[issue43567] regen.vcxproj cannot regenerate some necessary files

anthony shaw report at bugs.python.org
Wed Mar 31 18:10:19 EDT 2021

anthony shaw <anthony.p.shaw at gmail.com> added the comment:

Guido, regen.vcxproj targets 142 as the SDK version, which is most likely a mistake.
The other projects are part of the main PCBuild.sln solution, which has a variable for the base SDK version.

If you need to change it quickly, you can either open it in VS and right click on the project and change the properties to an older SDK, or edit the vcxproj file itself.

I can make this change in a patch, but because its a standalone project, it doesn't share the base SDK version with the others.

I've reviewed Steve's patch and it would fix this because it changes regen into a build target instead of a build project, so it doesn't specify the SDK version at all.
Steve's implementation is also much, much cleaner!

nosy: +anthony shaw

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