issue41364] Optimise uuid platform detection
Steve Dower
- [issue41364] Optimise uuid platform detection
Steve Dower
- [issue41364] Optimise uuid platform detection
Steve Dower
- [issue41364] Optimise uuid platform detection
Steve Dower
- [issue41364] Optimise uuid platform detection
Steve Dower
- [issue41365] Python Launcher is sorry to say... No pyvenv.cfg file
Steve Dower
- [issue41365] Python Launcher is sorry to say... No pyvenv.cfg file
Steve Dower
- [issue41412] After installation on Windows7, 64bit Python 3.9.0b5 reports "api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll" missing and doesn't start
Steve Dower
- [issue40948] Better identify Windows installer as installer only, not runner
Steve Dower
- [issue40948] Better identify Windows installer as installer only, not runner
Steve Dower
- [issue41412] After installation on Windows7, 64bit Python 3.9.0b5 reports "api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll" missing and doesn't start
Steve Dower
- [issue40947] Replace PLATLIBDIR macro with config->platlibdir
Steve Dower
- [issue40948] Better identify Windows installer as installer only, not runner
Steve Dower
- [issue40947] Replace PLATLIBDIR macro with config->platlibdir
Steve Dower
- [issue40947] Replace PLATLIBDIR macro with config->platlibdir
Steve Dower
- [issue40948] Better identify Windows installer as installer only, not runner
Steve Dower
- [issue40948] Better identify Windows installer as installer only, not runner
Steve Dower
- [issue41412] After installation on Windows7, 64bit Python 3.9.0b5 reports "api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll" missing and doesn't start
Steve Dower
- [issue41412] After installation on Windows7, 64bit Python 3.9.0b5 reports "api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll" missing and doesn't start
Steve Dower
- [issue40948] Better identify Windows installer as installer only, not runner
Steve Dower
- [issue37586] macOS: posix_spawn(..., setsid=True)
Steve Dower
- [issue40075] _tkinter PythonCmd fails to acquire GIL
Steve Dower
- [issue40395] Scripts folder is Empty in python 3.8.2 for Windows 7.
Steve Dower
- [issue40395] Scripts folder is Empty in python 3.8.2 for Windows 7.
Steve Dower
- [issue41444] CPython 3.8.5 fails to build on Windows with -E option
Steve Dower
- [issue37586] macOS: posix_spawn(..., setsid=True)
Steve Dower
- [issue34277] EmailPolicy not followed
Bryce Drennan
- [issue41277] documentation: os.setxattr() errno EEXIST and ENODATA
Pablo Dumas
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
David Edelsohn
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
David Edelsohn
- [issue38628] Issue with ctypes in AIX
David Edelsohn
- [issue37765] IDLE: Include longer keywords in __main__ autocomplete list
Tal Einat
- [issue37765] IDLE: Include longer keywords in __main__ autocomplete list
Tal Einat
- [issue41376] site.getusersitepackages() incorrectly claims that PYTHONNOUSERSITE is respected
Phil Elson
- [issue41376] site.getusersitepackages() incorrectly claims that PYTHONNOUSERSITE is respected
Phil Elson
- [issue41283] The parameter name for imghdr.what in the documentation is wrong
Adam Eltawla
- [issue41013] test_os.test_memfd_create() fails on AMD64 FreeBSD Shared 3.x
Kyle Evans
- [issue41013] test_os.test_memfd_create() fails on AMD64 FreeBSD Shared 3.x
Kyle Evans
- [issue41415] duplicated signature of dataclass in help()
Sergey Fedoseev
- [issue41415] duplicated signature of dataclass in help()
Sergey Fedoseev
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Michael Felt
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Michael Felt
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Michael Felt
- [issue40424] AIX: makexp_aix, parallel build (failures) and ld WARNINGS
Michael Felt
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Michael Felt
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Michael Felt
- [issue35773] test_bdb fails on non-UTF-8 locale
Michael Felt
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Michael Felt
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Michael Felt
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Michael Felt
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Michael Felt
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Michael Felt
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Michael Felt
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Michael Felt
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Michael Felt
- [issue41401] Using non-ascii that require UTF-8 breaks AIX testing
Michael Felt
- [issue18280] Documentation is too personalized
Michael Felt
- [issue41401] Using non-ascii that require UTF-8 breaks AIX testing
Michael Felt
- [issue18280] Documentation is too personalized
Michael Felt
- [issue18280] Documentation is too personalized
Michael Felt
- [issue41401] Using non-ascii that require UTF-8 breaks AIX testing
Michael Felt
- [issue41401] Using non-ascii that require UTF-8 breaks AIX testing
Michael Felt
- [issue39959] Bug on multiprocessing.shared_memory
Diogo Flores
- [issue41280] lru_cache on 0-arity functions should default to maxsize=None
Tom Forbes
- [issue41414] AST for arguments shows extra element
James Foster
- [issue41162] Clear audit hooks after destructors
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Ama Aje My Fren
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Ama Aje My Fren
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Ama Aje My Fren
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Ama Aje My Fren
- [issue41411] Improve and consolidate f-strings docs
Ama Aje My Fren
- [issue41411] Improve and consolidate f-strings docs
Ama Aje My Fren
- [issue41411] Improve and consolidate f-strings docs
Ama Aje My Fren
- [issue20840] AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ArgumentParser'
David Friedman
- [issue41139] cgi uses the locale encoding for log files
Ethan Furman
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
Ethan Furman
- [issue41024] doc: Explicitly mention use of 'enum.Enum' as a valid container for 'choices' argument of 'argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument'
Vincent Férotin
- [issue41024] doc: Explicitly mention use of 'enum.Enum' as a valid container for 'choices' argument of 'argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument'
Vincent Férotin
- [issue41214] -O0: Segmentation fault in _PyArg_UnpackStack
- [issue41383] Provide a limit arguments for __repr__
Bernat Gabor
- [issue41383] Provide a limit arguments for __repr__
Bernat Gabor
- [issue41380] Create snake.py
Ehsonjon Gadoev
- [issue41380] Create snake.py
Ehsonjon Gadoev
- [issue41280] lru_cache on 0-arity functions should default to maxsize=None
Ehsonjon Gadoev
- [issue41380] Create snake.py
Ehsonjon Gadoev
- [issue41380] Add snake example to turtledemo
Ehsonjon Gadoev
- [issue41418] Add snake game to tools/demo!
Ehsonjon Gadoev
- [issue41418] Add snake game to tools/demo!
Ehsonjon Gadoev
- [issue41418] Add snake game to tools/demo!
Ehsonjon Gadoev
- [issue41418] GH-21658: Add snake game to tools/demo!
Ehsonjon Gadoev
- [issue41380] Add snake example to turtledemo
Ehsonjon Gadoev
- [issue41418] GH-21658: Add snake game to tools/demo!
Ehsonjon Gadoev
- [issue23882] unittest discovery doesn't detect namespace packages when given no parameters
Roger Gammans
- [issue41260] datetime: strftime method takes different keyword argument: fmt (pure) or format (C)
Paul Ganssle
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Paul Ganssle
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Paul Ganssle
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Paul Ganssle
- [issue41321] Calculate timestamp is wrong in datetime.datetime
Paul Ganssle
- [issue41254] Add to/from string methods to datetime.timedelta
Paul Ganssle
- [issue41304] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file
Jimmy Girardet
- [issue41304] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
Jimmy Girardet
- [issue41304] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
Jimmy Girardet
- [issue34624] -W option and PYTHONWARNINGS env variable does not accept module regexes
Thomas Gläßle
- [issue41289] '%' character in help= for argparse causes ValueError: incomplete format
Neil Godber
- [issue41289] '%' character in help= for argparse causes ValueError: incomplete format
Neil Godber
- [issue33129] Add kwarg-only option to dataclass
Prakhar Goel
- [issue41237] Access violation in python39.dll!meth_dealloc on exit
Christoph Gohlke
- [issue41237] Access violation in python39.dll!meth_dealloc on exit
Christoph Gohlke
- [issue41237] Access violation in python39.dll!meth_dealloc on exit
Christoph Gohlke
- [issue41237] Access violation in python39.dll!meth_dealloc on exit
Christoph Gohlke
- [issue41237] Access violation in python39.dll!meth_dealloc on exit
Christoph Gohlke
- [issue41427] howto/descriptor.rst unnecessarily mentions method.__class__
Yonatan Goldschmidt
- [issue41427] howto/descriptor.rst unnecessarily mentions method.__class__
Yonatan Goldschmidt
- [issue896330] pyconfig.h is not placed in --includedir
Mario Gonzalez
- [issue41192] Some audit events are undocumented
Saiyang Gou
- [issue41192] Some audit events are undocumented
Saiyang Gou
- [issue41192] Some audit events are undocumented
Saiyang Gou
- [issue41192] Some audit events are undocumented
Saiyang Gou
- [issue41192] Some audit events are undocumented
Saiyang Gou
- [issue37363] Additional PEP578 hooks
Saiyang Gou
- [issue39184] Many command execution functions are not raising auditing events
Saiyang Gou
- [issue39184] Many command execution functions are not raising auditing events
Saiyang Gou
- [issue36207] robotsparser deny all with some rules
James Gray
- [issue41212] Emoji Unicode failing in standard release of Python 3.8.3 / tkinter 8.6.8
Ben Griffin
- [issue41212] Emoji Unicode failing in standard release of Python 3.8.3 / tkinter 8.6.8
Ben Griffin
- [issue41212] Emoji Unicode failing in standard release of Python 3.8.3 / tkinter 8.6.8
Ben Griffin
- [issue40213] contextlib.aclosing()
Alex Grönholm
- [issue40213] contextlib.aclosing()
Alex Grönholm
- [issue41317] sock_accept() does not remove server socket reader on cancellation
Alex Grönholm
- [issue41317] sock_accept() does not remove server socket reader on cancellation
Alex Grönholm
- [issue41332] connect_accepted_socket() missing from AbstractEventLoop
Alex Grönholm
- [issue41332] connect_accepted_socket() missing from AbstractEventLoop
Alex Grönholm
- [issue31821] pause_reading() doesn't work from connection_made()
Alex Grönholm
- [issue41317] sock_accept() does not remove server socket reader on cancellation
Alex Grönholm
- [issue41317] sock_accept() does not remove server socket reader on cancellation
Alex Grönholm
- [issue41317] sock_accept() does not remove server socket reader on cancellation
Alex Grönholm
- [issue40072] Win7/Python3.8/asyncio IPv6 UDP Server raise OSError when recved any packet
Alex Grönholm
- [issue40072] Win7/Python3.8/asyncio IPv6 UDP Server raise OSError when recved any packet
Alex Grönholm
- [issue41387] Wrong example, need scpae \"
Antonio Gutierrez
- [issue41387] Wrong example, need scpae \"
Antonio Gutierrez
- [issue41387] Escape needed in the email documentation example
Antonio Gutierrez
- [issue41387] Escape needed in the email documentation example
Antonio Gutierrez
- [issue41387] Escape needed in the email documentation example
Antonio Gutierrez
- [issue35247] test.test_socket.RDSTest.testPeek hangs indefinitely
Michał Górny
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
Michał Górny
- [issue32958] socket module calls with long host names can fail with idna codec error
Joseph Hackman
- [issue41134] distutils.dir_util.copy_tree FileExistsError when updating symlinks
Tom Hale
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
David Halter
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
David Halter
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
David Halter
- [issue41354] filecmp.cmp documentation does not match actual code
Christof Hanke
- [issue41354] filecmp.cmp documentation does not match actual code
Christof Hanke
- [issue41177] ConvertingList and ConvertingTuple lack iterators and ConvertingDict lacks items()
Brett Hannigan
- [issue41177] ConvertingList and ConvertingTuple lack iterators and ConvertingDict lacks items()
Brett Hannigan
- [issue41177] ConvertingList and ConvertingTuple lack iterators and ConvertingDict lacks items()
Brett Hannigan
- [issue41177] ConvertingList and ConvertingTuple lack iterators and ConvertingDict lacks items()
Brett Hannigan
- [issue41177] ConvertingList and ConvertingTuple lack iterators and ConvertingDict lacks items()
Brett Hannigan
- [issue41186] distutils.version epoch compatibility
Bar Harel
- [issue41186] distutils.version epoch compatibility
Bar Harel
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Bar Harel
- [issue41372] Log exception never retrieved in concurrent.futures
Bar Harel
- [issue41372] Log exception never retrieved in concurrent.futures
Bar Harel
- [issue41419] Path.mkdir and os.mkdir don't respect setgid if its parent is g-s
Christopher Harrison
- [issue41170] Use strnlen instead of strlen when the size i known.
Larry Hastings
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL "EE_KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Larry Hastings
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL "EE_KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Larry Hastings
- [issue34542] [TLS] Update test certs to future proof settings
Larry Hastings
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL "EE_KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Larry Hastings
- [issue34542] [TLS] Update test certs to future proof settings
Larry Hastings
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL ".._KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Larry Hastings
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL ".._KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Larry Hastings
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL ".._KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Larry Hastings
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL ".._KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Larry Hastings
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL ".._KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Larry Hastings
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL ".._KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Larry Hastings
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL ".._KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Larry Hastings
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL ".._KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Larry Hastings
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL ".._KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Larry Hastings
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL ".._KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Larry Hastings
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
Larry Hastings
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL ".._KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Larry Hastings
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
Larry Hastings
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
Larry Hastings
- [issue29778] [CVE-2020-15523] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Larry Hastings
- [issue29778] [CVE-2020-15523] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Larry Hastings
- [issue41128] Signal handlers should not hang during blocked main thread
Josef Havránek
- [issue41257] mimetypes.guess_extension('video/x-matroska') return wrong value
Saber Hayati
- [issue41169] socket.inet_pton raised when pass an IPv6 address like "[::]" to it
Christian Heimes
- [issue41169] socket.inet_pton raised when pass an IPv6 address like "[::]" to it
Christian Heimes
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL "EE_KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Christian Heimes
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL "EE_KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Christian Heimes
- [issue34542] [TLS] Update test certs to future proof settings
Christian Heimes
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated long enough
Christian Heimes
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL ".._KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Christian Heimes
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL ".._KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Christian Heimes
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL ".._KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Christian Heimes
- [issue41183] Workaround or fix for SSL ".._KEY_TOO_SMALL" test failures
Christian Heimes
- [issue41195] Interface to OpenSSL's security level
Christian Heimes
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Christian Heimes
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Christian Heimes
- [issue41201] Long integer arithmetic
Christian Heimes
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Christian Heimes
- [issue41192] Some audit events are undocumented
Christian Heimes
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
Christian Heimes
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
Christian Heimes
- [issue41195] Interface to OpenSSL's security level
Christian Heimes
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Christian Heimes
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Christian Heimes
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Christian Heimes
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Christian Heimes
- [issue41239] SSL Certificate verify failed in Python3.6/3.7
Christian Heimes
- [issue41239] SSL Certificate verify failed in Python3.6/3.7
Christian Heimes
- [issue41239] SSL Certificate verify failed in Python3.6/3.7
Christian Heimes
- [issue41239] SSL Certificate verify failed in Python3.6/3.7
Christian Heimes
- [issue41251] __future__.barry_as_FLUFL.getMandatoryRelease() is wrong
Christian Heimes
- [issue41252] Incorrect reference counting in _ssl.c's _servername_callback()
Christian Heimes
- [issue30044] shutil.copystat should (allow to) copy ownership, and other attributes
Christian Heimes
- [issue24163] shutil.copystat fails when attribute security.selinux is present
Christian Heimes
- [issue20257] test_socket fails if using tipc module and SELinux enabled
Christian Heimes
- [issue38893] broken container/selinux integration
Christian Heimes
- [issue38893] broken container/selinux integration
Christian Heimes
- [issue26328] shutil._copyxattr() function shouldn't fail if setting security.selinux xattr fails
Christian Heimes
- [issue35350] importing "ctypes" immediately causes a segmentation fault
Christian Heimes
- [issue38893] broken container/selinux integration
Christian Heimes
- [issue41285] memoryview does not support subclassing
Christian Heimes
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Christian Heimes
- [issue41286] Built-in platform module does not offer to check for processor instructions
Christian Heimes
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes using a crafted datetime object
Christian Heimes
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
Christian Heimes
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
Christian Heimes
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Christian Heimes
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
Christian Heimes
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
Christian Heimes
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
Christian Heimes
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
Christian Heimes
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Christian Heimes
- [issue41335] free(): invalid pointer in list_ass_item() in Python 3.7.3
Christian Heimes
- [issue41335] free(): invalid pointer in list_ass_item() in Python 3.7.3
Christian Heimes
- [issue34723] lower() on Turkish letter "İ" returns a 2-chars-long string
Christian Heimes
- [issue41350] Use of zipfile.Path causes attempt to write after ZipFile is closed
Nick Henderson
- [issue35919] multiprocessing: shared manager Pool fails with AttributeError
Felipe A. Hernandez
- [issue35919] multiprocessing: shared manager Pool fails with AttributeError
Felipe A. Hernandez
- [issue39579] Attribute node in a decorator has wrong end_col_offset
Francis Herne
- [issue39579] Attribute node in a decorator has wrong end_col_offset
Francis Herne
- [issue38656] mimetypes for python 3.7.5 fails to detect matroska video
David K. Hess
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41203] Replace references to OS X in documentation with macOS
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41232] Python `functools.wraps` doesn't deal with defaults correctly
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41245] cmath module documentation is misleading on branch cuts
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue40170] [C API] Make PyTypeObject structure an opaque structure in the public C API
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41250] Number separators in different places
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41259] Find adverbs is not correct on the documentation
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41250] Number separators in different places
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue33754] f-strings should be part of the Grammar
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue40832] hi param in bisect module should not accept negative values
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41274] Better way to random.seed()?
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41274] Better way to random.seed()?
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41259] Find adverbs is not correct on the documentation
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41280] lru_cache on 0-arity functions should default to maxsize=None
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41287] __doc__ attribute is not set in property-derived classes
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41297] Remove doctest import from heapq
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41310] micro-optimization: increase our float parsing speed by Nx
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41315] Add mathematical functions as wrappers to decimal.Decimal methods
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41312] add !p to pprint.pformat() in str.format() an f-strings
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41323] Perform "peephole" optimization directly on control-flow graph.
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41297] Remove doctest import from heapq
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41024] doc: Explicitly mention use of 'enum.Enum' as a valid container for 'choices' argument of 'argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument'
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41024] doc: Explicitly mention use of 'enum.Enum' as a valid container for 'choices' argument of 'argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument'
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41024] doc: Explicitly mention use of 'enum.Enum' as a valid container for 'choices' argument of 'argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument'
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41297] Remove doctest import from heapq
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41315] Add mathematical functions as wrappers to decimal.Decimal methods
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41272] New clause in FOR and WHILE instead of ELSE
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41297] Remove doctest import from heapq
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41323] Perform "peephole" optimization directly on control-flow graph.
