[Python-checkins] CVS: python/nondist/peps pep-0101.txt,1.4,1.5

Tim Peters tim_one@users.sourceforge.net
Fri, 07 Sep 2001 22:17:58 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/peps
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv26345

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added Step 5 (Verify!).  Added Windows notes.

Index: pep-0101.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/peps/pep-0101.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.5
*** pep-0101.txt	2001/09/07 19:03:33	1.4
--- pep-0101.txt	2001/09/08 05:17:56	1.5
*** 301,305 ****
       DO NOT DO STEP 4 NOW.  Wait until after you send out the email
       announcement to send the SF email notice.
      - Still on SF, click on the "Files" button at the top of the
        page.  Find the release you've just made and click on it -- not
--- 301,305 ----
       DO NOT DO STEP 4 NOW.  Wait until after you send out the email
       announcement to send the SF email notice.
      - Still on SF, click on the "Files" button at the top of the
        page.  Find the release you've just made and click on it -- not
*** 443,446 ****
--- 443,457 ----
          screwed up somewhere!
+     Step 5 ...
+     Verify!  This can be interleaved with Step 4.  Pretend you're a
+     user:  download the files from python.org *and* SourceForge, and make
+     Pythons from them.  This step is too easy to overlook, and on
+     several occasions we've had useless release files.  Once a general
+     server problem caused mysterious corruption of all files; once the
+     source tarball got built incorrectly; more than once the file upload
+     process on SF truncated files; and so on.
  What Next?
*** 449,452 ****
--- 460,496 ----
      You've just made a Python release!
+ Windows Notes
+     Windows has a GUI installer, various flavors of Windows have "special
+     limitations", and the Windows installer also packs precompiled
+     "foreign" binaries (Tcl/Tk, expat, etc).  So Windows testing is
+     tiresome but very necessary.
+     Concurrent with uploading the installer, I install Python from it
+     twice:  once into the default directory suggested by the installer,
+     and later into a directory with embedded spaces in its name.  For
+     each installation, run the full regression suite from a DOS box, and
+     both with and without -0.  Also try *every* shortcut created under
+     Start -> Menu -> the Python group.  When trying IDLE this way, verify
+     that Help -> Python Documentation works.  When trying pydoc this way
+     (the "Module Docs" Start menu entry), make sure the "Start Browser"
+     button works, and make sure you can search for a random module (I
+     use "random" <wink>) and then that the "go to selected" button works.
+     It's amazing how much can go wrong here -- and even more amazing how
+     often last-second checkins break one of these things.  If you're "the
+     Windows geek", keep in mind that you're likely the only person
+     routinely testing on Windows, and that Windows is simply a mess.
+     Repeat all of the above on at least one flavor of Win9x, and one of
+     NT/2000.  On NT/2000, try both an Admin and a plain User (not Power
+     User) account.
+     WRT Step 5 above (verify the release media), since by the time release
+     files are ready to download I've generally run many Windows tests on
+     the installer I uploaded, I usually don't do anything for Step 5
+     except a full byte-comparison ("fc /b" if using a Windows shell) of
+     the downloaded file against the file I uploaded.