[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Tools/scripts byext.py,1.1,1.2
Wed, 09 Apr 2003 12:10:51 -0700
Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Tools/scripts
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv23373
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Various improvements to the way the table is formatted, to deal with
exceptionally large totals etc.
Index: byext.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Tools/scripts/byext.py,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2
*** byext.py 1 Jan 2003 14:41:25 -0000 1.1
--- byext.py 9 Apr 2003 19:10:46 -0000 1.2
*** 31,34 ****
--- 31,38 ----
for name in names:
+ if name.startswith(".#"):
+ continue # Skip CVS temp files
+ if name.endswith("~"):
+ continue# Skip Emacs backup files
full = os.path.join(dir, name)
if os.path.islink(full):
*** 43,47 ****
head, base = os.path.split(file)
if ext == base:
! ext = "" # .cvsignore is deemed not to have an extension
self.addstats(ext, "files", 1)
--- 47,54 ----
head, base = os.path.split(file)
if ext == base:
! ext = "" # E.g. .cvsignore is deemed not to have an extension
! ext = os.path.normcase(ext)
! if not ext:
! ext = "<none>"
self.addstats(ext, "files", 1)
*** 71,75 ****
def report(self):
- totals = {}
exts = self.stats.keys()
--- 78,81 ----
*** 80,107 ****
cols = columns.keys()
! minwidth = 7
! extwidth = max([len(ext) for ext in exts])
! print "%*s" % (extwidth, "ext"),
for col in cols:
! width = max(len(col), minwidth)
! print "%*s" % (width, col),
! print
! for ext in exts:
! print "%*s" % (extwidth, ext),
! for col in cols:
! width = max(len(col), minwidth)
value = self.stats[ext].get(col)
if value is None:
! s = ""
! s = "%d" % value
! totals[col] = totals.get(col, 0) + value
! print "%*s" % (width, s),
! print "%*s" % (extwidth, "TOTAL"),
! for col in cols:
! width = max(len(col), minwidth)
! print "%*s" % (width, totals[col]),
! print
def main():
--- 86,122 ----
cols = columns.keys()
! colwidth = {}
! colwidth["ext"] = max([len(ext) for ext in exts])
! minwidth = 6
! self.stats["TOTAL"] = {}
for col in cols:
! total = 0
! cw = max(minwidth, len(col))
! for ext in exts:
value = self.stats[ext].get(col)
if value is None:
! w = 0
! w = len("%d" % value)
! total += value
! cw = max(cw, w)
! cw = max(cw, len(str(total)))
! colwidth[col] = cw
! self.stats["TOTAL"][col] = total
! exts.append("TOTAL")
! for ext in exts:
! self.stats[ext]["ext"] = ext
! cols.insert(0, "ext")
! def printheader():
! for col in cols:
! print "%*s" % (colwidth[col], col),
! printheader()
! for ext in exts:
! for col in cols:
! value = self.stats[ext].get(col, "")
! print "%*s" % (colwidth[col], value),
! print
! printheader() # Another header at the bottom
def main():