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41339] make queue.Queue objects iterable
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41336] Random segfaults during zoneinfo object creation stopped using Ctrl-C
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41342] Convert int.__round__ to Argument Clinic
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41342] Convert int.__round__ to Argument Clinic
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41342] Convert int.__round__ to Argument Clinic
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41336] Sporadic segfaults during zoneinfo object creation stopped using Ctrl-C
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41347] collections.deque.count performance enhancement
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue9694] argparse required arguments displayed under "optional arguments"
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue40979] typing module docs: keep text, add subsections
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41361] Converting collections.deque methods to Argument Clinic
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41361] Converting collections.deque methods to Argument Clinic
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41377] memoryview of str (unicode)
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41378] IDLE EOL convention not set on a empty file
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41378] IDLE EOL convention not set on a empty file
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41378] IDLE EOL convention not set on a empty file
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41378] IDLE EOL convention not set on a empty file
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41373] IDLE: edit/save files created by Windows Explorer
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41400] Remove references to nonexisting __ne__ methods
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41400] Remove references to nonexisting __ne__ methods
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41397] Restore default implementation of __ne__ in Counter
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41383] Provide a limit arguments for __repr__
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41383] Provide a limit arguments for __repr__
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41397] Restore default implementation of __ne__ in Counter
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41400] Remove references to nonexisting __ne__ methods
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue40891] Use PEP 573 in functools
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue18280] Documentation is too personalized
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41407] Tricky behavior of builtin-function map
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41409] deque.pop(index) is not supported
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41409] deque.pop(index) is not supported
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41409] deque.pop(index) is not supported
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41416] Restore default implementation of __ne__ in mixins Set and Mapping
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41421] Random.paretovariate sometimes raises ZeroDivisionError for small alpha
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41421] Random.paretovariate sometimes raises ZeroDivisionError for small alpha
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41421] Random.paretovariate sometimes raises ZeroDivisionError for small alpha
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41427] howto/descriptor.rst unnecessarily mentions method.__class__
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41427] howto/descriptor.rst unnecessarily mentions method.__class__
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41427] howto/descriptor.rst unnecessarily mentions method.__class__
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41421] Random.paretovariate sometimes raises ZeroDivisionError for small alpha
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41427] howto/descriptor.rst incorrectly mentions method.__class__
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41416] Restore default implementation of __ne__ in mixins Set and Mapping
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41416] Restore default implementation of __ne__ in mixins Set and Mapping
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41427] howto/descriptor.rst incorrectly mentions method.__class__
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue9625] argparse: Problem with defaults for variable nargs when using choices
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41131] Augment random.choices() with the alias method
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41131] Augment random.choices() with the alias method
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41421] Random.paretovariate sometimes raises ZeroDivisionError for small alpha
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue41337] strangnedd with the parser
Justin Hodder
- [issue40075] _tkinter PythonCmd fails to acquire GIL
Thomas Holder
- [issue41285] memoryview does not support subclassing
Michiel de Hoon
- [issue41285] memoryview does not support subclassing
Michiel de Hoon
- [issue41285] memoryview does not support subclassing
Michiel de Hoon
- [issue32113] Strange behavior with await in a generator expression
Bryan Hu
- [issue41195] Interface to OpenSSL's security level
Matthew Hughes
- [issue41195] Interface to OpenSSL's security level
Matthew Hughes
- [issue41195] Interface to OpenSSL's security level
Matthew Hughes
- [issue37322] test_ssl: test_pha_required_nocert() emits a ResourceWarning
Matthew Hughes
- [issue37322] test_ssl: test_pha_required_nocert() emits a ResourceWarning
Matthew Hughes
- [issue37322] test_ssl: test_pha_required_nocert() emits a ResourceWarning
Matthew Hughes
- [issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False
Matthew Hughes
- [issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False
Matthew Hughes
- [issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False
Matthew Hughes
- [issue4928] tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile: automatic cleanup by OS
- [issue41322] unittest: Generator test methods will always be marked as passed
Alexander Hungenberg
- [issue41322] unittest: Generator test methods will always be marked as passed
Alexander Hungenberg
- [issue41194] Digital India
Digital India
- [issue41269] Wrong subtraction calculations
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41261] 3.9-dev SEGV in object_recursive_isinstance in ast.literal_eval
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41261] 3.9-dev SEGV in object_recursive_isinstance in ast.literal_eval
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41261] 3.9-dev SEGV in object_recursive_isinstance in ast.literal_eval
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41261] 3.9-dev SEGV in object_recursive_isinstance in ast.literal_eval
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41261] 3.9-dev SEGV in object_recursive_isinstance in ast.literal_eval
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41261] 3.9-dev SEGV in object_recursive_isinstance in ast.literal_eval
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41261] 3.9-dev SEGV in object_recursive_isinstance in ast.literal_eval
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [issue41339] make queue.Queue objects iterable
Alan Iwi
- [issue41287] __doc__ attribute is not set in property-derived classes
Sergei Izmailov
- [issue41287] __doc__ attribute is not set in property-derived classes
Sergei Izmailov
- [issue41205] Documentation Decimal power 0 to the 0 is Nan (versus 0 to the 0 which is 1)
- [issue41205] Documentation Decimal power 0 to the 0 is Nan (versus 0 to the 0 which is 1)
- [issue41199] Docstring convention not followed for dataclasses documentation page
- [issue41221] Output of print() might get truncated in unbuffered mode
Manuel Jacob
- [issue41221] Output of print() might get truncated in unbuffered mode
Manuel Jacob
- [issue41221] Output of print() might get truncated in unbuffered mode
Manuel Jacob
- [issue41221] Output of print() might get truncated in unbuffered mode
Manuel Jacob
- [issue27777] cgi.FieldStorage can't parse simple body with Content-Length and no Content-Disposition
Rhodri James
- [issue41139] cgi uses the locale encoding for log files
Rhodri James
- [issue41140] cgitb uses the locale encoding for log files
Rhodri James
- [issue39727] cgi.parse() fatally attempts str.decode when handling multipart/form-data
Rhodri James
- [issue9968] Let cgi.FieldStorage have named uploaded file
Rhodri James
- [issue10879] cgi memory usage
Rhodri James
- [issue1047397] cgitb failures
Rhodri James
- [issue38863] Improve is_cgi() in http.server
Rhodri James
- [issue24764] cgi.FieldStorage can't parse multipart part headers with Content-Length and no filename in Content-Disposition
Rhodri James
- [issue21705] cgi.py: Multipart with more than one file is misparsed
Rhodri James
- [issue33840] connection limit on listening socket in asyncio
- [issue41210] Docs: More description of reason about LZMA1 data handling with FORMAT_ALONE
- [issue33327] Add a method to move messages to IMAPlib
Hans-Peter Jansen
- [issue37999] No longer use implicit convertion to int with loss
Hans Petter Jansson
- [issue40941] Merge generator.gi_running and frame executing flag into single frame state
Chris Jerdonek
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
Jim Jewett
- [issue41212] Emoji Unicode failing in standard release of Python 3.8.3 / tkinter 8.6.8
Jim Jewett
- [issue41217] Obsolete note for default asyncio event loop on Windows
Jim Jewett
- [issue41246] IOCP Proactor same socket overlapped callbacks
Jim Jewett
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Jim Jewett
- [issue41405] python 3.9.0b5 test
Jim Jewett
- [issue41409] deque.pop(index) is not supported
Jim Jewett
- [issue40841] Provide mimetypes.sniff API as stdlib
Jim Jewett
- [issue18280] Documentation is too personalized
Jim Jewett
- [issue41407] Tricky behavior of builtin-function map
Jim Jewett
- [issue31904] Python should support VxWorks RTOS
Jim Jewett
- [issue41391] Make test_unicodedata pass when running without network
Jim Jewett
- [issue40841] Provide mimetypes.sniff API as stdlib
Jim Jewett
- [issue41405] python 3.9.0b5 test
Jim Jewett
- [issue41409] deque.pop(index) is not supported
Shubham Kumar Jha
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter in shell tutorial
Shubham Kumar Jha
- [issue41274] Better way to random.seed()?
Juan Jimenez
- [issue41274] Better way to random.seed()?
Juan Jimenez
- [issue41274] Better way to random.seed()?
Juan Jimenez
- [issue41274] Better way to random.seed()?
Juan Jimenez
- [issue41446] New demo, using a web api
Juan Jimenez
- [issue41446] New demo, using a web api
Juan Jimenez
- [issue41274] Better way to random.seed()?
Juan Jimenez
- [issue41398] cgi module, parse_multipart fails
Magnus Johnsson
- [issue41398] cgi module, parse_multipart fails
Magnus Johnsson
- [issue41275] Clarify whether Futures can be awaited multiple times
- [issue32528] Change base class for futures.CancelledError
- [issue32528] Change base class for futures.CancelledError
- [issue41193] traceback when exiting on read-only file system
Zbyszek Jędrzejewski-Szmek
- [issue41193] traceback when exiting on read-only file system
Zbyszek Jędrzejewski-Szmek
- [issue41193] traceback when exiting on read-only file system
Zbyszek Jędrzejewski-Szmek
- [issue38946] IDLE on macOS 10.15 Catalina does not open double-clicked files if app already launched
Irv Kalb
- [issue41413] At prompt for input(), pressing Command q kills IDLE
Irv Kalb
- [issue41413] IDLE: exit at input() prompt is not complete
Irv Kalb
- [issue41182] DefaultSelector fails to detect selector on VMware ESXi
Abhijeet Kasurde
- [issue41182] DefaultSelector fails to detect selector on VMware ESXi
Abhijeet Kasurde
- [issue41182] DefaultSelector fails to detect selector on VMware ESXi
Abhijeet Kasurde
- [issue41268] 3.9-dev regression? TypeError: exec_module() missing 1 required positional argument: 'module'
Hugo van Kemenade
- [issue41268] 3.9-dev regression? TypeError: exec_module() missing 1 required positional argument: 'module'
Hugo van Kemenade
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Hugo van Kemenade
- [issue38556] Walrus operator in list comprehensions [Python 3.8.0]
Anselm Kiefner
- [issue41320] async process closing after event loop closed
Joongi Kim
- [issue41229] Asynchronous generator memory leak
Joongi Kim
- [issue41229] Asynchronous generator memory leak
Joongi Kim
- [issue41229] Asynchronous generator memory leak
Joongi Kim
- [issue41229] Asynchronous generator memory leak
Joongi Kim
- [issue41227] minor typo in asyncio transport protocol
Wansoo Kim
- [issue41241] Unnecessary Type casting in 'if condition'
Wansoo Kim
- [issue41241] Unnecessary Type casting in 'if condition'
Wansoo Kim
- [issue41242] When concating strings, I think it is better to use += than join the list
Wansoo Kim
- [issue41242] When concating strings, I think it is better to use += than join the list
Wansoo Kim
- [issue41244] Change to use str.join() instead of += when concatenating string
Wansoo Kim
- [issue41244] Change to use str.join() instead of += when concatenating string
Wansoo Kim
- [issue41242] When concating strings, I think it is better to use += than join the list
Wansoo Kim
- [issue41199] Docstring convention not followed for dataclasses documentation page
Wansoo Kim
- [issue41199] Docstring convention not followed for dataclasses documentation page
Wansoo Kim
- [issue37894] [win] shutil.which can not find the path if 'cmd' include directory path and not include extension name
Wansoo Kim
- [issue37578] Change Glob: Allow Recursion for Hidden Files
Wansoo Kim
- [issue41264] Do not use the name of the built-in function as a variable.
Wansoo Kim
- [issue41264] Do not use the name of the built-in function as a variable.
Wansoo Kim
- [issue41264] Do not use the name of the built-in function as a variable.
Wansoo Kim
- [issue40982] copytree example in shutil
Wansoo Kim
- [issue41284] High Level API for json file parsing
Wansoo Kim
- [issue41284] High Level API for json file parsing
Wansoo Kim
- [issue34624] -W option and PYTHONWARNINGS env variable does not accept module regexes
Yongjik Kim
- [issue41357] pathlib.Path.resolve incorrect os.path equivalent
Jeffrey Kintscher
- [issue41357] pathlib.Path.resolve incorrect os.path equivalent
Jeffrey Kintscher
- [issue41357] pathlib.Path.resolve incorrect os.path equivalent
Jeffrey Kintscher
- [issue41368] Allow compiling Python with llvm-clang on Windows.
Jeffrey Kintscher
- [issue37095] [Feature Request]: Add zstd support in tarfile
Jeffrey Kintscher
- [issue41350] Use of zipfile.Path causes attempt to write after ZipFile is closed
Jeffrey Kintscher
- [issue41350] Use of zipfile.Path causes attempt to write after ZipFile is closed
Jeffrey Kintscher
- [issue41350] Use of zipfile.Path causes attempt to write after ZipFile is closed
Jeffrey Kintscher
- [issue41350] Use of zipfile.Path causes attempt to write after ZipFile is closed
Jeffrey Kintscher
- [issue41350] Use of zipfile.Path causes attempt to write after ZipFile is closed
Jeffrey Kintscher
- [issue41410] Opening a file in binary mode makes a difference on all platforms in Python 3
Bob Kline
- [issue41390] Errors and warnings on generate butecode files
Tomasz Kloczko
- [issue41390] Errors and warnings on generate bytecode files
Tomasz Kloczko
- [issue41390] Errors and warnings on generate bytecode files
Tomasz Kloczko
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Matthias Klose
- [issue41206] behaviour change with EmailMessage.set_content
Matthias Klose
- [issue41206] behaviour change with EmailMessage.set_content
Matthias Klose
- [issue40204] Docs build error with Sphinx 3.0 due to invalid C declaration
Matthias Klose
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Matthias Klose
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Matthias Klose
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Matthias Klose
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
Matthias Klose
- [issue41216] eval don't load local variable in dict and list comprehensions.
Andrej Klychin
- [issue41013] test_os.test_memfd_create() fails on AMD64 FreeBSD Shared 3.x
Kubilay Kocak
- [issue41013] test_os.test_memfd_create() fails on AMD64 FreeBSD Shared 3.x
Kubilay Kocak
- [issue36839] Support the buffer protocol in code objects
Stefan Krah
- [issue36839] Support the buffer protocol in code objects
Stefan Krah
- [issue36839] Support the buffer protocol in code objects
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
Stefan Krah
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
Stefan Krah
- [issue41205] Documentation Decimal power 0 to the 0 is Nan (versus 0 to the 0 which is 1)
Stefan Krah
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Stefan Krah
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
Stefan Krah
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
Stefan Krah
- [issue41302] _decimal failed to build with system libmpdec 2.5
Stefan Krah
- [issue41302] _decimal failed to build with system libmpdec 2.5
Stefan Krah
- [issue41302] _decimal failed to build with system libmpdec 2.5
Stefan Krah
- [issue41302] _decimal failed to build with system libmpdec 2.5
Stefan Krah
- [issue41285] memoryview does not support subclassing
Stefan Krah
- [issue41285] memoryview does not support subclassing
Stefan Krah
- [issue41285] memoryview does not support subclassing
Stefan Krah
- [issue41302] _decimal failed to build with system libmpdec 2.5
Stefan Krah
- [issue41302] _decimal failed to build with system libmpdec 2.5
Stefan Krah
- [issue41302] _decimal failed to build with system libmpdec 2.5
Stefan Krah
- [issue41313] sys.setrecursionlimit: OverflowError still raised when int limited in sys.maxsize
Stefan Krah
- [issue41315] Add mathematical functions as wrappers to decimal.Decimal methods
Stefan Krah
- [issue41324] Add a minimal decimal capsule API
Stefan Krah
- [issue41324] Add a minimal decimal capsule API
Stefan Krah
- [issue41324] Add a minimal decimal capsule API
Stefan Krah
- [issue22194] access to cdecimal / libmpdec API
Stefan Krah
- [issue41324] Add a minimal decimal capsule API
Stefan Krah
- [issue41324] Add a minimal decimal capsule API
Stefan Krah
- [issue41324] Add a minimal decimal capsule API
Stefan Krah
- [issue41262] Convert memoryview to Argument Clinic
Stefan Krah
- [issue41324] Add a minimal decimal capsule API
Stefan Krah
- [issue41205] Documentation Decimal power 0 to the 0 is Nan (versus 0 to the 0 which is 1)
Stefan Krah
- [issue41262] Convert memoryview to Argument Clinic
Stefan Krah
- [issue41324] Add a minimal decimal capsule API
Stefan Krah
- [issue41369] Update to libmpdec-2.5.1
Stefan Krah
- [issue41369] Update to libmpdec-2.5.1
Stefan Krah
- [issue41369] Update to libmpdec-2.5.1
Stefan Krah
- [issue9694] argparse required arguments displayed under "optional arguments"
- [issue41359] argparse mutually exclusive group does not exclude in some cases
- [issue24955] webbrowser broken on Mac OS X when using the BROWSER variable
Senthil Kumaran
- [issue24955] webbrowser broken on Mac OS X when using the BROWSER variable
Senthil Kumaran
- [issue34723] lower() on Turkish letter "İ" returns a 2-chars-long string
Şahin Kureta
- [issue36207] robotsparser deny all with some rules
- [issue41335] free(): invalid pointer in list_ass_item() in Python 3.7.3
Howard A. Landman
- [issue41335] free(): invalid pointer in list_ass_item() in Python 3.7.3
Howard A. Landman
- [issue41335] free(): invalid pointer in list_ass_item() in Python 3.7.3
Howard A. Landman
- [issue12423] signal handler doesn't handle SIGABRT from os.abort
Howard A. Landman
- [issue41335] free(): invalid pointer in list_ass_item() in Python 3.7.3
Howard A. Landman
- [issue41335] free(): invalid pointer in list_ass_item() in Python 3.7.3
Howard A. Landman
- [issue41181] [macOS] Build macOS installer with LTO and PGO optimizations
Łukasz Langa
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Łukasz Langa
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
Łukasz Langa
- [issue37207] Use PEP 590 vectorcall to speed up calls to range(), list() and dict()
Łukasz Langa
- [issue41206] behaviour change with EmailMessage.set_content
Łukasz Langa
- [issue41207] distutils.command.build_ext raises FileNotFoundError
Łukasz Langa
- [issue41206] behaviour change with EmailMessage.set_content
Łukasz Langa
- [issue29778] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Łukasz Langa
- [issue41218] PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT + list comprehension set .CO_COROUTINE falg.
Łukasz Langa
- [issue37095] [Feature Request]: Add zstd support in tarfile
Łukasz Langa
- [issue40746] test_gdb failing on 32-bit armv7l when built with GCC -Og (fail on Raspbian on 3.9, regression from 3.8)
Łukasz Langa
- [issue39651] Exceptions raised by EventLoop.call_soon_threadsafe
Łukasz Langa
- [issue40536] Addition of a "list of available time zones" function to zoneinfo
Łukasz Langa
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Łukasz Langa
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
Łukasz Langa
- [issue41300] IDLE: add missing import io in iomenu.py
Łukasz Langa
- [issue39603] [security] http.client: HTTP Header Injection in the HTTP method
Łukasz Langa
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
Łukasz Langa
- [issue41341] Recursive evaluation of ForwardRef (and PEP 563)
Łukasz Langa
- [issue41182] DefaultSelector fails to detect selector on VMware ESXi
Łukasz Langa
- [issue17805] No such class: multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult
Rémi Lapeyre
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Rémi Lapeyre
- [issue41201] Long integer arithmetic
Rémi Lapeyre
- [issue41242] When concating strings, I think it is better to use += than join the list
Rémi Lapeyre
- [issue41274] Better way to random.seed()?
