[Python-checkins] CVS: python/nondist/sandbox/rational Rational.py,NONE,1.1

Moshe Zadka moshez@users.sourceforge.net
Tue, 27 Mar 2001 08:50:12 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/rational
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv2713

Added Files:
Log Message:
First CVS'ed version of Rational.py, prototype for PEP-0239.

--- NEW FILE: Rational.py ---
Rational numbers are a representation of the mathematical field of rational
numbers. They have unlimited precision, but many algorithms with rationals
use unbounded space and large amounts of time -- so be careful.

Rationals can be created easily:

>>> a=rational(1)
>>> a

And are printed in friendly (though misleading ways)
>>> print a
>>> a/2
rational(1L, 2L)
>>> print a/2

There are many ways to build rationals:

>From integers:
>>> print rational(1)

>From nominators and denuminators:

>>> print rational(1,2)

>From floats:

>>> print rational(1.3)
>>> print float(rational(1.3))

Not from complex numbers, even if they have 0 imaginary part:

>>> rational(1j)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "Rational.py", line 418, in rational
    raise TypeError('cannot convert arguments')
TypeError: cannot convert arguments

But there is no problem with using floating point literals -- just
protect them by quotes.

>>> print rational("1.3")
>>> print rational("1.2e-3")

>From ``rational'' literals
>>> print rational("1/2")

Or even mix the two
>>> print rational("1.5/2.3")

Or give them as seperate arguments:
>>> print rational("1.5", "2.3")

*Note*: The following calculation takes some time

>>> p=0
>>> for i in range(1,1000):
...     p += rational(1)/i

And p is *very* large. Rationals explode quickly in term of space
and (as you have noticed if you tried the above calculation) time.
>>> p
rational(53355784417020119952537879239887266136731803921522374204060897246465114565409520646006621457833121819822177013733448523121929191853817388455050878455561717371027592157489651884795570078464505321798967754860322188969172665004633935471096455470633645094270513262722579396248817332458071400971347691033193734596623333937737766140820373673275246317859525956885804716570122271771159715339438239613795876131660183846149167740477557199918997L, 7128865274665093053166384155714272920668358861885893040452001991154324087581111499476444151913871586911717817019575256512980264067621009251465871004305131072686268143200196609974862745937188343705015434452523739745298963145674982128236956232823794011068809262317708861979540791247754558049326475737829923352751796735248042463638051137034331214781746850878453485678021888075373249921995672056932029099390891687487672697950931603520000L)

printing p is not that user friendly, either.

>>> print p

We can convert p to float. Float conversion always works:

>>> float(p)

even though naive conversion wouldn't:

>>> float(p.n)/float(p.d)

To conserve time, we can trim p: find the closest rational with 
a bounded denominator
>>> p.trim(1L<<32)
rational(12377570989L, 1653767009L)

Subtracting them gives unhelpful results :(

>>> p.trim(1L<<32)-p
rational(-872119393953314540036963267350639988172842400460951889331776938576194338908055712270088035774611947221522363468929809379656051539773356282463641470813867367248573361743120219423901587966011300322682776045585594990374963929108968282002031347349387213913263250396231429588965548616844893074283339877989693620079553025660145795725133735701645191166053131402530951317054053830892681481265653921747553420724047240884052429689973L, 11789482202846854415241649104540583386623406115959677432802223340973331003735668809384664111066145039897075121304472266413879140983139770215358042356369522737429331262552172835890068328534070869038707353333385737580077488092224146480342885552420913445717377586934653792408698993535292433431351520245462060493779590806227120058195691087482315063384946077372429043555366594878942786082108265888537359480000638667859451202061272586716844271680000L)

But we can measure the error as a floating point number to get a rough
>>> float(p.trim(1L<<32)-p)

We can also approximate p: find the closest rational which is closer then
the bound (shifting rationals is the same as multiplying by 2 to the correct
power. Right shifting means negative powers, of course...)

>>> p.approximate(rational(1L)>>32)
rational(860063L, 114913L)
>>> float(p.approximate(rational(1L)>>32))
>>> float(p.approximate(rational(1L)>>32))-p

How many bits is that?

