[Python-checkins] CVS: python/nondist/peps pep-0000.txt,1.56,1.57 pep-0206.txt,1.9,1.10 pep-0216.txt,1.7,1.8

Thomas Wouters python-dev@python.org
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 15:08:15 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/peps
In directory slayer.i.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv31550

Modified Files:
	pep-0000.txt pep-0206.txt pep-0216.txt 
Log Message:

Update Moshe's email address to the one that won't stop working soon, and also test CVS write access on this new installation.

Index: pep-0000.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/peps/pep-0000.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.56
retrieving revision 1.57
diff -C2 -r1.56 -r1.57
*** pep-0000.txt	2000/12/08 15:05:09	1.56
--- pep-0000.txt	2000/12/11 23:08:11	1.57
*** 161,165 ****
      Wouters, Thomas          thomas@xs4all.net
      Yee, Ka-Ping             ping@lfw.org
!     Zadka, Moshe             moshez@math.huji.ac.il
      Zhu, Huaiyu              hzhu@users.sourceforge.net
--- 161,165 ----
      Wouters, Thomas          thomas@xs4all.net
      Yee, Ka-Ping             ping@lfw.org
!     Zadka, Moshe             moshez@zadka.site.co.il
      Zhu, Huaiyu              hzhu@users.sourceforge.net

Index: pep-0206.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/peps/pep-0206.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -r1.9 -r1.10
*** pep-0206.txt	2000/11/28 22:23:25	1.9
--- pep-0206.txt	2000/12/11 23:08:11	1.10
*** 2,6 ****
  Title: 2.0 Batteries Included
  Version: $Revision$
! Author: moshez@math.huji.ac.il (Moshe Zadka)
  Python-Version: 2.0
  Status: Draft
--- 2,6 ----
  Title: 2.0 Batteries Included
  Version: $Revision$
! Author: moshez@zadka.site.co.il (Moshe Zadka)
  Python-Version: 2.0
  Status: Draft

Index: pep-0216.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/peps/pep-0216.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C2 -r1.7 -r1.8
*** pep-0216.txt	2000/11/10 17:00:05	1.7
--- pep-0216.txt	2000/12/11 23:08:11	1.8
*** 2,6 ****
  Title: Docstring Format
  Version: $Revision$
! Author: moshez@math.huji.ac.il (Moshe Zadka)
  Status: Draft
  Type: Informational
--- 2,6 ----
  Title: Docstring Format
  Version: $Revision$
! Author: moshez@zadka.site.co.il (Moshe Zadka)
  Status: Draft
  Type: Informational