[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Objects listsort.txt,1.1,1.2
Wed, 07 Aug 2002 18:55:19 -0700
Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Objects
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv28833/python/Objects
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added info about highwater heap-memory use for the sortperf.py tests; + a
couple of minor edits elsewhere.
Index: listsort.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Objects/listsort.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2
*** listsort.txt 1 Aug 2002 00:59:42 -0000 1.1
--- listsort.txt 8 Aug 2002 01:55:16 -0000 1.2
*** 168,171 ****
--- 168,199 ----
to count that it isn't on some boxes as a strike against it <wink>.
+ + Here's the highwater mark for the number of heap-based temp slots (4
+ bytes each on this box) needed by each test, again with arguments
+ "15 20 1":
+ 2**i *sort \sort /sort 3sort +sort %sort ~sort =sort !sort
+ 32768 16384 0 0 6256 0 10821 12288 0 16383
+ 65536 32766 0 0 21652 0 31276 24576 0 32767
+ 131072 65534 0 0 17258 0 58112 49152 0 65535
+ 262144 131072 0 0 35660 0 123561 98304 0 131071
+ 524288 262142 0 0 31302 0 212057 196608 0 262143
+ 1048576 524286 0 0 312438 0 484942 393216 0 524287
+ Discussion: The tests that end up doing (close to) perfectly balanced
+ merges (*sort, !sort) need all N//2 temp slots (or almost all). ~sort
+ also ends up doing balanced merges, but systematically benefits a lot from
+ the preliminary pre-merge searches described under "Merge Memory" later.
+ %sort approaches having a balanced merge at the end because the random
+ selection of elements to replace is expected to produce an out-of-order
+ element near the midpoint. \sort, /sort, =sort are the trivial one-run
+ cases, needing no merging at all. +sort ends up having one very long run
+ and one very short, and so gets all the temp space it needs from the small
+ temparray member of the MergeState struct (note that the same would be
+ true if the new random elements were prefixed to the sorted list instead,
+ but not if they appeared "in the middle"). 3sort approaches N//3 temp
+ slots twice, but the run lengths that remain after 3 random exchanges
+ clearly has very high variance.
A detailed description of timsort follows.
*** 461,471 ****
So why don't we always gallop? Because it can lose, on two counts:
! 1. While we're willing to endure small per-run overheads, per-comparison
overheads are a different story. Calling Yet Another Function per
comparison is expensive, and gallop_left() and gallop_right() are
too long-winded for sane inlining.
! 2. Ignoring function-call overhead, galloping can-- alas --require more
! comparisons than linear one-at-time search, depending on the data.
#2 requires details. If A[0] belongs before B[0], galloping requires 1
--- 489,499 ----
So why don't we always gallop? Because it can lose, on two counts:
! 1. While we're willing to endure small per-merge overheads, per-comparison
overheads are a different story. Calling Yet Another Function per
comparison is expensive, and gallop_left() and gallop_right() are
too long-winded for sane inlining.
! 2. Galloping can-- alas --require more comparisons than linear one-at-time
! search, depending on the data.
#2 requires details. If A[0] belongs before B[0], galloping requires 1