>>> import math
>>> math.log(float(p.approximate(rational(1L)>>32))-p)/math.log(2)

Less then -32, or in other words, the rational number we found is about
2.0**-36 further apart, closer then the bound (2.0**-32).

def _gcd(a, b):
	if a>b:
		b, a = a, b
	if a == 0:
		return b
	while 1:
		c = b % a
		if c == 0:
			return a
		b = a
		a = c 

def _trim(n, d, max_d):
	if max_d == 1:
		return n/d, 1
	last_n, last_d = 0, 1
	current_n, current_d = 1, 0
	while 1:
		div, mod = divmod(n, d)
		n, d = d, mod
		before_last_n, before_last_d = last_n, last_d
		next_n = last_n + current_n*div
		next_d = last_d + current_d*div
		last_n, last_d = current_n, current_d
		current_n, current_d = next_n, next_d
		if mod == 0 or current_d>=max_d:
	if current_d == max_d:
		return current_n, current_d
	i = (max_d-before_last_d)/last_d
	alternative_n = before_last_n + i*last_n
	alternative_d = before_last_d + i*last_d
        alternative = _Rational(alternative_n, alternative_d)
        last = _Rational(last_n, last_d)
	num = _Rational(n, d)
	if abs(alternative-num)<abs(last-num):
		return alternative_n, alternative_d 
		return last_n, last_d 

def _approximate(n, d, err):
	r = _Rational(n, d)
	last_n, last_d = 0, 1
	current_n, current_d = 1, 0
	while 1:
		div, mod = divmod(n, d)
		n, d = d, mod
		next_n = last_n + current_n*div
		next_d = last_d + current_d*div
		last_n, last_d = current_n, current_d
		current_n, current_d = next_n, next_d
		app = _Rational(current_n, current_d)
		if mod == 0 or abs(app-r)<err:
	return app

import math as _math

def _float_to_ratio(x):
	x -> (top, bot), a pair of co-prime longs s.t. x = top/bot.

	The conversion is done exactly, without rounding.
	bot > 0 guaranteed.
	Some form of binary fp is assumed.
	Pass NaNs or infinities at your own risk.

	>>> rational(10.0)
	rational(10L, 1L)
	>>> rational(0.0)
	>>> rational(-.25)
	rational(-1L, 4L)

	if x == 0:
		return 0L, 1L
	signbit = 0
	if x < 0:
		x = -x
		signbit = 1
	f, e = _math.frexp(x)
	assert 0.5 <= f < 1.0
	# x = f * 2**e exactly

	# Suck up CHUNK bits at a time; 28 is enough so that we suck
	# up all bits in 2 iterations for all known binary double-
	# precision formats, and small enough to fit in an int.
	CHUNK = 28
	top = 0L
	# invariant: x = (top + f) * 2**e exactly
	while f:
		f = _math.ldexp(f, CHUNK)
		digit = int(f)
		assert digit >> CHUNK == 0
		top = (top << CHUNK) | digit
		f = f - digit
		assert 0.0 <= f < 1.0
		e = e - CHUNK
	assert top

	# now x = top * 2**e exactly; fold in 2**e
	r = _Rational(top, 1)
	if e>0:
		r = r << e
		r = r >> -e
	if signbit:
		return -r
		return r

class _Rational:

	def __init__(self, n, d):
		if d == 0:
			return n/d
		n, d = map(long, (n, d))
		if d < 0:
			n *= -1
			d *= -1
		f = _gcd(abs(n), d)
		self.n = n/f
		self.d = d/f

	def __repr__(self):
		if self.d == 1:
			return 'rational(%r)' % self.n
		return 'rational(%(n)r, %(d)r)' % self.__dict__

	def __str__(self):
		if self.d == 1:
			return str(self.n)
		return '%(n)s/%(d)s' % self.__dict__

	def __coerce__(self, other):
		for int in (type(1), type(1L)):
			if isinstance(other, int):
				return self, rational(other)
		if type(other) == type(1.0):
			return float(self), other
		return NotImplemented

	def __rcoerce__(self, other):
		return coerce(self, other)