Rémi Lapeyre
- [issue41280] lru_cache on 0-arity functions should default to maxsize=None
Rémi Lapeyre
- [issue41284] High Level API for json file parsing
Rémi Lapeyre
- [issue41241] Unnecessary Type casting in 'if condition'
Rémi Lapeyre
- [issue41381] Google chat handler in Logging module
Rémi Lapeyre
- [issue41382] print() unpredictable behaviour
Rémi Lapeyre
- [issue41383] Provide a limit arguments for __repr__
Rémi Lapeyre
- [issue41394] Behiavior of '_' strange in shell
Rémi Lapeyre
- [issue41394] Behiavior of '_' strange in shell
Rémi Lapeyre
- [issue41204] Use of unitialized variable `fields` along error path in code generated from asdl_c.py
Brad Larsen
- [issue38656] mimetypes for python 3.7.5 fails to detect matroska video
Michael Lazar
- [issue37179] asyncio loop.start_tls() provide support for TLS in TLS
Cooper Lees
- [issue37179] asyncio loop.start_tls() provide support for TLS in TLS
Cooper Lees
- [issue37179] asyncio loop.start_tls() provide support for TLS in TLS
Cooper Lees
- [issue41271] Add support for io_uring to cpython
Cooper Lees
- [issue41271] Add support for io_uring to cpython
Cooper Lees
- [issue40170] [C API] Make PyTypeObject structure an opaque structure in the public C API
Andy Lester
- [issue41249] TypedDict inheritance doesn't work with get_type_hints and postponed evaluation of annotations across modules
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [issue40979] typing module docs: keep text, add subsections
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [issue41210] LZMADecompressor.decompress(FORMAT_RAW) truncate output when input is paticular LZMA+BCJ data
Ma Lin
- [issue41210] LZMADecompressor.decompress(FORMAT_RAW) truncate output when input is paticular LZMA+BCJ data
Ma Lin
- [issue41210] LZMADecompressor.decompress(FORMAT_RAW) truncate output when input is paticular LZMA+BCJ data
Ma Lin
- [issue41265] lzma/bz2 module: inefficient buffer growth algorithm
Ma Lin
- [issue41265] lzma/bz2 module: inefficient buffer growth algorithm
Ma Lin
- [issue41210] Docs: More description of reason about LZMA1 data handling with FORMAT_ALONE
Ma Lin
- [issue37095] [Feature Request]: Add zstd support in tarfile
Ma Lin
- [issue41330] Inefficient error-handle for CJK encodings
Ma Lin
- [issue41330] Inefficient error-handle for CJK encodings
Ma Lin
- [issue41330] Inefficient error-handle for CJK encodings
Ma Lin
- [issue41265] lzma/bz2 module: inefficient buffer growth algorithm
Ma Lin
- [issue41452] Inefficient BufferedReader.read(-1)
Ma Lin
- [issue38227] Setting a signal handler gets multiprocessing.Pool stuck
Greg Lindahl
- [issue41328] Hudson CI is not available anymore
Dmytro Litvinov
- [issue41328] In unittest doc, replace Hudson CI with Travis and Appveyor
Dmytro Litvinov
- [issue41328] In unittest doc, replace Hudson CI with Travis and Appveyor
Dmytro Litvinov
- [issue41420] Academic Free License v. 2.1 link is not found and is obsolete
Dmytro Litvinov
- [issue41328] In unittest doc, replace Hudson CI with Travis and Appveyor
Dmytro Litvinov
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
David Lord
- [issue39765] asyncio loop.add_signal_handler() may not behave as expected
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
Peter Ludemann
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
Peter Ludemann
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
Peter Ludemann
- [issue41421] Random.paretovariate sometimes raises ZeroDivisionError for small alpha
David MacIver
- [issue41421] Random.paretovariate sometimes raises ZeroDivisionError for small alpha
David MacIver
- [issue41421] Random.paretovariate sometimes raises ZeroDivisionError for small alpha
David MacIver
- [issue41260] datetime: strftime method takes different keyword argument: fmt (pure) or format (C)
Ruairidh MacLeod
- [issue41312] add !p to pprint.pformat() in str.format() an f-strings
Charles Machalow
- [issue41312] add !p to pprint.pformat() in str.format() an f-strings
Charles Machalow
- [issue41312] add !p to pprint.pformat() in str.format() an f-strings
Charles Machalow
- [issue41312] add !p to pprint.pformat() in str.format() an f-strings
Charles Machalow
- [issue41408] Add a `clamp` function to the `math` module
Avinash Maddikonda
- [issue41408] Add a `clamp` function to the `math` module
Avinash Maddikonda
- [issue41408] Add a `clamp` function to the `math` module
Avinash Maddikonda
- [issue41408] Add a `clamp` function to the `math` module
Avinash Maddikonda
- [issue41408] Add a `clamp` function to the `math` module
Avinash Maddikonda
- [issue41227] minor typo in asyncio transport protocol
- [issue39417] Link to "Python Packaging User Guide: Creating and using virtual environments" is broken
- [issue41326] Build failure in blurb-it repo: "Failed building wheel for yarl"
- [issue41326] Build failure in blurb-it repo: "Failed building wheel for yarl"
- [issue40978] Document that typing.SupportsXXX protocols are runtime checkable
- [issue41362] Regenerating parser table fails (windows)
Constant Marks
- [issue41362] Regenerating parser table fails (windows)
Constant Marks
- [issue41362] Regenerating parser table fails (windows)
Constant Marks
- [issue41362] Regenerating parser table fails (windows)
Constant Marks
- [issue41348] Support replacing global function pointers in a shared library
Unai Martinez
- [issue41307] "email.message.Message.as_bytes": fails to correctly handle "charset"
Dieter Maurer
- [issue41307] "email.message.Message.as_bytes": fails to correctly handle "charset"
Dieter Maurer
- [issue39603] [security] http.client: HTTP Header Injection in the HTTP method
- [issue24599] urllib URLopener().open https url returns 501 Not Implemented when https_proxy env var is http://
Stefano Mazzucco
- [issue41209] Scripts Folder is Empty
James McCorkindale
- [issue25538] Traceback from __exit__ method is misleading
Tadhg McDonald-Jensen
- [issue25538] Traceback from __exit__ method is misleading
Tadhg McDonald-Jensen
- [issue40395] Scripts folder is Empty in python 3.8.2 for Windows 7.
Why Me
- [issue41286] Built-in platform module does not offer to check for processor instructions
Boštjan Mejak
- [issue41286] Built-in platform module does not offer to check for processor instructions
Boštjan Mejak
- [issue41286] Built-in platform module does not offer to check for processor instructions
Boštjan Mejak
- [issue41286] Built-in platform module does not offer to check for processor instructions
Boštjan Mejak
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Ezio Melotti
- [issue41411] Improve and consolidate f-strings docs
Ezio Melotti
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Ezio Melotti
- [issue41411] Improve and consolidate f-strings docs
Ezio Melotti
- [issue41411] Improve and consolidate f-strings docs
Ezio Melotti
- [issue41411] Improve and consolidate f-strings docs
Ezio Melotti
- [issue32528] Change base class for futures.CancelledError
Bruce Merry
- [issue38856] asyncio ProactorEventLoop: wait_closed() can raise ConnectionResetError
Chris Meyer
- [issue41238] Python 3 shelve.DbfilenameShelf is generating 164 times larger files than Python 2.7 when storing dicts
Paweł Miech
- [issue41238] Python 3 shelve.DbfilenameShelf is generating 164 times larger files than Python 2.7 when storing dicts
Paweł Miech
- [issue41444] CPython 3.8.5 fails to build on Windows with -E option
Vladislav Mikhalin
- [issue41444] CPython 3.8.5 fails to build on Windows with -E option
Vladislav Mikhalin
- [issue41406] BufferedReader causes Popen.communicate losing the remaining output.
Frost Ming
- [issue41406] BufferedReader causes Popen.communicate losing the remaining output.
Frost Ming
- [issue41240] Use the same kind of quotation mark in f-string
Nghia Minh
- [issue37095] [Feature Request]: Add zstd support in tarfile
Wicher Minnaard
- [issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count
Christoph Anton Mitterer
- [issue29447] Add/check os.PathLike support for the tempfile module's 'dir' arguments
Christoph Anton Mitterer
- [issue41210] LZMADecompressor.decompress(FORMAT_RAW) truncate output when input is paticular LZMA+BCJ data
Hiroshi Miura
- [issue41210] LZMADecompressor.decompress(FORMAT_RAW) truncate output when input is paticular LZMA+BCJ data
Hiroshi Miura
- [issue41210] LZMADecompressor.decompress(FORMAT_RAW) truncate output when input is paticular LZMA+BCJ data
Hiroshi Miura
- [issue41210] LZMADecompressor.decompress(FORMAT_RAW) truncate output when input is paticular LZMA+BCJ data
Hiroshi Miura
- [issue41210] LZMADecompressor.decompress(FORMAT_RAW) truncate output when input is paticular LZMA+BCJ data
Hiroshi Miura
- [issue41210] LZMADecompressor.decompress(FORMAT_RAW) truncate output when input is paticular LZMA+BCJ data
Hiroshi Miura
- [issue41210] Docs: More description of reason about LZMA1 data handling with FORMAT_ALONE
Hiroshi Miura
- [issue41327] Windows Store "stub" Python executables give confusing behaviour
Paul Moore
- [issue41327] Windows Store "stub" Python executables give confusing behaviour
Paul Moore
- [issue41327] Windows Store "stub" Python executables give confusing behaviour
Paul Moore
- [issue41327] Windows Store "stub" Python executables give confusing behaviour
Paul Moore
- [issue41428] PEP 604 -- Allow writing union types as X | Y
Maggie Moss
- [issue41206] behaviour change with EmailMessage.set_content
R. David Murray
- [issue41145] EmailMessage.as_string is altering the message state and actually fix bugs
R. David Murray
- [issue41387] Escape needed in the email documentation example
R. David Murray
- [issue41402] email: ContentManager.set_content calls nonexistent method encode() on bytes
R. David Murray
- [issue1635741] Py_Finalize() doesn't clear all Python objects at exit
Dong-hee Na
- [issue1635741] Py_Finalize() doesn't clear all Python objects at exit
Dong-hee Na
- [issue1635741] Py_Finalize() doesn't clear all Python objects at exit
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41191] PyType_FromModuleAndSpec is not mentioned in 3.9 What's new
Dong-hee Na
- [issue37207] Use PEP 590 vectorcall to speed up calls to range(), list() and dict()
Dong-hee Na
- [issue37207] Use PEP 590 vectorcall to speed up calls to range(), list() and dict()
Dong-hee Na
- [issue37207] Use PEP 590 vectorcall to speed up calls to range(), list() and dict()
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41271] Add support for io_uring to cpython
Dong-hee Na
- [issue38169] Increase Code Coverage for SharedMemory and ShareableListe
Dong-hee Na
- [issue38169] Increase Code Coverage for SharedMemory and ShareableListe
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41343] Convert complex methods to Argument Clinic
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41343] Convert complex methods to Argument Clinic
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41343] Convert complex methods to Argument Clinic
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41343] Convert complex methods to Argument Clinic
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41343] Convert complex methods to Argument Clinic
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41347] collections.deque.count performance enhancement
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41347] collections.deque.count performance enhancement
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41347] collections.deque.count performance enhancement
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41347] collections.deque.count performance enhancement
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41347] collections.deque.count performance enhancement
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41361] Converting collections.deque methods to Argument Clinic
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41361] Converting collections.deque methods to Argument Clinic
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41361] Converting collections.deque methods to Argument Clinic
Dong-hee Na
- [issue40841] Provide mimetypes.sniff API as stdlib
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41395] pickle and pickletools cli interface doesn't close input and output file.
Dong-hee Na
- [issue40841] Provide mimetypes.sniff API as stdlib
Dong-hee Na
- [issue40841] Provide mimetypes.sniff API as stdlib
Dong-hee Na
- [issue41330] Inefficient error-handle for CJK encodings
Dong-hee Na
- [issue21625] Make help() beginner helpful when no PAGER or LESS variable
- [issue7291] urllib2 cannot handle https with proxy requiring auth
Alexey Namyotkin
- [issue41133] Insufficient description of cyclic garbage collector for C API
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue38731] bad input crashes py_compile library
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue31898] Add a `recommended-packages.txt` file
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue14189] C API documentation must document if returned object is a borrowed reference or strong reference
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue26205] Inconsistency concerning nested scopes
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue12165] Nonlocal does not include global; clarify doc
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue23802] patch: __deepcopy__ memo dict argument usage
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue32192] Provide importlib.util.lazy_import helper function
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue31305] 'pydoc -w import' report "no Python documentation found for 'import'"
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41018] warning: 'Tk_MainWindow' is deprecated: first deprecated
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue28681] About function renaming in the tutorial
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue26205] Inconsistency concerning nested scopes
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue26205] Better specify number of nested scopes
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue26205] Better specify number of nested scopes
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue28681] Clarify multiple function names in the tutorial
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue26205] Better specify number of nested scopes
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue26205] Better specify number of nested scopes
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue28681] Clarify multiple function names in the tutorial
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue28681] Clarify multiple function names in the tutorial
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue37724] [[Errno 17] File exists: ] # Try create directories that are not part of the archive with
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41014] warning: 'sqlite3_trace' is deprecated
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue39375] Document os.environ[x] = y and os.putenv() as thread unsafe
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41224] Document is_annotated() in the symtable module
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41224] Document is_annotate() in symtable and update doc strings
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41224] Document is_annotate() in symtable and update doc strings
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41225] Add a test for get_id() in the symtable module
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41225] Add a test for get_id() in the symtable module
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue23802] patch: __deepcopy__ memo dict argument usage
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue39417] Link to "Python Packaging User Guide: Creating and using virtual environments" is broken
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41234] Remove symbol.sym_name
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41234] Remove symbol.sym_name
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41224] Document is_annotate() in symtable and update doc strings
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41224] Document is_annotate() in symtable and update doc strings
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41225] Add a test for get_id() in the symtable module
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue23802] patch: __deepcopy__ memo dict argument usage
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue32192] Provide importlib.util.lazy_import helper function
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue1823] Possible to set invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding on email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue1823] Possible to set invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding on email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41283] The parameter name for imghdr.what in the documentation is wrong
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41283] The parameter name for imghdr.what in the documentation is wrong
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41353] Indicate supported sound header formats
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41353] Indicate supported sound header formats
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue41353] Indicate supported sound header formats
Joannah Nanjekye
- [issue36839] Support the buffer protocol in code objects
Inada Naoki
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated since Python 3.3
Inada Naoki
- [issue9424] Deprecate assertEquals, assertNotEquals, assert_, assertAlmostEquals, assertNotAlmostEquals
Inada Naoki
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated since Python 3.3
Inada Naoki
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated since Python 3.3
Inada Naoki
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated since Python 3.3
Inada Naoki
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated long enough
Inada Naoki
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated long enough
Inada Naoki
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated long enough
Inada Naoki
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated long enough
Inada Naoki
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated long enough
Inada Naoki
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated long enough
Inada Naoki
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated long enough
Inada Naoki
- [issue41211] PyLong_FromUnicodeObject document is wrong
Inada Naoki
- [issue41211] PyLong_FromUnicodeObject document is wrong
Inada Naoki
- [issue41211] PyLong_FromUnicodeObject document is wrong
Inada Naoki
- [issue41211] PyLong_FromUnicodeObject document is wrong
Inada Naoki
- [issue41211] PyLong_FromUnicodeObject document is wrong
Inada Naoki
- [issue41211] PyLong_FromUnicodeObject document is wrong
Inada Naoki
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated long enough
Inada Naoki
- [issue41285] memoryview does not support subclassing
Inada Naoki
- [issue41284] High Level API for json file parsing
Inada Naoki
- [issue36346] Prepare for removing the legacy Unicode C API
Inada Naoki
- [issue41330] Inefficient error-handle for CJK encodings
Inada Naoki
- [issue29642] Why does unittest.TestLoader.discover still rely on existence of __init__.py files?
Inada Naoki
- [issue23882] unittest discovery doesn't detect namespace packages when given no parameters
Inada Naoki
- [issue23882] unittest discovery doesn't detect namespace packages when given no parameters
Inada Naoki
- [issue35617] unittest discover does not work with implicit namespaces
Inada Naoki
- [issue23882] unittest discovery doesn't detect namespace packages when given no parameters
Inada Naoki
- [issue36723] Unittest Discovery for namespace subpackages dot notation fails
Inada Naoki
- [issue41338] test_decimal emits DeprecationWarning due to PyUnicode_FromUnicode(NULL, size)
Inada Naoki
- [issue23882] unittest discovery doesn't detect namespace packages when given no parameters
Inada Naoki
- [issue41338] test_decimal emits DeprecationWarning due to PyUnicode_FromUnicode(NULL, size)
Inada Naoki
- [issue41338] test_decimal emits DeprecationWarning due to PyUnicode_FromUnicode(NULL, size)
Inada Naoki
- [issue36777] unittest discover throws TypeError on namespace packages
Inada Naoki
- [issue41340] Not very good strcpy implementation in cpython/Python/strdup.c
Inada Naoki
- [issue23882] unittest discovery doesn't detect namespace packages when given no parameters
Inada Naoki
- [issue23882] unittest discovery doesn't detect namespace packages when given no parameters
Inada Naoki
- [issue10879] cgi memory usage
Inada Naoki
- [issue41366] sign-conversion warning in 3.9 beta
Inada Naoki
- [issue41366] sign-conversion warning in 3.9 beta
Inada Naoki
- [issue41340] Not very good strcpy implementation in cpython/Python/strdup.c
Inada Naoki
- [issue41340] Not very good strcpy implementation in cpython/Python/strdup.c
Inada Naoki
- [issue41340] Not very good strcpy implementation in cpython/Python/strdup.c
Inada Naoki
- [issue31904] Python should support VxWorks RTOS
Inada Naoki
- [issue41431] Optimize dict_merge for copy
Inada Naoki
- [issue41431] Optimize dict_merge for copy
Inada Naoki
- [issue41431] Optimize dict_merge for copy
Inada Naoki
- [issue41431] Optimize dict_merge for copy
Inada Naoki
- [issue41431] Optimize dict_merge for copy
Inada Naoki
- [issue41431] Optimize dict_merge for copy
Inada Naoki
- [issue41445] Adding configure temporary files to gitignore
Inada Naoki
- [issue41217] Obsolete note for default asyncio event loop on Windows
Csaba Nemes
- [issue41198] Round built-in function not shows zeros acording significant figures and calculates different numbers of odd and even
Carlos Neves
- [issue41198] Round built-in function not shows zeros acording significant figures and calculates different numbers of odd and even
Carlos Neves
- [issue41329] IDLE not saving .py files
- [issue41386] Popen.wait does not account for negative return codes
- [issue41386] Popen.wait does not account for negative return codes
- [issue41386] Popen.wait does not account for negative return codes
- [issue41386] Popen.wait does not account for negative return codes
- [issue41386] Popen.wait does not account for negative return codes
- [issue41386] Popen.wait does not account for negative return codes
- [issue41386] Popen.wait does not account for negative return codes
- [issue38856] asyncio ProactorEventLoop: wait_closed() can raise ConnectionResetError
Bas Nijholt
- [issue37458] ast: Different FormattedValue expressions have same col_offset information
Lysandros Nikolaou
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Lysandros Nikolaou
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Lysandros Nikolaou
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Lysandros Nikolaou
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Lysandros Nikolaou
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Lysandros Nikolaou
- [issue40939] Remove the old parser
Lysandros Nikolaou
- [issue41389] Garbage Collector Ignoring Some (Not All) Circular References of Identical Type
Ian O'Shaughnessy
- [issue41389] Garbage Collector Ignoring Some (Not All) Circular References of Identical Type
Ian O'Shaughnessy
- [issue41389] Garbage Collector Ignoring Some (Not All) Circular References of Identical Type
Ian O'Shaughnessy
- [issue41389] Garbage Collector Ignoring Some (Not All) Circular References of Identical Type
Ian O'Shaughnessy
- [issue34723] lower() on Turkish letter "İ" returns a 2-chars-long string
Philippe Ombredanne
- [issue40045] Make "dunder" method documentation easier to locate
Hilit Oreny
- [issue41259] Find adverbs is not correct on the documentation
Peter Otten
- [issue41179] find_library on macOS Big Sur
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41203] Replace references to OS X in documentation with macOS
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue36302] distutils creates unreproducible .so files
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41018] warning: 'Tk_MainWindow' is deprecated: first deprecated
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue36302] distutils creates unreproducible .so files
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41014] warning: 'sqlite3_trace' is deprecated
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41188] Prepare CPython for opaque PyObject structure.
