[Python-checkins] CVS: python/dist/src/Lib/test test_pyclbr.py,NONE,1.1

Fred L. Drake fdrake@users.sourceforge.net
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 13:26:21 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv11161

Added Files:
Log Message:

Nick Mathewson: test suite for the class browser support module.

--- NEW FILE: test_pyclbr.py ---
   Test cases for pyclbr.py
   Nick Mathewson
from test_support import run_unittest
import unittest, sys
from types import ClassType, FunctionType, MethodType
import pyclbr

# This next line triggers an error on old versions of pyclbr.

from commands import getstatus 

# Here we test the python class browser code.  
# The main function in this suite, 'testModule', compares the output
# of pyclbr with the introspected members of a module.  Because pyclbr
# is imperfect (as designed), testModule is called with a set of
# members to ignore.

class PyclbrTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def assertListEq(self, l1, l2, ignore):
        ''' succeed iff {l1} - {ignore} == {l2} - {ignore} '''
        for p1, p2 in (l1, l2), (l2, l1):
            for item in p1:
                ok = (item in p2) or (item in ignore)
                if not ok:
                    self.fail("%r missing" % item)
    def assertHasattr(self, obj, attr, ignore):
        ''' succeed iff hasattr(obj,attr) or attr in ignore. '''
        if attr in ignore: return
        if not hasattr(obj, attr): print "???",attr
        self.failUnless(hasattr(obj, attr))

    def assertHaskey(self, obj, key, ignore):
        ''' succeed iff obj.has_key(key) or key in ignore. '''
        if key in ignore: return
        if not obj.has_key(key): print "***",key

    def assertEquals(self, a, b, ignore=None):
        ''' succeed iff a == b or a in ignore or b in ignore '''
        if (ignore == None) or (a in ignore) or (b in ignore): return

        unittest.TestCase.assertEquals(self, a, b)

    def checkModule(self, moduleName, module=None, ignore=()):
        ''' succeed iff pyclbr.readmodule_ex(modulename) corresponds
            to the actual module object, module.  Any identifiers in
            ignore are ignored.   If no module is provided, the appropriate
            module is loaded with __import__.'''

        if module == None:
            module = __import__(moduleName, globals(), {}, [])      

        dict = pyclbr.readmodule_ex(moduleName)

        # Make sure the toplevel functions and classes are the same.
        for name, value in dict.items():
            if name in ignore: 
            self.assertHasattr(module, name, ignore)
            py_item = getattr(module, name)
            if isinstance(value, pyclbr.Function):
                self.assertEquals(type(py_item), FunctionType)
                self.assertEquals(type(py_item), ClassType)
                real_bases = [base.__name__ for base in py_item.__bases__]
                pyclbr_bases = [ getattr(base, 'name', base) 
                                 for base in value.super ]
                self.assertListEq(real_bases, pyclbr_bases, ignore)

                actualMethods = []
                for m in dir(py_item):
                    if type(getattr(py_item, m)) == MethodType:
                foundMethods = []
                for m in value.methods.keys():
                    if m[:2] == '__' and m[-2:] != '__':

                self.assertListEq(foundMethods, actualMethods, ignore)
                self.assertEquals(py_item.__module__, value.module)

                self.assertEquals(py_item.__name__, value.name, ignore)
                # can't check file or lineno

        # Now check for missing stuff.
        for name in dir(module):
            item = getattr(module, name)
            if type(item) in (ClassType, FunctionType):
                self.assertHaskey(dict, name, ignore)

    def test_easy(self):

    def test_others(self):
        cm = self.checkModule

        # these are about the 20 longest modules.

        cm('random', ignore=('_verify',)) # deleted

        cm('cgi', ignore=('f', 'g',       # nested declarations
                          'log'))         # set with =, not def

        cm('mhlib', ignore=('do',          # nested declaration
                            'bisect'))     # imported method, set with =

        cm('urllib', ignore=('getproxies_environment', # set with =
                             'getproxies_registry'))   # set with =

        #XXXX bad example
        #cm('urllib2', ignore=('at_cnri',    # defined inside __main__
        #                     '__super_init', # set with =.
        #                     '_HTTPError__super_init', # set with =.
        #                     'http_error_301', # set with =.
        #                     ))

        cm('pickle', ignore=('g',))       # deleted declaration
        cm('aifc', ignore=('openfp',))    # set with =
        cm('httplib', ignore=('error',))  # set with =

        cm('Cookie', ignore=('__str__', 'Cookie')) # set with =
        cm('sre_parse', ignore=('literal', # nested def
                                'makedict', 'dump' # from sre_constants


        # pydoc doesn't work because of string issues
        # cm('pydoc', pydoc)
        # pdb plays too many dynamic games
        # cm('pdb', pdb) 