	def __add__(self, other):
		return _Rational(self.n*other.d + other.n*self.d, 

	def __radd__(self, other):
		return self+other

	def __mul__(self, other):
		return _Rational(self.n*other.n, self.d*other.d)

	def __rmul__(self, other):
		return self*other

	def inv(self):
		return _Rational(self.d, self.n)

	def __div__(self, other):
		return self*other.inv()

	def __rdiv__(self, other):
		return self.inv()*other

	def __neg__(self):
		return _Rational(-self.n, self.d)

	def __sub__(self, other):
		return self+(-other)

	def __rsub__(self, other):
		return (-self)+other

	def __long__(self):
		if self.d != 1:
			raise ValueError('cannot convert non-integer')
		return self.n

	def __int__(self):
		return int(long(self))

	def __float__(self):
		# Avoid NaNs like the plague
		if self.d > 1L<<1023:
			self = self.trim(1L<<1023)
		return float(self.n)/float(self.d)

	def __pow__(self, exp, z=None):
		if z is not None:
			raise TypeError('pow with 3 args unsupported')
		if isinstance(exp, _Rational):
			if exp.d == 1:
				exp = exp.n
		if isinstance(exp, type(1)) or isinstance(exp, type(1L)):
			if exp < 0:
				return _Rational(self.d**-exp, self.n**-exp)
			return _Rational(self.n**exp, self.d**exp)
		return float(self)**exp

	def __cmp__(self, other):
		return cmp(self.n*other.d, self.d*other.n)

	def __hash__(self):
		return hash(self.n)^hash(self.d)

	def __abs__(self):
		return _Rational(abs(self.n), self.d)

	def __complex__(self):
		return complex(float(self))

	def __nonzero__(self):
		return self.n != 0

	def __pos__(self):
		return self

	def __oct__(self):
		return '%s/%s' % (oct(self.n), oct(self.d))

	def __hex__(self):
		return '%s/%s' % (hex(self.n), hex(self.d))

	def __lshift__(self, other):
		if other.d != 1:
			raise TypeError('cannot shift by non-integer')
		return _Rational(self.n<<other.n, self.d)	

	def __rshift__(self, other):
		if other.d != 1:
			raise TypeError('cannot shift by non-integer')
		return _Rational(self.n, self.d<<other.n)	

	def trim(self, max_d):
		n, d = self.n, self.d
		if n < 0:
			n *= -1
		n, d = _trim(n, d, max_d)
		if self.n < 0:
			n *= -1
		r = _Rational(n, d)
		upwards = self < r
		if upwards:
			alternate_n = n-1
			alternate_n = n+1
		if self == _Rational(alternate_n+n, d*2):
			new_n = min(alternate_n, n)
			return _Rational(new_n, d)
		return r

	def approximate(self, err):
		n, d = self.n, self.d
		if n < 0:
			n *= -1
		app = _approximate(n, d, err)
		if self.n < 0:
			app *= -1
		return app

def _parse_number(num):
	if '/' in num:
		n, d = num.split('/', 1)
		return _parse_number(n)/_parse_number(d)
	if 'e' in num:
		mant, exp = num.split('e', 1)
		mant = _parse_number(mant)
		exp = long(exp)
		return mant*(rational(10)**rational(exp))
	if '.' in num:
		i, f = num.split('.', 1)
		i = long(i)
		f = rational(long(f), 10L**len(f))
		return i+f
	return rational(long(num))

def rational(n, d=1L):
	if type(n) in (type(''), type(u'')) :
		n = _parse_number(n)
	if type(d) in (type(''), type(u'')) :
		d = _parse_number(d)
	if isinstance(n, type(1.0)):
		n = _float_to_ratio(n)
	if isinstance(n, type(1.0)):
		d = _float_to_ratio(d)
	for arg in (n, d):
		if isinstance(arg, type(1j)):
			raise TypeError('cannot convert arguments')
	if isinstance(n, _Rational):
		return rational(n.n, n.d*d)
	if isinstance(d, _Rational):
		return rational(n*d.d, d.n)
	return _Rational(n, d)

import __builtin__
__builtin__.rational = rational

def _test():
	import doctest, Rational

if __name__ == '__main__':