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41291] Race conditions when opening and deleting a file on Mac OS X
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41291] Race conditions when opening and deleting a file on Mac OS X
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41271] Add support for io_uring to cpython
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41291] Race conditions when opening and deleting a file on Mac OS X
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41297] Remove doctest import from heapq
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41297] Remove doctest import from heapq
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41271] Add support for io_uring to cpython
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41297] Remove doctest import from heapq
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41100] Build failure on macOS 11 (beta)
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41355] os.link(..., follow_symlinks=False) without linkat(3)
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41100] Build failure on macOS 11 (beta)
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41392] SyntaxError rather than NameError
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41349] idle not going full screen when I rotate screen 90° on mac
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41090] Support for "Universal 2" binary builds
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41100] Build failure on macOS 11 (beta)
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41417] SyntaxError: assignment expression within assert
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41355] os.link(..., follow_symlinks=False) without linkat(3)
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41303] perf_counter result does not count system sleep time in Mac OS
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue37586] macOS: posix_spawn(..., setsid=True)
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41448] pathlib behave differ between OS
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41448] pathlib behave differ between OS
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue41176] revise Tkinter mainloop dispatching flag behavior
E. Paine
- [issue33665] tkinter.ttk.Scrollbar.fraction() under-estimates length
E. Paine
- [issue33665] tkinter.ttk.Scrollbar.fraction() under-estimates length
E. Paine
- [issue41212] Emoji Unicode failing in standard release of Python 3.8.3 / tkinter 8.6.8
E. Paine
- [issue41212] Emoji Unicode failing in standard release of Python 3.8.3 / tkinter 8.6.8
E. Paine
- [issue41230] IDLE intellisense
E. Paine
- [issue41266] Wrong hint when class methods and builtins named same
E. Paine
- [issue41176] revise Tkinter mainloop dispatching flag behavior
E. Paine
- [issue41176] revise Tkinter mainloop dispatching flag behavior
E. Paine
- [issue40219] ttk LabeledScale: label covered by hidden element
E. Paine
- [issue40219] ttk LabeledScale: label covered by hidden element
E. Paine
- [issue41278] Wrong Completion on Editing Mode of IDLE
E. Paine
- [issue41278] IDLE: Clarify some completion details in doc
E. Paine
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
E. Paine
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
E. Paine
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
E. Paine
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
E. Paine
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
E. Paine
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
E. Paine
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
E. Paine
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
E. Paine
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
E. Paine
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
E. Paine
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
E. Paine
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
E. Paine
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
E. Paine
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
E. Paine
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
E. Paine
- [issue41380] Add snake example to turtledemo
E. Paine
- [issue41349] Tk window not going full screen on 90° rotated screen on mac
E. Paine
- [issue41000] IDLE: only allow single instance
E. Paine
- [issue40075] _tkinter PythonCmd fails to acquire GIL
E. Paine
- [issue41434] IDLE: Option to warn user on "Run Module" if file is not Python source
E. Paine
- [issue40075] _tkinter PythonCmd fails to acquire GIL
E. Paine
- [issue40742] Doc: Parallel build break audit table
Julien Palard
- [issue40742] Doc: Parallel build break audit table
Julien Palard
- [issue12800] 'tarfile.StreamError: seeking backwards is not allowed' when extract symlink
Julien Palard
- [issue12800] 'tarfile.StreamError: seeking backwards is not allowed' when extract symlink
Julien Palard
- [issue41331] Sphinx can't find asdl.py when not started from the Doc/ directory
Julien Palard
- [issue41331] Sphinx can't find asdl.py when not started from the Doc/ directory
Julien Palard
- [issue41331] Sphinx can't find asdl.py when not started from the Doc/ directory
Julien Palard
- [issue41254] Add to/from string methods to datetime.timedelta
Martin Panter
- [issue18861] Problems with recursive automatic exception chaining
Martin Panter
- [issue41345] Remote end closed connection without response
Martin Panter
- [issue41450] OSError is not documented in ssl library, but still can be thrown
Martin Panter
- [issue34624] -W option and PYTHONWARNINGS env variable does not accept module regexes
Marco Paolini
- [issue39959] Bug on multiprocessing.shared_memory
David Parks
- [issue31844] HTMLParser: undocumented not implemented method
Berker Peksag
- [issue31844] HTMLParser: undocumented not implemented method
Berker Peksag
- [issue31844] HTMLParser: undocumented not implemented method
Berker Peksag
- [issue31844] HTMLParser: undocumented not implemented method
Berker Peksag
- [issue40456] Complete adding silent mode for py_compile
Berker Peksag
- [issue38731] bad input crashes py_compile library
Berker Peksag
- [issue38731] bad input crashes py_compile library
Berker Peksag
- [issue38731] bad input crashes py_compile library
Berker Peksag
- [issue38731] bad input crashes py_compile library
Berker Peksag
- [issue38731] bad input crashes py_compile library
Berker Peksag
- [issue41341] Recursive evaluation of ForwardRef (and PEP 563)
Joseph Perez
- [issue41341] Recursive evaluation of ForwardRef (and PEP 563)
Joseph Perez
- [issue41341] Recursive evaluation of ForwardRef (and PEP 563)
Joseph Perez
- [issue41370] PEP 585 and ForwardRef
Joseph Perez
- [issue41370] PEP 585 and ForwardRef
Joseph Perez
- [issue41270] NamedTemporaryFile is not its own iterator.
- [issue41198] Round built-in function not shows zeros acording significant figures and calculates different numbers of odd and even
Tim Peters
- [issue41198] Round built-in function not shows zeros acording significant figures and calculates different numbers of odd and even
Tim Peters
- [issue41198] Round built-in function not shows zeros acording significant figures and calculates different numbers of odd and even
Tim Peters
- [issue41198] Round built-in function not shows zeros acording significant figures and calculates different numbers of odd and even
Tim Peters
- [issue41205] Documentation Decimal power 0 to the 0 is Nan (versus 0 to the 0 which is 1)
Tim Peters
- [issue41310] micro-optimization: increase our float parsing speed by Nx
Tim Peters
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Tim Peters
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Tim Peters
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Tim Peters
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Tim Peters
- [issue41389] Garbage Collector Ignoring Some (Not All) Circular References of Identical Type
Tim Peters
- [issue41389] Garbage Collector Ignoring Some (Not All) Circular References of Identical Type
Tim Peters
- [issue41389] Garbage Collector Ignoring Some (Not All) Circular References of Identical Type
Tim Peters
- [issue41389] Garbage Collector Ignoring Some (Not All) Circular References of Identical Type
Tim Peters
- [issue41421] Random.paretovariate sometimes raises ZeroDivisionError for small alpha
Tim Peters
- [issue41421] Random.paretovariate sometimes raises ZeroDivisionError for small alpha
Tim Peters
- [issue41131] Augment random.choices() with the alias method
Tim Peters
- [issue41131] Augment random.choices() with the alias method
Tim Peters
- [issue41235] Incorrect error handling in SSLContext.load_dh_params()
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue41235] Incorrect error handling in SSLContext.load_dh_params()
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue37237] python 2.16 from source on Ubuntu 18.04
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue41271] Add support for io_uring to cpython
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue41340] Not very good strcpy implementation in cpython/Python/strdup.c
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue38156] input fucntion raises SystemError after specific input.
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue38156] input fucntion raises SystemError after specific input.
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue41153] [easy Doc] "PyPreConfig_InitIsolatedConfig" and "PyPreConfig_InitPythonConfig" are given the opposite's documentation.
William Pickard
- [issue39573] [C API] Make PyObject an opaque structure in the limited C API
William Pickard
- [issue41188] Prepare CPython for opaque PyObject structure.
William Pickard
- [issue41188] Prepare CPython for opaque PyObject structure.
William Pickard
- [issue41294] Allow '__qualname__' to be an instance of 'DynamicClassAttribute'
William Pickard
- [issue41368] Allow compiling Python with llvm-clang on Windows.
William Pickard
- [issue41368] Allow compiling Python with llvm-clang on Windows.
William Pickard
- [issue41358] Unable to uninstall Python launcher using command line
William Pickard
- [issue38306] High level API for loop.run_in_executor(None, ...)?
Antoine Pietri
- [issue38731] bad input crashes py_compile library
Hubert Pineault
- [issue38731] bad input crashes py_compile library
Hubert Pineault
- [issue41195] Interface to OpenSSL's security level
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue40874] Update to libmpdec-2.5.0
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue41324] Add a minimal decimal capsule API
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue39604] Document PyDateTimeAPI / PyDateTime_CAPI struct
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue30155] Add ability to get tzinfo from a datetime instance in C API
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue41291] Race conditions when opening and deleting a file on Mac OS X
Giovanni Pizzi
- [issue41291] Race conditions when opening and deleting a file on Mac OS X
Giovanni Pizzi
- [issue27777] cgi.FieldStorage can't parse simple body with Content-Length and no Content-Disposition
Aron Podrigal
- [issue38805] locale.getlocale() returns a non RFC1766 language code
Riccardo Polignieri
- [issue37095] [Feature Request]: Add zstd support in tarfile
Anatol Pomozov
- [issue41396] pystate.c:_PyCrossInterpreterData_Release() does not clear py exception on error
Tomasz Pytel
- [issue39280] Don't allow datetime parsing to accept non-Ascii digits
Ram Rachum
- [issue41206] behaviour change with EmailMessage.set_content
Abhilash Raj
- [issue40597] generated email message exceeds RFC-mandated limit of 998 characters
Abhilash Raj
- [issue40597] generated email message exceeds RFC-mandated limit of 998 characters
Abhilash Raj
- [issue41379] Configparser is not reading Indended Sections as Mentioned in Docs
Vignesh Rajendran
- [issue41379] Configparser is not reading Indended Sections as Mentioned in Docs
Vignesh Rajendran
- [issue40979] typing module docs: keep text, add subsections
Luciano Ramalho
- [issue38946] IDLE on macOS 10.15 Catalina does not open double-clicked files if app already launched
- [issue34624] -W option and PYTHONWARNINGS env variable does not accept module regexes
Nikolaus Rath
- [issue41179] find_library on macOS Big Sur
Sumanth Ratna
- [issue41203] Replace references to OS X in documentation with macOS
Patrick Reader
- [issue41203] Replace references to OS X in documentation with macOS
Patrick Reader
- [issue41203] Replace references to OS X in documentation with macOS
Patrick Reader
- [issue41203] Replace references to OS X in documentation with macOS
Patrick Reader
- [issue33337] Provide a supported Concrete Syntax Tree implementation in the standard library
Edward K Ream
- [issue19335] codeop misclassifies incomplete code with 'nonlocal'
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41184] Reconciling IDLE's Comment Out Region / Uncomment Region with PEP 8 guidelines for commenting
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue21333] Document recommended exception for objects that shouldn't be pickled
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26205] Inconsistency concerning nested scopes
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26205] Inconsistency concerning nested scopes
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26205] Better specify number of nested scopes
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue28681] Clarify multiple function names in the tutorial
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26205] Better specify number of nested scopes
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue27154] Regression in file.writelines behavior
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26212] Python with ncurses6.0 will not load _curses module on Solaris 10
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue34154] Tkinter __init__ documentations sometimes missing valid keyword values
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue34908] netrc parsing is overly strict
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue22433] Argparse considers unknown optional arguments with spaces as a known positional argument
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue13554] Tkinter doesn't use higher resolution app icon
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue39189] Use io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE for filecmp BUFSIZE variable
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue27578] inspect.findsource raises exception with empty __init__.py
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24670] os.chdir breaks result of os.path.abspath(__file__) and os.path.realpath(__file__)
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue11105] Compiling evil ast crashes interpreter
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue23885] urllib.quote horribly mishandles unicode as second parameter
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue20353] Hanging bug with multiprocessing + sqlite3 + tkinter (OS X 10.9 only)
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue17576] PyNumber_Index() is not int-subclass friendly (or operator.index() docos lie)
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue34689] Lib/sysconfig.py expands non-variables
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue34938] Fix mimetype.init() to account for from import
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue28681] Clarify multiple function names in the tutorial
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26205] Better specify number of nested scopes
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue26205] Better specify number of nested scopes
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue17238] IDLE: Add import statement completion
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue37765] IDLE: Include 'long' keywords in __main__ autocomplete list
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue37765] IDLE: Include longer keywords in __main__ autocomplete list
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41230] IDLE intellisense
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue27609] IDLE completions: format, factor, and fix
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue27609] IDLE completions: format, factor, and fix
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue37765] IDLE: Include keywords in module-level autocomplete list
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue37765] IDLE: Include keywords in module-level autocomplete list
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue27609] IDLE completions: format, factor, and fix
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue37765] IDLE: Include keywords in module-level autocomplete list
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue27609] IDLE completions: format, factor, and fix
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue37766] IDLE autocomplete: revise fetch_completions, add htest
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41212] Emoji Unicode failing in standard release of Python 3.8.3 / tkinter 8.6.8
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41228] Fix the typo in the description of calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41229] Asynchronous generator memory leak
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41231] Type annotations lost when using wraps by default
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41229] Asynchronous generator memory leak
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41232] Python `functools.wraps` doesn't deal with defaults correctly
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41233] Missing links to errnos on Built-in Exceptions page
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41234] Remove symbol.sym_name
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41236] "about" button in MacOS caused an error
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41228] Fix the typo in the description of calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41236] "about" button in MacOS caused an error
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41278] Wrong Completion on Editing Mode of IDLE
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41266] IDLE call hints and completions confused by ints and floats
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41233] Missing links to errnos on Built-in Exceptions page
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41276] Min / Max returns different values depending on parameter order
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41278] Wrong Completion on Editing Mode of IDLE
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue40734] /usr/bin surprisingly in sys.path under IDLE
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41278] IDLE: Clarify some completion details in doc
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41158] IDLE: rewrite the code for handling file encoding
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41300] IDLE: add missing import io in iomenu.py
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41300] IDLE: add missing import io in iomenu.py
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41300] IDLE: add missing import io in iomenu.py
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41300] IDLE: add missing import io in iomenu.py
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41300] IDLE: add missing import io in iomenu.py
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41300] IDLE: add missing import io in iomenu.py
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41300] IDLE: add missing import io in iomenu.py
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41300] IDLE: add missing import io in iomenu.py
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41319] IDLE 3.8 can not save and run this file
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41319] IDLE 3.8 can not save and run this file
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41319] IDLE 3.8 can not save and run this file
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41329] IDLE not saving .py files
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41329] IDLE not saving .py files
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41271] Add support for io_uring to cpython
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41314] PEP 563 and annotations __future__ mandatory version
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41315] Add mathematical functions as wrappers to decimal.Decimal methods
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41322] unittest: deprecate test methods returning non-None values
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41272] New clause in FOR and WHILE instead of ELSE
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41349] idle not going full screen when I rotate screen 90° on mac
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41351] IDLE does not close the brackets and does not insert the closing quotes
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue18875] Idle: Auto insertion of the closing parens, brackets, and braces
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41300] IDLE: add missing import io in iomenu.py
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41300] IDLE: add missing import io in iomenu.py
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41349] idle not going full screen when I rotate screen 90° on mac
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41373] IDLE: edit/save files created by Windows Explorer
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue4630] IDLE: add cursor noblink option
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41300] IDLE: add missing import io in iomenu.py
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue4630] IDLE: add cursor noblink option
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41373] IDLE: edit/save files created by Windows Explorer
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue4630] IDLE: add cursor noblink option
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue4630] IDLE: add cursor noblink option
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41373] IDLE: edit/save files created by Windows Explorer
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41388] IDLE fails to detect corresponding opening parenthesis
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41388] IDLE fails to detect corresponding opening parenthesis
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41388] IDLE fails to detect corresponding opening parenthesis
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41388] IDLE fails to detect corresponding opening parenthesis
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41373] IDLE: edit/save files created by Windows Explorer
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41328] Hudson CI is not available anymore
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41328] In unittest doc, replace Hudson CI with Travis and Appveyor
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue37309] idlelib/NEWS.txt for 3.9.0 and backports
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue37309] idlelib/NEWS.txt for 3.9.0 and backports
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41344] SharedMemory crash when size is 0
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue37309] idlelib/NEWS.txt for 3.9.0 and backports
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue37309] idlelib/NEWS.txt for 3.9.0 and backports
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41349] idle not going full screen when I rotate screen 90° on mac
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41380] Add snake example to turtledemo
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41380] Add snake example to turtledemo
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41387] Escape needed in the email documentation example
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41344] SharedMemory crash when size is 0
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41349] idle not going full screen when I rotate screen 90° on mac
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41388] IDLE fails to detect corresponding opening parenthesis
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41404] IDLE: test iomenu
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41349] Tk window not going full screen on 90° rotated screen on mac
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41349] Tk window not going full screen on 90° rotated screen on mac
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41384] tkinter raises TypeError when it's supposed to raise TclError
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41384] tkinter raises TypeError when it's supposed to raise TclError
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41384] tkinter raises TypeError when it's supposed to raise TclError
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41384] tkinter raises TypeError when it's supposed to raise TclError
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue1175686] add "reload" function to IDLE
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue1721083] Add File - Reload
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue1721083] Add File - Reload
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41000] IDLE: only allow single instance
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41413] IDLE: exit at input() prompt is not complete
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41380] Add snake example to turtledemo
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41418] GH-21658: Add snake game to tools/demo!
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41380] Add snake example to turtledemo
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41413] IDLE: exit at input() prompt is not complete
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue35379] IDLE's close fails io is set to None on Mac
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41413] IDLE: exit at input() prompt is not complete
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41432] IDLE: Handle bad highlight tab color config
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41134] distutils.dir_util.copy_tree FileExistsError when updating symlinks
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41434] IDLE: Option to warn user on "Run Module" if file is not Python source
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue6143] IDLE - clear and restart the shell window
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue41402] email: ContentManager.set_content calls nonexistent method encode() on bytes
Johannes Reiff
- [issue41374] socket.TCP_* no longer available with cygwin 3.1.6+
Christoph Reiter
- [issue41374] socket.TCP_* no longer available with cygwin 3.1.6+
Christoph Reiter
- [issue38628] Issue with ctypes in AIX
Tony Reix
- [issue38628] Issue with ctypes in AIX
Tony Reix
- [issue38628] Issue with ctypes in AIX
Tony Reix
- [issue38628] Issue with ctypes in AIX
Tony Reix
- [issue38628] Issue with ctypes in AIX
Tony Reix
- [issue38628] Issue with ctypes in AIX
Tony Reix
- [issue38628] Issue with ctypes in AIX
Tony Reix
- [issue38628] Issue with ctypes in AIX
Tony Reix
- [issue38628] Issue with ctypes in AIX
Tony Reix
- [issue38628] Issue with ctypes in AIX
Tony Reix
- [issue38628] Issue with ctypes in AIX
Tony Reix
- [issue38628] Issue with ctypes in AIX
Tony Reix
- [issue38628] Issue with ctypes in AIX
Tony Reix
- [issue7291] urllib2 cannot handle https with proxy requiring auth
Jessica Ridgley
- [issue41367] Popen Timeout raised on 3.6 but not on 3.8
Joan Prat Rigol
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
- [issue41248] Python manual forced in maximized window
Mischiew Rithe
- [issue41199] Docstring convention not followed for dataclasses documentation page
Roundup Robot
- [issue41199] Docstring convention not followed for dataclasses documentation page
Roundup Robot
- [issue41219] Mimetypes doesn't support audio/webm
Roundup Robot
- [issue41270] NamedTemporaryFile is not its own iterator.
