[issue43191] Shared Memory for array of object

Hannah Busshoff report at bugs.python.org
Wed Feb 10 05:13:44 EST 2021

New submission from Hannah Busshoff <hannahbusshoff at gmail.com>:

Dear all, 

When seeking to put an object of type -- Array of object -- into shared memory when doing multiprocessing via starmap, I am encountering problems -- in that sense that the program does not finish running but apparently gets stuck. 

I attached a minimal example. 

Many thanks for your help. I sincerely hope I have not overlooked that this issue has been raised by somebody else. I am happy to provide further input!



files: example.py
messages: 386769
nosy: hannahbusshoff
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Shared Memory for array of object
type: crash
versions: Python 3.8
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file49801/example.py

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