[Python-checkins] CVS: python/dist/src/Tools/scripts fixdiv.py,1.6,1.7

Guido van Rossum gvanrossum@users.sourceforge.net
Tue, 04 Sep 2001 09:22:04 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Tools/scripts
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv15846

Modified Files:
Log Message:
- Reverse the meaning of the -m option: warnings about multiple /
  operators per line or statement are now on by default, and -m turns
  these warnings off.

- Change the way multiple / operators are reported; a regular
  recommendation is always emitted after the warning.

- Report ambiguous warnings (both int|long and float|complex used for
  the same operator).

- Update the doc string again to clarify all this and describe the
  possible messages more precisely.

Index: fixdiv.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Tools/scripts/fixdiv.py,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** fixdiv.py	2001/09/04 06:37:28	1.6
--- fixdiv.py	2001/09/04 16:22:01	1.7
*** 24,45 ****
  line number.  Then, for each file that received at least one warning,
  it parses the file and tries to match the warnings up to the division
! operators found in the source code.  If it is successful, it writes a
! recommendation to stdout in the form of a context diff.  If it is not
! successful, it writes observations to stdout instead.
! There are several possible recommendations and observations:
! - A / operator was found that can remain unchanged.  This is the
!   recommendation when only float and/or complex arguments were seen.
! - A / operator was found that should be changed to //.  This is the
    recommendation when only int and/or long arguments were seen.
! - A / operator was found for which int or long as well as float or
    complex arguments were seen.  This is highly unlikely; if it occurs,
    you may have to restructure the code to keep the classic semantics,
    or maybe you don't care about the classic semantics.
! - A / operator was found for which no warnings were seen.  This could
    be code that was never executed, or code that was only executed with
    with user-defined objects as arguments.  You will have to
--- 24,60 ----
  line number.  Then, for each file that received at least one warning,
  it parses the file and tries to match the warnings up to the division
! operators found in the source code.  If it is successful, it writes
! its findings to stdout, preceded by a line of dashes and a line of the
! form:
!   Index: <file>
! If the only findings found are suggestions to change a / operator into
! a // operator, the output is acceptable input for the Unix 'patch'
! program.
! Here are the possible messages on stdout (N stands for a line number):
! - A plain-diff-style change ('NcN', a line marked by '<', a line
!   containing '---', and a line marked by '>'):
!   A / operator was found that should be changed to //.  This is the
    recommendation when only int and/or long arguments were seen.
! - 'True division / operator at line N' and a line marked by '=':
!   A / operator was found that can remain unchanged.  This is the
!   recommendation when only float and/or complex arguments were seen.
! - 'Ambiguous / operator (..., ...) at line N', line marked by '?':
!   A / operator was found for which int or long as well as float or
    complex arguments were seen.  This is highly unlikely; if it occurs,
    you may have to restructure the code to keep the classic semantics,
    or maybe you don't care about the classic semantics.
! - 'No conclusive evidence on line N', line marked by '*':
!   A / operator was found for which no warnings were seen.  This could
    be code that was never executed, or code that was only executed with
    with user-defined objects as arguments.  You will have to
*** 51,67 ****
    never executed?)
! - A warning was seen for a line not containing a / operator.  This is
!   an anomaly that shouldn't happen; the most likely cause is a change
!   to the file between the time the test script was run to collect
!   warnings and the time fixdiv was run.
! - More than one / operator was found on one line, or in a statement
!   split across multiple lines.  Because the warnings framework doesn't
!   (and can't) show the offset within the line, and the code generator
!   doesn't always give the correct line number for operations in a
!   multi-line statement, it's not clear whether both were executed.  In
!   practice, they usually are, so the default action is make the same
!   recommendation for all / operators, based on the above criteria.
!   The -m option issues warnings for these cases instead.
--- 66,101 ----
    never executed?)
! - 'Phantom ... warnings for line N', line marked by '*':
!   A warning was seen for a line not containing a / operator.  The most
!   likely cause is a warning about code executed by 'exec' or eval()
!   (see note below), or an indirect invocation of the / operator, for
