[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Doc/lib libos.tex,, libshlex.tex, 1.16, libstdtypes.tex,, libtime.tex, 1.60,

rhettinger at users.sourceforge.net rhettinger at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Sep 8 12:55:03 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Doc/lib
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv5690

Modified Files:
      Tag: release23-maint
	libos.tex libshlex.tex libstdtypes.tex libtime.tex 
Log Message:
Fix spacing markup and other sundries.

Index: libos.tex
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Doc/lib/libos.tex,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.127.10.1 -r1.127.10.2
*** libos.tex	31 Aug 2003 05:11:15 -0000
--- libos.tex	8 Sep 2003 18:55:01 -0000
*** 422,426 ****
  \var{name} specifies the configuration value to retrieve; it may be a
  string which is the name of a defined system value; these names are
! specified in a number of standards (\POSIX.1, \UNIX 95, \UNIX 98, and
  others).  Some platforms define additional names as well.  The names
  known to the host operating system are given in the
--- 422,426 ----
  \var{name} specifies the configuration value to retrieve; it may be a
  string which is the name of a defined system value; these names are
! specified in a number of standards (\POSIX.1, \UNIX{} 95, \UNIX{} 98, and
  others).  Some platforms define additional names as well.  The names
  known to the host operating system are given in the
*** 794,798 ****
  \var{name} specifies the configuration value to retrieve; it may be a
  string which is the name of a defined system value; these names are
! specified in a number of standards (\POSIX.1, \UNIX 95, \UNIX 98, and
  others).  Some platforms define additional names as well.  The names
  known to the host operating system are given in the
--- 794,798 ----
  \var{name} specifies the configuration value to retrieve; it may be a
  string which is the name of a defined system value; these names are
! specified in a number of standards (\POSIX.1, \UNIX{} 95, \UNIX{} 98, and
  others).  Some platforms define additional names as well.  The names
  known to the host operating system are given in the
*** 1081,1085 ****
  When \var{topdown} is true, the caller can modify the \var{dirnames} list
! in-place (e.g., via \keyword{del} or slice assignment), and
  \function{walk()} will only recurse into the subdirectories whose names
  remain in \var{dirnames}; this can be used to prune the search,
--- 1081,1085 ----
  When \var{topdown} is true, the caller can modify the \var{dirnames} list
! in-place (perhaps unsing \keyword{del} or slice assignment), and
  \function{walk()} will only recurse into the subdirectories whose names
  remain in \var{dirnames}; this can be used to prune the search,
*** 1668,1672 ****
  \var{name} specifies the configuration value to retrieve; it may be a
  string which is the name of a defined system value; these names are
! specified in a number of standards (\POSIX, \UNIX 95, \UNIX 98, and
  others).  Some platforms define additional names as well.  The names
  known to the host operating system are given in the
--- 1668,1672 ----
  \var{name} specifies the configuration value to retrieve; it may be a
  string which is the name of a defined system value; these names are
! specified in a number of standards (\POSIX, \UNIX{} 95, \UNIX{} 98, and
  others).  Some platforms define additional names as well.  The names
  known to the host operating system are given in the

Index: libshlex.tex
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Doc/lib/libshlex.tex,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.16 -r1.16.12.1
*** libshlex.tex	20 Apr 2003 01:57:03 -0000	1.16
--- libshlex.tex	8 Sep 2003 18:55:01 -0000
*** 118,122 ****
  Pop the last-pushed input source from the input stack.
  This is the same method used internally when the lexer reaches
! \EOF on a stacked input stream.
--- 118,122 ----
  Pop the last-pushed input source from the input stack.
  This is the same method used internally when the lexer reaches
! \EOF{} on a stacked input stream.

Index: libstdtypes.tex
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Doc/lib/libstdtypes.tex,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.129.8.2 -r1.129.8.3
*** libstdtypes.tex	30 Aug 2003 23:35:56 -0000
--- libstdtypes.tex	8 Sep 2003 18:55:01 -0000
*** 417,422 ****
  constructed by the comma operator (not within square brackets), with
  or without enclosing parentheses, but an empty tuple must have the
! enclosing parentheses, e.g., \code{a, b, c} or \code{()}.  A single
! item tuple must have a trailing comma, e.g., \code{(d,)}.
--- 417,422 ----
  constructed by the comma operator (not within square brackets), with
  or without enclosing parentheses, but an empty tuple must have the
! enclosing parentheses, such as \code{a, b, c} or \code{()}.  A single
! item tuple must have a trailing comma, such as \code{(d,)}.
*** 1362,1366 ****
    size as if zero-filled, or increase to the specified size with
    undefined new content.
!   Availability:  Windows, many \UNIX variants.
--- 1362,1366 ----
    size as if zero-filled, or increase to the specified size with
    undefined new content.
!   Availability:  Windows, many \UNIX{} variants.

Index: libtime.tex
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Doc/lib/libtime.tex,v
retrieving revision 1.60
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.60 -r1.60.8.1
*** libtime.tex	1 Jul 2003 07:19:17 -0000	1.60
--- libtime.tex	8 Sep 2003 18:55:01 -0000
*** 358,362 ****
!     The offset has the form: \plusminus hh[:mm[:ss]].
      This indicates the value added the local time to arrive at UTC. 
      If preceded by a '-', the timezone is east of the Prime 
--- 358,362 ----
!     The offset has the form: \plusminus{} hh[:mm[:ss]].
      This indicates the value added the local time to arrive at UTC. 
      If preceded by a '-', the timezone is east of the Prime 

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