[Python-checkins] CVS: python/dist/src/Lib/test test_future3.py,NONE, test_socket_ssl.py,NONE, regrtest.py,1.41, test_future.py,1.3, test_htmlparser.py,1.3, test_largefile.py,1.4, test_os.py,, test_support.py,1.25,

Guido van Rossum gvanrossum@users.sourceforge.net
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 20:37:44 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv4055

Modified Files:
      Tag: r22a2-branch
	regrtest.py test_future.py test_htmlparser.py 
	test_largefile.py test_os.py test_support.py 
Added Files:
      Tag: r22a2-branch
	test_future3.py test_socket_ssl.py 
Log Message:
Merge trunk->branch

--- NEW FILE: test_future3.py ---
from __future__ import nested_scopes
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import nested_scopes

def f(x):
    def g(y):
        return y // x
    return g

print f(2)(5)

--- NEW FILE: test_socket_ssl.py ---
# Test just the SSL support in the socket module, in a moderately bogus way.

import test_support

# Optionally test SSL support.  This currently requires the 'network' resource
# as given on the regrtest command line.  If not available, nothing after this
# line will be executed.

import socket
import urllib


Index: regrtest.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test/regrtest.py,v
retrieving revision 1.41
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.41 -r1.41.2.1
*** regrtest.py	2001/08/12 21:53:08	1.41
--- regrtest.py	2001/08/21 03:37:42
*** 16,20 ****
  -r: random    -- randomize test execution order
  -l: findleaks -- if GC is available detect tests that leak memory
! --have-resources   -- run tests that require large resources (time/space)
  If non-option arguments are present, they are names for tests to run,
--- 16,21 ----
  -r: random    -- randomize test execution order
  -l: findleaks -- if GC is available detect tests that leak memory
! -u: use       -- specify which special resource intensive tests to run
! -h: help      -- print this text and exit
  If non-option arguments are present, they are names for tests to run,
*** 31,34 ****
--- 32,46 ----
  used instead of /tmp).
+ -u is used to specify which special resource intensive tests to run, such as
+ those requiring large file support or network connectivity.  The argument is a
+ comma-separated list of words indicating the resources to test.  Currently
+ only the following are defined:
+     largefile - It is okay to run some test that may create huge files.  These
+                 tests can take a long time and may consume >2GB of disk space
+                 temporarily.
+     network -   It is okay to run tests that use external network resource,
+                 e.g. testing SSL support for sockets.
*** 42,48 ****
  import test_support
  def main(tests=None, testdir=None, verbose=0, quiet=0, generate=0,
           exclude=0, single=0, randomize=0, findleaks=0,
!          use_large_resources=0):
      """Execute a test suite.
--- 54,66 ----
  import test_support
+ def usage(code, msg=''):
+     print __doc__
+     if msg: print msg
+     sys.exit(code)
  def main(tests=None, testdir=None, verbose=0, quiet=0, generate=0,
           exclude=0, single=0, randomize=0, findleaks=0,
!          use_resources=None):
      """Execute a test suite.
*** 61,66 ****
      files beginning with test_ will be used.
!     The other seven default arguments (verbose, quiet, generate, exclude,
!     single, randomize, and findleaks) allow programmers calling main()
      directly to set the values that would normally be set by flags on the
      command line.
--- 79,84 ----
      files beginning with test_ will be used.
!     The other default arguments (verbose, quiet, generate, exclude, single,
!     randomize, findleaks, and use_resources) allow programmers calling main()
      directly to set the values that would normally be set by flags on the
      command line.
*** 69,89 ****
!         opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'vgqxsrl', ['have-resources'])
      except getopt.error, msg:
!         print msg
!         print __doc__
!         return 2
      for o, a in opts:
!         if o == '-v': verbose = verbose+1
!         if o == '-q': quiet = 1; verbose = 0
!         if o == '-g': generate = 1
!         if o == '-x': exclude = 1
!         if o == '-s': single = 1
!         if o == '-r': randomize = 1
!         if o == '-l': findleaks = 1
!         if o == '--have-resources': use_large_resources = 1
      if generate and verbose:
!         print "-g and -v don't go together!"
!         return 2
      good = []
      bad = []
--- 87,126 ----
!         opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hvgqxsrlu:',
!                                    ['help', 'verbose', 'quiet', 'generate',
!                                     'exclude', 'single', 'random',
!                                     'findleaks', 'use='])
      except getopt.error, msg:
!         usage(2, msg)
!     # Defaults
!     if use_resources is None:
!         use_resources = []
      for o, a in opts:
!         if o in ('-h', '--help'):
!             usage(0)
!         elif o in ('-v', '--verbose'):
!             verbose += 1
!         elif o in ('-q', '--quiet'):
!             quiet = 1;
!             verbose = 0
!         elif o in ('-g', '--generate'):
!             generate = 1
!         elif o in ('-x', '--exclude'):
!             exclude = 1
!         elif o in ('-s', '--single'):
!             single = 1
!         elif o in ('-r', '--randomize'):
!             randomize = 1
!         elif o in ('-l', '--findleaks'):
!             findleaks = 1
!         elif o in ('-u', '--use'):
!             use_resources = [x.lower() for x in a.split(',')]
!             for r in use_resources:
!                 if r not in ('largefile', 'network'):
!                     usage(1, 'Invalid -u/--use option: %s' % a)
      if generate and verbose:
!         usage(2, "-g and -v don't go together!")
      good = []
      bad = []
*** 131,135 ****
      test_support.verbose = verbose      # Tell tests to be moderately quiet
!     test_support.use_large_resources = use_large_resources
      save_modules = sys.modules.keys()
      for test in tests:
--- 168,172 ----
      test_support.verbose = verbose      # Tell tests to be moderately quiet
!     test_support.use_resources = use_resources
      save_modules = sys.modules.keys()
      for test in tests:
*** 198,203 ****
!     return len(bad) > 0
--- 235,241 ----
!     sys.exit(len(bad) > 0)
*** 215,218 ****
--- 253,257 ----
+     'test_future3',
*** 347,351 ****
  class Compare:
      def __init__(self, filename):
          if os.path.exists(filename):
--- 386,389 ----
*** 452,455 ****
--- 490,494 ----
+         test_socket_ssl
*** 467,470 ****
--- 506,510 ----
+         test_socket_ssl
*** 497,499 ****
  if __name__ == '__main__':
!     sys.exit(main())
--- 537,539 ----
  if __name__ == '__main__':
!     main()

