[Python-checkins] python/dist/src README,1.149,1.150
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[ 561724 ] README additions for Cray T3E
Lightly edited by me.
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/README,v
retrieving revision 1.149
retrieving revision 1.150
diff -C2 -d -r1.149 -r1.150
*** README 9 Jul 2002 18:44:09 -0000 1.149
--- README 31 Jul 2002 09:55:25 -0000 1.150
*** 376,388 ****
supported for R3; both PowerPC and x86 are supported for R4.
! Cray T3E: Konrad Hinsen writes:
! 1) Don't use gcc. It compiles Python/graminit.c into something
! that the Cray assembler doesn't like. Cray's cc seems to work
! fine.
! 2) Comment out modules md5 (won't compile) and audioop (will
! crash the interpreter during the test suite).
! If you run the test suite, two tests will fail (rotate and
! binascii), but these are not the modules you'd expect to need
! on a Cray.
SGI: SGI's standard "make" utility (/bin/make or /usr/bin/make)
--- 376,420 ----
supported for R3; both PowerPC and x86 are supported for R4.
! Cray T3E: Mark Hadfield (m.hadfield@niwa.co.nz) writes:
! Python can be built satisfactorily on a Cray T3E but based on
! my experience with the NIWA T3E (2002-05-22, version 2.2.1)
! there are a few bugs and gotchas. For more information see a
! thread on comp.lang.python in May 2002 entitled "Building
! Python on Cray T3E".
! 1) Use Cray's cc and not gcc. The latter was reported not to
! work by Konrad Hinsen. It may work now, but it may not.
! 2) To set sys.platform to something sensible, pass the
! following environment variable to the configure script:
! MACHDEP=unicosmk
! 2) Run configure with option "--enable-unicode=ucs4".
! 3) The Cray T3E does not support dynamic linking, so extension
! modules have to be built by adding (or uncommenting) lines
! in Modules/Setup. The minimum set of modules is
! posix, new, _sre, unicodedata
! On NIWA's vanilla T3E system the following have also been
! included successfully:
! _codecs, _locale, _socket, _symtable, _testcapi, _weakref
! array, binascii, cmath, cPickle, crypt, cStringIO, dbm
! errno, fcntl, grp, math, md5, operator, parser, pcre, pwd
! regex, rotor, select, struct, strop, syslog, termios
! time, timing, xreadlines
! 4) Once the python executable and library have been built, make
! will execute setup.py, which will attempt to build remaining
! extensions and link them dynamically. Each of these attempts
! will fail but should not halt the make process. This is
! normal.
! 5) Running "make test" uses a lot of resources and causes
! problems on our system. You might want to try running tests
! singly or in small groups.
SGI: SGI's standard "make" utility (/bin/make or /usr/bin/make)