[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Lib/test test_sre.py,1.42,1.43
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 08:41:23 -0700
Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv5369
Modified Files:
Log Message:
deleted more tests which were either already in test_re or that I migrated
in the last revison
Index: test_sre.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test/test_sre.py,v
retrieving revision 1.42
retrieving revision 1.43
diff -C2 -d -r1.42 -r1.43
*** test_sre.py 25 Apr 2003 15:17:03 -0000 1.42
--- test_sre.py 25 Apr 2003 15:41:19 -0000 1.43
*** 115,192 ****
test(r"""sre.match(r'((.%s):)?z', 'z').groups()"""%op, (None, None))
test(r"""sre.match(r'((.%s):)?z', 'a:z').groups()"""%op, ('a:', 'a'))
- if verbose:
- print "Running tests on sre.escape"
- p = ""
- for i in range(0, 256):
- p = p + chr(i)
- test(r"""sre.match(sre.escape(chr(i)), chr(i)) is not None""", 1)
- test(r"""sre.match(sre.escape(chr(i)), chr(i)).span()""", (0,1))
- pat = sre.compile(sre.escape(p))
- test(r"""pat.match(p) is not None""", 1)
- test(r"""pat.match(p).span()""", (0,256))
- if verbose:
- print 'Running tests on sre.Scanner'
- def s_ident(scanner, token): return token
- def s_operator(scanner, token): return "op%s" % token
- def s_float(scanner, token): return float(token)
- def s_int(scanner, token): return int(token)
- scanner = sre.Scanner([
- (r"[a-zA-Z_]\w*", s_ident),
- (r"\d+\.\d*", s_float),
- (r"\d+", s_int),
- (r"=|\+|-|\*|/", s_operator),
- (r"\s+", None),
- ])
- # sanity check
- test('scanner.scan("sum = 3*foo + 312.50 + bar")',
- (['sum', 'op=', 3, 'op*', 'foo', 'op+', 312.5, 'op+', 'bar'], ''))
- if verbose:
- print 'Pickling a SRE_Pattern instance'
- try:
- import pickle
- pat = sre.compile(r'a(?:b|(c|e){1,2}?|d)+?(.)')
- s = pickle.dumps(pat)
- pat = pickle.loads(s)
- except:
- print TestFailed, 're module pickle'
- try:
- import cPickle
- pat = sre.compile(r'a(?:b|(c|e){1,2}?|d)+?(.)')
- s = cPickle.dumps(pat)
- pat = cPickle.loads(s)
- except:
- print TestFailed, 're module cPickle'
- # constants
- test(r"""sre.I""", sre.IGNORECASE)
- test(r"""sre.L""", sre.LOCALE)
- test(r"""sre.M""", sre.MULTILINE)
- test(r"""sre.S""", sre.DOTALL)
- test(r"""sre.X""", sre.VERBOSE)
- test(r"""sre.T""", sre.TEMPLATE)
- test(r"""sre.U""", sre.UNICODE)
- for flags in [sre.I, sre.M, sre.X, sre.S, sre.L, sre.T, sre.U]:
- try:
- r = sre.compile('^pattern$', flags)
- except:
- print 'Exception raised on flag', flags
- if verbose:
- print 'Test engine limitations'
- # Try nasty case that overflows the straightforward recursive
- # implementation of repeated groups.
- test("sre.match('(x)*', 50000*'x').span()", (0, 50000), RuntimeError)
- test("sre.match(r'(x)*y', 50000*'x'+'y').span()", (0, 50001), RuntimeError)
- test("sre.match(r'(x)*?y', 50000*'x'+'y').span()", (0, 50001), RuntimeError)
--- 115,116 ----