Index: test_future.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test/test_future.py,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.3.6.1
*** test_future.py	2001/04/18 01:19:27	1.3
--- test_future.py	2001/08/21 03:37:42
*** 18,21 ****
--- 18,24 ----
  import test_future2
+ unload('test_future3')
+ import test_future3
  # The remaining tests should fail

Index: test_htmlparser.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test/test_htmlparser.py,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.3.2.1
*** test_htmlparser.py	2001/08/03 19:53:01	1.3
--- test_htmlparser.py	2001/08/21 03:37:42
*** 2,5 ****
--- 2,6 ----
  import HTMLParser
+ import pprint
  import sys
  import test_support
*** 84,90 ****
!         self.assert_(parser.get_events() ==
!                      self.initial_events + events + self.final_events,
!                      parser.get_events())
      def _run_check_extra(self, source, events):
--- 85,92 ----
!         events = parser.get_events()
!         self.assertEqual(events,
!                          self.initial_events + events + self.final_events,
!                          "got events:\n" + pprint.pformat(events))
      def _run_check_extra(self, source, events):
*** 138,141 ****
--- 140,155 ----
+     def test_doctype_decl(self):
+         inside = """\
+ DOCTYPE html [
+   <!ELEMENT html - O EMPTY>
+   <!ATTLIST html
+       version CDATA #IMPLIED '4.0'>
+   <!-- comment -->
+ ]"""
+         self._run_check("<!%s>" % inside, [
+             ("decl", inside),
+             ])
      def test_bad_nesting(self):
          # Strangely, this *is* supposed to test that overlapping
*** 149,152 ****
--- 163,176 ----
+     def test_bare_ampersands(self):
+         self._run_check("this text & contains & ampersands &", [
+             ("data", "this text & contains & ampersands &"),
+             ])
+     def test_bare_pointy_brackets(self):
+         self._run_check("this < text > contains < bare>pointy< brackets", [
+             ("data", "this < text > contains < bare>pointy< brackets"),
+             ])
      def test_attr_syntax(self):
          output = [
*** 200,205 ****
      def test_starttag_junk_chars(self):
-         self._parse_error("<")
-         self._parse_error("<>")
--- 224,227 ----
*** 208,213 ****
-         self._parse_error("<$")
-         self._parse_error("<$>")
          self._parse_error("<a $>")
--- 230,233 ----

Index: test_largefile.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test/test_largefile.py,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.4.8.1
*** test_largefile.py	2001/04/10 14:50:51	1.4
--- test_largefile.py	2001/08/21 03:37:42
*** 31,41 ****
! # on Windows this test comsumes large resources:
! #  it takes a long time to build the >2GB file and takes >2GB of disk space
! # therefore test_support.use_large_resources must be defined to run this test
! if sys.platform[:3] == 'win' and not test_support.use_large_resources:
!     raise test_support.TestSkipped, \
!           "test requires %s bytes and a long time to run" % str(size)
--- 31,42 ----
! # On Windows this test comsumes large resources; It takes a long time to build
! # the >2GB file and takes >2GB of disk space therefore the resource must be
! # enabled to run this test.  If not, nothing after this line stanza will be
! # executed.
! if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
!     test_support.requires(
!         'largefile',
!         'test requires %s bytes and a long time to run' % str(size))

Index: test_os.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test/test_os.py,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.3.2.1 -r1.3.2.2
*** test_os.py	2001/08/19 06:46:54
--- test_os.py	2001/08/21 03:37:42
*** 34,37 ****
--- 34,39 ----
          if not hasattr(os, "tempnam"):
+         warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "tempnam", RuntimeWarning,
+                                 "test_os")
*** 56,59 ****
--- 58,63 ----
          if not hasattr(os, "tmpnam"):
+         warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "tmpnam", RuntimeWarning,
+                                 "test_os")

Index: test_support.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test/test_support.py,v
retrieving revision 1.25
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.25 -r1.25.2.1
*** test_support.py	2001/08/17 18:39:24	1.25
--- test_support.py	2001/08/21 03:37:42
*** 20,25 ****
! verbose = 1                             # Flag set to 0 by regrtest.py
! use_large_resources = 1 # Flag set to 0 by regrtest.py
  def unload(name):
--- 20,25 ----
! verbose = 1              # Flag set to 0 by regrtest.py
! use_resources = []       # Flag set to [] by regrtest.py
  def unload(name):
*** 37,40 ****
--- 37,46 ----
          except os.error:
+ def requires(resource, msg=None):
+     if resource not in use_resources:
+         if msg is None:
+             msg = "Use of the `%s' resource not enabled" % resource
+         raise TestSkipped(msg)
  FUZZ = 1e-6