Roundup Robot
- [issue41352] FileIO.readall() should raise "UnsupportedOperation" when in "w" mode
Roundup Robot
- [issue40979] typing module docs: keep text, add subsections
Roundup Robot
- [issue41366] sign-conversion warning in 3.9 beta
Roundup Robot
- [issue41402] email: ContentManager.set_content calls nonexistent method encode() on bytes
Roundup Robot
- [issue41422] C Unpickler memory leak via memo
Roundup Robot
- [issue41395] pickle and pickletools cli interface doesn't close input and output file.
Roundup Robot
- [issue41271] Add support for io_uring to cpython
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue30044] shutil.copystat should (allow to) copy ownership, and other attributes
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue30044] shutil.copystat should (allow to) copy ownership, and other attributes
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Felipe Rodrigues
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Felipe Rodrigues
- [issue41184] Reconciling IDLE's Comment Out Region / Uncomment Region with PEP 8 guidelines for commenting
Guido van Rossum
- [issue39960] Using typename.__setattr__ in extension type with Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE is broken (hackcheck too eager?)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue33864] collections.abc.ByteString does not register memoryview
Guido van Rossum
- [issue39168] Generic type subscription is a huge toll on Python performance
Guido van Rossum
- [issue39168] Generic type subscription is a huge toll on Python performance
Guido van Rossum
- [issue39960] Using typename.__setattr__ in extension type with Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE is broken (hackcheck too eager?)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41249] TypedDict inheritance doesn't work with get_type_hints and postponed evaluation of annotations across modules
Guido van Rossum
- [issue32528] Change base class for futures.CancelledError
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
Guido van Rossum
- [issue39960] Using typename.__setattr__ in extension type with Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE is broken (hackcheck too eager?)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue39960] Using typename.__setattr__ in extension type with Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE is broken (hackcheck too eager?)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41314] PEP 563 and annotations __future__ mandatory version
Guido van Rossum
- [issue39603] [security] http.client: HTTP Header Injection in the HTTP method
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
Guido van Rossum
- [issue39603] [security] http.client: HTTP Header Injection in the HTTP method
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41341] Recursive evaluation of ForwardRef (and PEP 563)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41341] Recursive evaluation of ForwardRef (and PEP 563)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41370] PEP 585 and ForwardRef
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40841] Provide mimetypes.sniff API as stdlib
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41182] DefaultSelector fails to detect selector on VMware ESXi
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41328] Hudson CI is not available anymore
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41340] Not very good strcpy implementation in cpython/Python/strdup.c
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41345] Remote end closed connection without response
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41362] Regenerating parser table fails (windows)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41377] memoryview of str (unicode)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41380] Add snake example to turtledemo
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41314] PEP 563 and annotations __future__ mandatory version
Guido van Rossum
- [issue18280] Documentation is too personalized
Guido van Rossum
- [issue37082] Assignment expression symbol (walrus) not in built-in help()
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41362] Regenerating parser table fails (windows)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40939] Remove the old parser
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41314] PEP 563 and annotations __future__ mandatory version
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41314] PEP 563 and annotations __future__ mandatory version
Guido van Rossum
- [issue39481] Implement PEP 585 (Type Hinting Generics In Standard Collections)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40814] Update typing module documentation based on PEP 585
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41370] PEP 585 and ForwardRef
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41314] PEP 563 and annotations __future__ mandatory version
Guido van Rossum
- [issue39868] Stale Python Language Reference docs (no walrus).
Guido van Rossum
- [issue39868] Stale Python Language Reference docs (no walrus).
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40939] Remove the old parser
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41340] Not very good strcpy implementation in cpython/Python/strdup.c
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41340] Not very good strcpy implementation in cpython/Python/strdup.c
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41380] Add snake example to turtledemo
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41341] Recursive evaluation of ForwardRef (and PEP 563)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41182] DefaultSelector fails to detect selector on VMware ESXi
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40939] Remove the old parser
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41411] Improve and consolidate f-strings docs
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40939] Remove the old parser
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40939] Remove the old parser
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40939] Remove the old parser
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40939] Remove the old parser
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Guido van Rossum
- [issue39959] Bug on multiprocessing.shared_memory
Guido van Rossum
- [issue38119] resource tracker destroys shared memory segments when other processes should still have valid access
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40841] Provide mimetypes.sniff API as stdlib
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41328] In unittest doc, replace Hudson CI with Travis and Appveyor
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41328] In unittest doc, replace Hudson CI with Travis and Appveyor
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41420] Academic Free License v. 2.1 link is not found and is obsolete
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41420] Academic Free License v. 2.1 link is not found and is obsolete
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41411] Improve and consolidate f-strings docs
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40841] Provide mimetypes.sniff API as stdlib
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41420] Academic Free License v. 2.1 link is not found and is obsolete
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41420] Academic Free License v. 2.1 link is not found and is obsolete
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
Guido van Rossum
- [issue40978] Document that typing.SupportsXXX protocols are runtime checkable
Guido van Rossum
- [issue41299] Python3 threading.Event().wait time is twice as large as Python27
- [issue41299] Python3 threading.Event().wait time is twice as large as Python27
- [issue41299] Python3 threading.Event().wait time is twice as large as Python27
- [issue27534] IDLE: Reduce number and time for user process imports
Cheryl Sabella
- [issue41177] ConvertingList and ConvertingTuple lack iterators and ConvertingDict lacks items()
Vinay Sajip
- [issue39385] Add an assertNoLogs context manager to unittest TestCase
Vinay Sajip
- [issue39385] Add an assertNoLogs context manager to unittest TestCase
Vinay Sajip
- [issue41177] ConvertingList and ConvertingTuple lack iterators and ConvertingDict lacks items()
Vinay Sajip
- [issue41177] ConvertingList and ConvertingTuple lack iterators and ConvertingDict lacks items()
Vinay Sajip
- [issue41177] ConvertingList and ConvertingTuple lack iterators and ConvertingDict lacks items()
Vinay Sajip
- [issue40275] test.support has way too many imports
Vinay Sajip
- [issue41381] Google chat handler in Logging module
Vinay Sajip
- [issue35328] Set a environment variable for venv prompt
Vinay Sajip
- [issue41177] ConvertingList and ConvertingTuple lack iterators and ConvertingDict lacks items()
Vinay Sajip
- [issue41133] Insufficient description of cyclic garbage collector for C API
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue29727] collections.abc.Reversible doesn't fully support the reversing protocol
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue29727] collections.abc.Reversible doesn't fully support the reversing protocol
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue29727] collections.abc.Reversible doesn't fully support the reversing protocol
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue39562] Asynchronous comprehensions don't work in asyncio REPL
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue39562] Asynchronous comprehensions don't work in asyncio REPL
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue39562] Asynchronous comprehensions don't work in asyncio REPL
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41218] PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT + list comprehension set .CO_COROUTINE falg.
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41218] PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT + list comprehension set .CO_COROUTINE falg.
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41218] PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT + list comprehension set .CO_COROUTINE falg.
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41218] PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT + list comprehension set .CO_COROUTINE falg.
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41218] PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT + list comprehension set .CO_COROUTINE falg.
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41218] PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT + list comprehension set .CO_COROUTINE falg.
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue40939] Remove the old parser
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41409] deque.pop(index) is not supported
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41059] Large number of Coverity reports for parser.c
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41405] python 3.9.0b5 test
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41414] AST for arguments shows extra element
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41355] os.link(..., follow_symlinks=False) without linkat(3)
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41355] os.link(..., follow_symlinks=False) without linkat(3)
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41355] os.link(..., follow_symlinks=False) without linkat(3)
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41355] os.link(..., follow_symlinks=False) without linkat(3)
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41409] deque.pop(index) is not supported
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [issue41292] Dead link in Windows FAQ
Michel Samia
- [issue41292] Dead link in Windows FAQ
Michel Samia
- [issue41315] Add mathematical functions as wrapper to decimal.Decimal methods
Jean Abou Samra
- [issue41315] Add mathematical functions as wrappers to decimal.Decimal methods
Jean Abou Samra
- [issue41315] Add mathematical functions as wrappers to decimal.Decimal methods
Jean Abou Samra
- [issue41315] Add mathematical functions as wrappers to decimal.Decimal methods
Jean Abou Samra
- [issue41436] BUG a simple "and" and "or"
- [issue41436] BUG a simple "and" and "or"
- [issue41436] BUG a simple "and" and "or"
- [issue41366] sign-conversion warning in 3.9 beta
Henry Schreiner
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
Jonas Schäfer
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
Jonas Schäfer
- [issue41169] socket.inet_pton raised when pass an IPv6 address like "[::]" to it
Wator Sead
- [issue41169] socket.inet_pton raised when pass an IPv6 address like "[::]" to it
Wator Sead
- [issue41169] socket.inet_pton raised when pass an IPv6 address like "[::]" to it
Wator Sead
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
Yury Selivanov
- [issue41202] Allow to provide custom exception handler to asyncio.run()
Yury Selivanov
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
Yury Selivanov
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
Yury Selivanov
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
Yury Selivanov
- [issue41244] Change to use str.join() instead of += when concatenating string
Yury Selivanov
- [issue41247] asyncio.set_running_loop() cache running loop holder
Yury Selivanov
- [issue37179] asyncio loop.start_tls() provide support for TLS in TLS
Yury Selivanov
- [issue41202] Allow to provide custom exception handler to asyncio.run()
Yury Selivanov
- [issue41247] asyncio.set_running_loop() cache running loop holder
Yury Selivanov
- [issue37179] asyncio loop.start_tls() provide support for TLS in TLS
Yury Selivanov
- [issue41273] asyncio: proactor read transport: use recv_into instead of recv
Yury Selivanov
- [issue41305] Add StreamReader.readinto()
Yury Selivanov
- [issue41305] Add StreamReader.readinto()
Yury Selivanov
- [issue41305] Add StreamReader.readinto()
Yury Selivanov
- [issue41305] Add StreamReader.readinto()
Yury Selivanov
- [issue41317] sock_accept() does not remove server socket reader on cancellation
Yury Selivanov
- [issue41317] sock_accept() does not remove server socket reader on cancellation
Yury Selivanov
- [issue41438] TimeoutError behavior changes on async.wait_for from python3.7
Yury Selivanov
- [issue40941] Merge generator.gi_running and frame executing flag into single frame state
Mark Shannon
- [issue29590] Incorrect stack traces when re-entering a generator/coroutine stack via .throw()
Mark Shannon
- [issue41323] Perform "peephole" optimization directly on control-flow graph.
Mark Shannon
- [issue41323] Perform "peephole" optimization directly on control-flow graph.
Mark Shannon
- [issue40941] Merge generator.gi_running and frame executing flag into single frame state
Mark Shannon
- [issue41323] Perform "peephole" optimization directly on control-flow graph.
Mark Shannon
- [issue41323] Perform "peephole" optimization directly on control-flow graph.
Mark Shannon
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
Iman Sharafaldin
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
Iman Sharafaldin
- [issue41189] An exploitable segmentation fault in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
Iman Sharafodin
- [issue41189] An exploitable segmentation fault in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
Iman Sharafodin
- [issue41189] An exploitable segmentation fault in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
Iman Sharafodin
- [issue41189] An exploitable segmentation fault in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
Iman Sharafodin
- [issue41189] An exploitable segmentation fault in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
Iman Sharafodin
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Iman Sharafodin
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Iman Sharafodin
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Iman Sharafodin
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Iman Sharafodin
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Iman Sharafodin
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Iman Sharafodin
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Iman Sharafodin
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Iman Sharafodin
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Iman Sharafodin
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes using a crafted datetime object
Iman Sharafodin
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Iman Sharafodin
- [issue39959] Bug on multiprocessing.shared_memory
Vinay Sharma
- [issue39959] Bug on multiprocessing.shared_memory
Vinay Sharma
- [issue38119] resource tracker destroys shared memory segments when other processes should still have valid access
Vinay Sharma
- [issue39584] multiprocessing.shared_memory: MacOS crashes by running attached Python code
Vinay Sharma
- [issue40828] shared memory problems with multiprocessing.Pool
Vinay Sharma
- [issue38169] Increase Code Coverage for SharedMemory and ShareableListe
Vinay Sharma
- [issue41344] SharedMemory crash when size is 0
Vinay Sharma
- [issue41344] SharedMemory crash when size is 0
Vinay Sharma
- [issue38018] Increase Code Coverage for multiprocessing.shared_memory
Vinay Sharma
- [issue39584] multiprocessing.shared_memory: MacOS crashes by running attached Python code
Vinay Sharma
- [issue41344] SharedMemory crash when size is 0
Vinay Sharma
- [issue41344] SharedMemory crash when size is 0
Vinay Sharma
- [issue41176] revise Tkinter mainloop dispatching flag behavior
Richard Sheridan
- [issue41176] revise Tkinter mainloop dispatching flag behavior
Richard Sheridan
- [issue41176] revise Tkinter mainloop dispatching flag behavior
Richard Sheridan
- [issue41176] revise Tkinter mainloop dispatching flag behavior
Richard Sheridan
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
Richard Sheridan
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
Richard Sheridan
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
Richard Sheridan
- [issue39093] tkinter objects garbage collected from non-tkinter thread cause crash
Richard Sheridan
- [issue41433] Logging libraries BufferingHandler flushed twice at shutdown
Tatsunosuke Shimada
- [issue41433] Logging libraries BufferingHandler flushed twice at shutdown
Tatsunosuke Shimada
- [issue41450] OSError is not documented in ssl library, but still can be thrown
Alexander Sibiryakov
- [issue41350] Use of zipfile.Path causes attempt to write after ZipFile is closed
Angel Siblani
- [issue41189] An exploitable segmentation fault in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
- [issue41157] email.message_from_string() is unable to find the headers for the .msg files
- [issue41157] email.message_from_string() is unable to find the headers for the .msg files
- [issue41110] 2to3 reports some files as both not changing and having been modified
- [issue41212] Emoji Unicode failing in standard release of Python 3.8.3 / tkinter 8.6.8
- [issue41128] Signal handlers should not hang during blocked main thread
- [issue41290] ipaddress module doesn't recognize as a private network
- [issue41290] ipaddress module doesn't recognize as a private network
- [issue41344] SharedMemory crash when size is 0
- [issue41321] Calculate timestamp is wrong in datetime.datetime
- [issue41363] python 3.8.5 folder not visible in https://www.python.org/ftp/python/ listing
- [issue41379] Configparser is not reading Indended Sections as Mentioned in Docs
- [issue41387] Escape needed in the email documentation example
- [issue41398] cgi module, parse_multipart fails
- [issue41380] Add snake example to turtledemo
- [issue41380] Add snake example to turtledemo
- [issue26791] shutil.move fails to move symlink (Invalid cross-device link)
- [issue40456] Complete adding silent mode for py_compile
Cameron Simpson
- [issue41270] NamedTemporaryFile is not its own iterator.
Seth Sims
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated long enough
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated long enough
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41192] Some audit events are undocumented
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41197] Async magic methods in contextlib.closing
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41199] Docstring convention not followed for dataclasses documentation page
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41197] Async magic methods in contextlib.closing
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41066] Update documentation for Pathlib
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41203] Replace references to OS X in documentation with macOS
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41205] Documentation Decimal power 0 to the 0 is Nan (versus 0 to the 0 which is 1)
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41206] behaviour change with EmailMessage.set_content
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated long enough
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41216] eval don't load local variable in dict and list comprehensions.
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41206] behaviour change with EmailMessage.set_content
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41206] behaviour change with EmailMessage.set_content
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41206] behaviour change with EmailMessage.set_content
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41206] behaviour change with EmailMessage.set_content
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue40820] Mock Call attributes args and kwargs have no changeversion
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue33840] connection limit on listening socket in asyncio
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue33840] connection limit on listening socket in asyncio
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41250] Number separators in different places
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41253] unittest -h shows a flag -s but it doesn't work
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41254] Add to/from string methods to datetime.timedelta
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41256] activate script created by venv is not smart enough
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41260] datetime: strftime method takes different keyword argument: fmt (pure) or format (C)
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41268] 3.9-dev regression? TypeError: exec_module() missing 1 required positional argument: 'module'
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41227] minor typo in asyncio transport protocol
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41279] Convert StreamReaderProtocol to a BufferedProtocol
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41280] lru_cache on 0-arity functions should default to maxsize=None
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41284] High Level API for json file parsing
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41285] memoryview does not support subclassing
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41287] __doc__ attribute is not set in property-derived classes
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes using a crafted datetime object
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41289] '%' character in help= for argparse causes ValueError: incomplete format
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue33840] connection limit on listening socket in asyncio
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue33840] connection limit on listening socket in asyncio
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41293] fix confusing example in hashlib docs
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41296] unittest.mock: patched mocks do not propagate calls to parent when set via setattr
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41296] unittest.mock: patched mocks do not propagate calls to parent when set via setattr
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41304] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41305] Add StreamReader.readinto()
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41311] Add a function to get a random sample from an iterable (reservoir sampling)
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41312] add !p to pprint.pformat() in str.format() an f-strings
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41316] tarfile: Do not write full path in FNAME field
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41321] Calculate timestamp is wrong in datetime.datetime
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41322] unittest: Generator test methods will always be marked as passed
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41322] unittest: Generator test methods will always be marked as passed
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41321] Calculate timestamp is wrong in datetime.datetime
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41325] Document addition of `mock.call_args.args` and `mock.call_args.kwargs` in 3.8
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41325] Document addition of `mock.call_args.args` and `mock.call_args.kwargs` in 3.8
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue40820] Mock Call attributes args and kwargs have no changeversion
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41325] Document addition of `mock.call_args.args` and `mock.call_args.kwargs` in 3.8
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41334] Convert str(), bytes() and bytearray() to Argument Clinic
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41336] Random segfaults during zoneinfo object creation stopped using Ctrl-C
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue36723] Unittest Discovery for namespace subpackages dot notation fails
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41324] Add a minimal decimal capsule API
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41338] test_decimal emits DeprecationWarning due to PyUnicode_FromUnicode(NULL, size)
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue36777] unittest discover throws TypeError on namespace packages
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41339] make queue.Queue objects iterable
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41347] collections.deque.count performance enhancement
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41350] Use of zipfile.Path causes attempt to write after ZipFile is closed
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41359] argparse mutually exclusive group does not exclude in some cases
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41362] Regenerating parser table fails (windows)
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41371] test_zoneinfo fails
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41377] memoryview of str (unicode)
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41381] Google chat handler in Logging module
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41371] test_zoneinfo fails
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41371] test_zoneinfo fails when lzma module is unavailable
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41385] test_executable_without_cwd fails on appx test run in Azure pipelines
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41384] tkinter raises TypeError when it's supposed to raise TclError
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41390] Errors and warnings on generate bytecode files
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41350] Use of zipfile.Path causes attempt to write after ZipFile is closed
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue39830] zipfile.Path is not included in __all__
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41336] Sporadic segfaults during zoneinfo object creation stopped using Ctrl-C
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41344] SharedMemory crash when size is 0
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41344] SharedMemory crash when size is 0
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41394] Make '_' behavior in shell more clear
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41395] pickle and pickletools cli interface doesn't close input and output file.