!   example via the div() function in the operator module.  It could
!   also be caused by a change to the file between the time the test
!   script was run to collect warnings and the time fixdiv was run.
! - 'More than one / operator in line N'; or
!   'More than one / operator per statement in lines N-N':
!   The scanner found more than one / operator on a single line, or in a
!   statement split across multiple lines.  Because the warnings
!   framework doesn't (and can't) show the offset within the line, and
!   the code generator doesn't always give the correct line number for
!   operations in a multi-line statement, we can't be sure whether all
!   operators in the statement were executed.  To be on the safe side,
!   by default a warning is issued about this case.  In practice, these
!   cases are usually safe, and the -m option suppresses these warning.
! - 'Can't find the / operator in line N', line marked by '*':
!   This really shouldn't happen.  It means that the tokenize module
!   reported a '/' operator but the line it returns didn't contain a '/'
!   character at the indicated position.
! - 'Bad warning for line N: XYZ', line marked by '*':
!   This really shouldn't happen.  It means that a 'classic XYZ
!   division' warning was read with XYZ being something other than
!   'int', 'long', 'float', or 'complex'.
*** 80,92 ****
  - Warnings may be issued for code not read from a file, but executed
!   using an exec statement or the eval() function.  These will have
!   <string> in the filename position.  The fixdiv script will attempt
!   and fail to open a file named "<string>", and issue a warning about
!   this failure.  You're on your own to deal with this.  You could make
!   all recommended changes and add a future division statement to all
!   affected files, and then re-run the test script; it should not issue
!   any warnings.  If there are any, and you have a hard time tracking
!   down where they are generated, you can use the -Werror option to
!   force an error instead of a first warning, generating a traceback.
  - The tool should be run from the same directory as that from which
--- 114,128 ----
  - Warnings may be issued for code not read from a file, but executed
!   using an exec statement or the eval() function.  These may have
!   <string> in the filename position, in which case the fixdiv script
!   will attempt and fail to open a file named '<string>' and issue a
!   warning about this failure; or these may be reported as 'Phantom'
!   warnings (see above).  You're on your own to deal with these.  You
!   could make all recommended changes and add a future division
!   statement to all affected files, and then re-run the test script; it
!   should not issue any warnings.  If there are any, and you have a
!   hard time tracking down where they are generated, you can use the
!   -Werror option to force an error instead of a first warning,
!   generating a traceback.
  - The tool should be run from the same directory as that from which
*** 99,105 ****
  import re
  import tokenize
- from pprint import pprint
! multi_ok = 1
  def main():
--- 135,140 ----
  import re
  import tokenize
! multi_ok = 0
  def main():
*** 115,119 ****
          if o == "-m":
              global multi_ok
!             multi_ok = 0
      if not args:
          usage("at least one file argument is required")
--- 150,154 ----
          if o == "-m":
              global multi_ok
!             multi_ok = 1
      if not args:
          usage("at least one file argument is required")
*** 205,210 ****
              if len(slashes) > 1:
                  if not multi_ok:
!                     report(slashes, "More than one / operator per statement")
!                     continue
              intlong = []
              floatcomplex = []
--- 240,256 ----
              if len(slashes) > 1:
                  if not multi_ok:
!                     rows = []
!                     lastrow = None
!                     for (row, col), line in slashes:
!                         if row == lastrow:
!                             continue
!                         rows.append(row)
!                         lastrow = row
!                     assert rows
!                     if len(rows) == 1:
!                         print "*** More than one / operator in line", rows[0]
!                     else:
!                         print "*** More than one / operator per statement",
!                         print "in lines %d-%d" % (rows[0], rows[-1])
              intlong = []
              floatcomplex = []
*** 238,241 ****
--- 284,291 ----
                      print "True division / operator at line %d:" % row
                      print "=", line
+                 elif intlong and floatcomplex:
+                     print "*** Ambiguous / operator (%s, %s) at line %d:" % (
+                         "|".join(intlong), "|".join(floatcomplex), row)
+                     print "?", line