[Python-checkins] CVS: python/dist/src/Lib doctest.py,1.16,1.17
Tim Peters
Fri, 17 Aug 2001 17:05:56 -0700
Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv2375/python/Lib
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Remove the horrid generators hack from doctest.py. This relies on a
somewhat less horrid hack <wink>: if a module does
from __future__ import X
then the module dict D is left in a state such that (viewing X as a
D[X] is getattr(__future__, X)
So by examining D for all the names of future features, and making that
test for each, we can make a darned good guess as to which future-features
were imported by the module. The appropriate flags are then sucked out
of the __future__ module, and passed on to compile()'s new optional
arguments (PEP 264).
Also gave doctest a meaningful __all__, removed the history of changes
(CVS serves that purpose now), and removed the __version__ vrbl (similarly;
before CVS, it was a reasonable clue, but not anymore).
Index: doctest.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/doctest.py,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -C2 -d -r1.16 -r1.17
*** doctest.py 2001/07/16 18:39:58 1.16
--- doctest.py 2001/08/18 00:05:50 1.17
*** 1,3 ****
! # Module doctest version 0.9.7
# Released to the public domain 16-Jan-2001,
# by Tim Peters (tim.one@home.com).
--- 1,3 ----
! # Module doctest.
# Released to the public domain 16-Jan-2001,
# by Tim Peters (tim.one@home.com).
*** 294,362 ****
Test passed.
- # 0,0,1 06-Mar-1999
- # initial version posted
- # 0,0,2 06-Mar-1999
- # loosened parsing:
- # cater to stinkin' tabs
- # don't insist on a blank after PS2 prefix
- # so trailing "... " line from a compound stmt no longer
- # breaks if the file gets whitespace-trimmed
- # better error msgs for inconsistent leading whitespace
- # 0,9,1 08-Mar-1999
- # exposed the Tester class and added client methods
- # plus docstring examples of their use (eww - head-twisting!)
- # fixed logic error in reporting total # of tests & failures
- # added __test__ support to testmod (a pale reflection of Christian
- # Tismer's vision ...)
- # removed the "deep" argument; fiddle __test__ instead
- # simplified endcase logic for extracting tests, and running them.
- # before, if no output was expected but some was produced
- # anyway via an eval'ed result, the discrepancy wasn't caught
- # made TestClass private and used __test__ to get at it
- # many doc updates
- # speed _SpoofOut for long expected outputs
- # 0,9,2 09-Mar-1999
- # throw out comments from examples, enabling use of the much simpler
- # exec compile(... "single") ...
- # for simulating the runtime; that barfs on comment-only lines
- # used the traceback module to do a much better job of reporting
- # exceptions
- # run __doc__ values thru str(), "just in case"
- # privateness of names now determined by an overridable "isprivate"
- # function
- # by default a name now considered to be private iff it begins with
- # an underscore but doesn't both begin & end with two of 'em; so
- # e.g. Class.__init__ etc are searched now -- as they always
- # should have been
- # 0,9,3 18-Mar-1999
- # added .flush stub to _SpoofOut (JPython buglet diagnosed by
- # Hugh Emberson)
- # repaired ridiculous docs about backslashes in examples
- # minor internal changes
- # changed source to Unix line-end conventions
- # moved __test__ logic into new Tester.run__test__ method
- # 0,9,4 27-Mar-1999
- # report item name and line # in failing examples
- # 0,9,5 29-Jun-1999
- # allow straightforward exceptions in examples - thanks to Mark Hammond!
- # 0,9,6 16-Jan-2001
- # fiddling for changes in Python 2.0: some of the embedded docstring
- # examples no longer worked *exactly* as advertised, due to minor
- # language changes, and running doctest on itself pointed that out.
- # Hard to think of a better example of why this is useful <wink>.
- # 0,9,7 9-Feb-2001
- # string method conversion
! # XXX Until generators are part of the language, examples in doctest'ed
! # modules will inherit doctest's __future__ settings (see PEP 236 for
! # more on that). In the absence of a better working idea, the std
! # test suite needs generators, while the set of doctest'ed modules that
! # don't use "yield" in a generator context may well be empty. So
! # enable generators here. This can go away when generators are no
! # longer optional.