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41401] Using non-ascii that require UTF-8 breaks AIX testing
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41403] Uncaught AttributeError in unittest.mock._get_target
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41405] python 3.9.0b5 test
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue40891] Use PEP 573 in functools
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41408] Add a `clamp` function to the `math` module
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41409] deque.pop(index) is not supported
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41408] Add a `clamp` function to the `math` module
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue19016] autospecced namedtuples should be truthy by default
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41417] SyntaxError: assignment expression within assert
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41423] `multiprocessing.Array` and `multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager.Array` APIs are similar but not the same
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41421] Random.paretovariate sometimes raises ZeroDivisionError for small alpha
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41428] PEP 604 -- Allow writing union types as X | Y
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41436] BUG a simple "and" and "or"
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41436] BUG a simple "and" and "or"
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue40045] Make "dunder" method documentation easier to locate
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41444] CPython 3.8.5 fails to build on Windows with -E option
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41450] OSError is not documented in ssl library, but still can be thrown
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue41450] OSError is not documented in ssl library, but still can be thrown
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [issue37709] CSVReader ignores dialect.lineterminator
Daniel Smejkal
- [issue41199] Docstring convention not followed for dataclasses documentation page
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41199] Docstring convention not followed for dataclasses documentation page
Eric V. Smith
- [issue37458] ast: Different FormattedValue expressions have same col_offset information
Eric V. Smith
- [issue37458] ast: Different FormattedValue expressions have same col_offset information
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41216] eval don't load local variable in dict and list comprehensions.
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41240] Use the same kind of quotation mark in f-string
Eric V. Smith
- [issue33754] f-strings should be part of the Grammar
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41250] Number separators in different places
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41254] Add to/from string methods to datetime.timedelta
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41199] Docstring convention not followed for dataclasses documentation page
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41145] EmailMessage.as_string is altering the message state and actually fix bugs
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41267] Attribute error: Pandas module doesn't have 'Plotting' attribute
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41253] unittest -h shows a flag -s but it doesn't work
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41256] activate script created by venv is not smart enough
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41272] New clause in FOR and WHILE instead of ELSE
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41286] Built-in platform module does not offer to check for processor instructions
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41289] '%' character in help= for argparse causes ValueError: incomplete format
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41289] '%' character in help= for argparse causes ValueError: incomplete format
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41286] Built-in platform module does not offer to check for processor instructions
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41310] micro-optimization: increase our float parsing speed by Nx
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41313] sys.setrecursionlimit: OverflowError still raised when int limited in sys.maxsize
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41310] micro-optimization: increase our float parsing speed by Nx
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41312] add !p to pprint.pformat() in str.format() an f-strings
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41312] add !p to pprint.pformat() in str.format() an f-strings
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41337] strangnedd with the parser
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41337] strangnedd with the parser
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41377] memoryview of str (unicode)
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41377] memoryview of str (unicode)
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41382] print() unpredictable behaviour
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41394] Make '_' behavior in shell more clear
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41393] Fix FAQ example to use __import__('functools').reduce
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41392] SyntaxError rather than NameError
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41411] Improve and consolidate f-strings docs
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter tutorial
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter tutorial
Eric V. Smith
- [issue41410] Opening a file in binary mode makes a difference on all platforms in Python 3
Eric V. Smith
- [issue38980] Compile libpython with -fno-semantic-interposition
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue38980] Compile libpython with -fno-semantic-interposition
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue41293] fix confusing example in hashlib docs
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue41310] micro-optimization: increase our float parsing speed by Nx
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue41355] os.link(..., follow_symlinks=False) without linkat(3)
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
Nathaniel Smith
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
Nathaniel Smith
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
Nathaniel Smith
- [issue41229] Asynchronous generator memory leak
Nathaniel Smith
- [issue41229] Asynchronous generator memory leak
Nathaniel Smith
- [issue41229] Asynchronous generator memory leak
Nathaniel Smith
- [issue35105] Document that CPython accepts "invalid" identifiers
Roy Smith
- [issue40327] list(sys.modules.items()) can throw RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
Nir Soffer
- [issue41260] datetime: strftime method takes different keyword argument: fmt (pure) or format (C)
Anthony Sottile
- [issue41260] datetime: strftime method takes different keyword argument: fmt (pure) or format (C)
Anthony Sottile
- [issue20684] inspect.getfullargspec (etc) incorrectly follows __wrapped__ chains
Anthony Sottile
- [issue41325] Document addition of `mock.call_args.args` and `mock.call_args.kwargs` in 3.8
Jordan Speicher
- [issue41325] Document addition of `mock.call_args.args` and `mock.call_args.kwargs` in 3.8
Jordan Speicher
- [issue33864] collections.abc.ByteString does not register memoryview
Zackery Spytz
- [issue39168] Generic type subscription is a huge toll on Python performance
Zackery Spytz
- [issue41217] Obsolete note for default asyncio event loop on Windows
Zackery Spytz
- [issue41235] Incorrect error handling in SSLContext.load_dh_params()
Zackery Spytz
- [issue41235] Incorrect error handling in SSLContext.load_dh_params()
Zackery Spytz
- [issue41252] Incorrect reference counting in _ssl.c's _servername_callback()
Zackery Spytz
- [issue41252] Incorrect reference counting in _ssl.c's _servername_callback()
Zackery Spytz
- [issue41136] argparse uses default encoding when read arguments from file
Zackery Spytz
- [issue37237] python 2.16 from source on Ubuntu 18.04
Zackery Spytz
- [issue32695] tarfile.open() raises TypeError when using compresslevel parameter with LZMA
Zackery Spytz
- [issue33007] Objects referencing private-mangled names do not roundtrip properly under pickling.
Zackery Spytz
- [issue21625] Make help() beginner helpful when no PAGER or LESS variable
Zackery Spytz
- [issue41336] Random segfaults during zoneinfo object creation stopped using Ctrl-C
Zackery Spytz
- [issue35328] Set a environment variable for venv prompt
Zackery Spytz
- [issue4630] IDLE: add cursor noblink option
Zackery Spytz
- [issue22431] Change format of test runner output
Zackery Spytz
- [issue30155] Add ability to get tzinfo from a datetime instance in C API
Zackery Spytz
- [issue30155] Add ability to get tzinfo from a datetime instance in C API
Zackery Spytz
- [issue41374] socket.TCP_* no longer available with cygwin 3.1.6+
Zackery Spytz
- [issue6143] IDLE - clear and restart the shell window
Zackery Spytz
- [issue6143] IDLE - clear and restart the shell window
Zackery Spytz
- [issue41201] Long integer arithmetic
David Srebnick
- [issue41337] strangnedd with the parser
Steve Stagg
- [issue41335] free(): invalid pointer in list_ass_item() in Python 3.7.3
Steve Stagg
- [issue41367] Popen Timeout raised on 3.6 but not on 3.8
Steve Stagg
- [issue40967] asyncio.Task.all_tasks() and asyncio.Task.current_task() must be removed in 3.9
Kyle Stanley
- [issue41202] Allow to provide custom exception handler to asyncio.run()
Kyle Stanley
- [issue41202] Allow to provide custom exception handler to asyncio.run()
Kyle Stanley
- [issue41406] BufferedReader causes Popen.communicate losing the remaining output.
Grégory Starck
- [issue40741] Upgrade to SQLite v3.32 in Windows and macOS builds
Big Stone
- [issue41158] IDLE: rewrite the code for handling file encoding
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41187] Convert the _msi module to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41187] Convert the _msi module to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41190] msilib: SetProperty() accepts str, but GetProperty() returns bytes
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41187] Convert the _msi module to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41043] Escape the literal part of the path for glob()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41043] Escape the literal part of the path for glob()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41043] Escape the literal part of the path for glob()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41043] Escape the literal part of the path for glob()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41043] Escape the literal part of the path for glob()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41043] Escape the literal part of the path for glob()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41139] cgi uses the locale encoding for log files
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41197] Async magic methods in contextlib.closing
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41197] Async magic methods in contextlib.closing
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue40213] contextlib.aclosing()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue33665] tkinter.ttk.Scrollbar.fraction() under-estimates length
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41177] ConvertingList and ConvertingTuple lack iterators and ConvertingDict lacks items()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue36346] Prepare for removing the legacy Unicode C API
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue36346] Prepare for removing the legacy Unicode C API
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue36346] Prepare for removing the legacy Unicode C API
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue31305] 'pydoc -w import' report "no Python documentation found for 'import'"
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue21041] pathlib.PurePath.parents rejects negative indexes
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41221] io.TextIOWrapper ignores silently partial write if buffer is unbuffered
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41242] When concating strings, I think it is better to use += than join the list
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41244] Change to use str.join() instead of += when concatenating string
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41253] unittest -h shows a flag -s but it doesn't work
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41251] __future__.barry_as_FLUFL.getMandatoryRelease() is wrong
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41262] Convert memoryview to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41262] Convert memoryview to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41262] Convert memoryview to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41263] Convert code.__new__ to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41263] Convert code.__new__ to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41263] Convert code.__new__ to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41263] Convert code.__new__ to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue36346] Prepare for removing the legacy Unicode C API
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41264] Do not use the name of the built-in function as a variable.
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue36346] Prepare for removing the legacy Unicode C API
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue36346] Prepare for removing the legacy Unicode C API
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue20179] Derby #10: Convert 50 sites to Argument Clinic across 4 files
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue20179] Derby #10: Convert 50 sites to Argument Clinic across 4 files
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue20171] Derby #2: Convert 115 sites to Argument Clinic in Modules/_cursesmodule.c
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue36346] Prepare for removing the legacy Unicode C API
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41280] lru_cache on 0-arity functions should default to maxsize=None
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue40275] test.support has way too many imports
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41284] High Level API for json file parsing
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue20181] Derby #12: Convert 50 sites to Argument Clinic across 4 files
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue20175] Derby #6: Convert 50 sites to Argument Clinic across 8 files
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue20181] Derby #12: Convert 50 sites to Argument Clinic across 4 files
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue20175] Derby #6: Convert 50 sites to Argument Clinic across 8 files
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41187] Convert the _msi module to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41146] Convert signal.default_int_handler() to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41146] Convert signal.default_int_handler() to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes using a crafted datetime object
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes using a crafted datetime object
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalig NEWOBJ_EX opcode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue20183] Derby #14: Convert 41 sites to Argument Clinic across 5 files
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue23860] Windows: Failure to check return value from lseek() in Modules/mmapmodule.c
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue33007] Objects referencing private-mangled names do not roundtrip properly under pickling.
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue40150] (minor) mismatched argument in overlapped_RegisterWaitWithQueue call to RegisterWaitForSingleObject
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue40150] (minor) mismatched argument in overlapped_RegisterWaitWithQueue call to RegisterWaitForSingleObject
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41310] micro-optimization: increase our float parsing speed by Nx
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41322] unittest: Generator test methods will always be marked as passed
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41321] Calculate timestamp is wrong in datetime.datetime
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41322] unittest: deprecate test methods returning non-None values
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41330] Inefficient error-handle for CJK encodings
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41262] Convert memoryview to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41262] Convert memoryview to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41330] Inefficient error-handle for CJK encodings
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41262] Convert memoryview to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41333] Convert OrderedDict.pop() to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41333] Convert OrderedDict.pop() to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41334] Convert str(), bytes() and bytearray() to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41334] Convert str(), bytes() and bytearray() to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41333] Convert OrderedDict.pop() to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41333] Convert OrderedDict.pop() to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41338] test_decimal emits DeprecationWarning due to PyUnicode_FromUnicode(NULL, size)
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41342] Convert int.__round__ to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41342] Convert int.__round__ to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41343] Convert complex methods to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41342] Convert int.__round__ to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41336] Sporadic segfaults during zoneinfo object creation stopped using Ctrl-C
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41343] Convert complex methods to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41334] Convert str(), bytes() and bytearray() to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41334] Convert str(), bytes() and bytearray() to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41343] Convert complex methods to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41342] Convert int.__round__ to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41342] Convert int.__round__ to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41361] Converting collections.deque methods to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41361] Converting collections.deque methods to Argument Clinic
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41373] IDLE: edit/save files created by Windows Explorer
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41373] IDLE: edit/save files created by Windows Explorer
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue37095] [Feature Request]: Add zstd support in tarfile
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41375] `mode` security concern
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41375] `mode` security concern
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41377] memoryview of str (unicode)
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41378] IDLE EOL convention not set on a empty file
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41280] lru_cache on 0-arity functions should default to maxsize=None
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41385] test_executable_without_cwd fails on appx test run in Azure pipelines
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41393] Fix FAQ example to use __import__('functools').reduce
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41395] pickle and pickletools cli interface doesn't close input and output file.
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41385] test_executable_without_cwd fails on appx test run in Azure pipelines
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41373] IDLE: edit/save files created by Windows Explorer
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41397] Restore default implementation of __ne__ in Counter
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41397] Restore default implementation of __ne__ in Counter
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41400] Remove references to nonexisting __ne__ methods
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41400] Remove references to nonexisting __ne__ methods
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41399] Add stacklevel support for exceptions
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41401] Using non-ascii that require UTF-8 breaks AIX testing
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue18280] Documentation is too personalized
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41400] Remove references to nonexisting __ne__ methods
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41397] Restore default implementation of __ne__ in Counter
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41401] Using non-ascii that require UTF-8 breaks AIX testing
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41401] Using non-ascii that require UTF-8 breaks AIX testing
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41409] deque.pop(index) is not supported
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41409] deque.pop(index) is not supported
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41401] Using non-ascii that require UTF-8 breaks AIX testing
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41401] Using non-ascii that require UTF-8 breaks AIX testing
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41416] Restore default implementation of __ne__ in mixins Set and Mapping
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41416] Restore default implementation of __ne__ in mixins Set and Mapping
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41416] Restore default implementation of __ne__ in mixins Set and Mapping
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue40841] Provide mimetypes.sniff API as stdlib
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41409] deque.pop(index) is not supported
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41395] pickle and pickletools cli interface doesn't close input and output file.
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41417] SyntaxError: assignment expression within assert
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41421] Random.paretovariate sometimes raises ZeroDivisionError for small alpha
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41422] C Unpickler memory leak via memo
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41431] Optimize dict_merge for copy
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41421] Random.paretovariate sometimes raises ZeroDivisionError for small alpha
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Donald Stufft
- [issue41106] os.scandir() Windows bug dir_entry.stat() not works on file during writing.
Eryk Sun
- [issue41196] APPDATA directory is different in store installed python
Eryk Sun
- [issue26205] Better specify number of nested scopes
Eryk Sun
- [issue41221] io.TextIOWrapper ignores silently partial write if buffer is unbuffered
Eryk Sun
- [issue30044] shutil.copystat should (allow to) copy ownership, and other attributes
Eryk Sun
- [issue41298] Enable handling logoff and shutdown Windows console events
Eryk Sun
- [issue41299] Python3 threading.Event().wait time is twice as large as Python27
Eryk Sun
- [issue41299] Python3 threading.Event().wait time is twice as large as Python27
Eryk Sun
- [issue29778] [CVE-2020-15523] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Eryk Sun
- [issue29778] [CVE-2020-15523] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
Eryk Sun
- [issue30044] shutil.copystat should (allow to) copy ownership, and other attributes
Eryk Sun
- [issue41327] Windows Store "stub" Python executables give confusing behaviour
Eryk Sun
- [issue41327] Windows Store "stub" Python executables give confusing behaviour
Eryk Sun
- [issue41365] Python Launcher is sorry to say... No pyvenv.cfg file
Eryk Sun
- [issue41365] Python Launcher is sorry to say... No pyvenv.cfg file
Eryk Sun
- [issue41386] Popen.wait does not account for negative return codes
Eryk Sun
- [issue41386] Popen.wait does not account for negative return codes
Eryk Sun
- [issue41412] After installation on Windows7, 64bit Python 3.9.0b5 reports "api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll" missing and doesn't start
Eryk Sun
- [issue41355] os.link(..., follow_symlinks=False) without linkat(3)
Eryk Sun
- [issue41355] os.link(..., follow_symlinks=False) without linkat(3)
Eryk Sun
- [issue41437] SIGINT blocked by socket operations like recv on Windows
Eryk Sun
- [issue41448] pathlib behave differ between OS
Eryk Sun
- [issue41202] Allow to provide custom exception handler to asyncio.run()
Andrew Svetlov
- [issue41242] When concating strings, I think it is better to use += than join the list
Andrew Svetlov
- [issue41242] When concating strings, I think it is better to use += than join the list
Andrew Svetlov
- [issue41275] Clarify whether Futures can be awaited multiple times
Andrew Svetlov
- [issue37703] Inconsistent gather with child exception
Andrew Svetlov
- [issue41299] Python3 threading.Event().wait time is twice as large as Python27
Dennis Sweeney
- [issue41356] Convert bool.__new__ to argument clinic
Dennis Sweeney
- [issue41356] Convert bool.__new__ to argument clinic
Dennis Sweeney
- [issue41356] Convert bool.__new__ to argument clinic
Dennis Sweeney
- [issue41318] Better error message of "Cannot recover from stack overflow."
Heyi Tang
- [issue41318] Better error message of "Cannot recover from stack overflow."
Heyi Tang
- [issue41318] Better error message of "Cannot recover from stack overflow."
Heyi Tang
- [issue41318] Better error message of "Cannot recover from stack overflow."
Heyi Tang
- [issue41318] Better error message of "Cannot recover from stack overflow."
Heyi Tang
- [issue41229] Asynchronous generator memory leak
JIanqiu Tao
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Batuhan Taskaya
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Batuhan Taskaya
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Batuhan Taskaya
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Batuhan Taskaya
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Batuhan Taskaya
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Batuhan Taskaya
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
Batuhan Taskaya
- [issue37458] ast: Different FormattedValue expressions have same col_offset information
Batuhan Taskaya
- [issue41204] Use of unitialized variable `fields` along error path in code generated from asdl_c.py
Batuhan Taskaya
- [issue11105] Compiling evil ast crashes interpreter
Batuhan Taskaya
- [issue39981] Default values for AST Nodes
Batuhan Taskaya
- [issue41261] 3.9-dev SEGV in object_recursive_isinstance in ast.literal_eval
Batuhan Taskaya
- [issue17490] Improve ast.literal_eval test suite coverage
Batuhan Taskaya
- [issue38628] Issue with ctypes in AIX
Batuhan Taskaya
- [issue41254] Add to/from string methods to datetime.timedelta
Miki Tebeka
- [issue41254] Add to/from string methods to datetime.timedelta
Miki Tebeka
- [issue41423] `multiprocessing.Array` and `multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager.Array` APIs are similar but not the same
James Thistlewood
- [issue38980] Compile libpython with -fno-semantic-interposition
- [issue41246] IOCP Proactor same socket overlapped callbacks
- [issue41246] IOCP Proactor same socket overlapped callbacks
- [issue41247] asyncio module better caching for set and get_running_loop
- [issue41247] asyncio.set_running_loop() cache running loop holder
- [issue41247] asyncio.set_running_loop() cache running loop holder
- [issue41093] TCPServer's server_forever() shutdown immediately when calling shutdown()
- [issue41247] asyncio.set_running_loop() cache running loop holder
- [issue41273] asyncio: proactor read transport: use recv_into instead of recv
- [issue41270] NamedTemporaryFile is not its own iterator.
- [issue41273] asyncio: proactor read transport: use recv_into instead of recv
- [issue41273] asyncio: proactor read transport: use recv_into instead of recv
- [issue41270] NamedTemporaryFile is not its own iterator.
- [issue41279] Convert StreamReaderProtocol to a BufferedProtocol
- [issue41273] asyncio: proactor read transport: use recv_into instead of recv
- [issue41279] Convert StreamReaderProtocol to a BufferedProtocol
- [issue41246] IOCP Proactor same socket overlapped callbacks
- [issue41305] Add StreamReader.readinto()
- [issue41279] Convert StreamReaderProtocol to a BufferedProtocol
- [issue41305] Add StreamReader.readinto()
- [issue41305] Add StreamReader.readinto()
- [issue41305] Add StreamReader.readinto()
- [issue41305] Add StreamReader.readinto()
- [issue41305] Add StreamReader.readinto()
- [issue41305] Add StreamReader.readinto()
- [issue41273] asyncio: proactor read transport: use recv_into instead of recv
- [issue41273] asyncio: proactor read transport: use recv_into instead of recv
- [issue41273] asyncio: proactor read transport: use recv_into instead of recv
- [issue41381] Google chat handler in Logging module
Anand Tripathi
- [issue41381] Google chat handler in Logging module
Anand Tripathi
- [issue41381] Google chat handler in Logging module
Anand Tripathi
- [issue41381] Google chat handler in Logging module
Anand Tripathi
- [issue41293] fix confusing example in hashlib docs
Pavel Trukhanov
- [issue41293] fix confusing example in hashlib docs
Pavel Trukhanov
- [issue41438] TimeoutError behavior changes on async.wait_for from python3.7
Yerken Tussupbekov
- [issue36144] Dictionary union. (PEP 584)
Raps Uk
- [issue40059] Provide a toml module in the standard library
- [issue41230] IDLE intellisense
Saumitra Verma
- [issue41230] IDLE intellisense
Saumitra Verma
- [issue41351] IDLE does not close the brackets and does not insert the closing quotes
Saumitra Verma
- [issue36839] Support the buffer protocol in code objects
- [issue41181] [macOS] Build macOS installer with LTO and PGO optimizations
- [issue41181] [macOS] Build macOS installer with LTO and PGO optimizations
- [issue41181] [macOS] Build macOS installer with LTO and PGO optimizations
- [issue41181] [macOS] Build macOS installer with LTO and PGO optimizations
- [issue41181] [macOS] Build macOS installer with LTO and PGO optimizations
- [issue41181] [macOS] Build macOS installer with LTO and PGO optimizations
- [issue41181] [macOS] Build macOS installer with LTO and PGO optimizations
- [issue41007] test_importlib logs ResourceWarning: test_path.CommonTests.test_importing_module_as_side_effect()
- [issue40512] [subinterpreters] Meta issue: per-interpreter GIL
- [issue40521] [subinterpreters] Make free lists and unicode caches per-interpreter
- [issue40521] [subinterpreters] Make free lists and unicode caches per-interpreter
- [issue1635741] Py_Finalize() doesn't clear all Python objects at exit
- [issue1635741] Py_Finalize() doesn't clear all Python objects at exit
- [issue1635741] Py_Finalize() doesn't clear all Python objects at exit
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
- [issue41193] traceback when exiting on read-only file system
- [issue41193] traceback when exiting on read-only file system
- [issue41193] traceback when exiting on read-only file system
- [issue41175] Static analysis issues reported by GCC 10
- [issue41193] traceback when exiting on read-only file system
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
- [issue40204] Docs build error with Sphinx 3.0 due to invalid C declaration
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
- [issue35105] Document that CPython accepts "invalid" identifiers
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
- [issue41194] SIGSEGV in Python 3.9.0b3 in Python-ast.c:1412
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
- [issue38113] Remove statics from ast.c
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
- [issue1635741] Py_Finalize() doesn't clear all Python objects at exit
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
- [issue29778] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
- [issue41204] Use of unitialized variable `fields` along error path in code generated from asdl_c.py
- [issue41204] Use of unitialized variable `fields` along error path in code generated from asdl_c.py
- [issue41204] Use of unitialized variable `fields` along error path in code generated from asdl_c.py
- [issue40275] test.support has way too many imports
- [issue40275] test.support has way too many imports
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
- [issue41207] distutils.command.build_ext raises FileNotFoundError
- [issue36302] distutils creates unreproducible .so files
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
- [issue40275] test.support has way too many imports
- [issue29778] [CVE-2020-15523] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
- [issue29778] [CVE-2020-15523] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
- [issue41221] io.TextIOWrapper ignores silently partial write if buffer is unbuffered
- [issue41221] io.TextIOWrapper ignores silently partial write if buffer is unbuffered
- [issue41207] distutils.command.build_ext raises FileNotFoundError
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
- [issue29778] [CVE-2020-15523] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
- [issue40170] [C API] Make PyTypeObject structure an opaque structure in the public C API
- [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
- [issue41221] io.TextIOWrapper ignores silently partial write if buffer is unbuffered
- [issue40170] [C API] Make PyTypeObject structure an opaque structure in the public C API
- [issue40170] [C API] Make PyTypeObject structure an opaque structure in the public C API
- [issue41175] Static analysis issues reported by GCC 10
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
- [issue40170] [C API] Make PyTypeObject structure an opaque structure in the public C API
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
- [issue41194] Python 3.9.0b3 crash on compile() in PyAST_Check() when the _ast module is loaded more than once
- [issue40275] test.support has way too many imports
- [issue41258] CVE-2020-14422
- [issue41258] CVE-2020-14422
- [issue41004] [CVE-2020-14422] Hash collisions in IPv4Interface and IPv6Interface
- [issue41261] 3.9-dev SEGV in object_recursive_isinstance in ast.literal_eval
- [issue41261] 3.9-dev SEGV in object_recursive_isinstance in ast.literal_eval
- [issue39573] [C API] Make PyObject an opaque structure in the limited C API
- [issue41261] 3.9-dev SEGV in object_recursive_isinstance in ast.literal_eval
- [issue39573] [C API] Make PyObject an opaque structure in the limited C API
- [issue41261] 3.9-dev SEGV in object_recursive_isinstance in ast.literal_eval
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
- [issue41208] An exploitable segmentation fault in marshal module
- [issue41073] [C API] PyType_GetSlot() should accept static types
Petr Viktorin
- [issue41168] Lack of proper checking in PyObject_SetAttr leads to segmentation fault
Petr Viktorin
- [issue41043] Escape the literal part of the path for glob()
Petr Viktorin
- [issue41191] PyType_FromModuleAndSpec is not mentioned in 3.9 What's new
Petr Viktorin
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
Petr Viktorin
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
Petr Viktorin
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
Petr Viktorin
- [issue39603] [security] http.client: HTTP Header Injection in the HTTP method
- [issue41393] Fix FAQ example to use __import__('functools').reduce
Henk-Jaap Wagenaar
- [issue41106] os.scandir() Windows bug dir_entry.stat() not works on file during writing.
Cezary Wagner
- [issue41448] pathlib behave differ between OS
Mond Wan
- [issue41448] pathlib behave differ between OS
Mond Wan
- [issue41448] pathlib behave differ between OS
Mond Wan
- [issue41448] pathlib behave differ between OS
Mond Wan
- [issue41448] pathlib behave differ between OS
Mond Wan
- [issue41437] SIGINT blocked by socket operations like recv on Windows
Zhiming Wang
- [issue41352] FileIO.readall() should raise "UnsupportedOperation" when in "w" mode
Ziyi Wang
- [issue41243] SPAM
Zachary Ware
- [issue41243] SPAM
Zachary Ware
- [issue41244] Change to use str.join() instead of += when concatenating string
Zachary Ware
- [issue41322] unittest: Generator test methods will always be marked as passed
Zachary Ware
- [issue41251] __future__.barry_as_FLUFL.getMandatoryRelease() is wrong
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue41357] pathlib.Path.resolve incorrect os.path equivalent
Jendrik Weise
- [issue17805] No such class: multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult
Volker Weißmann
- [issue17805] No such class: multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult
Volker Weißmann
- [issue17805] No such class: multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult
Volker Weißmann
- [issue41239] SSL Certificate verify failed in Python3.6/3.7
Wu Wenyan
- [issue41239] SSL Certificate verify failed in Python3.6/3.7
Wu Wenyan
- [issue41239] SSL Certificate verify failed in Python3.6/3.7
Wu Wenyan
- [issue41239] SSL Certificate verify failed in Python3.6/3.7
Wu Wenyan
- [issue41239] SSL Certificate verify failed in Python3.6/3.7
Wu Wenyan
- [issue41232] Python `functools.wraps` doesn't deal with defaults correctly
Thor Whalen
- [issue41232] Python `functools.wraps` doesn't deal with defaults correctly
Thor Whalen
- [issue41232] Python `functools.wraps` doesn't deal with defaults correctly
Thor Whalen
- [issue41110] 2to3 reports some files as both not changing and having been modified
Ashley Whetter
- [issue40948] Better identify Windows installer as installer only, not runner
Mats Wichmann
- [issue41426] [curses] Grammar mistake in curses.getmouse() docs
Sebastien Williams-Wynn
- [issue41395] pickle and pickletools cli interface doesn't close input and output file.
Sebastien Williams-Wynn
- [issue41290] ipaddress module doesn't recognize as a private network
Allayna Wilson
- [issue26791] shutil.move fails to move symlink (Invalid cross-device link)
Murray Wilson
- [issue37363] Additional PEP578 hooks
Stéphane Wirtel
- [issue41403] Uncaught AttributeError in unittest.mock._get_target
Chris Withers
- [issue38490] statistics: add covariance, Pearson's correlation, and simple linear regression
Tymek Wołodźko
- [issue41320] async process closing after event loop closed
Kuang-che Wu
- [issue14156] argparse.FileType for '-' doesn't work for a mode of 'rb'
Peter Wu
- [issue31904] Python should support VxWorks RTOS
Peixing Xin
- [issue31904] Python should support VxWorks RTOS
Peixing Xin
- [issue41439] some test cases in test_uuid.py and test_ssl.py fail on some operating systems because of no os.fork support
Peixing Xin
- [issue41439] some test cases in test_uuid.py and test_ssl.py fail on some operating systems because of no os.fork support
Peixing Xin
- [issue41440] os.cpu_count doesn't work on VxWorks RTOS
Peixing Xin
- [issue41440] os.cpu_count doesn't work on VxWorks RTOS
Peixing Xin
- [issue41442] test_posix.PosixTester.test_getgroups fail on operating systems without supporting unix shell
Peixing Xin
- [issue41442] test_posix.PosixTester.test_getgroups fail on operating systems without supporting unix shell
Peixing Xin
- [issue41443] some test cases in test_posix.py fail if some os attributes are not supported
Peixing Xin
- [issue41443] some test cases in test_posix.py fail if some os attributes are not supported
Peixing Xin
- [issue41302] _decimal failed to build with system libmpdec 2.5
Felix Yan
- [issue41302] _decimal failed to build with system libmpdec 2.5
Felix Yan
- [issue41302] _decimal failed to build with system libmpdec 2.5
Felix Yan
- [issue41302] _decimal failed to build with system libmpdec 2.5
Felix Yan
- [issue41306] test_tk failure on Arch Linux
Felix Yan
- [issue41306] test_tk failure on Arch Linux
Felix Yan
- [issue41346] test_thousand and compileall hangs on riscv64
Felix Yan
- [issue41282] Deprecate and remove distutils
Chih-Hsuan Yen
- [issue41391] Make test_unicodedata pass when running without network
Chih-Hsuan Yen
- [issue41391] Make test_unicodedata pass when running without network
Chih-Hsuan Yen
- [issue41375] `mode` security concern
- [issue41375] `mode` security concern
- [issue41314] PEP 563 and annotations __future__ mandatory version
- [issue41314] PEP 563 and annotations __future__ mandatory version
- [issue41314] PEP 563 and annotations __future__ mandatory version
- [issue41405] python 3.9.0b5 test
- [issue41405] python 3.9.0b5 test
- [issue41405] python 3.9.0b5 test
- [issue41405] python 3.9.0b5 test
- [issue40841] Provide mimetypes.sniff API as stdlib
- [issue41409] deque.pop(index) is not supported
- [issue41349] idle not going full screen when I rotate screen 90° on mac
Tim Z
- [issue41349] idle not going full screen when I rotate screen 90° on mac
Tim Z
- [issue41349] idle not going full screen when I rotate screen 90° on mac
Tim Z
- [issue41349] idle not going full screen when I rotate screen 90° on mac
Tim Z
- [issue41180] marshal load bypass code.__new__ audit event
Yunfan Zhan
- [issue41180] marshal load bypass code.__new__ audit event
Yunfan Zhan
- [issue41180] marshal load bypass code.__new__ audit event
Yunfan Zhan
- [issue41196] APPDATA directory is different in store installed python
- [issue41196] APPDATA directory is different in store installed python
- [issue41196] APPDATA directory is different in store installed python
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Itay azolay
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Itay azolay
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Itay azolay
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Itay azolay
- [issue41220] add optional make_key argument to lru_cache
Itay azolay
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
mike bayer
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
mike bayer
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
mike bayer
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
mike bayer
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
mike bayer
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
mike bayer
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
mike bayer
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
mike bayer
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
mike bayer
- [issue41219] Mimetypes doesn't support audio/webm
cere blanco
- [issue41297] Remove doctest import from heapq
alex c
- [issue41272] New clause in FOR and WHILE instead of ELSE
- [issue41321] Calculate timestamp is wrong in datetime.datetime
- [issue37495] socket.inet_aton parsing issue on some libc versions
- [issue37495] socket.inet_aton parsing issue on some libc versions
- [issue41371] test_zoneinfo fails
- [issue41371] test_zoneinfo fails
- [issue41340] Not very good strcpy implementation in cpython/Python/strdup.c
- [issue41340] Not very good strcpy implementation in cpython/Python/strdup.c
- [issue41340] Not very good strcpy implementation in cpython/Python/strdup.c
- [issue41340] Not very good strcpy implementation in cpython/Python/strdup.c
- [issue41340] Not very good strcpy implementation in cpython/Python/strdup.c
- [issue41340] Not very good strcpy implementation in cpython/Python/strdup.c
- [issue41445] Adding configure temporary files to gitignore
- [issue41445] Adding configure temporary files to gitignore
- [issue9348] Calling argparse's add_argument with the wrong number of metavars causes delayed error message
daniel hahler
- [issue41033] readline.c: SEGFAULT on SIGWINCH when loaded twice
daniel hahler
- [issue38854] Decorator breaks inspect.getsource
daniel hahler
- [issue38854] Decorator with paren tokens in arguments breaks inspect.getsource
daniel hahler
- [issue41358] Unable to uninstall Python launcher using command line
- [issue41358] Unable to uninstall Python launcher using command line
- [issue24955] webbrowser broken on Mac OS X when using the BROWSER variable
- [issue24955] webbrowser broken on Mac OS X when using the BROWSER variable
- [issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False
paul j3
- [issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False
paul j3
- [issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False
paul j3
- [issue9351] argparse set_defaults on subcommands should override top level set_defaults
paul j3
- [issue41359] argparse mutually exclusive group does not exclude in some cases
paul j3
- [issue37373] Configuration of windows event loop for libraries
- [issue41223] `object`-backed `memoryview`'s `tolist` errors
- [issue41226] Supporting `strides` in `memoryview.cast`
- [issue41377] memoryview of str (unicode)
- [issue41377] memoryview of str (unicode)
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
- [issue41422] C Unpickler memory leak via memo
- [issue41422] C Unpickler memory leak via memo
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
- [issue36661] Missing dataclass decorator import in dataclasses module docs
- [issue40236] datetime.datetime.strptime get day error
- [issue40236] datetime.datetime.strptime get day error
- [issue1635741] Py_Finalize() doesn't clear all Python objects at exit
mohamed koubaa
- [issue1635741] Py_Finalize() doesn't clear all Python objects at exit
mohamed koubaa
- [issue1635741] Py_Finalize() doesn't clear all Python objects at exit
mohamed koubaa
- [issue1635741] Py_Finalize() doesn't clear all Python objects at exit
mohamed koubaa
- [issue1635741] Py_Finalize() doesn't clear all Python objects at exit
mohamed koubaa
- [issue41256] activate script created by venv is not smart enough
- [issue41158] IDLE: rewrite the code for handling file encoding
- [issue41158] IDLE: rewrite the code for handling file encoding
- [issue41158] IDLE: rewrite the code for handling file encoding
- [issue41158] IDLE: rewrite the code for handling file encoding
- [issue41158] IDLE: rewrite the code for handling file encoding
- [issue40967] asyncio.Task.all_tasks() and asyncio.Task.current_task() must be removed in 3.9
- [issue40967] asyncio.Task.all_tasks() and asyncio.Task.current_task() must be removed in 3.9
- [issue40967] asyncio.Task.all_tasks() and asyncio.Task.current_task() must be removed in 3.9
- [issue41193] traceback when exiting on read-only file system
- [issue41193] traceback when exiting on read-only file system
- [issue41193] traceback when exiting on read-only file system
- [issue41193] traceback when exiting on read-only file system
- [issue39960] Using typename.__setattr__ in extension type with Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE is broken (hackcheck too eager?)
- [issue39960] Using typename.__setattr__ in extension type with Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE is broken (hackcheck too eager?)
- [issue39960] Using typename.__setattr__ in extension type with Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE is broken (hackcheck too eager?)
- [issue41180] marshal load bypass code.__new__ audit event
- [issue41180] marshal load bypass code.__new__ audit event
- [issue41180] marshal load bypass code.__new__ audit event
- [issue41180] marshal load bypass code.__new__ audit event
- [issue33864] collections.abc.ByteString does not register memoryview
- [issue33864] collections.abc.ByteString does not register memoryview
- [issue33864] collections.abc.ByteString does not register memoryview
- [issue33864] collections.abc.ByteString does not register memoryview
- [issue33864] collections.abc.ByteString does not register memoryview
- [issue41211] PyLong_FromUnicodeObject document is wrong
- [issue41211] PyLong_FromUnicodeObject document is wrong
- [issue41211] PyLong_FromUnicodeObject document is wrong
- [issue41211] PyLong_FromUnicodeObject document is wrong
- [issue39168] Generic type subscription is a huge toll on Python performance
- [issue41211] PyLong_FromUnicodeObject document is wrong
- [issue41211] PyLong_FromUnicodeObject document is wrong
- [issue39168] Generic type subscription is a huge toll on Python performance
- [issue39168] Generic type subscription is a huge toll on Python performance
- [issue26205] Better specify number of nested scopes
- [issue26205] Better specify number of nested scopes
- [issue28681] Clarify multiple function names in the tutorial
- [issue28681] Clarify multiple function names in the tutorial
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated long enough
- [issue41165] [Python 3.10] Remove APIs deprecated long enough
- [issue37207] Use PEP 590 vectorcall to speed up calls to range(), list() and dict()
- [issue29778] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
- [issue29778] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
- [issue29778] _Py_CheckPython3 uses uninitialized dllpath when embedder sets module path with Py_SetPath
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
- [issue41218] PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT + list comprehension set .CO_COROUTINE falg.
- [issue41218] PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT + list comprehension set .CO_COROUTINE falg.
- [issue41218] PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT + list comprehension set .CO_COROUTINE falg.
- [issue41218] PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT + list comprehension set .CO_COROUTINE falg.