! from __future__ import generators
! __version__ = 0, 9, 7
import types
--- 294,306 ----
Test passed.
! __all__ = [
! 'testmod',
! 'run_docstring_examples',
! 'is_private',
! 'Tester',
! ]
! import __future__
import types
*** 376,381 ****
del re
- __all__ = []
# Extract interactive examples from a string. Return a list of triples,
# (source, outcome, lineno). "source" is the source code, and ends
--- 320,323 ----
*** 488,492 ****
# that captures the examples' std output. Return (#failures, #tries).
! def _run_examples_inner(out, fakeout, examples, globs, verbose, name):
import sys, traceback
OK, BOOM, FAIL = range(3)
--- 430,435 ----
# that captures the examples' std output. Return (#failures, #tries).
! def _run_examples_inner(out, fakeout, examples, globs, verbose, name,
! compileflags):
import sys, traceback
OK, BOOM, FAIL = range(3)
*** 500,504 ****
! exec compile(source, "<string>", "single") in globs
got = fakeout.get()
state = OK
--- 443,448 ----
! exec compile(source, "<string>", "single",
! compileflags, 1) in globs
got = fakeout.get()
state = OK
*** 539,546 ****
return failures, len(examples)
# Run list of examples, in a shallow copy of context (dict) globs.
# Return (#failures, #tries).
! def _run_examples(examples, globs, verbose, name):
import sys
saveout = sys.stdout
--- 483,501 ----
return failures, len(examples)
+ # Get the future-flags associated with the future features that have been
+ # imported into globs.
+ def _extract_future_flags(globs):
+ flags = 0
+ for fname in __future__.all_feature_names:
+ feature = globs.get(fname, None)
+ if feature is getattr(__future__, fname):
+ flags |= feature.compiler_flag
+ return flags
# Run list of examples, in a shallow copy of context (dict) globs.
# Return (#failures, #tries).
! def _run_examples(examples, globs, verbose, name, compileflags):
import sys
saveout = sys.stdout
*** 549,553 ****
sys.stdout = fakeout = _SpoofOut()
x = _run_examples_inner(saveout.write, fakeout, examples,
! globs, verbose, name)
sys.stdout = saveout
--- 504,508 ----
sys.stdout = fakeout = _SpoofOut()
x = _run_examples_inner(saveout.write, fakeout, examples,
! globs, verbose, name, compileflags)
sys.stdout = saveout
*** 563,567 ****
return x
! def run_docstring_examples(f, globs, verbose=0, name="NoName"):
"""f, globs, verbose=0, name="NoName" -> run examples from f.__doc__.
--- 518,523 ----
return x
! def run_docstring_examples(f, globs, verbose=0, name="NoName",
! compileflags=None):
"""f, globs, verbose=0, name="NoName" -> run examples from f.__doc__.
*** 588,592 ****
if not e:
return 0, 0
! return _run_examples(e, globs, verbose, name)
def is_private(prefix, base):
--- 544,550 ----
if not e:
return 0, 0
! if compileflags is None:
! compileflags = _extract_future_flags(globs)
! return _run_examples(e, globs, verbose, name, compileflags)
def is_private(prefix, base):
*** 725,728 ****
--- 683,688 ----
self.name2ft = {} # map name to (#failures, #trials) pair
+ self.compileflags = _extract_future_flags(globs)
def runstring(self, s, name):
*** 756,760 ****
e = _extract_examples(s)
if e:
! f, t = _run_examples(e, self.globs, self.verbose, name)
if self.verbose:
print f, "of", t, "examples failed in string", name
--- 716,721 ----
e = _extract_examples(s)
if e:
! f, t = _run_examples(e, self.globs, self.verbose, name,
! self.compileflags)
if self.verbose:
print f, "of", t, "examples failed in string", name
*** 794,798 ****
if self.verbose:
print "Running", name + ".__doc__"
! f, t = run_docstring_examples(object, self.globs, self.verbose, name)
if self.verbose:
print f, "of", t, "examples failed in", name + ".__doc__"
--- 755,760 ----
if self.verbose:
print "Running", name + ".__doc__"
! f, t = run_docstring_examples(object, self.globs, self.verbose, name,
! self.compileflags)
if self.verbose:
print f, "of", t, "examples failed in", name + ".__doc__"