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
- [issue41218] PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT + list comprehension set .CO_COROUTINE falg.
- [issue41215] AIX: build fails for xlc/xlC since new PEG parser
- [issue41207] distutils.command.build_ext raises FileNotFoundError
- [issue41207] distutils.command.build_ext raises FileNotFoundError
- [issue41207] distutils.command.build_ext raises FileNotFoundError
- [issue41173] Windows ARM buildbots cannot upload results
- [issue39417] Link to "Python Packaging User Guide: Creating and using virtual environments" is broken
- [issue41173] Windows ARM buildbots cannot upload results
- [issue39417] Link to "Python Packaging User Guide: Creating and using virtual environments" is broken
- [issue41235] Incorrect error handling in SSLContext.load_dh_params()
- [issue41235] Incorrect error handling in SSLContext.load_dh_params()
- [issue41235] Incorrect error handling in SSLContext.load_dh_params()
- [issue41235] Incorrect error handling in SSLContext.load_dh_params()
- [issue41235] Incorrect error handling in SSLContext.load_dh_params()
- [issue40170] [C API] Make PyTypeObject structure an opaque structure in the public C API
- [issue40170] [C API] Make PyTypeObject structure an opaque structure in the public C API
- [issue41247] asyncio.set_running_loop() cache running loop holder
- [issue41247] asyncio.set_running_loop() cache running loop holder
- [issue41247] asyncio.set_running_loop() cache running loop holder
- [issue41247] asyncio.set_running_loop() cache running loop holder
- [issue40597] generated email message exceeds RFC-mandated limit of 998 characters
- [issue40597] generated email message exceeds RFC-mandated limit of 998 characters
- [issue40597] generated email message exceeds RFC-mandated limit of 998 characters
- [issue40597] generated email message exceeds RFC-mandated limit of 998 characters
- [issue40597] generated email message exceeds RFC-mandated limit of 998 characters
- [issue41252] Incorrect reference counting in _ssl.c's _servername_callback()
- [issue41252] Incorrect reference counting in _ssl.c's _servername_callback()
- [issue41252] Incorrect reference counting in _ssl.c's _servername_callback()
- [issue41252] Incorrect reference counting in _ssl.c's _servername_callback()
- [issue41252] Incorrect reference counting in _ssl.c's _servername_callback()
- [issue41199] Docstring convention not followed for dataclasses documentation page
- [issue41199] Docstring convention not followed for dataclasses documentation page
- [issue41199] Docstring convention not followed for dataclasses documentation page
- [issue41199] Docstring convention not followed for dataclasses documentation page
- [issue41199] Docstring convention not followed for dataclasses documentation page
- [issue29590] Incorrect stack traces when re-entering a generator/coroutine stack via .throw()
- [issue41172] test_peg_generator C tests fail on Windows ARM
- [issue41172] test_peg_generator C tests fail on Windows ARM
- [issue37765] IDLE: Include keywords in module-level autocomplete list
- [issue37765] IDLE: Include keywords in module-level autocomplete list
- [issue37765] IDLE: Include keywords in module-level autocomplete list
- [issue37765] IDLE: Include keywords in module-level autocomplete list
- [issue41175] Static analysis issues reported by GCC 10
- [issue41175] Static analysis issues reported by GCC 10
- [issue41175] Static analysis issues reported by GCC 10
- [issue41175] Static analysis issues reported by GCC 10
- [issue41227] minor typo in asyncio transport protocol
- [issue41227] minor typo in asyncio transport protocol
- [issue41228] Fix the typo in the description of calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)
- [issue41228] Fix the typo in the description of calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)
- [issue41228] Fix the typo in the description of calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)
- [issue41228] Fix the typo in the description of calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
- [issue41288] Pickle crashes unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode
- [issue32528] Change base class for futures.CancelledError
- [issue32528] Change base class for futures.CancelledError
- [issue32528] Change base class for futures.CancelledError
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
- [issue41302] _decimal failed to build with system libmpdec 2.5
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
- [issue39017] Infinite loop in the tarfile module
- [issue41302] _decimal failed to build with system libmpdec 2.5
- [issue40150] (minor) mismatched argument in overlapped_RegisterWaitWithQueue call to RegisterWaitForSingleObject
- [issue40150] (minor) mismatched argument in overlapped_RegisterWaitWithQueue call to RegisterWaitForSingleObject
- [issue40150] (minor) mismatched argument in overlapped_RegisterWaitWithQueue call to RegisterWaitForSingleObject
- [issue40150] (minor) mismatched argument in overlapped_RegisterWaitWithQueue call to RegisterWaitForSingleObject
- [issue41304] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
- [issue41304] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
- [issue41304] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
- [issue41304] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
- [issue41300] IDLE: add missing import io in iomenu.py
- [issue41300] IDLE: add missing import io in iomenu.py
- [issue41300] IDLE: add missing import io in iomenu.py
- [issue41195] Interface to OpenSSL's security level
- [issue41304] [CVE-2020-15801] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
- [issue41304] [CVE-2020-15801] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
- [issue41304] [CVE-2020-15801] python 38 embed ignore python38._pth file on windows
- [issue41024] doc: Explicitly mention use of 'enum.Enum' as a valid container for 'choices' argument of 'argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument'
- [issue41325] Document addition of `mock.call_args.args` and `mock.call_args.kwargs` in 3.8
- [issue41325] Document addition of `mock.call_args.args` and `mock.call_args.kwargs` in 3.8
- [issue41325] Document addition of `mock.call_args.args` and `mock.call_args.kwargs` in 3.8
- [issue41325] Document addition of `mock.call_args.args` and `mock.call_args.kwargs` in 3.8
- [issue39603] [security] http.client: HTTP Header Injection in the HTTP method
- [issue39603] [security] http.client: HTTP Header Injection in the HTTP method
- [issue39603] [security] http.client: HTTP Header Injection in the HTTP method
- [issue39603] [security] http.client: HTTP Header Injection in the HTTP method
- [issue39603] [security] http.client: HTTP Header Injection in the HTTP method
- [issue39603] [security] http.client: HTTP Header Injection in the HTTP method
- [issue39603] [security] http.client: HTTP Header Injection in the HTTP method
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
- [issue41295] CPython 3.8.4 regression on __setattr__ in multiinheritance with metaclasses
- [issue32528] Change base class for futures.CancelledError
- [issue41205] Documentation Decimal power 0 to the 0 is Nan (versus 0 to the 0 which is 1)
- [issue41205] Documentation Decimal power 0 to the 0 is Nan (versus 0 to the 0 which is 1)
- [issue41205] Documentation Decimal power 0 to the 0 is Nan (versus 0 to the 0 which is 1)
- [issue41205] Documentation Decimal power 0 to the 0 is Nan (versus 0 to the 0 which is 1)
- [issue40741] Upgrade to SQLite v3.32 in Windows and macOS builds
- [issue40741] Upgrade to SQLite v3.32 in Windows and macOS builds
- [issue40741] Upgrade to SQLite v3.32 in Windows and macOS builds
- [issue40741] Upgrade to SQLite v3.32 in Windows and macOS builds
- [issue37703] Inconsistent gather with child exception
- [issue37703] Inconsistent gather with child exception
- [issue37703] Inconsistent gather with child exception
- [issue37703] Inconsistent gather with child exception
- [issue37703] Inconsistent gather with child exception
- [issue37703] Inconsistent gather with child exception
- [issue41336] Sporadic segfaults during zoneinfo object creation stopped using Ctrl-C
- [issue41336] Sporadic segfaults during zoneinfo object creation stopped using Ctrl-C
- [issue40741] Upgrade to SQLite v3.32 in Windows and macOS builds
- [issue40741] Upgrade to SQLite v3.32 in Windows and macOS builds
- [issue40741] Upgrade to SQLite v3.32 in Windows and macOS builds
- [issue40741] Upgrade to SQLite v3.32 in Windows and macOS builds
- [issue41364] Optimise uuid platform detection
- [issue41364] Optimise uuid platform detection
- [issue41182] DefaultSelector fails to detect selector on VMware ESXi
- [issue4630] IDLE: add cursor noblink option
- [issue4630] IDLE: add cursor noblink option
- [issue41366] sign-conversion warning in 3.9 beta
- [issue41366] sign-conversion warning in 3.9 beta
- [issue41317] sock_accept() does not remove server socket reader on cancellation
- [issue41317] sock_accept() does not remove server socket reader on cancellation
- [issue32528] Change base class for futures.CancelledError
- [issue32528] Change base class for futures.CancelledError
- [issue41373] IDLE: edit/save files created by Windows Explorer
- [issue41373] IDLE: edit/save files created by Windows Explorer
- [issue41373] IDLE: edit/save files created by Windows Explorer
- [issue41373] IDLE: edit/save files created by Windows Explorer
- [issue37309] idlelib/NEWS.txt for 3.9.0 and backports
- [issue38731] bad input crashes py_compile library
- [issue41314] PEP 563 and annotations __future__ mandatory version
- [issue41314] PEP 563 and annotations __future__ mandatory version
- [issue41314] PEP 563 and annotations __future__ mandatory version
- [issue41314] PEP 563 and annotations __future__ mandatory version
- [issue41314] PEP 563 and annotations __future__ mandatory version
- [issue39868] Stale Python Language Reference docs (no walrus).
- [issue39868] Stale Python Language Reference docs (no walrus).
- [issue39868] Stale Python Language Reference docs (no walrus).
- [issue39868] Stale Python Language Reference docs (no walrus).
- [issue37309] idlelib/NEWS.txt for 3.9.0 and backports
- [issue41385] test_executable_without_cwd fails on appx test run in Azure pipelines
- [issue41385] test_executable_without_cwd fails on appx test run in Azure pipelines
- [issue41385] test_executable_without_cwd fails on appx test run in Azure pipelines
- [issue41385] test_executable_without_cwd fails on appx test run in Azure pipelines
- [issue41341] Recursive evaluation of ForwardRef (and PEP 563)
- [issue41182] DefaultSelector fails to detect selector on VMware ESXi
- [issue41341] Recursive evaluation of ForwardRef (and PEP 563)
- [issue41182] DefaultSelector fails to detect selector on VMware ESXi
- [issue41384] tkinter raises TypeError when it's supposed to raise TclError
- [issue41384] tkinter raises TypeError when it's supposed to raise TclError
- [issue40939] Remove the old parser
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
- [issue41045] f-string's "debug" feature is undocumented
- [issue41328] In unittest doc, replace Hudson CI with Travis and Appveyor
- [issue41328] In unittest doc, replace Hudson CI with Travis and Appveyor
- [issue41328] In unittest doc, replace Hudson CI with Travis and Appveyor
- [issue41328] In unittest doc, replace Hudson CI with Travis and Appveyor
- [issue41328] In unittest doc, replace Hudson CI with Travis and Appveyor
- [issue41412] After installation on Windows7, 64bit Python 3.9.0b5 reports "api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll" missing and doesn't start
- [issue40948] Better identify Windows installer as installer only, not runner
- [issue40948] Better identify Windows installer as installer only, not runner
- [issue41412] After installation on Windows7, 64bit Python 3.9.0b5 reports "api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll" missing and doesn't start
- [issue38156] input fucntion raises SystemError after specific input.
- [issue38156] input fucntion raises SystemError after specific input.
- [issue38156] input fucntion raises SystemError after specific input.
- [issue38156] input fucntion raises SystemError after specific input.
- [issue38156] input fucntion raises SystemError after specific input.
- [issue41427] howto/descriptor.rst incorrectly mentions method.__class__
- [issue41427] howto/descriptor.rst incorrectly mentions method.__class__
- [issue41426] [curses] Grammar mistake in curses.getmouse() docs
- [issue41426] [curses] Grammar mistake in curses.getmouse() docs
- [issue41426] [curses] Grammar mistake in curses.getmouse() docs
- [issue41426] [curses] Grammar mistake in curses.getmouse() docs
- [issue41426] [curses] Grammar mistake in curses.getmouse() docs
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
- [issue41382] print() unpredictable behaviour
- [issue41382] print() unpredictable behaviour
- [issue41382] print() unpredictable behaviour
- [issue41303] perf_counter result does not count system sleep time in Mac OS
- [issue41267] Attribute error: Pandas module doesn't have 'Plotting' attribute
- [issue41296] unittest.mock: patched mocks do not propagate calls to parent when set via setattr
john passaro
- [issue41111] Convert a few stdlib extensions to the limited C API
- [issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop
- [issue33129] Add kwarg-only option to dataclass
- [issue40978] Document that typing.SupportsXXX protocols are runtime checkable
- [issue40979] typing module docs: keep text, add subsections
- [issue41300] IDLE: missing import io in iomenu.py
nirinA raseliarison
- [issue41073] [C API] PyType_GetSlot() should accept static types
hai shi
- [issue40275] test.support has way too many imports
hai shi
- [issue40275] test.support has way too many imports
hai shi
- [issue40275] test.support has way too many imports
hai shi
- [issue41073] [C API] PyType_GetSlot() should accept static types
hai shi
- [issue40275] test.support has way too many imports
hai shi
- [issue40275] test.support has way too many imports
hai shi
- [issue40275] test.support has way too many imports
hai shi
- [issue40275] test.support has way too many imports
hai shi
- [issue40275] test.support has way too many imports
hai shi
- [issue40275] test.support has way too many imports
hai shi
- [issue1635741] Py_Finalize() doesn't clear all Python objects at exit
hai shi
- [issue41340] Not very good strcpy implementation in cpython/Python/strdup.c
hai shi
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter in shell tutorial
hai shi
- [issue41296] unittest.mock: patched mocks do not propagate calls to parent when set via setattr
- [issue41202] Allo to provide custom exception handler to asyncio.run()
- [issue41202] Allow to provide custom exception handler to asyncio.run()
- [issue41202] Allow to provide custom exception handler to asyncio.run()
- [issue41202] Allow to provide custom exception handler to asyncio.run()
- [issue41202] Allow to provide custom exception handler to asyncio.run()
- [issue41202] Allow to provide custom exception handler to asyncio.run()
- [issue41403] Uncaught AttributeError in unittest.mock._get_target
- [issue41250] Number separators in different places
- [issue41250] Number separators in different places
- [issue41251] __future__.barry_as_FLUFL.getMandatoryRelease() is wrong
- [issue41251] __future__.barry_as_FLUFL.getMandatoryRelease() is wrong
- [issue41251] __future__.barry_as_FLUFL.getMandatoryRelease() is wrong
- [issue41251] __future__.barry_as_FLUFL.getMandatoryRelease() is wrong
- [issue41075] Make support of navigating through prev. commands in IDLE more conspicuous
- [issue41266] Wrong hint when class methods and builtins named same
- [issue40360] Deprecate lib2to3 (and 2to3) for future removal
- [issue41313] OverflowError still raised when int limited in sys.maxsize
- [issue41313] OverflowError still raised when int limited in sys.maxsize
- [issue41313] OverflowError still raised when int limited in sys.maxsize
- [issue40477] Python Launcher app on macOS 10.15 Catalina fails to run scripts
- [issue41314] __future__ doc and PEP 563 conflict
- [issue41314] __future__ doc and PEP 563 conflict
- [issue41241] Unnecessary Type casting in 'if condition'
- [issue41241] Unnecessary Type casting in 'if condition'
- [issue41241] Unnecessary Type casting in 'if condition'
- [issue41319] IDLE 3.8 can not save and run this file
- [issue41319] IDLE 3.8 can not save and run this file
- [issue41314] __future__ doc and PEP 563 conflict
- [issue41392] SyntaxError rather than NameError error
- [issue41392] SyntaxError rather than NameError
- [issue41384] tkinter raises TypeError when it's supposed to raise TclError
- [issue41393] Fix FAQ example to use __import__('functools').reduce
- [issue41394] Behiavior of '_' strange in shell
- [issue41394] Make '_' behavior in shell more clear
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter in shell tutorial
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter in shell tutorial
- [issue41314] PEP 563 and annotations __future__ mandatory version
- [issue41399] Add stacklevel support for exceptions
- [issue40891] Use PEP 573 in functools
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter in shell tutorial
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter in shell tutorial
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter tutorial
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter tutorial
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter tutorial
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter tutorial
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter tutorial
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter tutorial
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter tutorial
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter tutorial
- [issue41394] Document '_' in interpreter tutorial
- [issue41434] IDLE: Warn user on "Run Module" if file is not .py/.pyw
- [issue41434] IDLE: Warn user on "Run Module" if file is not .py/.pyw
- [issue41434] IDLE: Option to warn user on "Run Module" if file is not .py/.pyw
- [issue41233] Missing links to errnos on Built-in Exceptions page
- [issue41233] Missing links to errnos on Built-in Exceptions page
- [issue41233] Missing links to errnos on Built-in Exceptions page
- [issue41233] Missing links to errnos on Built-in Exceptions page
- [issue41281] Wrong/missing code formats in datetime documentation
- [issue41281] Wrong/missing code formats in datetime documentation
- [issue41324] En az ondalık kapsül API ekleme
Abdulkadir Özbudak
- [issue26205] Inconsistency concerning nested scopes
Vedran Čačić
- [issue26205] Inconsistency concerning nested scopes
Vedran Čačić
- [issue26205] Better specify number of nested scopes
Vedran Čačić
- [issue41272] New clause in FOR and WHILE instead of ELSE
Vedran Čačić
- [issue41417] SyntaxError: assignment expression within assert
Jan Češpivo
- [issue41417] SyntaxError: assignment expression within assert
Jan Češpivo
- [issue41197] Async magic methods in contextlib.closing
Рамзан Б.
- [issue41360] method _tunnel does not allow for a standard proxy authentication solution
Вадим Новиков
- [issue41363] python 3.8.5 folder not visible in https://www.python.org/ftp/python/ listing
Андрей Перевёрткин
- [issue41066] Update documentation for Pathlib
Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy(శ్రీనివాస్ రెడ్డి తాటిపర్తి)
- [issue41007] test_importlib logs ResourceWarning: test_path.CommonTests.test_importing_module_as_side_effect()
Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy(శ్రీనివాస్ రెడ్డి తాటిపర్తి)
- [issue41007] test_importlib logs ResourceWarning: test_path.CommonTests.test_importing_module_as_side_effect()
Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy(శ్రీనివాస్ రెడ్డి తాటిపర్తి)
- [issue41137] pdb uses the locale encoding for .pdbrc
Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy(శ్రీనివాస్ రెడ్డి తాటిపర్తి)
- [issue41139] cgi uses the locale encoding for log files
Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy(శ్రీనివాస్ రెడ్డి తాటిపర్తి)
- [issue41139] cgi uses the locale encoding for log files
Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy(శ్రీనివాస్ రెడ్డి తాటిపర్తి)
- [issue41205] Documentation Decimal power 0 to the 0 is Nan (versus 0 to the 0 which is 1)
Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy(శ్రీనివాస్ రెడ్డి తాటిపర్తి)
- [issue41199] Docstring convention not followed for dataclasses documentation page
Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy(శ్రీనివాస్ రెడ్డి తాటిపర్తి)
- [issue41319] IDLE 3.8 can not save and run this file
- [issue41441] io reading & updating fix
- [issue41441] io reading & updating fix
- [issue41441] io reading & updating fix
- [issue41441] io reading & updating fix
- [issue41441] io reading & updating fix
- [issue41441] io reading & updating fix
- [issue41441] io reading & updating fix
- [issue41441] io reading & updating fix
Last message date:
Fri Jul 31 23:34:14 EDT 2020
Archived on: Fri Jul 31 23:34:20 EDT 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).